Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/895

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872 CONENTION—COSTA RICA. JANUARY 4, 1890. Anrxcnn XIII. Anricuro XIII. 1·*¤n1¤-mguimout. The Postmaster General of the El Administrador general de United States of America, and Correos de los Estados Umdos de the Director General of Posts of América y el Admimstrador gethe Republic of Costa Rica, shall neral de Correos de la Repnbhca have authority to jointly make de Costa Rica quedan_ autorizasuch further regulations of order dos para hacer de tiempo en and detail, as may be found nec- tiempo y de comun acuerdo, los essary to carry out the present reglamentos posteriores de orden Conventiontrom timeto time; and X detalle que considereunecesamay by agreement prescribe con- r10s para poner en e_]ecuc1on esta ditions for the admission to the Convencion, y podran, por mumails of any of the articles prohi- tuo consentrmiento, establecer bited by Article II. condiciones para la admision en las balijas de cualquiera de los obietos prohibidos por el Articulo II. Anrronm XIV. Aurieuro XIV. museum. This Convention shall be ratihed Esta Convencion se ratihcara por by the contracting countries in ac- los paises contratantes de acuerdo cordance with their respective con sus respectivas leyes, y sus laws, and its ratilications shall be ratiiicaciones se canjearan en la exchanged at the City of Wash- cindad de Washington, lo mas ington as early as possible. Once pronto que fuere posible. Una vez ratified, and its ratiiications ex- ratiiicado y canjeadas sus ratifichanged, it shall take etfect, and cacicnes comenzara a tener efecoperations thereunder shall begin to dentro de treinta dias despues within thirty days after the ex- del canje, y continuara eu vigor change, and shall continue in tbree hasta que se termine por consenuntil terminated by mutual agree- timiento mntuo; pero podra anument, but may be annulled at the larse, con la notiiicacion de uno desire of either Department, upon de los Departamentos de Correos six months previous notice given hecha al otro, con seis meses de to the other. anticipation. Done in duplicate, and signed at Hecho por duplicado y tirmado Washington the 4th day of Jan- en Washington el dia 4" de Enero, nary, one thousand eight hundred mil ochocientos y noventa. and ninety. s"""'“"’ {sun.,] JNO. WANAMAKEB, Postmaster- General of the United States of America. [SEAL.] Fmmnroo Vomo Encargado de Negocios ad interim de la Repeiblica de Costa Rica. deépggggltgysfsggg- The ioregoing Parcels Post Convention between the United States ‘of America and the Republic of Costa Rica, has been negotiated and concguiled with my advice and consent, and is hereby approved and rati e . In testimony whereof, I have caused the Great Seal of the United States to be hereunto aihxed. gun.] BEM. HARRISON. y the President: Jnms G. BLAKE, Secretary of State. WAsmNeroN, D. C., March 27, 1890. PA1..Ac1o NAc1oNA1., San José, tres de Febrero de mil ochocientos noventa. PApgwva1 byécting Encontrandose la presente Convencion de paquetes postales Ae RTQZ °“ °f °"“ acuerdo con las instrucciones dadas al seior don Federico Volio,

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