Storyboard Artwork Project

These lessons are ready for a test drive.

To see the completed stamps, go to Storyboard Artwork Project/Stamps.

This Filmmaking lesson develops free educational materials for schools as part of Wikiversity's SchoolForge Project

The Storyboard Artwork Project

In this project, you create educational materials for schools. If you like to draw human figures or if you have Poser or DAZ Studio, you can join.
The artwork that you will create in this project turns Tux Paint into a storyboarding program. The artwork is a human figure viewed from many angles. Once you have drawn the artwork, you mask the figures so they can be used as "stamps" in Tux Paint for kids to create storyboards for motion pictures.
These special stamps allow Tux Paint to work like a simple version of Storyboard Quick and Storyboard Artist.
Hopefully, this project teaches you everything you need to know to create storyboarding stamps for Tux Paint. If you need more information, please contact the co-ordinator for this project. The co-ordinator for this project is Robert Elliott. To email me, you simply Click Here.

We need you to create illustrations of people from multiple angles.

We need both photo realistic images and hand drawings.

Currently, we need artwork of a young but curious person (about 10 years old) and an older and wiser person.

The lessons in the project
The Lessons:
Here are four lessons to help you get started creating stamps for Tux Paint:
There are also optional lessons for creating props and background scenery.
Completed rubber stamps for Tux Paint:
Storyboard Artwork Project/Stamps
A free and wonderful drawing program

Tux Paint

Tux Paint is a fun drawing program for kids. It allows kids to add pictures called "Stamps" to their artwork.

Storyboard Quick and Storyboard Artist also uses stamps to draw storyboards but unlike Tux Paint, these programs are not free.

These special stamps are pictures of people in various poses. Storyboard Quick uses hand drawn pictures of people while Storyboard Artist uses pictures from Poser.

Anyone who likes to draw figures or is learning to use Poser or DAZ Studio can participate. All they have to do is create poses of people in various positions. I will show you how!

2D Human Figures
Hand drawn artwork

We need artists who can draw human figures from many different angles. If you are interested, you can practice by drawing the same figure from 3 or more angles. This can be stick figures, realistic artwork, or cartoon art. We need them all.

  • ArtRage Free
  • ArtRage 2
  • Painter
  • Photoshop, etc.
3D Human Figures
3D art programs

We need artist who can render 3D human figures from many angles. If you are interested in learning to use 3D programs, you can practice by drawing the same figure from 5 or more angles.

  • DAZ Studio
  • Poser
Blank Storyboard Frames
Storyboard work sheet for Tux Paint

Once the artwork is created and masked, we need a storyboard worksheet in Tux Paint ready for children to be painting on. These sheets can be done with:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Freehand
Note 1
Project 18