I am currently one of the users, administrators, bureaucrats and mediators on Polish Wikipedia, sporadically present as a regular user also on Wikimedia and commons. I currently also am a steward of Wikimedia (please, contact me there if needed). I have been around this mortal coil for about 1570723765 seconds. I am a tenured associate professor of management at Kozminski University in Warsaw, Poland.
Years 2004-2005 I spent as a Fulbright scholar at Cornell University. In 2007 I spent a semester as a visiting scholar at Harvard University. In 2008 I spent a semester as a visiting scholar at University of California Berkeley. 2011-2012 I spent as a visiting scholar at Harvard University. Over the years I have been a recipient of some scholar awards and scholarships from different institutions, including also Kosciuszko Foundation, Polish National Science Foundation, Collegium Invisibile, Polish Ministry of Science, and others. I am an author of several books on management and on ESL published in Polish, with a rough total circulation of about 20000 copies so far. Three of my other Polish books are forthcoming. My publications in English include articles in academic journals, a book, as well as three edited ones. For five years I practiced aikido, which I had to drop because of knee problems. Since 1995 very irregularly I've been practicing karate, alternating Gosoku-ryu, shotokan, Wado-ryu and, most recently, Enshin. My other hobbies include RPG, battodo, sailing, windsurfing, bridge (game), scrabble. I also run a couple of popular Polish portals, such as ling.pl (the most popular Polish online dictionary), angielski.edu.pl (the biggest Polish portal on ESL), and others, with an average popularity of about 20 million monthly pageviews.