n00b {n} (beginner) SEE: newbie
n/a {adj} (not applicable)
:: non applicabile
n/a {adj} (not available)
:: non disponibile
nabob {n} /ˈneɪbɑb/ (someone of great wealth)
:: nababbo
NaCl {n} (sodium chloride) SEE: sodium chloride
nacre {n} (pearly substance on the interior of shells) SEE: mother-of-pearl
nada {pron} (nothing) SEE: nothing
n-adic {adj} (having a valency of n)
:: n-adico
nadir {n} /ˈneɪ.dɪɹ/ (point of the sky)
:: nadir {m}
nadiral {adj} /ˈneɪ.dɪɹəl/ (at a nadir)
:: nadirale
naevus {n} (abnormal area on skin) SEE: mole
naevus flammeus {n} (anatomy: vascular birthmark)
:: nevo vinoso {m}
naïf {n} (one who is naive) SEE: naif
nag {n} /ˈnæɡ/ (old useless horse)
:: brenna {f}, ronzino {m}
nag {v} (complain about insignificant matters)
:: assillare
nagana {n} (disease of vertebrates)
:: nagana {f}, n'gana {f}
Nagorno-Karabakh {prop} /nəˌɡɔːnəʊ kɑːɹəˈbɑːk/ (region in South Caucasus)
:: Nagorno-Karabakh {m}
Nagorny Karabakh {prop} (Nagorno-Karabakh) SEE: Nagorno-Karabakh
nagyka {n}
:: nagaica {f}
Nagykanizsa {prop} (town in Hungary)
:: Nagykanizsa
Nahuatl {prop} /ˈnɑːwɑːt(ə)l/ (language)
:: nahuatl
Nahum {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Naum
naif {n} (one who is naive)
:: ingenuo
nail {n} /neɪl/ (on fingers and toes)
:: unghia {f}
nail {n} (spike-shaped metal fastener used for joining wood or similar materials)
:: chiodo {m}
nail {v} (employ a nail as a fastener)
:: inchiodare
nail {v} (catch)
:: inchiodare
nailbrush {n} /ˈneɪl.bɹʌʃ/ (a small brush to clean the fingernails)
:: pulisciunghie {m}
nail clipper {n} (nail trimmer)
:: tagliaunghie {m}
nail cutter {n} (nail clipper) SEE: nail clipper
nail file {n} (A file for shaping one's fingernails and toenails)
:: limetta {f}
nail gun {n} (gun which drives nails)
:: sparachiodi
nail polish {n} (cosmetic lacquer)
:: smalto per unghie
nail polish remover {n} (solvent used to remove nail polish)
:: solvente per smalto {m}
nail trimmer {n} (nail clipper) SEE: nail clipper
Nairobi {prop} /naɪˈɹoʊbi/ (capital of Kenya)
:: Nairobi {f}
Naissaar {prop} (island in northern Estonia)
:: Naissaar
naive {adj} /naɪˈiːv/ (lacking experience, wisdom, or judgement)
:: ingenuo, candido, semplice, spontaneo, credulone, sempliciotto
naked {adj} /ˈneɪkɪd/ (not wearing any clothes)
:: nudo, ignudo {m}, svestito {m}
nakedhood {n} (nakedness) SEE: nakedness
naked mole rat {n}
:: talpa senza pelo {f}, eterocefalo glabro {m}
nakedness {n} (state of being naked)
:: nudezza {f}, nudità {f}
Nalchik {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Nal'čik {m}
NAM {prop} (Non-Aligned Movement)
:: Movimento dei paesi non allineati
namaste {n} /ˈnʌməsteɪ/ (a greeting)
:: namaste, namasté, namastèe, namaskar
namaz {n} (prayer) SEE: prayer
namby-pamby {adj} (insipid and sentimental)
:: sdolcinato {m}, insipido {m}, insulso {m}
namby-pamby {adj} (lacking vigor or decisiveness)
:: smidollato {m}, mollaccione {m}, codardo {m}
namby-pamby {n} (one who is insipid, sentimental or weak)
:: sdolcinato {m}, mollaccione {m}, codardo {m}, femminuccia, mammoletta, pollo, merlo, smidollato, pappa molle, pappamolle, rammollito, fifone, mollusco, vigliacco, pusillanime, eunuco, debole {m}, pisciasotto, cacasotto, pauroso, vile, checca, ricchione
name {n} /neɪm/ (word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing)
:: nome {m}
name {n} (reputation, see also: reputation)
:: fama {f}, riputazione {f}
name {v} (to give a name to)
:: denominare
name {v} (to mention, specify)
:: nominare
name {v} (to identify, define, specify)
:: specificare
name {v} (to publicly implicate)
:: identificare
name {v} (to designate for a role)
:: nominare
name card {n} (business card) SEE: business card
name day {n} (feast day of a saint)
:: onomastico {m}
nameless {adj} (having no name)
:: innominato {m}
namely {adv} /ˈneɪmli/ (specifically)
:: cioè, ovvero, ovverosia
namesake {n} /ˈneɪmseɪk/ (person with the same name as another)
:: omonimo {m}
Namibia {prop} /nəˈmɪbi.ə/ (Republic of Namibia)
:: Namibia {f}
Namibian {n} (a person from Namibia or of Namibian descent)
:: namibiana {f}, namibiano {m}
Nan-ching {prop} (Nanjing) SEE: Nanjing
nancy {n} ((derogatory slang) effeminate male homosexual) SEE: fairy
Nanjing {prop} (Chinese city)
:: Nanchino {f}
nanny {n} /ˈnæni/ (child's nurse)
:: bambinaia {f}, babysitter, tata {f}
nanny {n} (female goat) SEE: nanny goat
nanny goat {n} (female goat)
:: capra {f}
nano- {prefix} /ˈnænoʊ/ (10-9)
:: nano-
nanoaggregate {n}
:: nanoaggregato {m}
nanoart {n}
:: nanoarte {f}
nanobiotechnological {adj} (of or relating to nanobiotechnology)
:: nanobiotecnologico
nanobiotechnology {n} (any of several forms of biotechnology employing devices on the nano scale)
:: nanobiotecnologia {f}
nanocandela {n}
:: nanocandela {f}
nanocar {n}
:: nanomacchina {f}
nanochemistry {n}
:: nanochimica {f}
nanocircuitry {n}
:: nanocircuiteria {f}
nanocomposite {n} (any composite material one or more of whose components is a nanoparticle)
:: nanocomposito {m}
nanocoulomb {n}
:: nanocoulomb {m}
nanocrystal {n} (nanometer sized crystal)
:: nanocristallo {m}
nanocurie {n}
:: nanocurie {m}
nanodiamond {n} (a nanoscale fragment of diamond)
:: nanodiamante {m}
nanodust {n}
:: nanopolvere {m}
nanoelectrode {n} (a nanoscale electrode)
:: nanoelettrodo {m}
nanoelectronic {adj} (describing any electronic device constructed on the nano scale)
:: nanoelettronico
nanoelectronics {n}
:: nanoelettronica {f}
nanofabrication {n}
:: nanofabbricazione {f}
nanofarad {n} (electrical unit)
:: nanofarad {m}
nanofiber {n}
:: nanofibra {f}
nanofiltration {n}
:: nanofiltrazione {f}
nanofluidics {n} (study of the behaviour of fluids confined in nanoscale structures)
:: nanofluidica {f}
nanofluidics {n} (design and fabrication of nanostructures containing the controlled movement of fluids)
:: nanofluidica {f}
nanofoam {n} (nanoscale foam)
:: nanoschiuma {f}
nanogeoscience {n}
:: nanogeoscienza {f}
nanogram {n}
:: nanogrammo {m}
nanoindentation {n} (an indentation test carried out at nanoscale)
:: nanoindentatura {f}, nanoindentazione {f}
nanoindenter {n}
:: nanoindentatore {m}
nanoionics {n}
:: nanoionica {f}
nanolithography {n} (the use of lithography to fabricate nanoscale patterns)
:: nanolitografia {f}
nanomachine {n}
:: nanomacchina {f}
nanomagnet {n}
:: nanomagnete {m}
nanomanipulation {n} (the manipulation of nanoscale objects using nanotechnology)
:: nanomanipolazione {f}
nanomaterial {n}
:: nanomateriale {m}
nanomechanics {n}
:: nanomeccanica {f}
nanomechatronics {n}
:: nanomeccatronica {f}
nanomelia {n}
:: nanomelia {f}
nanometer {n} (nanometre) SEE: nanometre
nanometre {n} (subunit of length)
:: nanometro {m}
nanometrology {n}
:: nanometrologia {f}
nanomotor {n}
:: nanomotore {m}
nanoparticle {n} (microscopic particle)
:: nanoparticella {f}
nanoparticulate {adj} (composed of nanoparticles)
:: nanoparticolato
nanopathology {n}
:: nanopatologia {f}
nanophotonic {adj} (of or pertaining to nanophotonics)
:: nanofotonico
nanophotonics {n}
:: nanofotonica {f}
nanopolymer {n}
:: nanopolimero {m}
nanoprocessor {n}
:: nanoprocessore {m}
nanori {n} (Japanese kanji readings for names)
:: nanori
nanorobotic {adj} (relating to nanorobotics)
:: nanorobotico
nanorobotics {n} (the science and technology of designing and manufacturing nanoscale machines, especially robotic machines)
:: nanorobotica {f}
nanoscopic {adj} (having a scale expressed in nanometers)
:: nanoscopico
nanoscopy {n} (the application of nanotechnology to the imaging of objects at nanoscale)
:: nanoscopia {f}
nanosecond {n} (measure of time)
:: nanosecondo {m}
nanotechnology {n} (science and technology of creating nanoparticles)
:: nanotecnologia
nanotoxicology {n} (the toxicology of nanoparticles)
:: nanotossicologia {f}
nanotribology {n} (the branch of tribology that studies friction at the nanoscale)
:: nanotribologia {f}
nanowire {n} (wire whose width is of the order of nanometers)
:: nanofilo {m}
nanoworld {n} (the sphere of influence of nanotechnology)
:: nanomondo {m}
Nanterre {prop} /nɑːnˈtɛə(ɹ)/ (city in Île-de-France)
:: Nanterre
Naomi {prop} /neɪˈoʊmi/ (Biblical character)
:: Noemi {f}, Naomi {f}
Naomi {prop} (female given name)
:: Noemi {f}, Naomi {f}
nap {n} /næp/
:: pisolino {m}, pennichella {f}, sonnellino {m}
nap {v} (to have a nap)
:: sonnecchiare, appisolarsi
nap {n} (a soft or fuzzy surface on fabric or leather)
:: pelucco {m}
nap {n} (card game)
:: napoleone {m}
Napaea {n}
:: napea {f}
nape {n} /neɪp/ (back part of the neck)
:: nuca {f}, coppa {f}
naphtha {n} /ˈnæfθə/ (naturally occurring liquid petroleum)
:: nafta {f}
naphtha {n} (liquid distilled from petroleum)
:: nafta {f}
naphthalene {n} (white crystalline hydrocarbon)
:: naftalina {f}
naphthalene {n} (aromatic bicyclic hydrocarbon)
:: naftalene {m}
naphthalic acid {n} (acid)
:: acido naftalico {m}
naphthene {n} (cycloalkane)
:: naftene {m}
naphthogenesis {n}
:: naftogenesi {f}
naphthyl {n}
:: naftile {f}
napkin {n} (diaper) SEE: diaper
napkin {n} (sanitary napkin) SEE: sanitary napkin
napkin {n} /ˈnæp.kɪn/ (serviette)
:: tovagliolo {m}, salvietta {f}
napkin ring {n} (ring holding napkin)
:: portatovagliolo {m}
Naples {prop} /ˈneɪ.pəlz/ (province in Italy)
:: Napoli {f}
Naples {prop} (city in Italy)
:: Napoli {f}
Naples yellow {n} (yellow pigment, lead(II) antimonate)
:: giallo Napoli {m}, giallo di Napoli {m}
Napoleon {prop} (Napoleon Bonaparte)
:: Napoleone
Napoleon {prop} (male given name)
:: Napoleone
Napoleonic {adj} (of or pertaining to Napoleon Bonaparte)
:: napoleonico
nappy {n} (diaper) SEE: diaper
narcissism {n} /ˈnɑɹsəˌsɪzm/ (excessive love of oneself)
:: narcisismo {m}
narcissist {n}
:: narcisista {m} {f}, narciso {m}
narcissus {n} /nɑɹˈsɪsəs/ (any of several bulbous flowering plants, of the genus Narcissus)
:: narciso {m}
Narcissus {prop} (mythical youth)
:: Narciso
narco- {prefix} (pertaining to stupor, sleep, or a state of unconsciousness)
:: narco-
narco- {prefix} (of or pertaining to narcotics or their trade and use)
:: narco-
narcoanalytic {adj}
:: narcoanalitico
narcoterrorism {n} (terrorism as a factor in narcotrafficking)
:: narcoterrorismo {m}
narcotherapy {n} (narcotic therapy)
