FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 208. 1893. 603 For improving channel connecting the waters of the Great Lakes Channel, chicago, between Chicago, Duluth, and Builalo, eight hundred and seventy-five °‘°“""°°B““°‘ thousand dollars. For improving canal at the Cascades of the Columbia River, Ore- c¤¤p»¤1¤s of Columgon: Continuing improvement, one million two hundred and thirty- m R“'°"°“g°“‘ nine thousand six hundred and fifty-three dollars. For harbor of reinge at Point Judith, Rhode Island: Continuing im- H,,;,.,, of ,.,;..g._ provement, one hundred thousand dollars. P°*¤°·l¤dm¤·1U· For improving harbor at Charleston, South Carolina, including Sul- cu¤1s¤m¤,s.c. livan Island and Mount Pleasant Shore: Continuing improvement, M§,‘$`f·‘}'§,§§l§{'§‘h§ seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For improving harbor at Savannah, Georgia: Continuing improve- sm-mum, cs. g ment, one million dollars. For improving harbor at Mobile, Alabama: Continuing improve- mm1s,An. ment, five hundred thousand dollars. For improving harbor and bay at Humboldt, California: Continuing Hummer, cn. improvement, Eve hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars. Under Mississippi River Commission: For improving Mississippi cmfgvi Ri'" River from head of the passes to the month of the Ohio River, includ- nm at the passes ing salaries, clerical, oillce, traveling, and miscellaneous expenses of "°S‘;‘,‘;}f§_°§,;Y"‘°· the Mississippi River Commission, two million six hundred and sixty- ’ five thousand dollars. Under Missouri River Commission: For improving Missouri River from its mouth to Sioux City, Iowa, including salaries, clerical, office, “‘§§{§’,'§;,,_,,,,,_ traveling, and miscellaneous expenses of the Missouri River Commission, surveys, permanent bench marks and gauges, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, fifty thousand dollars of which may be used for removal of snags and other like obstructions in the Missouri River above Sioux City, Iowa; to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War: Provided, That not more than three-fourths of the fore- mma. going appropriations under head of ‘°Engineer Department," for rivers ,,,{‘Q§f“ °'°‘P°"'“‘ and harbors, shall be expended dining the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four; but this proviso shall not Exceptionapply to the appropriations herein made for the improvements of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers and of Hay Lake Channel. And hereafter the Secretary of War shall furnish to the Secretary I Segrpew eglwertfp of the Treasury, on or before the first day of October of each year, esti- ,:{Z.§0,i“.T°b°}$ .-Q mates of all appropriations required for river and harbor improve- 0°*°"°"· ments for the next iiscal year to be included in the Book of Estimates prepared by law under his direction. And the Secretary of War is hereby instructed to cause a prelimi- Cinci¤nati.Qhio. nary examination and survey to be made at the mouth of the Crawfish b,,T"'°" f°' ‘°° I""` Creek, in the first ward, and the mouth of Mill Creek, in the twenty- first ward of the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, as to availability of either or both said locations for an ice harbor. NAr1oNAL HOME Fon DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. Dgxmnirlgpunpzgg: _For the support of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Sol- S°§?,§Y,?;;,_ diers, as follows: . AT Hm CENTRAL BRANCH, AT DAY’r0N, Omo: For current ex- D¤y¤>¤.0Mvpenses, namely: Pay of officers and noncommissioned officers of the °'"""°°*°°°°°°' home, with such exceptions as are hereinafter noted, and their clerks and orderlies; also payments for chaplains and religious instruction, printers, bookbinders, telegraph and telephone operators, guards, policemen, watchmen, and fire company; for all property and materials purchased for their use, including repairs not done by the home; for necessary expenditures for articles of amusement, boats, library books, magazines, papers, pictures, and musical instmmeuts, librarians and musicians, and for repairs not done by the home; also for stationery, advertising, legal advice, and postage, and for such other expenditures as can not properly be included under other heads of expenditure, sixty- seven thousand five hundred and one dollars and fifty-eight cents;
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