
The fraction in front is number of questions on test over the number of questions in studyguide. For example, the first quiz, called c24ElectromagneticWaves_displacementCurrent has 4 (four) questions, but only 1 (one) will be on Test 1. In Test 2, only 2 of the 48 questions in the study guide for lunar phases will be on the test.

Test 1

1/4 from link to c24ElectromagneticWaves_displacementCurrent
1/9 from link to AstroApparentRetroMotion
1/7 from link to AstroGalileanMoons

Test 2

2/48 from link to AstroLunarphasesAdvancedB
2/4 from link to c22Magnetism_ampereLawSymmetry

Note 1