:: narcoterapia {f}
narcotic {n} (class of drugs)
:: narcotico
narcotic {n} (numbing drug)
:: narcotico
narghile {n} (tobacoo pipe) SEE: hookah
Narnia {prop} /ˈnɑː(ɹ).ni.ə/ (a fictional land)
:: Narnia
narrate {v} /ˈnæɹeɪt/ (to relate a story)
:: raccontare, narrare
narrate {v}
:: narrare
narrative {n} /ˈnæɹətɪv/ (systematic recitation of an event)
:: descrizione {f}
narratology {n} (the study of narrative structure)
:: narratologia {f}
narrator {n} /ˈnæɹeɪtəɹ/ (in story)
:: narratore {m}, narratrice {f}
narrator {n} (in film and television)
:: narratore {m}, narratrice {f}
narrow {adj} /ˈnæɹoʊ/ (having small width)
:: stretto {m}, angusto
narrowing {n} (process)
:: imbuto {m}, strozzatura {f}, strettoia {f}, collo di bottiglia {f}
narrowly {adv} (by a narrow margin; closely)
:: da vicino, per un pelo, di misura
narrow-minded {adj} (having restricted or rigid views, and being unreceptive to new ideas)
:: ristretto
narthex {n} /ˈnɑɹθɛks/ (vestibule leading to the nave)
:: nartece {m}
Narva {prop} (City in Estonia)
:: Narva
narwhal {n} /ˈnɑɹʍəl/ (Arctic cetacean)
:: narvalo {m}
nasal {adj} /ˈneɪzəl/ (pertaining to the nose)
:: nasale
nasal {adj} (having a quality imparted by means of the nose)
:: nasale
nasal cavity {n} (air-filled space behind nose)
:: cavità nasali
nasal consonant {n} (nasal consonant)
:: consonante nasale {f}
nasalis {n} (muscle)
:: nasale {m}, musculo nasale {m}
nasality {n} (state or quality of being nasal)
:: nasalità {f}
nasalness {n} (quality of being nasal)
:: nasalità {f}
nasal septum {n} (septum in the nose)
:: setto {m}
nasal vowel {n} (nasal vowel)
:: vocale nasale {f}
nasard {n} (organ stop)
:: nasardo {m}
nase {n}
:: lasca {f}
Nash equilibrium {n} (set of choices of players' strategies)
:: equilibrio di Nash {m}
naso- {prefix} (relating to the nose)
:: naso-
Nassau {prop} /ˈnæsɔː/ (capital of the Bahamas)
:: Nassau {f}
nastic {adj} (relating to the response of a plant to a stimulus)
:: nastico
nasturtium {n} /nasˈtɜːʃəm/ (plant of the genus Tropaeolum)
:: nasturzio {m}
nasturtium {n}
:: nasturzio {m}, cappuccina {m}, tropeolo {m}
nasty {adj} /ˈnæs.ti/ (dirty, filthy)
:: sporco, sozzo, zozzo, lurido, lercio, laido
nasty {adj} (contemptible of a person)
:: spregevole, cattivo
nasty {adj} (indecent or offensive; obscene, lewd)
:: osceno, laido, indecente, lascivo, brutto
nasty {adj} (grave or dangerous)
:: pericoloso, insidioso, nocivo
Natalia {prop} (female given name) SEE: Natalie
Natalie {prop} (female given name)
:: Natalia
natation {n} /næ.teɪ.ʃən/
:: natazione {f}
Nathaniel {prop} /nəˈθæn.jəl/ (transliteration of the name)
:: Nataniele {m}
nation {n} /ˈneɪ.ʃən/ (community of people)
:: nazione {f}
nation {n} (sovereign state)
:: stato {m}, nazione {f}
nation {n} (association of students)
:: nation {f}
national {adj} /ˈnæʃ(ə)nəl/ (of or having to do with a nation)
:: nazionale
national academy {n} (coordinator of research on a national level)
:: accademia nazionale {f}
national anthem {n} (official song of a nation or country)
:: inno nazionale {m}
national archive {n} (place for storing materials relating to the history of a nation)
:: archivio nazionale {m}
nationalism {n} /ˈnæʃənəlɪzəm/ (idea of supporting one's country and culture)
:: nazionalismo {m}
nationalist {adj} (of or relating to nationalism)
:: nazionalista {m} {f}
nationalist {n} (advocate of nationalism)
:: nazionalista {m} {f}
nationalistic {adj} (of, relating to, or advocating nationalism) SEE: nationalist
nationality {n} /ˌnæ.ʃəˈnæl.ɪ.ti/ (membership of a nation or state)
:: nazionalità {f}
nationality {n} (nationalism) SEE: nationalism
nationality sign {n} (sign on an automobile)
:: sigle automobilistiche internazionali {m}
nationally {adv} (in a way relating to the whole nation)
:: nazionalmente
national service {n} (compulsory service in the armed forces)
:: servizio di leva {m}, leva {f}, naia {f}, ferma {f}
National Socialism {n} (ideology of Adolf Hitler's NSDAP)
:: nazionalsocialismo {m}
National Socialist {n} (Adherent of National Socialism)
:: nazionalsocialista {m} {f}
national sports team {n} (national sports team)
:: nazionale
nation of laws {n} (nation-state subject to rule of law)
:: stato di diritto {m}
nation-state {n} (nation state or nation-state)
:: Stato-nazione {m}
native {adj} /ˈneɪtɪv/ (belonging to one by birth)
:: nativo, natio {m}
native {adj} (characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning)
:: nativo, indigeno, autoctono, aborigeno
native {adj} (characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin)
:: nativo, oriundo
native {adj} (biology: which occurs of its own accord in a given locality)
:: endemico
native {adj} (computing: pertaining to a particular system)
:: nativo
native {n} (person who is native to a place)
:: indigeno {m}, aborigeno {m}
native {n} (native speaker) SEE: native speaker
native aluminium {n} (aluminium found in oxygen deficient environments)
:: alluminio nativo
Native American {adj} (of the American Indians) SEE: Indian
native language {n} (one's first language learned in childhood) SEE: mother tongue
native speaker {n} (person who grew up with a particular language as their mother tongue)
:: madrelingua {m} {f}
nativity {n} /nəˈtɪvɪti/ (birth)
:: natività {f}
nativity {n} (Nativity) SEE: Nativity
Nativity {prop} (birth of Jesus)
:: Natività {f}
nativity play {n} (the production/performance)
:: presepio {m}
nativity scene {n} (nativity scene)
:: presepe {m}, presepio {m}
NATO {prop} /ˈneɪ.toʊ/ (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
:: NATO, N.A.T.O.
natremia {n} (presence of sodium ions in the blood)
:: natriemia {f}
natriuresis {n} /ˌneɪ.tɹɪ.jʊ(ə)ˈɹiː.sɪs/ (high levels of sodium in urine)
:: natriuresi, sodiuria
natrolite {n} (mineral)
:: natrolite {f}
natural {adj} /ˈnætʃəɹəl/ (relating to nature)
:: naturale
natural {adj} (without additives)
:: naturale
natural {adj} (as expected)
:: naturale
natural {n} (musical note, symbol)
:: bequadro {m}
natural child {n} (child born to unmarried parents)
:: figlio illegittimo {m}
natural disaster {n} (natural phenomenon)
:: disastro naturale {m}
natural disaster {n} (emergency situation)
:: disastro naturale {m}
natural fiber {n} (fiber which is obtained naturally)
:: fibra naturale {f}
natural gas {n} (mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons associated with petroleum deposits)
:: gas naturale {m}
naturalism {n} (a state of nature; conformity to nature)
:: naturalismo {m}
naturalize {v} (to acclimatize an animal or plant) SEE: acclimatize
natural language {n} (human language developed naturally)
:: linguaggio naturale {m}
natural language processing {n} (field concerning interaction with computers using natural languages)
:: elaborazione del linguaggio naturale {f}
natural law {n} (An ethical theory)
:: giusnaturalismo {m}
natural law {n} (A generally accepted concept of the philosophical system of legal and moral principles)
:: giusnaturalismo {m}
naturally {adv} /ˈnætʃ(ə)ɹəli/ (in a natural manner)
:: naturalmente
naturally {adv} (inherently or by nature)
:: naturalmente
naturally {adv} (surely)
:: naturalmente
naturalness {n} (state or quality of being natural)
:: naturalità {f}, naturalezza {f}
natural number {n} (positive integer or non-negative integer)
:: numero naturale {m}
natural numbers {n} (number theory)
:: numero naturale {m}
natural preserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve
natural reserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve
natural resource {n} (source of wealth that occurs naturally)
:: risorsa naturale {f}
natural science {n} (science involved in studying phenomena or laws of the physical world)
:: scienza della natura {f}
natural scientist {n} (scientist dedicated to natural science)
:: naturalista {m}
natural selection {n} (natural selection)
:: selezione naturale {f}
natural trumpet {n} (valveless brass instrument)
:: clarino {m}
nature {n} /ˈneɪtʃɚ/ (the natural world)
:: natura {f}
nature {n} (essential characteristics)
:: natura {f}
nature {n} (primitive state of being)
:: natura {f}
nature {n} (everything related to biological and geographical states)
:: natura {f}
nature preserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve
nature reserve {n} (area managed to conserve natural features)
:: area naturale protetta {f}, riserva naturale {f}
nature's scythe {n} (penis) SEE: penis
naturism {n} /ˈneɪ.tʃəɹˌɪz.əm/ (the belief in or practice of going nude or unclad)
:: naturismo {m}
naturist {n} (one who prefers to live without clothes, often for reasons of health)
:: naturista
naturopath {n} (practitioner of naturopathy)
:: naturopata {m} {f}
naughty {adj} /ˈnɔti/ (bad; tending to misbehave or act badly)
:: birichino, furbetto, malizioso
naughty {adj} (risqué, sexually suggestive)
:: provocante, osceno
naumachia {n} (recreation of sea battles in Ancient Rome)
:: naumachia {f}
Naupactus {prop} (Greek town)
:: Lepanto
nauplius {n} /ˈnɔː.plɪ.əs/ (crustacean larva)
:: nauplio {m}
Nauru {prop} /nɑːˈuː.ɹuː/ (Republic of Nauru)
:: Nauru
nausea {n} /ˈnɔzi.ə/ (feeling of physical unwellness, usually with the desire to vomit)
:: nausea {f}
nausea {n} (strong dislike or disgust)
:: nausea {f}
nausea {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness
Nausicaa {prop} /nɔːˈsɪkeɪə/ (princess in the Odyssey)
:: Nausicaa {f}
nautical {adj} /ˈnɔːtɪkl̩/ (relating to ships, shipping, navigation, and seamen)
:: nautico
nautical mile {n} (nautical: a unit of measure equal to 1852 metres)
:: miglio nautico {m} (miglia nautiche {f-p}), miglio marino {m} (miglia marine {f-p})
Navajo {prop} /ˈnæv.ə.həʊ/ (language)
:: navajo {m}
naval {adj} /ˈneɪvəl/ (of or relating to a navy)
:: navale
naval {adj} (of or relating to ships)
:: navale, nautico
naval infantry {n} (marine corps)
:: fanteria di marina {f}
navalism {n} (naval militarism)
:: navalismo {m}
navalistic {adj}
:: navalistico
Navarran {adj} (Navarrese) SEE: Navarrese
Navarran {n} (Navarrese) SEE: Navarrese
Navarre {prop} /nəˈvɑː(ɹ)/ (autonomous community of Spain)
:: Navarra
Navarrese {adj} /ˌnævəˈɹiːz/ (from Navarre)
:: navarrese
nave {n} /neɪv/ (the middle or body of a church)
:: navata
