926 TREATY—STATE OF THE CONGO. JANUARY 24. 1891. “"“”' “·“"]; Treaty between the United States of America and the Independent State of the Congo of amity, commerce, and navigation, concluded at Brussels, Jamuary 24, 1891 ; ratification advised by the Senate January 11, 1892; ratified by the President January 19, 1892; ratified by the Sovereign King of the Independent Stateof the Congo February 2, 1892; ratificatione exchanged February 2, 1892; proclaimed April 2, 1892. BY THE PnEsmENT or THE UNITED STATES or AMEmcA. A PROCLAMATION.- P"°mb1°" Whereas a Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between the United States of America and the Independent State of the Congo, was signed by their Plenipotentiaries at the City of Brussels, on the 24th day of January, 1891, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and French languages, and as amended by the Senate of the United States, is word for word as follows: TBEATY OF AMITY, COMMERCE NAVIGATION, AND EXTRADITION. The United States of America, Les Etats-Unis d’Amérique, et an m · ,.,,,,_ His Majesty Leopold II Kingof Sa M 'esté Léopold Boi des com cmgpa the Belgians, Sovereign, of the Belges,aS0uverain de lgtat Indé- Independent State of the Congo, pendant du Congo, desiringto perpetuate, coniirm and désirant consacrer, coniirmer et enencourage the relations of com- courager les rapports de commerce merce and of good understanding et de bonne intelligence existant existing already between the two déja entre les deux pays respectifs respective countries by the con- parla conclusion d’un traité d’amiclusion of a treaty of amity, com- tié, de commerce, de navigation et merce, navigation and extradition, d’extradition,ont, acct eifet,nommé have for this purpose named as pourleursPlénipotentiaires respectheir respective plenipotentiaries, tifs, savoir: viz: 1>1mp¤u¤mm.. His Excellency, the President of Son Excellence, le President des the United States of America, Etats Unis d’Amérique, Edwin H. Terrell, Envoy Extraor- Edwin H. Terrell, Envoyé Extradinary and Minister Plenipotenti- ordinaire et Ministre Plénipotenary of the United States of Amer- tiaire des Etats-Unis d’Amérique ica near His Majesty the King of pres Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges, the Belgians; and et His Majesty, Leopold II King ot Sa Majesté, Leopold II Roi des the Belgians, Sovereign of the Inde- Belges, Souverain de l’E(tat Independent State of the Congo, pendant du Congo, Edm. Van Eetvelde, Adminis- Edm. Van Eetvelde, Administrator General of the Department trateur Général du Département of Foreign Aifairs, Officer of His des Atfaires Etrangeres,OHicier de Order of Leopold, Son Ordre de Leopold, who, after having communicated lesquels, apres s’etre communiqué to each other their full powers, leurs plein pouvoirs, trouvés en found in good and due form, have bonue et due forme, sont convcnus agreed upon the following articles: des articles suivants:
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