Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/759

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Siass. II. Ch. 213. 1893. 733 oFF1oE OF THE SECOND Assrsrnur POSTMASTER-GENERAL. P,=<g_·¤_jw;§g:;=;::,e¤ For inland mail transportation, namely: Inland transportation by m}l':‘““‘ ‘““"P°"’•‘ star routes, five million nine hundred and forty-five thousand dollars. sen mm. For inland transportation by steamboat routes, four hundred and S“’“"‘°°‘° "’“*°“ fifty thousand dollars. For mail messenger service, one million two hundred and seventy- M°“°°”¤°' °°"*°°· five thousand dollars. · For mail bags and mail-bag catchers, cord-fasteners, label cases, and 1*** ““‘* °“*°"°"· for labor and material necessary for repairing equipment, two hundred and sixty thousand dollars. For mail locks and keys, chains, tools and machinery, and for labor L°¤‘¤·l¤¤>’¤·¤¤¤· and material necessary for repairing same, thirty-five thousand dollars. For the purpose of enabling the Postmaster-General to rent a build- Mew ¤1¤¤r- ing for mail-bag repair shop and lock-repair shop, and for fuel, gas, watchmen and charwomen oil, and repair of machinery for same, eight thousand five hundred dollars. For inland transportation by railroad routes, of which a sum not R=i1r¤¤i=·¤¤¤·¤- excceding thirty thousand dollars may be employed to pay freight on Fmizhrpostal cards, stamped envelopes, and stamped paper, and other supplies from the manufactories to the post—offices and depots of distribution, twenty-four million five hundred thousand dollars. For railway post-onice car service, two million nine hundred and PMN ¤•¤·•- forty-one thousand dollars. For railway p0st·ol!loe clerks, six million eight hundred and ninety- .F¤¤W¤y¤¤¤¤1¤rl=¤· four thousand dollars, of which sum not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars may be used to pay necessary traveling expenses of chief clerks T¤¤·¤¤z¤=r¤¤¤¤·· and railway postal clerks traveling on duty under order of the Postmaster-General. For necessary and special facilities on trunk lines hom Springfield, m§uP§·={&¤l f¤¤¤1¤¤¤ ¤¤ Massachusetts, via New York and Washington, to Atlanta and New m°°' Orleans, one hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and fourteen dollars and twenty two cents: Provided, That no part of the appro- P~¤i···- _ priation made by this paragraph shall be expended unless the Post- ,“§';§§_g';‘};f“’° “"‘ master General shall deem such expenditure necessary in order to pro- ` mote the interest of the postal service. For miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars. m°"°“°““—‘°“*· For transportation of toreign mails, one million six hundred thousand F<·~iz¤ ¤¤=·i1¤- dollars: Prorided, That hereafter the Postmaster-General shall be au- Fraxriizo. A thorized to expend such sums as may be necessary, not exceeding fifty- ..i.iiI..Y f.,H£..§Z€I;ZZYh five thousand dollars, to cover one-half of the cost of transportation, **0*** U¤i·>¤· compensation, and expense of clerks to be employed in asserting and pouching mails in transit on steamships hetwe-eu the United States and other postal administrations in the International Postal Union. For balance due foreign countries, one hundred and ten thousand m}j:l=;y_;‘j****¤ *`¤¤=*¤¤ dollars. " Orriom or rmx Tnmn ASSISTANT POST)IASl’ER—GENEBAL. P;g:;ge¢5:;;:y* For manufacture of adhesive postage and special—delivery stamps, S”"“P°- three hundred and seventy-six thousand two hundred dollars. For pay of agent and assistants to distribute stamps, and expenses 1¤¤¤·¤>¤¤·>¤- of agency, twelve thousand dollars. For manufacture of stamped envelopes, newspaper wrappers, and “'°“*}’*‘*‘ “°“"°P°“· letter sheets, one million one hundred and ten thousand dollars: Pro- P'°""°‘ Tiller!. That it shall be lawful after the thirtieth day of September, m§$§}{T“"""“"“‘*p°" eighteen hundred and ninety-four, for the Postmaster-General to have ,,1 {__ __ M the usual requests for the return of letters, printed upon stamped en- ‘ ° “ ‘ velopes sold by the Post-Ollice Department through postmasters. _ g For pay of agent and assistant to distribute stamped envelopés. D““""“"°“s newspaper wrappers, and letter sheets, and expenses of agency, seventeen thousand eight hundred dollars.

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