nave {n} (hub of a wheel)
:: mozzo {m}
navel {n} /ˈneɪvəl/ (remnant of umbilical cord)
:: ombelico {m}, (unusual) onfalo {m}
navicular {adj} (Shaped like a boat)
:: navicolare
navigability {n} (state of being navigable)
:: navigabilità {f}
navigation {n} (canal) SEE: canal
navigation {n} /nævɪˈɡeɪʃən/ (theory, practice and technology of charting a course for a ship, aircraft or spaceship)
:: nautica {f}
navigation {n} (traffic or travel by vessel)
:: navigazione {f}
navigational chart {n} (map of a maritime area)
:: carta nautica {f}
navigator {n} (officer who navigates)
:: navigante {m}, marinaio {m}, marittimo {m}, navigatore {m}
navigator {n} (sea explorer)
:: navigatore {m}
navvy {n} (laborer)
:: manovale {m}
navy {n} /ˈneɪvi/ (sea force)
:: marina {f}, marina militare {f}
Naxos {prop} (an island in Greece)
:: Nasso {f}
nay {adv} /neɪ/ (or rather)
:: anzi, o per meglio dire
Naypyidaw {prop} /ˈneɪpjɪˌdɔː/ (capital of Burma)
:: Naypyidaw
Nay Pyi Taw {prop} (Naypyidaw) SEE: Naypyidaw
Nazareth {prop} /ˈnæzəɹəθ/ (a city in northern Israel)
:: Nazaret {f}
nazi {adj} (Nazi) SEE: Nazi
nazi {n} (Nazi) SEE: Nazi
Nazi {n} /ˈnɑːtsi/ (member of the Nazi party)
:: nazista {m} {f}
Nazi {adj} (pertaining to the Nazi Party or Nazism)
:: nazista
Nazianzus {prop} /ˌnæzɪˈænzəs/ (Town in the region of Cappadocia)
:: Nazianzo {f}
Nazification {n}
:: nazificazione {f}
Nazism {prop} /ˈnɑːtsɪzəm/ (the ideology of Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP)
:: nazismo {m}
nduja {n} /(ə)nˈduːjə/ (spicy spreadable sausage from Calabria)
:: 'nduja {f}
née {adj} /neɪ/ (used to indicate maiden name of a woman)
:: nata {f}
Neapolitan {adj} /ˌniːəˈpɒlɪtən/ (pertaining to Naples)
:: napoletano, partenopeo
Neapolitan {n} (inhabitant or resident of Naples)
:: napoletano {m}, napoletana {f}, partenopeo {m}, partenopea {f}
Neapolitan {prop} (language of Naples, Italy)
:: napoletano {m}
near {adj} /nɪɹ/ (physically close)
:: vicino
near {adj}
:: prossimo
near {adv} (at or towards a position close in space or time)
:: circa
near {prep} (in close proximity to)
:: vicino a
near {v} (come closer to)
:: avvicinare
near {adj} (stingy) SEE: stingy
near {adv} (nearly) SEE: nearly
nearby {adj} (adjacent)
:: accanto
nearby {adv} (close to)
:: vicino (a)
Nearctic {adj} (relating to the Neartcic ecozone)
:: neoartico
nearly {adv} /ˈnɪɹli/ (almost, but not quite)
:: quasi, praticamente, circa
near miss {n}
:: per un pelo
nearness {n} (proximity) SEE: proximity
nearsightedness {n} (property of being nearsighted)
:: miopia {f}
neat {n} (cattle) SEE: cattle
neat {adj} /niːt/ (tidy, free from dirt)
:: pulito
neat {adj} (chemistry: with no solvent or cosolvent)
:: puro
neat {adj} (having a simple elegance or style; clean, trim, tidy, tasteful)
:: ordinato
neatness {n} (the state of being neat)
:: pulizia {f}
Nebraska {prop} /nəˈbɹæskə/ (US state)
:: Nebraska {m}
nebris {n} /ˈnɛbɹɪs/
:: nebride {f}
Nebuchadnezzar {prop} /ˌnɛbəkədˈnɛzɚ/ (a ruler of Babylon)
:: Nabucodonosor
nebula {n} /ˈnɛbjʊlə/ (a space cloud)
:: nebulosa {f}
nebulosity {n} (cloudiness) SEE: cloudiness
nebulosity {n} (the characteristic of being nebulous)
:: nebulosità {f}
necessarily {adv} /ˌnɛsəˈsɛɹəli/ (of necessity)
:: necessariamente, a tutti i costi, di riffa o di raffa, volente o nolente, per forza
necessary {adj} /ˈnɛsəˌsɛɹi/ (needed, required)
:: necessario
necessary {adj} (such as must be)
:: necessario
necessitate {v} /nɪˈsɛsɪteɪt/ (to make necessary; require something to be brought about)
:: necessitare
necessity {n} /nɪˈsɛsəti/ (quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite)
:: necessità {f}
necessity {n}
:: necessità
necessity is the mother of innovation {proverb} (necessity is the mother of invention) SEE: necessity is the mother of invention
necessity is the mother of invention {proverb} (a person in need will find a way)
:: il bisogno aguzza l'ingegno, di necessità virtù
neck {n} /nɛk/ (part of body connecting the head and the trunk)
:: collo {m}
neck {n} (part of a shirt, dress etc.)
:: collo {m}
neck {n} (tapered part of a bottle)
:: collo {m}
neck {v} (hang by the neck; strangle; kill)
:: strangolare, appendere per il collo, impiccare
neck {v} (make love)
:: pomiciare, limonare, slinguare, fare l'amore
neck {n} (folklore: shapeshifting water spirit) SEE: nix
neckerchief {n} (type of scarf)
:: cravatta {f}, fazzoletto da collo {m}, foulard {m}, fazzoletto {m}
necklace {n} /ˈnɛkləs/ (jewelry)
:: collana {f}, girocollo {m}
necklet {n} (necklace) SEE: necklace
necktie {n} /ˈnɛk.taɪ/ (strip of cloth worn around the neck and tied in the front)
:: cravatta {f}
necro- {prefix} /ˈnɛkɹəʊ/ (related to death)
:: necro-
necrobiotic {adj}
:: necrobiotico
necrocracy {n} /nɛˈkɹɒkɹəsi/ (government that still operates under the rules of a former, dead leader)
:: necrocrazia {f}
necrohormone {n}
:: necrormone {m}
necrology {n} /nɛˈkɹɒlədʒi/ (listing of people who have died)
:: necrologia {f}
necromancer {n} /ˈnekɹə(ʊ)ˌmænsə/ (person who practices necromancy)
:: negromante
necromancy {n} /ˈnɛkɹəˌmænsi/ (divination involving the dead)
:: negromanzia {f}
necromantic {adj} (of necromancy)
:: negromantesco
necrophage {n} (organism)
:: necrofago {m}
necrophagia {n} (all senses)
:: necrofagia {f}
necrophagic {adj}
:: necrofagico
necrophagy {n} /nɛˈkɹɒfəd͡ʒi/ (eating of dead or decaying animal flesh)
:: necrofagia {f}
necrophile {n} /ˈnɛkɹəʊ̆faɪl/ (one who is subject to necrophilia)
:: necrofilo {m}
necrophilia {n} /nɛkɹoʊˈfɪli.ə/ (pathological attraction to dead bodies)
:: necrofilia {f}
necrophilia {n} (pathological fascination with death)
:: necrofilia {f}
necrophobe {n} (a person who has a morbid fear of death)
:: necrofobo {m}
necrophobia {n} (fear of death or corpses)
:: necrofobia
necrophobic {adj} (relating to necrophobia)
:: necrofobico
necrophyte {n}
:: necrofito {m}
necropolis {n} /nɛˈkɹɒpəlɪs/ (cemetery)
:: necropoli {f}
necrosis {n} (localized death of cells or tissue)
:: necrosi
necrotic {adj} (of or pertaining to necrosis)
:: necrotico
necrotrophic {adj} (nutrition)
:: necrotrofo
necrotrophy {n} (nutrition)
:: necrotrofia {f}, necrotrofismo {m}
nectar {n} /ˈnɛk.təɹ/ (drink of the gods)
:: nettare {m}
nectar {n} (sweet liquid secreted by flowers)
:: nettare {m}
nectar {n} (any delicious drink)
:: nettare {m}
nectar {n}
:: [1,2,3] nettare {m}
nectarine {n} /ˈnɛk.tə.ɹin/ (fruit)
:: nettarina {f}, pesca noce {f}
nectary {n} (gland that secretes nectar)
:: nettario {m}
nectin {n} (protein)
:: nectina {f}
need {n} /niːd/ (something required)
:: bisogno {m}, necessità {f}
need {v} (to have an absolute requirement for)
:: aver bisogno di
need {v} (to be obliged to)
:: essere obbligato a , necessitare
needle {n} /ˈniː.dl/ (implement for sewing etc.)
:: ago {m}
needle {n} (indicating device)
:: lancetta {f}
needle {n} (sensor phonograph stylus)
:: puntina {f}
needle {n} (leaf of conifer)
:: ago {m}
needle {v} (to pierce with a needle)
:: punzonare
needle {v} (to tease in order to provoke)
:: punzecchiare
needlecase {n} (case for keeping needles)
:: agoraio {m}
needle in a haystack {n} (idiomatic)
:: ago in un pagliaio {m}
needle lace {n} (form of lace)
:: merletto {m}, pizzo {m}, trina {f}
needlenose pliers {n} (a variety of pliers with long, narrow extensions)
:: pinza a becchi lunghi
needlepoint {n} (craft)
:: ricamo {m}
needle valve {n} (valve type)
:: valvola a spillo {f}
needlewoman {n} (a woman who works with a needle)
:: cucitrice {f}
needs {adv} (necessarily) SEE: necessarily
needy {adj} /ˈniːdi/ (in need, poor)
:: povero, indigente, bisognoso
ne'er cast a clout til May be out {proverb} (advice not to change from winter clothes)
:: aprile, non ti scoprire; maggio, adagio adagio; giugno, allarga il pugno
ne'er-do-well {n} (good-for-nothing) SEE: good-for-nothing
NEET {n} (person not in employment, education or training)
:: né-né
nefandous {adj} /nəˈfændəs/ (unspeakable, appalling)
:: nefando
nefarious {adj} /nɛˈfɛəɹi.əs/ (sinful, villainous, criminal, or wicked, especially when noteworthy or notorious for such characteristics)
:: nefasto, scellerato, diabolico, infernale, sinistro
negation {n} /nəˈɡeɪʃən/
:: negazione {f}
negationism {n} (denialism) SEE: denialism
negative {adj} /ˈnɛɡətɪv/ (not positive or neutral)
:: negativo
negative {adj} (of electrical charge)
:: negativo
negative {n} (photography)
:: negativo {m}, negativa {f}
negative {n} (grammar: word that indicates negation)
:: negativa {f}
negative {n} (mathematics: negative quantity)
:: negativo {m}
negatively {adv} (in a negative manner)
:: negativamente
negativism {n}
:: negativismo {m}
negativization {n} (process by which a seropositive person becomes seronegative)
:: negativizzazione {f}
Negev {prop} /ˈnɛɡɛv/ (a desert in southern Israel)
:: Negev {m}
neglect {v} /nɪˈɡlɛkt/ (disregard)
:: tralasciare
neglect {v} (fail to care for)
:: mancare, negligere, omettere, ignorare
neglect {n} (act of neglecting)
:: negligenza {f}
neglected {adj} /nɪˈɡlɛktɪd/ (suffering from neglect)
:: negletto, abbandonato
neglectful {adj} (tending to neglect)
:: negligente
negligence {n} (failure to exercise a standard of care (law))
:: negligenza {f}
negligent {adj} (careless) SEE: careless
negligent {adj} /ˈnɛɡ.lɪ.dʒənt/ (culpable due to negligence)
:: negligente
negligently {adv} (in a negligent manner)
:: negligentemente
negligible {adj} (able to be ignored or excluded)
:: insignificante, trascurabile
negotiability {n} (state of being negotiable)
:: negoziabilità {f}
negotiable {adj} /nɪˈɡoʊʃi.əbəl/ (open to negotiation or bargaining)
:: negoziabile
negotiable instrument {n} (legal document)
:: effetto negoziabile {m}, effetto di commercio {m}
negotiate {v} /nəˈɡoʊ.ʃi.eɪt/ (confer to reach an agreement (intransitive))
:: negoziare
negotiation {n} /nɪˌɡoʊʃiˈeɪʃən/ (process of achieving agreement)
:: negoziato {m}, negoziazione {f}
negotiator {n} /nɪˈɡoʊ.ʃi.eɪ.tɚ/ (One who negotiates)
:: negoziatore {m}, negoziatrice {f}
negress {n} /ˈniːɡɹɪs/ (A black female)
:: nera {f}, negra {f}
negritude {n} /ˈnɛɡɹɪtjuːd/
:: negritudine {f}
negro {n} (Negro) SEE: Negro
Negro {n} /ˈniːɡɹoʊ/ (person with dark skin)
:: nero {m}, nera {f}, negro {m}
