editFrom Proto-Slavic *mùxa.
editму́ха • (múxa) f animal (genitive му́хі, nominative plural му́хі, genitive plural мух)
- fly (insect)
editDeclension of му́ха (anml velar fem-form accent-a)
singular | plural | |
nominative | му́ха múxa |
му́хі múxi |
genitive | му́хі múxi |
мух mux |
dative | му́се músje |
му́хам múxam |
accusative | му́ху múxu |
мух mux |
instrumental | му́хай, му́хаю múxaj, múxaju |
му́хамі múxami |
locative | му́се músje |
му́хах múxax |
count form | — | му́хі1 múxi1 |
1Used with the numbers 2, 3, 4 and higher numbers after 20 ending in 2, 3, and 4.
Further reading
edit- “муха” in Belarusian–Russian dictionaries and Belarusian dictionaries at slounik.org
editInherited from Proto-Slavic *mùxa.
editмуха́ or му́ха • (muhá or múha) f
- fly (insect of genus Musca or more generally of family Muscidae)
- cockabondy (fishing bait)
editDeclension of муха́
Declension of му́ха
Coordinate terms
editDerived terms
- мухо- (muho-) (in compounds)
- мухоло́вка (muholóvka, “fly-catcher, fly-paper”) (instrument)
- мухомо́рка (muhomórka, “fly-agaric”) (type of mushroom)
edit- “муха”, in Речник на българския език [Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language] (in Bulgarian), Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2014
- “муха”, in Речник на българския език [Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language] (in Bulgarian), Chitanka, 2010
- Nayden Gerov (1899) “муха́”, in Рѣчникъ на Блъгарскꙑй язꙑкъ. Съ тлъкувание рѣчи-тꙑ на Блъгарскꙑ и на Русскꙑ. [Dictionary of the Bulgarian language][1] (in Bulgarian), volume 3, Plovdiv: Дружествена печꙗтница "Съгласие.", page 93
- Georgiev, Vladimir I., Duridanov, I. V., editors (1995), “муха”, in Български етимологичен речник [Bulgarian Etymological Dictionary] (in Bulgarian), volume 4 (мѝнго² – па̀дам), Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Pubg. House, →ISBN, page 352
edit- хума (huma)
Carpathian Rusyn
editFrom Proto-Slavic *mùxa.
editмуха • (muxa) f
editdeclension of муха
singular | plural | |
nominative (номінатів) |
муха (muxa) | мухы (muxŷ) |
genitive (ґенітів) |
мухы (muxŷ) | мух (mux) |
dative (датів) |
мухї (muxji) | мухам (muxam) |
accusative (акузатів) |
муху (muxu) | мухы (muxŷ) |
instrumental (інштрументал) |
мухов (muxov) | мухами (muxamy) |
locative (локал) |
мухї (muxji) | мухам (muxam) |
vocative (вокатів) |
мухо (muxo) | - |
editInherited from Proto-Slavic *mùxa.
editму́ха • (múxa) f anim (genitive му́хи, nominative plural му́хи, genitive plural мух, relational adjective муши́ный, diminutive му́шка)
- fly (insect)
- му́хи дохнут ― múxi doxnut ― you could die of boredom
- быть под му́хой ― bytʹ pod múxoj ― be mellow; be tight; be under the sauce
- как му́хи на мёд ― kak múxi na mjod ― like wasps around jam
- де́лать из му́хи слона́ ― délatʹ iz múxi sloná ― make a mountain out of a molehill
- как со́нная му́ха ― kak sónnaja múxa ― like a sleepy fly
- какая му́ха его́ укуси́ла? ― kakaja múxa jevó ukusíla? ― what's got into him?; what's bitten him?
- до бе́лых мух ― do bélyx mux ― till snow falls
- он и му́хи не оби́дит ― on i múxi ne obídit ― he wouldn't hurt a fly
- слы́шно, как му́ха пролети́т ― slýšno, kak múxa proletít ― one could hear a pin drop
- счита́ть мух ― sčitátʹ mux ― to gape
- они́ мрут как му́хи ― oní mrut kak múxi ― they drop like flies
- 1916, Марк Криницкий, chapter II, in Учитель Живарев; English translation from (Please provide a date or year):
- Он отвори́л полови́ну окна́ и осторо́жно, боя́сь вы́пустить ма́леньких мух, вы́гнал по одно́й му́хе больши́х. Притвори́л и прислу́шался. Результа́т получа́лся тот же.
