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sia and Mexico in the throes of revolution have actually achieved it. Women have for the first time taken their seats in the governing bodies of three nations, Hermila Galindo in the Congress of Mexico, Mrs. McKinney and Lieutenant Roberta Catherine McAdams in Canada and Jeanette Rankin in the United States. A woman, the Countess Sophia Panin, has been a cabinet minister in Russia. And for the first time since civilisation began, a woman, Dr. Poliksena Shiskina Yavein, as a member of the Council of 61 at Petrograd, has assisted in writing a nation's constitution.

On with Democracy! Nations are convinced that those who serve their country should have a voice in directing its destinies. Land after land preparing to extend its franchise for soldiers, as England with her Representation of the People Bill, is reflecting on a real representation. For every country is finding itself face to face with the question with which Asquith first startled Britain, "Then what are you going to do with the women?" Everywhere at the gates of government are deputations like that in England who are saying, "We also serve who stand behind the armies. We too want to be people."

And some one else wants them to be. From the training camps to the trenches, the supporting column of the man in khaki stretches. Every knitted sweater, every package of cigarettes tied with yellow ribbon has been helping votes for women. And now over there he is getting anxious about his job or his home or his children. What can he know at the

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