negroni {n} /nəˈɡɹoʊni/ (cocktail made from gin, Campari and vermouth)
:: negroni {m}
Negros {prop} (island)
:: Isola di Negros
negus {n} /ˈniːɡəs/ (supreme Ethiopian ruler)
:: negus {m}
Nehemiah {prop} /ˌniː(h)əˈmaɪə/ (book of the Bible)
:: Neemia {m}
Nehemiah {prop} (male given name)
:: Neemia {m}
neigh {n} /neɪ/ (the cry of a horse)
:: nitrito {m}
neigh {v} ((of a horse) to make its cry)
:: nitrire
neigh {v} (to make a sound similar to a horses' cry)
:: nitrire
neigh {v}
:: nitrire
neighborhood {n} /ˈneɪbɚˌhʊd/ (largely obsolete: quality of being a neighbor)
:: vicinato {m}
neighborhood {n} (nearby area)
:: vicinato {m}, quartiere {m}
neighborhood {n} (inhabitants of a residential area)
:: vicinato {m}
neighborhood {n} (division of a municipality or region)
:: quartiere {m}
neighborhood {n} (quality of physical proximity)
:: vicinanza {f}
neighborhood {n} (topology: set containing an open subset containing some specified point)
:: intorno {m}
neighborhood {n}
:: quartiere {m}
neighboring {adj} /ˈneɪbəɹɪŋ/ (Situated or living nearby or adjacent to)
:: confinante, contiguo, vicino, finitimo, limitrofo
neighbour {n} /ˈneɪbɚ/ (a person living on adjacent or nearby land)
:: vicino {m}, vicina {f}
neighbour {n} (fellow human)
:: prossimo {m}
neighbourly {adj} (friendly)
:: amichevole, cordiale, gentile
Nei Mongol {prop} (Inner Mongolia) SEE: Inner Mongolia
neither {determiner} /ˈnaɪð.ə(ɹ)/ (not one of two; not either)
:: nessuno
neither {pron} (not either one)
:: nessuno
neither {conj} (not either (used with nor): neither X nor Y)
:: né X né Y
neither {conj}
:: neanche, nemmeno, neppure, manco
neither {adv} (similarly not)
:: né
neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring {phrase} (unsuitable for anything or anybody)
:: né carne né pesce
neither fish nor fowl {n} (something or someone not easily categorized; something that does not fit in a group or situation)
:: né carne né pesce
neither … nor {conj} (used for showing that something is not true of two or more people, things, actions, qualities, or ideas)
:: né … né
nekton {n} (organisms in the ocean)
:: necton {m}
nematic {adj}
:: nematico
nematode {n} /ˈnɛm.ət.əʊd/ (small invertebrate animal)
:: nematode {m}
Nemean Lion {prop} /ˌnimi.ən ˈlai.ən/ (mythical lion of Nemea)
:: leone Nemeo {m}, leone di Nemea {m}
nemesis {n} (archenemy) SEE: archenemy
Nenets {prop} (language)
:: lingua neneziana
neo- {prefix} /ˈnioʊ/ (new)
:: neo-
neo- {prefix} (contemporary)
:: neo-
neoantigen {n}
:: neoantigene {m}
Neo-Attic {adj}
:: neoattico
neocolonialism {n} (colonial linguistic expression)
:: neocolonialismo {m}
neocortex {n} (part of mammal brain)
:: neocorteccia {f}
neocortical {adj} (pertaining to the neocortex)
:: neocorticale
neocriticism {n}
:: neocriticismo {m}
neocriticist {n}
:: neocriticista {m} {f}
neodymium {n} /ˌniː.oʊˈdɪmiəm/ (chemical element)
:: neodimio {m}
neofascism {n} (right-wing political movement)
:: neofascismo {m}
neofascist {adj} (of or pertaining to neofascism)
:: neofascista {m} {f}
neofascist {n} (a follower of neofascism)
:: neofascista {m} {f}
neoformed {adj} (newly-formed)
:: neoformato
neogothic {adj}
:: neogotico {m}
neoguelphism {n} (Italian movement)
:: neoguelfismo
neo-historicism {n}
:: neostoricismo {m}
neoidealist {n}
:: neoidealista {m} {f}
neokorate {n}
:: neocoria {f}
neokoros {n}
:: neocoro {m}
neoliberalism {n} (political ideology)
:: neoliberismo {m}
Neolithic {prop} /ˌni.oʊˈlɪθ.ɪk/ (the New Stone Age)
:: neolitico {m}
neologically {adv} (in a neological manner)
:: neologicamente
neologism {n} /niːˈɒlədʒɪzəm/ (recently coined word)
:: neologismo {m}
neon {n} /ˈni.ɒn/ (element)
:: neon {m}, neo {m}
neonatal {adj} (of or pertaining to the time immediately birth)
:: neonatale
neonate {n} (newborn infant) SEE: newborn
neonatology {n} /ˌniːəʊnəˈtɒlədʒi/ (branch of medicine that deals with newborn infants)
:: neonatologia {f}
neo-Nazi {n} /ˌnioʊˈnɑːtsi/ (person who believes in a Nazi ideology)
:: neonazista {m} {f}
neo-Nazi {n} (insult: person with right-wing views)
:: neonazista
neo-Nazism {n} (the ideology held by neo-Nazis)
:: neonazismo {m}
neon lamp {n} (small gas discharge lamp)
:: lampada al neon {f}
neophilia {n} /niːəˈfɪ.li.ə/ (love of new things)
:: neofilia {f}
neophobia {n} /niːəˈfəʊbɪə/ (fear of new things)
:: neofobia {f}
neophyte {n} /ˈni.əˌfaɪt/ (beginner)
:: neofita {m} {f}
neophyte {n} (novice (recent convert))
:: neofita {m} {f}
neoplasm {n} /ˈniːoʊˌplæzəm/ (abnormal new growth of disorganized tissue)
:: neoplasma {m}
neoplastic {adj} (relating to neoplasm)
:: neoplastico
Neoplatonic {adj} (of or pertaining to Neoplatonism)
:: neoplatonico
Neoplatonism {prop} (school of philosophy)
:: neoplatonismo {m}
neoprene {n} /ˈniɵpɹin/ (synthetic rubber, a polymer of chloroprene, used in various consumer products)
:: neoprene {m}
neorealism {n} (movement in art)
:: neorealismo {m}
neorealistic {adj} (pertaining to neorealism)
:: neorealistico
neo-Ricardian {adj}
:: neoricardiano {m}
neo-romantic {adj}
:: neoromantico
neo-romanticism {n}
:: neoromanticismo {m}
neoteny {n} /niˈɑːtəni/ (retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult)
:: neotenia {f}
neoteny {n} (sexual maturity of an organism still in its larval stage)
:: neotenia {f}
neo-testamentary {adj}
:: neotestamentario
neo-Thomism {n}
:: neotomismo {m}
neoytterbia {n} (former name of ytterbium)
:: neoitterbio {m}
Nepal {prop} /nəˈpɔːl/ (Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal)
:: Nepal {m}
Nepalese {adj} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali
Nepalese {n} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali
Nepalese {prop} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali
Nepali {n} /nəˈpɔːli/ (person)
:: nepalese
nepheline {n} (feldspathoid mineral)
:: nefelina {f}
nephelopia {n}
:: nefelopia {f}
nephew {n} /ˈnɛf.ju/ (fraternal or sororal nephew, see also: fraternal nephew; sororal nephew)
:: nipote {m}
nephling {n} (nephew or niece) SEE: nibling
nephology {n} /nɪˈfɒlədʒi/ (branch of meteorology)
:: nefologia {f}
nephoscopy {n}
:: nefoscopia {f}
nephralgia {n} (pain in the kidneys)
:: nefralgia {f}
nephrectomy {n} (the surgical removal of a kidney)
:: nefrectomia {f}
nephridium {n} (biology: a tubular excretory organ in some invertebrates)
:: nefridio {m}
nephridium {n}
:: nefridio {m}
nephrite {n} (semi-precious stone)
:: nefrite {f}
nephritis {n} (inflammation of the kidney)
:: nefrite {f}
nephro- {prefix} (of or relating to the kidneys)
:: nefro-
nephrocarcinoma {n}
:: nefrocarcinoma {m}
nephrogenic {adj} (that forms the tissues of the kidney)
:: nefrogenico
nephrolith {n} (kidney stone) SEE: kidney stone
nephrologist {n} (physician)
:: nefrologo {m}
nephrology {n} (branch of medicine that deals with the kidneys)
:: nefrologia {f}
nephron {n} (basic structural and functional unit of the kidney)
:: nefrone {m}
nephropexy {n}
:: nefropessi {f}
nephroplegia {n}
:: nefroplegia {f}
nephrorrhaphy {n}
:: nefrorrafia {f}
nephrosic {adj} (of or pertaining to nephrosis)
:: nefrosico
nepotism {n} /ˈnɛp.ə.tɪ.zəm/ (favoring of relatives or personal friends)
:: nepotismo {m}
Neptune {prop} /ˈnɛptuːn/ (eighth planet of the solar system)
:: Nettuno {m}
Neptune {prop} (Roman god of the ocean)
:: Nettuno {m}
Neptunian {adj} /nɛpˈtjuː.nɪ.ən/ (of or pertaining to the Roman god Neptune)
:: nettunio [literary, poetic]
Neptunian {adj} (of or pertaining to water or the sea)
:: nettunio [literary, poetic]
Neptunian {adj} (formed by the action of water)
:: nettunico
Neptunian {adj} (of, pertaining to, or supporting Neptunism)
:: nettuniano
Neptunian {n} (proponent of Neptunism)
:: nettunista {m} {f}
Neptunian {adj} (of or pertaining to the planet Neptune)
:: nettunense, nettuniano
neptunium {n} /nɛpˈtuːniəm/ (chemical element)
:: nettunio {m}
nerd {n} /nɝːd/ (intellectual, skillful person, generally introverted)
:: secchione {m}
neritic {adj}
:: neritico
Nero {prop} /ˈnɪəɹəʊ/ (Roman Emperor from 54 to 68)
:: Nerone {m}
neroli {n} /ˈnɪəɹəli/ (essential oil obtained from the blossom of the bitter orange)
:: neroli, nerola [obsolete]
nerve {n} /nɝv/ (bundle of neurons)
:: nervo {m}
nerve {n} ((botany) vein; grain in wood)
:: nervo {m}, nervatura {f}
nerve {n} (courage)
:: coraggio {m}
nerve {n} (patience)
:: pazienza
nerve {n} (audacity)
:: faccia tosta {f}, sfacciataggine {f}
nerve {n} (agitation caused by a negative emotion)
:: nervi {m}
nerve {v} (strengthen) SEE: strengthen
nerve {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage
nerve agent {n} (weapon of mass destruction) SEE: nerve gas
nerve fibre {n} (axon) SEE: axon
nerve gas {n} (weapon of mass destruction)
:: gas nervino {m}
nervosity {n} (nervousness) SEE: nervousness
nervous {adj} /ˈnɜːvəs/ (easily agitated or alarmed)
:: nervoso
nervous {adj} (apprehensive, anxious)
:: nervoso
nervous {adj} (relating to the nerves)
:: nervoso
nervously {adv} (in a nervous manner)
:: nervosamente
nervousness {n} (state or quality of being nervous)
:: nervosismo {m}
nervous system {n} (system which coordinates the activity of the body)
:: sistema nervoso {m}
nesonym {n} (toponym of an island)
:: nesonimo {m}
-ness {suffix} /nəs/ (appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being...", "the quality of being...", or "the measure of being...")
:: -ità, -ezza
nest {n} /nɛst/ (bird-built structure)
:: nido {m}
nest {n} (place for depositing eggs)
:: nido {m}
nest {n} (snug residence)
:: nido {m}
nest {n} (retreat)
:: nido {m}
nest {n} (hideout)
:: nido {m}
nest {v} (to build or settle into a nest)
:: annidarsi
nest box {n} (birdhouse) SEE: birdhouse
nest egg {n} (egg placed in a bird's nest)
:: uovo per nido, nidiandolo {m}, endice {m}
nest egg {n} (savings)
:: gruzzolo {m}, risparmio {m}
nestle {v} /ˈnɛsəl/ (to settle oneself comfortably and snugly)
:: accomodarsi
Nestorian {adj} (related to the teachings of Nestorius)
:: nestoriano {m}
Nestorian {n} (A member of a "Nestorian" church)
:: nestoriano {m}, nestoriana {f}
Nestorianism {n} (The religious beliefs of the followers of Nestorius)
:: nestorianesimo
net {n} /nɛt/ (mesh of string, cord or rope)
:: rete {f}
net {n} (device for catching fish, butterflies etc.)
