Universal Bibliography/Archaeology

Type classification: this is a bibliography resource.

See s:Category:Archaeology

This part of the Universal Bibliography is a bibliography of archaeology.


  • Bibliographic Guide to Anthropology and Archaeology [1]
  • Bibliography of Archaeological and Related Research Reports. 1983. [2]
  • Kerber, Jordan E. Coastal and Maritime Archaeology: A Bibliography. Scarecrow Press. 1991. [3]
  • Illsley, John Sherwood. An Indexed Bibliography of Underwater Archaeology and Related Topics. (International Maritime Archaeology Series, Volume 3). Anthony Nelson. 1996. [4]
  • King, Anthony C. British and Irish Archaeology: A Bibliographical Guide. Manchester University Press, 1994. [5]
  • Archaeological Bibliography for Great Britain & Ireland. Council for British Archaeology. [6]
  • British Archaeological Bibliography [7]
  • British & Irish Archaeological Bibliography [8]
  • Dixon, Nick. An Archaeological Bibliography of Bristol. Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery. 1987. [9]
  • Swedish Archaeological Bibliography [10]
  • Field, Henry. Bibliography of Soviet Archaeology and Physical Anthropology [11]
  • Coulson and Freiert. Greek and Roman Art, Architecture, and Archaeology: An Annotated Bibliography. Garland. 1987. [12]
  • Runnels, Curtis Neil. The Archaeology of Heinrich Schliemann: An Annotated Bibliographic Handlist. Archaeological Institute of America. 2007. [13]
  • Fay, George E (compiler). A Bibliography of Etruscan Culture and Archaeology. Museum of Anthropology, University of Northern Colorado. [14]
  • Battersby, Harold R. Anatolian Archaeology: A Bibliography. [15]
  • Ellis. A Bibliography of Mesopotamian Archaeological Sites. O Harrassowitz. 1972. [16]
  • The Archaeology of Upper Mesopotamia: An Analytical Bibliography for the Pre-classical Periods. [17]
  • Hellmuth, Nicholas M. Maya Archaeology and Ethnography: An Introductory Bibliography. Foundation for Latin American Anthropological Research. 1973. [18]
  • The Olmec Civilization: Art and Archaeology: An Introductory Bibliography [19]
  • Ten Years of Middle American Archaeology: Annotated Bibliography and News Summary, 1948-1957 [20]
  • Milisauskas, Pickin and Clark. A Selected Bibliography of North American Archaeological Sites. Human Relations Area Files. 1981. [21]
  • Peregrine, Peter N. Archaeology of the Mississippian Culture: A Research Guide. Garland Publishing. 1996. [22]
  • Bibliography and Index of Alaskan Archeology [23]
  • Heizer, Robert Fleming. A Bibliography of the Archaeology of California. (Reports of the University of California Archacological Survey, No 4). [24]
  • Bibliography of Literature on Indiana Archaeology. [25]
  • Bibliography on Indiana Archaeology. Indiana History Bulletin, Vol 9, No 8. [26]
  • The Bibliography of Kentucky Archaeology, 1784-1981. [27] Update. 1984. [28]
  • Bibliography of Maryland Archaeology [29]
  • Praus, Alexis A. Bibliography of Michigan Archaeology. (Archaeological Papers 22). Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan. 1964. [30]
  • A Bibliography of Nevada Archaeology [31]
  • Morgan and Rodabaugh. Bibliography of Ohio Archaeology. Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. 1947. [32]
  • A Partial Bibliography of the Archaeology of Pennsylvania and Adjacent States. [33]
  • Smith, Samuel D. Annotated Bibliography for Historical Archaeology in Tennessee Through 1980. Tennessee Anthropological Association. 1981. [34]
  • Wells, Helen Fairman. Inland Chumash Archaeology: An Annotated Bibliography. Institute of Archaeology, University of California. 1979. [35]
  • Annotated Bibliography of the Precolumbian Art and Archaeology of the West Indies [36]
  • Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology [37]
  • Bibliography on Indian Buddhist Art and Archaeology: General and Classified Under Geographical Sites [38]
  • Bibliography of South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology. American Committee for South Asian Art. [39]
  • Vietnamese Art and Archaeology: A Selected Bibliography. American Friends of Vietnam. 1962. [40]
  • Archaeology in Malaysia: A Bibliography. 1980: [41]. Prehistory and Archaeology of Malaysia and Brunei: A Bibliography. 1982. [42]
  • A Revised Bibliography of New Guinea Archaeology [43]
  • Phillipson, D W (compiler). An Annotated Bibliography of the Archaeology of Zambia. National Monuments Commission. 1968. [44]
  • Derricourt, Robin M. A Supplementary Bibliography of the Archaeology of Zambia, 1967-1973. National Monuments Commission. 1975. [45]
  • The Prehistory and Archaeology of Botswana: An Annotated Bibliography. (Botswana Society Bibliography of Botswana) [46]
  • Dekin, Albert A. Arctic Archaeology: A Bibliography and History. Garland. 1978. [47]