- On otvoríl polovínu okná i ostoróžno, bojásʹ výpustitʹ málenʹkix mux, výgnal po odnój múxe bolʹšíx. Pritvoríl i prislúšalsja. Rezulʹtát polučálsja tot že.
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
- 1991, Виктор Пелевин [Victor Pelevin], chapter 1, in День бульдозериста, Текст; English translation from Andrew Bromfield, transl., Bulldozer Driver's Day, New York: New Directions, 1998:
- Ива́н Помера́нцев упё́р ло́кти в холо́дный сыро́й бето́н подоко́нника с тремя́ и́ли четырьмя́ изгиба́ющимися ли́ниями скле́йки (Вале́рка, когда́ жену́ пуга́л, уда́рил утюго́м), сдул со стекла́ ожире́вшую чё́рную му́ху и вы́глянул в зали́тый после́дним со́лнцем осе́нний двор.
- Iván Pomeráncev upjór lókti v xolódnyj syrój betón podokónnika s tremjá íli četyrʹmjá izgibájuščimisja línijami skléjki (Valérka, kogdá ženú pugál, udáril utjugóm), sdul so steklá ožirévšuju čórnuju múxu i výgljanul v zalítyj poslédnim sólncem osénnij dvor.
- Ivan Pomerantsev leaned with his elbows on the cold damp concrete of the windowsill with the three or four zigzag lines running across it (when Valera wanted to frighten his wife, he would bang it with the iron), blew an obese black fly off the windowpane, and looked out into the yard that was bathed in the last rays of the autumn sunshine.
editRelated terms
edit- мухобо́йка f (muxobójka)
- мухоло́вка f inan or f anim (muxolóvka)
- мухоло́вный (muxolóvnyj)
- мухомо́р m (muxomór)
- му́шка f anim or f inan (múška)
- Borrowed
- моски́т m anim (moskít)
editAlternative forms
edit- му̀ва (Bosnia, Serbia)
editInherited from Proto-Slavic *mùxa.
editму̀ха f (Latin spelling mùha)
editFrom Proto-Slavic *mùxa.
editму́ха • (múxa) f animal (genitive му́хи, nominative plural му́хи, genitive plural мух)
- fly (insect)
editDeclension of му́ха (animal hard fem-form accent-a)
Further reading
edit- “муха”, in Горох – Словозміна [Horokh – Inflection] (in Ukrainian)
- Bilodid, I. K., editor (1970–1980), “муха”, in Словник української мови: в 11 т. [Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: in 11 vols] (in Ukrainian), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka
- Belarusian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Belarusian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Belarusian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Belarusian terms with audio pronunciation
- Belarusian lemmas
- Belarusian nouns
- Belarusian feminine nouns
- Belarusian animal nouns
- Belarusian velar-stem feminine-form nouns
- Belarusian velar-stem feminine-form accent-a nouns
- Belarusian nouns with accent pattern a
- be:Dipterans
- Bulgarian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Bulgarian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Bulgarian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Bulgarian terms with audio pronunciation
- Bulgarian lemmas
- Bulgarian nouns
- Bulgarian feminine nouns
- bg:Dipterans
- bg:Fishing
- Carpathian Rusyn terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Carpathian Rusyn terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Carpathian Rusyn lemmas
- Carpathian Rusyn nouns
- Carpathian Rusyn feminine nouns
- rue:Fishing
- rue:Insects
- Russian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Russian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Russian 2-syllable words
- Russian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Russian terms with audio pronunciation
- Russian lemmas
- Russian nouns
- Russian feminine nouns
- Russian animate nouns
- Russian terms with usage examples
- Russian terms with quotations
- Russian velar-stem feminine-form nouns
- Russian velar-stem feminine-form accent-a nouns
- Russian nouns with accent pattern a
- ru:Dipterans
- Serbo-Croatian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Serbo-Croatian lemmas
- Serbo-Croatian nouns
- Serbo-Croatian feminine nouns
- Croatian Serbo-Croatian
- Bosnian Serbo-Croatian
- sh:Dipterans
- Ukrainian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Ukrainian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Ukrainian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Ukrainian terms with audio pronunciation
- Ukrainian lemmas
- Ukrainian nouns
- Ukrainian feminine nouns
- Ukrainian animal nouns
- Ukrainian hard feminine-form nouns
- Ukrainian hard feminine-form accent-a nouns
- Ukrainian nouns with accent pattern a
- uk:Dipterans