:: rete {f}, retino {m}
net {n} (anything that has the appearance of a net)
:: rete {f}
net {n} (figurative: trap)
:: rete {f}
net {n} (interconnecting system)
:: rete {f}
net {v} (catch by means of a net)
:: impigliare in una rete , intrappolare con una rete , irretire
net {adj} (remaining after expenses or deductions)
:: netto
net {adj} (final)
:: finale
nether {adj} /nɛð.ɚ/ (lower)
:: inferiore
nether {adj} (beneath the earth's surface)
:: sotterraneo
Netherlandic {prop} (Dutch) SEE: Dutch
Netherlandish {prop} (Dutch) SEE: Dutch
Netherlands {prop} /ˈnɛðələndz/ (country in northwestern Europe, see also: Holland)
:: Paesi Bassi {m-p}, Olanda {f}
Netherlands {adj} (pertaining to the Netherlands)
:: olandese
Netherlands Antilles {prop} (former autonomous territory)
:: Antille olandesi {p}
netizen {n} (member of Internet community)
:: internauta {f}
nettle {n} /ˈnɛt(ə)l/ (stinging herb of genus Urtica)
:: ortica {f}
nettle-rash {n} (itchy areas of the skin) SEE: urticaria
nettlesome {adj} (causing irritation)
:: urticante
network {n} /nɛtwɝk/ (fabric or structure of fibrous elements)
:: rete {f}, reti {f-p}
network {n} (interconnected group or system)
:: rete {f}
network {n} (multiple computers and other devices connected together)
:: rete {f}
network {v} (interact socially)
:: socializzare
Neuchâtel {prop} /ˌnɜːʃɑːˈtɛl/ (canton)
:: Neuchâtel
neumatic {adj} (written using neumes)
:: neumatico
neume {n} /n(j)um/ (sign used in early musical notation)
:: neuma {f}
neural {adj} /ˈnʊɹəl/ (of or relating to the nerves)
:: neurale
neuralgia {n} (nerve pain)
:: nevralgia {f}
neuralization {n}
:: neuralizzazione {f}
neurasthenic {adj} /ˌnʊɹəsˈθɛnɪk/ (pertaining to neurasthenia)
:: nevrastenico
neuro- {prefix} /ˈn(j)ʊɹoʊ/ (relating to nerves or the nervous system)
:: neuro-
neuroanastomosis {n}
:: neuroanastomosi {f}
neuroanatomy {n} /njʊəɹəʊəˈnatəmi/ (the anatomy of the nervous system)
:: neuroanatomia {f}
neuroballistic {adj}
:: neurobalistico
neurobiologism {n}
:: neurobiologismo {m}
neuroblast {n} (embryonic cell that develops into a nerve cell)
:: neuroblasto {m}
neuroblastoma {n} (form of cancer)
:: neuroblastoma {m}
neurochemist {n} (professional in the field of neurochemistry)
:: neurochimico {m}, neurochimica {f}
neurocranium {n} (anatomy: the part of the skull that encloses the brain)
:: neurocranio {m}
neurodynia {n}
:: neurodinia {f}
neuroepithelial {adj} (of or relating to the neuroepithelium)
:: neuroepiteliale
neuroglycopenia {n} (shortage of glucose in the brain)
:: neuroglicopenia {f}
neurohormone {n} (hormone that stimulates the nervous system)
:: neurormone {m}
neurohypophysis {n} (posterior lobe of the pituitary gland)
:: neuroipofisi {f}
neuroimmunological {adj} (of or pertaining to neuroimmunology)
:: neuroimmunologico
neuroleptic {n} (pharmacology: an antipsychotic drug)
:: neurolettico {m}
neuroleptic {adj} (pharmacology: having antipsychotic properties)
:: neurolettico
neurological {adj} (dealing with the study of the brain)
:: immunologico
neurologically {adv} (with regard to neurology)
:: neurologicamente
neurologist {n} (doctor or scientist who practices or specializes in neurology)
:: neurologo {m}, neurologa {f}
neurology {n} /n(j)uˈɹɒlədʒi/ (branch of medicine that deals with the nervous system and its disorders)
:: neurologia {f}
neuroma {n} (tumor composed of nerve cells)
:: neuroma {m}
neuronal {adj} (of, or relating to a neuron)
:: neuronale
neuro-oncology {n} (study of brain neoplasms)
:: neurooncologia
neuropathic {adj} (of, or relating to neuropathy)
:: neuropatico, neurolabile
neuropathology {n} (pathology of the nervous system)
:: neuropatologia {f}
neuropeptide {n} (peptide that function as a neurotransmitter)
:: neuropeptide {m}
neurophysiologist {n} (a scientist who studies neurophysiology)
:: neurofisiologo {m}
neurophysiology {n} (branch of physiology that deals with the nervous system)
:: neurofisiologia {f}
neurophysiopathologist {n}
:: neurofisiopatologo {m}
neurophysiopathology {n} (physiopathology of the nervous system)
:: neurofisiopatologia {f}
neuroprosthetics {n} (design and manufacture of neural prosthetics)
:: neuroprotesi {f}
neuroscience {n} (scientific study of the nervous system)
:: neuroscienza {f}
neurosis {n} (mental disorder)
:: nevrosi {f}, neurosi {f}
neurotic {n} /njʊəˈɹɒtɪk/ (person who has a neurosis)
:: isterico, nevrotico
neurotoxic {adj} (having a toxic effect on nerve tissue)
:: neurotossico
neurotypical {adj} (having normal way of processing information)
:: neurotipico
neurovascular {adj} (of or pertaining to nerves and blood vessels)
:: neurovascolare
neuter {adj} /ˈn(j)uːtɚ/ (grammar: having a form which is not masculine nor feminine)
:: neutro
neuter {adj} (grammar: intransitive, see also: intransitive)
:: neutro
neuter {adj}
:: neutro
neuter {v} (to remove sex organs from an animal)
:: castrare
neutral {adj} /ˈnjuːtɹəl/ (not taking sides in a conflict)
:: neutrale
neutral {adj} (chemistry: neither acidic nor alkaline)
:: neutro, neutrale
neutral {n} (electrical terminal)
:: neutro {m}
neutralino {n} (hypothetical particle)
:: neutralino
neutralisation {n} (neutralisation) SEE: neutralization
neutrality {n} /nuˈtɹæləti/ (state of being neutral; taking no part on either side)
:: neutralità {f} (all senses)
neutralization {n} (neutralization)
:: neutralizzazione {f}
neutralize {v} (to make even, inactive or ineffective)
:: neutralizzare
neutrinic {adj} (physics: relating to neutrinos)
:: neutrinico
neutrino {n} /njuːˈtɹiːnoʊ/ (en elementary particle with extremely small mass and no electric charge)
:: neutrino {m}
neutron {n} /ˈn(j)uːtɹɒn/ (subatomic particle)
:: neutrone {m} (attributive neutronico)
neutronium {n} (neutron star material)
:: neutronio {m}
neutron number {n} (number of neutrons in the nucleus)
:: numero neutronico {m}
neutron star {n} (star composed of neutrons)
:: stella neutronica {f}
neutropause {n} (boundary)
:: neutropausa {f}
neutrophil {adj} /ˈnjuːtɹəfɪl/ (easily stained by neutral dyes)
:: neutrofilo
neutrosphere {n}
:: neutrosfera {f}
Neva {prop} (river)
:: Neva {f}
Nevada {prop} /nɪˈvædə/ (US state)
:: Nevada {m}
never {adv} /ˈnɛ.vɚ/ (at no time)
:: mai, giammai [emphatic, obsolete]
never again {adv} (at no time in the future)
:: mai più
never ever {adv} (emphatic never)
:: giammai
never in a month of Sundays {adv} (at no time)
:: mai e poi mai
neverland {n} (an ideal or imaginary place)
:: isola che non c'è
never mind {v} (it is not important)
:: non importa , non pensare, non pensarci
never mind {v} (do not be concerned (about someone or something, or about doing something))
:: non si preoccupi, non preoccuparti
never mind {v} (I was wrong; I withdraw my previous statement)
:: come non detto
never mind {v} (let alone; much less) SEE: let alone
nevermore {adv} (never again) SEE: never again
never say die {interj} (do not despair)
:: mai dire mai
nevertheless {adv} /ˈnɛvɚðəlɛs/ (in spite of what preceded)
:: nondimeno, tuttavia, eppure, nonostante, ciononostante
nevus {n} (benign lesion on skin) SEE: mole
new {adj} (recently made or created)
:: nuovo
new {adj} (additional, recently discovered)
:: nuovo
new {adj} (distinguishing something established more recently)
:: nuovo
new {adj} (refreshed, reinvigorated)
:: fresco
new {adj} (of recent origin)
:: nuovo
newb {n} (newbie) SEE: newbie
newbie {n} /ˈnjuːbi/ (new (inexperienced) user or participant)
:: nabbo {m}, niubbo {m}
newborn {n} (recently born baby)
:: neonato {m}
New Brunswick {prop} /njuː ˈbɹʌnz.wɪk/ (province in eastern Canada)
:: Nuovo Brunswick {m}
New Caledonia {prop} /ˈnu ˌkæl.ɪˈdoʊ.ni.ə/ (overseas territory of France)
:: Nuova Caledonia {f}
Newcastle disease {n} (disease of poultry)
:: malattia di Newcastle {f}
New Delhi {prop} /n(j)uː ˈdɛli/ (capital of India)
:: Nuova Delhi {f}
New England {prop} (six states of the United States)
:: Nuova Inghilterra {f}
Newfoundland {prop} /ˈn(j)uˌfaʊnd.lənd/ (Island off the coast of Eastern Canada)
:: Terranova {f}
Newfoundland {n} (dog)
:: terranova
New Guinea {prop} (large island)
:: Nuova Guinea {f}
New Hampshire {prop} /nuːˈhæmpʃɚ/ (US state)
:: New Hampshire {m}, Nuovo Hampshire {m}
New Jersey {prop} /nuːˈdʒɝzi/ (a northeast state of the United States of America)
:: New Jersey {m}
New Mexico {prop} /nu ˈmɛk.si.koʊ/ (US State)
:: Nuovo Messico {m}
new moon {n} (phase of moon when in conjunction with sun)
:: luna nuova {f}, novilunio {m}
new moon {n} (the moon when in conjunction with sun)
:: congiunzione {f}
new moon {n} (phase of moon when it is waxing)
:: novilunio {m}
newness {n} /ˈn(j)uːnəs/ (novelty)
:: novità {f}
New Objectivity {prop} (artistic movement)
:: nuova oggettività {f}
news {n} /njuːz/ (new information of interest)
:: novità {f-p}, notizie {f-p}, fatto {m}, avvenimento {m}
news {n} (reports of current events)
:: notizie {f-p}, telegiornale {m} [on television]
newsagent {n} (person)
:: giornalaio {m}, edicolante {m}
news conference {n} (press conference) SEE: press conference
New South Wales {prop} (one state of Australia)
:: Nuovo Galles del Sud {m}
New Spain {prop} (historical colony)
:: Nuova Spagna {f}
newspaper {n} /ˈn(j)uzˌpeɪpɚ/ (publication)
:: giornale {m}, quotidiano {m}
newspaper {n} (paper on which newspapers are printed)
:: carta da giornale {f}
Newspeak {prop} (fictional language)
:: neolingua
newsreel {n} (a short film containing news or current affairs; especially one of several shown in sequence)
:: cinegiornale {m}
newsroom {n} /ˈnjuːzɹuːm/ (the office of a news organisation)
:: redazione {f}
newsstand {n} (open stall where newspapers and magazines are on sale)
:: edicola {f}
New Stone Age {prop} (Neolithic) SEE: Neolithic
newt {n} /ˈn(j)ut/ (type of salamander)
:: tritone {m}
New Testament {prop} (second half of the Christian Bible)
:: Nuovo Testamento {m}
newton {n} (derived unit of force)
:: newton {m}
Newtonian {adj} /n(j)uˈtoʊniən/ (related to Newton)
:: newtoniano
New World {prop} (the Americas and Oceania)
:: Nuovo Mondo {m}
New Year {n} (January 1 in the Julian and Gregorian calendar and the days following)
:: capodanno {m}
New Year's Day {n} (holiday occurring on January 1st)
:: capodanno {m}
New Year's Eve {prop} (holiday on December 31st)
:: vigilia di Capodanno {m}, capodanno
New Year's resolution {n} /ˈnjuː jɪəz ˌɹɛzəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ (vow one makes for the coming year)
:: buoni propositi {m-p}
New York {prop} /nu ˈjɔɹk/ (state)
:: New York {m}
New York {prop} (city) SEE: New York City
New York City {prop} (large city in the USA)
:: New York {f}, Nuova York {f}