General series

  • Regional Archaeologies. Heinemann.
  • Studies in Archaeology. Academic Press.
  • Manuals in Archaelogical Method, Theory and Technique. Springer Science+Business Media.
  • Archaelogist's Toolkit. Altamira Press.
  • Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. Kluwer Academic Publishers.


  • Hawkes. The World of the Past. New York. 1963. London. 1964.
  • Ceram. The World of Archaeology. Thames and Hudson. 1966. Fontana Library. 1968.


  • Hodder and Hutson. Reading the Past: Current Approaches to Interpretation in Archaeology. Cambridge University Press. 1986. 2nd Ed: 1991. 3rd Ed: 2003. [48]
  • Mathieu and Scott. Exploring the Role of Analytical Scale in Archaeological Interpretation. BAR International Series 1261. 2004. [49]

Method, theory, technique

  • Ellis, Linda (ed). Archaeological Method and Theory: An Encyclopedia. Garland Publishing. 2000. [50]
  • Neustupný. Archaeological Method. Cambridge University Press. 1993. [51]
  • Maschner and Chippindale. Handbook of Archaeological Methods. Altamira Press. [52]
  • Moore and Keene (eds). Archaeological Hammers and Theories. (Studies in Archaeology). Academic Press. 1983. [53] (archaeological method)
  • Bentley, Maschner and Chippindale. Handbook of Archaeological Theories. Altamira Press. 2008. Paperback Ed: 2009. [54]
  • Hodder, Ian (ed). Archaeological Theory Today. [55]
  • Hodder, Ian (ed). Archaeological Theory in Europe: The Last Three Decades. Routledge. 1991. 2015. [56]
  • Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory v10
    • Selections for Students from Volumes 1 through 4. 1982. [57]
  • Readings in Archaeological Method and Technique. Center for Archaeological Research at Davis. Publication No 4. 1974. [58]
  • Heizer. The Archaeologist at Work: A Source Book in Archaeological Method and Interpretation. 1959. [59]
  • Dillon. Practical Archaeology: Field and Laboratory Techniques and Archaeological Logistics. [60]


  • Banning, E B. Archaeological Survey. (Manuals in Archaelogical Method, Theory and Technique). Springer Science+Business Media. 2002. [61]
  • Collins and Molyneaux. Archaeological Survey. Altamira Press. (Archaelogist's Toolkit 2). Altamira Press. 2003. [62]
  • Howard, Phil. Archaeological Surveying and Mapping: Recording and Depicting the Landscape. Routledge. 2007. [63]
  • Martin and Millet. Archaeological Survey and the City. [64]
  • Bettess, F. Surveying for Archaeologists. Department of Archaeology, University of Durham. Penshaw Press. 1984. 2nd Ed: 1992 [65]. 3rd Ed: 1998. [66]


