Portal:Writing Center

School of Language and Literature
Language and Literature
Language and Literature
Welcome to the Writing Centre for the School of Language and Literature, part of the Faculty for Humanities!

Associated Departments
Perhaps you are also interested in the English Language Division or the Department for Literary Studies.

The Writing Centre


Welcome to Writing Centre!
Welcome to Writing Centre!

Welcome to the Writing Center for the School of Language and Literature and the English Language Department. In a traditional university setting, the Writing Center is a place that provides students with assistance on papers, projects, reports, and just about any other type of composition involving words. The Writing Center is staffed by professionals, such as faculty members of the university, and peers, such as graduate or advanced undergraduate students, who can assist students in writing a better, more focused paper. A good writing center will help a writer find his/her voice and come to grips with his/her strengths and weaknesses as a writer. In addition, a writing center will provide help with grammar, style, syntax, punctuation, citation of sources, etc.

The Writing Center here at Wikiversity is no different. We are here to assist you with your papers, projects, and reports. And in keeping with the Across the Curriculum movement of Writing Centers and English Departments, the Writing Center is available for use to any student of any school in the Wikiversity program.

Unfortunately, we have no staff at this time, though the English Language Reference Desk is up and running, and you may ask questions there. If you are a qualified professional or peer and would like to contribute your time to the Writing Center, please feel free to do so. We are looking for ways that tutors can connect with students. Please share any ideas in the Talk section of this page.

Useful information


Writing resources on the web


Examples of good writing


Citing sources in a bibliography


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