New Yorker {n} (a native or resident of New York City)
:: newyorkese {m} {f}, newyorchese {m} {f}, [dated] nuovaiorchese {m} {f}
New Zealand {prop} /nju ˈziː.lənd/ (country in Oceania)
:: Nuova Zelanda {f}
New Zealander {n} (a person from New Zealand or of New Zealand descent)
:: neozelandese
New Zealand spinach {n} (Plant)
:: tetragonia {f}
next {adj} /nɛkst/ (following in a sequence)
:: seguente, successivo, prossimo
next {adj} (being closer to the present location than all other items)
:: vicino, prossimo
next {adj} (nearest date, time, space or order)
:: più vicino, prossimo
next {adv} (In a time, place or sequence closest or following)
:: accanto, vicino
next {adv} (On the first subsequent occasion)
:: dopo, poi
next {prep} (on the side of)
:: vicino a, accanto a, presso
next {n} (the one that follows after this one (in languages with a definite article that is generally required in this sense))
:: il prossimo {m}, la prossima {f}
next {prep} (next to) SEE: next to
next door {adv} (in the adjacent home or place)
:: accanto a
nextly {adv} (next) SEE: next
next of kin {n} (closest blood relative, often heir to inheritance)
:: parente prossimo {m}, parente stretto {m}, familiare stretto {m}
next time {n} (on the following occasion)
:: la prossima volta
next to {prep} (beside; alongside)
:: vicino a
next to last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate
next to nothing {pron} (very little)
:: quasi niente, una miseria
next year {adv} (year after this one)
:: l'anno prossimo
nexus {n} /ˈnɛk.səs/ (connection)
:: nesso {m}, legame {m}, connessione {f}
nexus {n} (connected group)
:: cose (idee, concetti, etc) connesse (or connessi according to the gender)
nexus {n} (centre of something)
:: centro {m}
niacin {n} (water-soluble vitamin)
:: niacina
nib {n} /nɪb/ (tip of a pen)
:: punta {f}
nib {n} (bill of a bird)
:: rostro {m}, becco {m}
nibble {n} /ˈnɪbəl/ (a small, quick bite taken with the front teeth)
:: boccone {m}, morso {m}, morsetto {m}, bocconcino {m}
nibble {n} (small snacks)
:: stuzzichino {m}
nibble {v} (eat with small bites)
:: rosicchiare, mordicchiare, rosicare
nibble {v} (bite lightly)
:: mordicchiare
nibble {n} ((computing) A unit of memory equal to half a byte, or four bits)
:: unità di 4 bit {f}, semibyte {m}
nibling {n} /ˈnɪblɪŋ/ (gender-neutral term for child of one's sibling or sibling-in-law)
:: nipote {m} {f}
Nicaea {prop} /naɪˈsiːə/ (ancient city)
:: Nicea {f}
Nicaragua {prop} /ˌnɪk.əˈɹɑ.ɡwə/ (a country in Central America)
:: Nicaragua
nice {adj} /naɪs/ (pleasant)
:: simpatico, piacevole, gentile
nice {adj} (attractive)
:: bello
nice {adj} (having a pleasant taste or aroma)
:: buono
Nice {prop} /niːs/ (city in France)
:: Nizza {f}
nice-looking {adj} (attractive) SEE: attractive
Nicene Creed {prop} (official creed of the early Christian church stating tenets of the Christian faith)
:: credo niceno {m}
nice to meet you {phrase} (pleased to meet you) SEE: pleased to meet you
niche {n} /nɪt͡ʃ/ (cavity, hollow, or recess)
:: nicchia {f}, edicola {f}
niche {n} (ecological function of an organism)
:: nicchia {f}
Nicholas {prop} /ˈnɪk.ə.ləs/ (male given name)
:: Nicola, Niccolò
nickel {n} /ˈnɪk.əl/ (element)
:: nichel {m}, nickelio {m}
nickel {n} (coin)
:: moneta di cinque centesimi {f}, nichelino {m}
nickeline {n} (a mineral, nickel arsenide)
:: niccolite {f}
nickel-plated {adj} (coated with nickel)
:: nichelato
nickel silver {n} (alloy)
:: argentone {m}
nickname {n} /ˈnɪkneɪm/ (familiar, invented given name)
:: soprannome {m}
nickname {v} (to give a nickname to)
:: soprannominare
Nicodemism {n}
:: nicodemismo {m}
Nicodemite {n} /nɪkəˈdiːmʌɪt/
:: nicodemita {m} {f}
Nicola {prop} /ˈnɪ.kə.lə/ (feminine form of Nicholas)
:: Nicoletta {f}
Nicolaism {n}
:: nicolaismo {m}
Nicole {prop} (Nicola) SEE: Nicola
Nicomachean {adj} (of or pertaining to Nicomachus)
:: nicomacheo
Nicopolis {prop} (city in Epirus)
:: Nicopoli {f}
Nicosia {prop} /ˌnɪkəˈsiːə/ (capital of Cyprus)
:: Nicosia {f}
nicotine {n} /ˈnɪkətiːn/ (addictive alkaloid derived from tobacco)
:: nicotina {f}
nicotinism {n} (nicotine poisoning)
:: nicotinismo {m}
nictemeral {adj} (varying regularly with a day/night cycle)
:: nittemerale
nictitating {adj} /ˈnɪktɪteɪtɪŋ/ (winking, blinking)
:: nittitante
nidamental {adj}
:: nidamentale
nide {n} /naɪd/ (nest of pheasants)
:: nidiata {f}
nidicolous {adj} (tending to stay at the nest or birthplace)
:: nidicolo
nidiform {adj} /ˈnaɪdɪfɔːm/ (nest-shaped)
:: nidiforme
nidifugous {adj}
:: nidifugo
nidify {v} /ˈnɪd.əˌfaɪ/ (to make a nest)
:: nidificare
Nidwalden {prop} (Canton)
:: Nidvaldo
niece {n} /niːs/ (fraternal or sororal niece, see also: fraternal niece; sororal niece)
:: nipote {f}
niece-in-law {n} (niece of someone's husband) SEE: niece
niece-in-law {n} (niece of someone's wife) SEE: niece
nief {n} (fist) SEE: fist
Nietzschean {adj} /ˈni.t͡ʃi.ən/ (pertaining to Nietzsche or his writings)
:: nietzschiano, nicciano, nietzscheano
Nietzschean {n} (a supporter of Nietzsche's ideas)
:: nietzschiano {m}, nietzschiana {f}, nicciano {m}, nicciana {f}, nietzscheano {m}, nietzscheana {f}
Nietzscheanism {n} /ˈni.t͡ʃi.ənɪzəm/ (philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche)
:: nietzschianesimo {m}, niccianesimo {m}, nietzscheanesimo {m}
nifty {adj} /ˈnɪfti/ (good, useful)
:: valido, buono
Niger {prop} /ˈnaɪ.dʒə(ɹ)/ (country)
:: Niger {m}
Nigeria {prop} /naɪˈdʒɪə.ɹɪə/ (a country in Western Africa)
:: Nigeria {f}
Nigerian {n} /naɪˌdʒɪəɹɪən/ (person)
:: nigeriano
Nigerian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Nigeria, the Nigerian people or culture)
:: nigeriano
niggard {v} (a miser or stingy person) SEE: skinflint
nigger {n} /ˈnɪɡə(ɹ)/ (Negro person, black person (pejorative))
:: negro {m}, negra {f} [female]
night {n} /naɪt/ (period between sunset and sunrise)
:: notte {f}
nightcap {n} /ˈnaɪtˌkæp/ (warm cap worn at night)
:: berretto da notte {m}, papalina {f}
nightclub {n} (establishment that is open late at night)
:: notturno {m}, night club {m}, discoteca {f}
nightdress {n} (sleeping garment worn by women) SEE: nightgown
nightfall {n} /ˈnaɪtfɔːl/ (the close of the day; the coming of night)
:: crepuscolo {m}
nightgown {n} /ˈnaɪtˌɡaʊn/ (sleeping garment worn by women)
:: camicia da notte {f}
nighthawk {n} (night owl) SEE: night owl
nighthawk {n} /ˈnaɪthɑk/ (Caprimulgus europaeus)
:: nottolone {m}, succiacapre {m}, caprimulgo {m}
nighthawk {n} (New World nightjar)
:: nottolone {m}, caprimulgo {m}, succiacapre {m}
nightie {n} (sleeping garment worn by women) SEE: nightgown
nightingale {n} /ˈnaɪtɪŋɡeɪl/ (bird)
:: usignolo {m}
nightjar {n} /ˈnaɪtdʒɑː/ (nocturnal bird of the family Caprimulgidae)
:: caprimulgo {m}, succiacapre {m}
nightlife {n} /ˈnaɪtˌlaɪf/ (Selection of nocturnal activities)
:: vita notturna {f}
nightly {adj} /ˈnaɪtli/ (occurring every night)
:: notturno
nightly {adv} (every night)
:: di notte, ogni notte
nightmare {n} /naɪt.mɛəɹ/ (dream)
:: incubo {m}, brutto sogno
nightmare {n} (experience)
:: incubo {m}
nightmarish {adj} (resembling a nightmare)
:: da incubo
night owl {n} /ˈnaɪt aʊl/ (one who is awake at night)
:: nottambulo {m}, nottolone {m}
night safe {n}
:: cassa continua {f}
nightshade {n} (deadly nightshade) SEE: deadly nightshade
nightshirt {n} (shirt-like garment) SEE: nightgown
nightstand {n} (small table placed at the head side of a bed)
:: comodino {m}
night terror {n} (sleeping disorder)
:: terrore notturno {m}, pavor nocturnus {m}
nightwandering {adj} (wandering at night)
:: nottivago
nigraniline {n}
:: nigranilina {f}
nihilism {n} /ˈnaɪ.(h)ɪ.lɪ.z(ə)m/ (rejection of, or opposition to, religious beliefs, moral principles, legal rules, etc.)
:: nichilismo {m}
nihilism {n} (doctrine grounded on the negation of one or more meaningful aspects of life)
:: nichilismo {m}, nullismo {m}
nihilist {n} /ˈnaɪɪlɪst/ (person who accepts nihilism)
:: nichilista {m} {f}
nihilistic {adj} (of or relating to nihilism)
:: nichilista
Nihongo {n} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese
nihonium {n} /nɪˈhoʊ.ni.əm/
:: nihonio {m}
Nijmegen {prop} (city in the Netherlands)
:: Nimega
Nike {prop} /ˈnaɪki/ (Greek goddess of victory)
:: Nike
nikud {n} (system of diacritics for Hebrew)
:: nikud {m}
Nile {prop} /naɪl/ (river)
:: Nilo {m}
Nilean {adj} (Nilotic) SEE: Nilotic
nilgai {n} (large antelope of northern India)
:: nilgau {m}, antilope azzurra {f}, nilgai {f}, nilghais {m}
Nilotic {adj} /naɪˈlɑtɪk/ (pertaining to the Nile)
:: nilotico, niliaco
nimble {adj} /ˈnɪmbl̩/ (quick and light in movement or action)
:: agile, leggero, svelto
nimble {adj} (quick-witted and alert)
:: intelligente, versatile, sveglio, pronto
nimbleness {n} /ˈnɪm.bəl.nɪs/ (the quality of being nimble)
:: leggerezza {f}, agilità {f}, scioltezza {f}
nimbostratus {n} (cloud type)
:: nembostrato {m}
nimbus {n} /ˈnɪmbəs/ (circle of light; halo)
:: nimbo {m}
Nimzowitsch Defence {n} (chess opening 1.e4 Nc6)
:: difesa Nimzowitsch {f}
Nina {prop} /ˈniːnə/ (female given name)
:: Nina
nincompoop {n} /ˈnɪŋkəmpuːp/ (foolish or silly person)
:: babbeo {m}, coglione, cretino, idiota, imbecille, stupido
nine {num} /naɪn/ (cardinal number)
:: nove
nine {n} (the digit or figure 9)
:: nove
nine {n}
:: nove {m}
nine hundred {num} /ˈnaɪn ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 900)
:: novecento {m} {f}
nineteen {num} /ˈnaɪn.tiːn/ (cardinal number)
:: diciannove
nineteenth {adj} /ˌnaɪnˈtiːnθ/ (the ordinal form of the number nineteen, see also: 19th)
:: diciannovesimo (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) diciannovesimo {m}, diciannovesima {f} (after the name) (abbreviation XIX)
nineteenth {n}
:: diciannovesimo {m}, diciannovesima {f} , diciannovesimo {m}
nine thousand {num} (9000)
:: novemila
ninetieth {adj} /ˈnaɪn.ti.əθ/ (ordinal form of ninety)
:: novantesimo, 90º
ninetieth {n} (person or thing in the ninetieth position)
:: novantesimo {m}
ninetieth {n} (one of ninety equal parts of a whole)
:: novantesimo {m}
ninety {num} /ˈnaɪn.ti/ (90)
:: novanta
ninety-eight {num} (98)
:: novantaotto
ninety-five {num} (95)
:: novantacinque
ninety-four {num} (94)
:: novantaquattro
ninety-nine {num} (cardinal number 99)
:: novantanove
ninety-one {num} (cardinal number ninety-one)
:: novantuno
ninety-seven {num} (97)
:: novantasette
ninety-six {num} (96)
:: novantasei
ninety-three {num} (93)
:: novantatré
ninety-two {num} (92)
:: novantadue
Nineveh {prop} /ˈnɪnɪvə/ (capital of Assyria)
:: Ninive {f}
ninhydrin {n} (organic compound: 2,2-dihydroxyindane-1,3-dione)
:: ninidrina {f}
ninja {n} /ˈnɪndʒə/ (person trained in ninjutsu)