  • Carmichael, Lafferty, and Molyneaux. Excavation. (Archaelogist's Toolkit 3). Altamira Press. 2003. [67]
  • Barker, Phillip. Techniques of Archaeological Excavation. B T Batsford. 3rd Ed: 1993. [68]
  • Droop. Archaeological Excavation. Cambridge. 1915. [69]

Laboratory methods, science

  • Sutton. Archaeological Laboratory Methods: An Introduction. [70]
  • Richards and Britton. Archaeological Science: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. 2020. [71]
  • Malainey. A Consumer's Guide to Archaeological Science: Analytical Techniques. (Manuals in Archaelogical Method, Theory and Technique). [72]
  • New Directions in Archaeological Science [73]
  • New Developments in Archaeological Science [74]
  • Jounal of Archaeological Science [75]
  • Brill, Robert H. Science and Archaeology. MIT Press. 2003. [76] (archaeological chemistry)
  • Science and Archaeology. [77]
  • Science and Archaeology, Glasgow 1987. [78]


  • Price and Burton. An Introduction to Archaeological Chemistry. Springer. [79]
  • Goffer, Zvi. Archaeological Chemistry. Wiley Interscience. 2nd Ed: 2007. [80]
  • Pollard, Heron and Armitage. Archaeological Chemistry. Royal Society of Chemistry. 3rd Ed: 2017. [81]
  • Jakes (ed). Archaeological Chemistry: Materials, Methods, and Meaning. American Chemical Society. 2002. [82]
  • Orna and Rasmussen (ed). Archaeological Chemistry: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Past. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2020. [83]
  • Archaeological Chemistry. American Chemical Society. [84] (symposium) 2 3 4
  • Pollard, Batt, Stern and Young. Analytical Chemistry in Archaeology. (Manuals in Archaeology). Cambridge University Press. 2007. [85]


  • Orton, Clive. Mathematics in Archaeology. Cambridge University Press. 1980. [86]


  • Banning, E B. The Archaeologist's Laboratory: The Analysis of Archaeological Data. (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology). Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2000. [87] [88]


  • Peregrine, Peter N. Archaeological Research: A Brief Introduction. Pearson. 2001. 2nd Ed. Routledge. 2017. [89]
  • Wilkie, Laurie A. Strung Out on Archaeology: An Introduction to Archaeological Research. Left Coast Press. 2014. Routledge. 2016. [90]
  • Howorth, "The Methods of Archaeological Research". Smithsonian Report, 1894. [91]


  • Lucas, Gavin. Understanding the Archaeological Record. Cambridge Uninversity Press. 2012. [92]
  • Perreault, Charles. The Quality of the Archaeological Record. University of Chicago Press. 2019. [93]

Formation processes; site formation

  • Schiffer, Michael B. Formation Processes of the Archaeological Record. 1987. 1996. [94] [95]
  • Goldberg, Nash and Petraglia. Formation Processes in Archaeological Context. Prehistory Press. 1993. [96]
  • Nash and Petraglia. Natural Formation Processes and the Archaeological Record. BAR International Series 352. 1987. [97]
  • Morton. Archaeological Site Formation: Understanding Lake Margin Contexts. BAR International Series 1211. Archaeopress. 2004. [98]
  • Caporaso, Alicia (ed). Formation Processes of Maritime Archaeological Landscapes. 2017. [99]
  • Site Formation Processes of Submerged Shipwrecks [100]
  • Kristian Kristiansen (ed). Archaeological Formation Processes: The Representativity of Archaeological Remains from Danish Prehistory. 1985. [101]

Stone, Bronze, Iron Ages

  • Daniel, Glyn Edmund. The Three Ages: An Essay in Archaeolical Method. Cambridge University Press. 1943. [102] [103]


  • Raistrick, Arthur. Industrial Archaeology. Eyre Meuthen. 1972. Paladin Books. 1973. Reprinted. Grafton Books. 1986.
  • The Industrial Archaeology and Industrial History of London: A Bibliography. Kewdale Press. 1988. [104]


  • Macalister. A Text-book of European Archaeology. [105]
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