4281410The Socialist Movement — BibliographyJames Ramsay MacDonald



1. Independent.

Mr. Kirkup's two books—An Inquiry into Socialism, 1908, Longmans, 4/6 net, and A History of Socialism, 1909, Black, 7/6 net—are satisfactory and reliable.

2. Socialism Explained by Socialists.

The great text-book of modern Socialism is, of course, the three volumes of Capital, by Karl Marx, 10/6 per volume. The first two are published by Sonnenschein, the third by the Independent Labour Party.

The Socialist Library, Independent Labour Party, 1/6 per volume. Vol. 1. Socialism and Modern Science, by Prof. Ferri. This is a Marxian statement in terms of Darwinism. Vol. 2. Socialism and Society, by J. Ramsay MacDonald. An explanation of Socialist theory from the point of view of biological evolution. Vol. 3. Studies in Socialism, by Jean Jaurés. Vol. 5. Collectivism and Industrial Evolution, by E. Vandervelde. One of the most important contributions made in defence of Socialism since the publication of Marx's Capital. Vol. 7. Evolutionary Socialism, by Edward Bernstein. The book which created the modern Revisionist movement in Germany.

F. Engels. Socialism, Utopian and Scientific—1892, Sonnenschein, 2/6—still remains a most effective statement.

Fabian Essays in Socialism. 1890, Fabian Society, 1/6.

R. C. Ensor. Modern Socialism. 1907, Harper, 5/- net. A compilation of speeches and pronouncements by leading Socialists with a useful introduction.

3. Socialism by Non-Socialists.

Much of the literature published on behalf of the Anti-Socialist movement is useless for serious students.

W. H. Mallock. A Critical Examination of Socialism. 1908, Murray, 6/-.

H. O. Arnold Foster. English Socialism of To-day. 1908, Smith Elder, 2/6.

The Case against Socialism. 1908, Allen, 5/- net. With a preface by the Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour.

4. Christian Socialism.

Conrad Noel. Socialism in Church History. 1910, Palmer, 5/- net.

A. V. Woodward. Christian Socialism in England. 1903, Sonnenschein, 2/6. An historical account.


E. Bernstein, Lassalle. 1893, Sonnenschein, 2/6.

A. J. Booth. Saint-Simon. 1871, Longmans, out of print.

J. W. Mackail. William Morris. 2 vols., 1899, Longmans, 10/- net.

Frank Podmore. Robert Owen. 1906, out of print.

J. Spargo. Karl Marx. 1910, Heubach (New York), 10/6 net.


W. H. Beveridge. Unemployment. 1909, Longmans, 7/6 net,

A. L. Bowley. Wages in the United Kingdom in the Nineteenth Century. 1900, Cambridge University Press, 6/-.

A. L. Bowley and G. H. Wood. History of Wages in the United Kingdom in the Nineteenth Century. A series of very valuable papers which have been appearing in the Statistical Society's Journal intermittently since 1898.

J. A. Hobson. The Evolution of Modern Capitalism. 1894, Walter Scott, 2/6.

B. L. Hutchins and A. Harrison. A History of Factory Legislation. 1910, King, 3/6.

H. M. Hyndman. Commercial Crises of the Nineteenth Century. 1892, Sonnenschein, 2/6.

H. W. Macrosty. The Trust Movement in British Industry. 1907, Longmans, 9/-.


1. Co-Operation.

H. D. Lloyd. Labour Co-partnership in Great Britain. 1898, Harper, 5/-.

Beatrice Potter (Mrs. Sidney Webb). The Co-operative Movement. 1899, Sonnenschein, 2/6.

2. Legislation.

W. P. Reeves. State Experiments in Australia and New Zealand, 2-vols., out of print.

3. Municipal and Administrative.

Lord Avebury. On Municipal and National Trading. (Anti-Socialist.) 1907, Macmillan, 2/6 net.

Leonard Darwin. Municipal Trade. (Anti-Socialist.) 1903. Murray, 12/- net.

F. W. Jowett. The Socialist and the City. 1907, Allen, 1/- net.

4. Trade Unions and the Labour Movement.

Conrad Noel. The Labour Party. 1906, Unwin, 1/-.

Frank Rose. The Coming Force. 1909, Independent Labour Party, 1/-.

Sidney and Beatrice Webb. History of Trade Unionism. 1901. Longmans, 7/6 net.


P. Kropotkin. Mutual Aid. 1902, Heinemann, 1/-.

D. G. Ritchie. Darwinism and Politics. 1895, Sonnenschein, 2/6.

D. G. Ritchie. Principles of State Interference. 1891, Sonnenschein, 2/6.


Within recent years a considerable amount of literature has been issued by propagandist Societies on the subject of Socialism. It can be procured from the following Societies:—


The Independent Labour Party, 23, Bride Lane, Fleet St., E.C. (This society represents both in its methods and in its opinions the evolutionary aspect of Socialism.)

The Fabian Society, 3, Clements Inn, Strand, W.C.

The Social Democratic Party, Chandos Hall, Maiden Lane, W.C. (Dogmatic Marxism.)

The Church Socialist League, Rev. W. H. Paine, 37, Westminster Palace Gardens, 8. W.

The Free Church Socialist League, Rev. Herbert Dunnico, 91, Elm Vale, Liverpool.


The Anti-Socialist Union, 58, Victoria St., S. W.

The London Municipal Society, 11, Tothill St., S.W.

The Anti-Socialist Union of the Free Churches, 38, John St., W. C.

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