:: ninja {m} {f}
Nintendo {n} /nɪnˈtɛndəʊ/ (Nintendo Entertainment System, or other video game system made by Nintendo)
:: Nintendo, Nintendo {f}
ninth {adj} /naɪnθ/ (ordinal form of nine, see also: 9th)
:: nono (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) nono, (after the name) (abbreviation IX)
ninth {n} (something in the ninth position)
:: nono {m}, nona {f}
ninth {n} (one of nine equal parts of a whole)
:: nono {m}
niobic {adj} (relating to niobium)
:: niobico
niobium {n} /naɪˈoʊbiəm/ (chemical element)
:: niobio {m}
nip and tuck {adv} (evenly matched with vacillating advantage)
:: testa a testa
nip and tuck {n} (skin-tightening cosmetic surgery)
:: ritidectomia {f}, lifting {m}
nip in the bud {v} /ˈnɪp.ɪn.ðəˈbʌd/ (to prevent at an early stage)
:: troncare sul nascere, stroncare sul nascere
nipper {n} /ˈnɪpə(ɹ)/ (slang term for a small child)
:: pinza
nipple {n} /ˈnɪp(ə)l/ (projection of mammary gland)
:: capezzolo {m}
nipple {n} (artificial nipple for bottle feeding)
:: tettarella {f}
nipplewort {n} (Lapsana communis)
:: lassana {f}
Nippon {prop} (a country in East Asia) SEE: Japan
Nipponese {adj} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese
Nipponese {prop} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese
niqqud {n} (nikud) SEE: nikud
Nishapur {prop} (a city in Iran)
:: Nishapur, Neyshabur
nit {n} /nɪt/ (egg of a louse)
:: lendine {m}
nithing {n} (coward, dastard) SEE: coward
nithing {adj} (cowardly, dastardly) SEE: cowardly
nitpick {v} /ˈnɪt.pɪk/ (to correct minutiae or find fault)
:: cercare il pelo nell'uovo
nitpicker {n} /ˈnɪt.pɪk.ə(ɹ)/ (one who nitpicks)
:: pignolo
nitpicking {n} (any process of finding or pointing out tiny details or errors)
:: pignoleria {f}, cavillosità {f}, pedantismo {m}, puntigliosità {f}
nitramidine {n}
:: nitramidina {f}
nitrary {n} (place where potassium nitrate is produced)
:: nitreria {f}, nitriera {f}
nitrate {n} /ˈnaɪˌtɹeɪt/ (any salt or ester of nitric acid)
:: nitrato {m}
nitrated {adj}
:: nitrato
nitration {n} (reaction with nitric acid)
:: nitrazione
nitrator {n}
:: nitratore
nitric {adj} (pertaining to nitrogen)
:: nitrico
nitric acid {n} (HNO3)
:: acido nitrico {m}
nitric oxide {n} (binary compound of nitrogen and oxygen)
:: ossido di azoto
nitride {n} /ˈnaɪ.tɹaɪd/ (compound of nitrogen)
:: nitruro {m}
nitriding {n} /ˈnaɪ.tɹaɪd.iŋ/ (method of hardening steel)
:: nitrurazione
nitrification {n} (act of nitrifying)
:: nitrificazione
nitrile {n} /ˈnaɪtɹaɪl/ (class of organic compounds)
:: nitrile
nitrite {n} /ˈnaɪ.tɹaɪt/ (salt or ester of nitrous acid)
:: nitrito
nitrite {n} (-NO2 and NO2-)
:: nitrito
nitrobacterium {n} (species)
:: nitrobatterio {m}
nitrocellulose {n} (the chemical nitrocellulose)
:: nitrocellulosa {f}
nitroformate {n}
:: nitroformiato {m}
nitrogen {n} /ˈnaɪ.tɹə.dʒən/ (chemical element)
:: azoto {m}
nitrogen dioxide {n} (the binary compound NO2)
:: diossido di azoto
nitrogen fixation {n} (the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen)
:: azotofissazione {f}
nitrogen-fixing {adj} (able to convert inorganic nitrogen)
:: azotofissatore
nitrogen monoxide {n} (nitric oxide) SEE: nitric oxide
nitroglycerine {n} (the compound glyceryl-tri-nitrate)
:: nitroglicerina {f}
nitroglycol {n}
:: nitroglicol {m}
nitro-hydrochloric acid {n} (aqua regia) SEE: aqua regia
nitrous {adj} (of or relating to nitrogen)
:: nitroso
nitrous acid {n} (weak acid, HNO2)
:: acido nitroso {m}
nitrox {n} /ˈnaɪtɹɒks/ (mixture of nitrogen and oxygen used as a breathing gas)
:: nitrox {m}
Nitti {prop} (Nitti)
:: Nitti
Nitti {prop} (Nitto)
:: Nitto
Nitto {prop}
:: Nitto
nitty {adj} (foolish, inane) SEE: foolish
nitty {adj} (fastidious, fussy, nit-picky) SEE: fastidious
nitty {adj} (shining; elegant) SEE: shining
nitty {adj} ((excessively) detailed, specific) SEE: detailed
nitty {n} (dope fiend, druggie) SEE: drug addict
nitwit {n} /ˈnɪtwɪt/ (scatterbrained or stupid person)
:: sciocco {m}
Niue {prop} /ˈnjuːeɪ/ (island of Niue)
:: Niue {f}
Nivkh {prop} /nɪvk/ (language)
:: nivkh
Nivôse {prop} /niˈvoʊz/ (the fourth month of the French Republican Calendar)
:: nevoso {m}
nix {n} /nɪks/ (colloquial: nothing)
:: niente
nixie {n} (water spirit) SEE: nix
nizatidine {n} (antihistamine drug)
:: nizatidina {f}
Nizhny Novgorod {prop} (large city in Russia)
:: Nižnij Novgorod
no {determiner} (not any)
:: non, [emphatically] nessuno {m}
no {determiner} (used to show an activity is forbidden)
:: non [followed by an infinitive], vietato [followed by an infinitive], divieto di [followed by an infinitive or the corresponding noun]
no {particle} (used to show disagreement or negation)
:: no
no {n} (a negating expression)
:: no
No. {n} (abbreviation of "number")
:: nº, n., n.ro, N
Noah {prop} /ˈnoʊə/ (biblical character)
:: Noè {m}
Noah {prop} (male given name)
:: Noè
Noah's ark {prop} (the vessel built by Noah under God's instructions, as described in Genesis)
:: arca di Noè {f}
nobelium {n} /noʊˈbiːliəm/ (chemical element)
:: nobelio {m}
Nobel laureate {n} (person who has been awarded a Nobel Prize)
:: vincitore del premio Nobel {m}
Nobel Prize {n} /ˈnoʊˌbɛl ˈpɹaɪz/ (international prize)
:: premio Nobel {m}
nobility {n} /noʊˈbɪlɪti/ (noble or privileged social class)
:: nobiltà {f}
nobility {n} (the quality of being noble)
:: nobilità {f}
noble {adj} /ˈnoʊbəl/ (having honorable qualities)
:: nobile
noble {adj} (of or relating to the nobility; distinguished from the masses by birth)
:: nobile, aristocratico
noble {adj} (grand, magnificent, splendid)
:: splendido
noble gas {n} (element of group 18 of the periodic table)
:: gas nobile
nobleman {n} /ˈnoʊbl̩mən/ (man of noble rank, title, or status; peer; aristocrat)
:: nobiluomo {m}, nobile {m} {f}
noble rot {n} (fungus)
:: muffa nobile {f}
noble savage {n}
:: buon selvaggio
noblesse oblige {n} /noʊˌblɛs əˈbliʒ/ (the honourable obligation that is the responsibility of those of high rank)
:: noblesse oblige {m}
nobly {adv} /ˈnoʊbli/ (in a noble manner)
:: nobilmente
nobody {pron} (not any person; the logical negation of somebody) SEE: no one
nobody {n} /ˈnoʊ.bə.di/ (unimportant person)
:: nessuno {m}, nullità {f}, zero assoluto, uomo da niente {m}
nocebo {n} /nəʊˈsiː.bəʊ/ (pharmacologically inactive substance experienced as harmful)
:: nocebo {m}
nociception {n} (physiological process underlying the sensation of pain)
:: nocicezione {f}
no comment {phrase} ("official" refusal to relay any further information)
:: no comment
no comment {phrase} (refusal to say the obvious impolite retort)
:: no comment
noctilucent {adj} ((meteorology) glowing at night)
:: nottilucente {f}
noctivagant {adj} (nightwandering) SEE: nightwandering
noctule {n} /ˈnɑktʃul/ (bat of the genus Nyctalus)
:: nottola {f}
nocturlabe {n}
:: notturlabio {m}
nocturne {n} /ˈnɒktɜːn/ (a dreamlike or pensive composition)
:: notturno {m}
nod {v} /nɒd/ (incline the head up and down)
:: annuire, accennare, scuotere
nod {v} (gradually fall asleep)
:: addormentarsi, appisolarsi, cadere in catalessi
nod {n} (instance of moving one's head)
:: cenno {m}
nodal {adj} (Relating to a node)
:: nodale
node {n} (computer attached to a network)
:: nodo
node {n} (vertex of a graph of a network)
:: nodo {m}
nod off {v} (fall asleep)
:: addormentarsi, assopirsi, cadere in catalessi
nodularin {n} (type of hepatotoxin)
:: nodularina {f}
no entry {phrase} (entry is forbidden)
:: entrata vietata, vietato entrare, divieto di entrare, divieto d'accesso, vietato l'accesso, accesso vietato
noetherian {adj} (math)
:: noetheriano
noetic {adj} /noʊˈɛt.ɪk/ (of or pertaining to the mind or intellect)
:: noetico
no fear {interj} (no way) SEE: no way
no-frills {adj} (basic or simple)
:: senza fronzoli
Nogai {n} /noʊˈɡaɪ/ (person)
:: nogai
noggin {n} /ˈnɑɡɨn/ (head)
:: zucca {f}
no holds barred {adj}
:: senza regole, senza restrizioni (literally, "without/no restrictions")
noise {n} /nɔɪz/ (various sounds, usually unwanted)
:: rumore {m}
noise {n} (level of variation in gene expression)
:: rumore
noise pollution {n} (excessive noise)
:: inquinamento acustico {m}
noisily {adv} (in a noisy manner)
:: rumorosamente
noisome {adj} /ˈnɔɪ.səm/ (hurtful or noxious to health)
:: nocivo, insalubre {m} {f}, malsano {m}
noisome {adj} (offensive to the senses)
:: disgustoso {m}, repulsivo {m}
noisy {adj} /ˈnɔɪzi/ (making a noise)
:: rumoroso
noisy {adj} (full of noise)
:: chiassoso
no kidding {interj} (exclamation of amazement)
:: sul serio, seriamente, scherzi a parte, ma dai, non dirmi
no kidding {interj} (response to obvious statement)
:: eh si, eh già, proprio così
nolens volens {adv} (willing or unwilling) SEE: willy-nilly
no less {adv} (furthermore, not to mention)
:: nientemeno, nientedimeno, nientepopodimeno
no longer {adv} (not any more)
:: non più
nomad {n} /ˈnoʊmæd/ (a member of society or class who wander with their herds)
:: nomade {m}
nomad {n} (a wanderer) SEE: wanderer
nomadism {n} (way of life of a nomad)
:: nomadismo {m}
nomadistic {adj} (all senses)
:: nomadistico
no man's land {n} /ˈnoʊˌmænzˌlænd/ (place where no one can or should be)
:: terra di nessuno {f}
no man's land {n} (stretch of land between the border posts of two contiguous sovereign states)
:: terra di nessuno {f}
no matter what {prep} (whatever)
:: caschi il mondo, succeda quel che succeda
nom de guerre {n} (pseudonym) SEE: pseudonym
nom de plume {n} (pseudonym) SEE: pseudonym
nomen agentis {n} (agent noun) SEE: agent noun
nomenclature {n} /ˈnoʊmənˌkleɪtʃəɹ/ (set of names or terms)
:: nomenclatura {f}
nominalization {n} (use of a verb or an adjective as a noun)
:: sostantivazione, nominalizzazione {f}
nominalize {v} /ˈnɑmənəlaɪz/ (to change into a noun)
:: nominalizzare
nominative {n} (the nominative case) SEE: nominative case
nominative {adj} /ˈnɒmɪnətɪv/ (being in the nominative case)
:: nominativo {m}
nominative case {n} (case used to indicate the subject)
:: nominativo {m}
nominator {n} (One who nominates)
:: nominatore {m}
nominee {n} /ˌnɒmɪˈniː/ (a person named or designated to any office, duty or position)
:: prestanome {m} {f}
nomophobia {n}
:: nomofobia
nomophylactic {adj}
:: nomofilattico
nomophylax {n}
:: nomofilace {m}
-nomy {suffix} (system of rules, laws, or knowledge about a particular field)
:: -nomia {f}
nonaggression {n} (a lack of aggression)
:: non belligeranza {f}
non-aggression principle {n}
:: principio di non aggressione {m}
nonagon {n} /ˈnɑn.ə.ɡɑn/ (A polygon with nine sides and nine angles)
:: nonagono {m}, ennagono {m}
nonane {n} (nonane)
:: nonano {m}
nonapplication {n} (failure to apply an existing rule)
