Table of Contents
November 1887
The Economic Disturbances Since 1873 V 1
Agassiz and Evolution 17
Specialization in Science 26
Food and Fiber Plants of the North American Indians 31
Science and Revelation 47
Astronomy with an Opera-Glass IV 53
About the Wedding-Ring 71
The Chemistry of Oyster-Fattening 76
Geikie on the Teaching of Geography 87
A Kitchen College 96
What American Zoologists Have Done for Evolution: 1887 Speech II 100
The Unhealthfulness of Basements 114
Sketch of Chester S. Lyman 116
Correspondence 122
Editor's Table 123
Literary Notices 126
Popular Miscellany 136
Notes 142
December 1887
Inventions at Panama 147
Science and Practical Life 166
Changes in the Relative Values of the Precious Metals 170
American Cinque-Foils 189
The Rise of the Granger Movement 199
The Boyhood of Darwin 208
Thought and Language 213
The Metals of Ancient Chaldea 220
Our Forestry-Problem 225
The Dangers of Receiverships 236
A Great Lesson 241
The Color of Words 257
John Jacob Baeyer 261
Correspondence 266
Editor's Table 267
Literary Notices 271
Popular Miscellany 281
Notes 287
January 1888
Governmental Interference with Production and Distribution 289
Evolution and Religious Thought 311
Glimpses of Life Along a Coral Reef 315
The Psychology of Joking 327
Railroads and Trade-Centers 332
Race and Language 340
Science and the Bishops 352
The Outcome of the Granger Movement 368
Climate of the Lake Region 373
English Phonology 387
The Monkeys of Dutch Guiana 396
Sketch of Cleveland Abbe 400
Editor's Table 409
Literary Notices 413
Popular Miscellany 423
Notes 430
February 1888
New Chapters in the Warfare of Science: Physical Sciences IV 433
Progress at Panama 447
The Economic Outlook: Present and Prospective I 455
The Moon and the Weather 473
Animal Agency in Soil-Making 484
The Time it Takes to Think 488
What American Zoologists Have Done for Evolution: 1887 Speech III 492
Emotions versus Health in Women 504
Astronomy with an Opera-Glass V 511
The Adulteration of Milk 529
Recent Views Respecting Cancer 534
The Interstate Long and Short Haul 537
Vegetable and Animal Albumen 541
An Outcast Race in the Pyrenees 546
Sketch of Sir Joseph Whitworth 550
Correspondence 554
Editor's Table 555
Literary Notices 558
Popular Miscellany 569
Notes 575
March 1888
The Economic Outlook: Present and Prospective II 577
New Chapters in the Warfare of Science: Physical Sciences V 596
Underground Waters as Social Factors 610
Glimpses at Darwin's Working Life 619
The Indians of British Columbia 628
Evolution: What it Is Not, and What it Is 636
Weather-Prognostics 648
The Antechamber of Consciousness 657
Our Ice-Supply and its Dangers 668
Flamingoes at Home 682
Curious Facts of Inheritance 688
Sketch of Henry Bradford Nason 694
Correspondence 697
Editor's Table 698
Literary Notices 702
Popular Miscellany 709
Notes 718
April 1888
College Athletics and Physical Development 721
The Struggle for Existence: A Programme 732
Forms and Failures of the Law 751
Hypnotism in Disease and Crime 763
Californian Dry-Winter Flowers 770
The Family-Life of Fishes 777
A Paper of Candy 782
The Earliest Plants 787
Chinese Superstitions 796
The Present Status of Mineralogy 799
The Uniformity of Social Phenomena 806
The Chemistry of Underground Waters 813
The Cause of Character 821
Sketch of David Ames Wells 832
Correspondence 841
Editor's Table 842
Literary Notices 848
Popular Miscellany 856
Notes 863
Index 865
Note 7