:: disapplicazione {f}
non-binary {adj} /ˌnɑnˈbaɪ.nɛɹ.i/ (not binary)
:: non-binario
nonce {n} (a stupid or worthless person) SEE: goof
nonchurchgoer {n} (one who does not attend church)
:: non praticante
noncommissioned officer {n} (non-commissioned officer) SEE: non-commissioned officer
non-commissioned officer {n} (person of authority in the military who has not received a commission)
:: sottufficiale {m}
non-compete {adj} (describing contractual clause)
:: di non concorrenza
nonconformity {n} (rejection of or the failure to conform, especially to standards, rules, or laws)
:: anticonformismo {m}
noncototient {n} (integer)
:: numero noncototiente {m}
non-disclosure agreement {n} (contract not to disclose certain information)
:: accordo di riservatezza {m}, accordo di confidenzialità {m}
none {pron} /nʌn/ (not any person)
:: nessuno {m}, nessuna {f}
none {pron} (not any thing)
:: nessuno {m}, nessuna {f}, niente
nonego {n} (philosophy: part of the psyche)
:: non-io {m}
nonentity {n} (an unimportant or insignificant person)
:: uomo da niente {m}, zero assoluto, nullità {f}, estraneo {m}, sconosciuto {m}
nonentity {n} (nonexistence) SEE: nonexistence
nones {n} (midday) SEE: noon
nones {n} (midday meal) SEE: lunch
nonet {n} (composition)
:: nonetto {m}
nonetheless {adv} /ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs/ (nevertheless)
:: nondimeno, malgrado ciò, ciononostante
non-Euclidean geometry {n} (Any system of geometry not based on the set of axioms of Euclidean geometry)
:: geometria non euclidea {f}, metageometria {f}
no news is good news {proverb} (lack of information suggests nothing bad)
:: Nulla nuova, buona nuova
nonexistence {n} (The state of not existing)
:: inesistenza {f}
nonexistent {adj} (not existent)
:: inesistente
nonfiction {n} (written works intended to give facts)
:: saggistico {m}, saggistica {f}
non-governmental organization {n} (organization with no government participation)
:: organizzazione non governativa {f}
nonillion {num} (1030, see also: quintillion)
:: quintilione
nonillion {num} (1054, see also: septendecillion)
:: nonilione
non-iron {adj} (not needing to be ironed)
:: lavaindossa
nonius {n} /ˈnəʊnɪəs/ (device for adjusting the accuracy of mathematical instruments)
:: nonio {m}
nonkilling {n} (A precept or worldview)
:: nonuccidere {m}
nonlinear {adj} (of a set of points: not lying on a straight line)
:: non lineare
nonlinear {adj} (of a system: whose output is not directly proportional to its input)
:: non lineare
non-negative {adj}
:: non negativo
nonobservance {n} (failure to observe)
:: inosservanza {f}
nonpareil {n} /nɑnpəˈɹɛl/ (that has no equal)
:: impareggiabile, ineguagliabile
nonpareil {n} (6-point type)
:: nompariglia
non-player character {n} (character in a role-playing game or computer game)
:: personaggio non giocante (PNG)
nonplussed {adj} /nɒnˈplʌst/ (bewildered)
:: perplesso
nonprofit {adj} (not seeking to produce a profit)
:: non a scopo di lucro
nonprofit {n} (nonprofit organization)
:: organizzazione non a scopo di lucro {f}
nonsense {n} /ˈnɑnsɛns/ (meaningless words)
:: sciocchezza {f}, senza senso, priva di significato, ridicolaggine {f}, a vanvera, idiozia {f}, assurdità {f}, cavolata {f}, corbelleria {f}, stupidaggine {f}, cazzata {f}, fesseria {f}, coglionata {f}, minchiata {f}
nonsense {n} (untrue statement)
:: balla {f}, fandonia {f}, scemenza {f}, fola {f}, baggianata {f}
nonsense {adj} (resulting from the substitution of a nucleotide in a sense codon, causing it to become a stop codon)
:: senza senso
non-smoker {n} (somebody who does not smoke tobacco)
:: non fumatore {m}, non fumatrice {f}
nonstandard {adj} (not standard)
:: non standard
nonstandard {adj} (not conforming to the standard variety)
:: non standard
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug {n} (group of drugs)
:: farmaco antinfiammatorio non steroideo {m}, FANS {m}
nonsymmetric {adj} (asymmetrical) SEE: asymmetrical
nontotient {n} (integer)
:: numero nontotiente {m}
nonviolence {n} (philosophy that rejects violence)
:: nonviolenza {f}
noob {n} /n(j)uːb/ (newbie)
:: nabbo {m}
noodle {n} (fool) SEE: fool
noodle {n} /nuːdl̩/ (string or strip of pasta)
:: [string] taglierino {m}, [strip] tagliatella {f}, fettuccina {f}, tagliolino {m}
no offense {phrase} (no offense)
:: senza offesa
nook {n} /nʊk/ (small corner formed by two walls)
:: angolo, nicchia {f}
nook {n} (hidden or secluded spot)
:: angolo, recesso {m}
nook and cranny {n} (small or remote place)
:: anfratto {m}
noon {n} (midnight) SEE: midnight
noon {n} /nuːn/ (midday)
:: mezzogiorno {m}
no one {pron} /ˈnəʊ wʌn/ (not even a single person)
:: nessuno
no one is born a master {proverb} (no one is born a master)
:: nessuno nasce maestro
noose {n} /nuːs/ (adjustable loop or rope)
:: cappio {m}, laccio {m}
noosphere {n} /ˈnoʊ.əsfɪəɹ/ (noosphere, theoretical stage of evolutionary development)
:: noosfera {f}
no pain, no gain {proverb} (discomfort is necessary to achieve goals)
:: per apparire bisogna soffrire [to appear you must suffer], chi non risica non rosica [who doesn't risk doesn't gnaw]
nopal {n} /noʊˈpɑl/ (cactus of genus Opuntia)
:: nopal {m}, nopale {m}
no parking {phrase} (no parking)
:: divieto di parcheggio
nope {particle} /noʊp/ (informal "no")
:: no
no problem {interj} (it does not pose a problem)
:: nessun problema, non c'è problema, ci mancherebbe altro
no problem {interj} (no thanks or apology is necessary)
:: non c'è di che, prego, di nulla
nor {conj} /nɔːɹ/ (nor)
:: né
norbixin {n} (the carboxylic acid of which bixin is the methyl ester)
:: norbissina {f}
Nordic countries {n} (the Nordic countries collectively)
:: paesi nordici {m-p}
Nordic walking {n} (sport)
:: camminata nordica {f}, camminata con bastoni {f}
Nord-Pas-de-Calais {prop} (region of France)
:: Nord-Passo di Calais {m}
Norfolk Island {prop} /ˈnɔɹ.fɔk ˈaɪ.lənd/ (external territory of Australia)
:: Isola Norfolk
noria {n} /ˈnɔɹ.i.ə/ (a water wheel with buckets)
:: noria {f}
norm {n} /nɔːm/ (that which is normal)
:: norma {f}
norm {n} (rule that is enforced by members of a community)
:: norma {f}
norm {n} (math: function that maps vectors to non-negative scalars)
:: norma {f}
normal {adj} /ˈnɔɹməl/ (according to norms or rules)
:: normale
normal {adj} (usual, ordinary)
:: normale
normalcy {n} /ˈnɔɹməlsi/ (state of being normal)
:: normalità {f}
normal distribution {n} (probability distribution)
:: distribuzione normale {f}
normality {n} (state of being normal)
:: normalità {f}
normalization {n} (any process that makes something more normal or regular)
:: normalizzazione {f}
normalize {v} /ˈnɔː(ɹ).mə.laɪz/ (to make normal)
:: normalizzare
normal subgroup {n} (subgroup that is invariant under conjugation)
:: sottogruppo normale {m}, sottogruppo invariante {m}
Norman {n} /ˈnɔɹmən/ (a person from Normandy)
:: normanno {m}, normanna {f}
Normandy {prop} (region of France)
:: Normandia {f}
normation {n} (establishment of a norm)
:: normazione {f}
normative {adj} /ˈnɔɹmətɪv/ (of, pertaining to, or using a norm or standard)
:: normativo
normativism {n}
:: normativismo {m}
normativization {n}
:: normativizzazione {f}
normoergy {n}
:: normoergia {f}
normothermia {n} (condition of having normal body temperature)
:: normotermia {f}
normothermic {adj} /nɔɹmoʊˈθɝmɪk/ (having normal body temperature)
:: normotermico
Norse {adj} /nɔɹs/ (of Scandinavia/Norway)
:: norreno {m}
Norse {adj} (of North Germanic languages)
:: norreno {m}
Norse {n} (Scandinavian/Norwegian people)
:: i norreni {m-p}
Norse {prop} (The ancient language spoken by Vikings)
:: norreno {m}
north {n} /nɔːθ/ (compass point)
:: nord {m}, settentrione {m}, mezzanotte
north {adj} (toward the north)
:: a nord
north {adj}
:: settentrionale, nordico
North African {adj} (of or pertaining to North Africa)
:: nordafricano
North African {n} (native or inhabitant of North Africa)
:: nordafricano
North America {prop} /ˌnɔː(ɹ)θ əˈmɛɹɪkə/ (continent)
:: America del Nord {f}
North American {adj} (relating to North America)
:: nordamericano
North American {n} (North American person)
:: nordamericano {m}
North Atlantic Treaty Organization {prop} (intergovernmental military alliance)
:: Organizzazione del Trattato Nord Atlantico {f}
North Brabant {prop} (province)
:: Brabante Settentrionale {m}, Brabante del Nord {m}
North Dakota {prop} /ˈnɔɹθ dəˈkoʊ.tə/ (state of the United States of America)
:: Dakota del Nord
northeast {n} (compass point)
:: nordest {m}
northern {adj} /ˈnɔɹðɚn/ (facing, situated in or related to the north)
:: settentrionale, nordico, boreale
northern birch mouse {n} (Sicista betulina)
:: sicista {f}, topo delle betulle {m}
Northern Cyprus {prop} (a de-facto state)
:: Cipro del Nord {m}, Repubblica Turca di Cipro del Nord {f}
northerner {n} (person from the north of a region)
:: nordista, nordico
Northern Europe {prop} (sociopolitical region of Europe)
:: Europa settentrionale {f}
Northern European {adj} (Northern European)
:: nordeuropeo
northern fur seal {n} (Callorhinus ursinus)
:: callorino dell'Alaska {m}
northern gannet {n} (Morus bassanus)
:: sula bassana {f}
northern greater galago {n} (Otolemur garnettii)
:: galagone gigante settentrionale {m}
Northern Hemisphere {n} (hemisphere to the north of its equator)
:: emisfero boreale {m}
Northern Ireland {prop} /ˈnɔː(ɹ)ðə(ɹ)n ˈaiə(ɹ)lənd/ (Northern Ireland)
:: Irlanda del Nord {f}
Northern Irish {adj} (relating to Northern Ireland)
:: nordirlandese
northern lapwing {n} (Vanellus vanellus)
:: pavoncella {f}
northern lights {n} (the aurora of the northern hemisphere)
:: aurora boreale {f}
Northern Macedonia {prop} (country) SEE: North Macedonia
Northern Mariana Islands {prop} /ˈnɔɹ.ðɚn ˌmɛɹ.iˈæn.ə ˈaɪ.ləndz/ (archipelago)
:: Isole Marianne Settentrionali {f-p}
Northern Marianas {prop} (Northern Marianas)
:: Marianne settentrionali
northern pintail {n} (Anas acuta)
:: codone {m}
northern raccoon {n} (Procyon lotor) SEE: raccoon
Northern Sotho {prop} (language)
:: sotho del nord {m}
Northern Territory {prop} /ˈnɔːðən ˈtɛɹɪt(ə)ɹi/ (Territory in northern Australia)
:: Territorio del Nord
northern wheatear {n} (Oenanthe oenanthe)
:: culbianco {m}, castrica {f}, codibianco {m}, massaiola {f}, petragnola {f}
North Frisian {prop} (Frisian language)
:: frisone settentrionale
North Korea {prop} /ˌnɔː(ɹ)θ kəˈɹiːə/ (North Korea)
:: Corea del Nord {f}
North Korean {n} (person from North Korea)
:: nordcoreano {m}, nordcoreana {f}
North Korean {adj} (pertaining to North Korea)
:: nordcoreano
North Macedonia {prop} (country in Europe)
:: Macedonia del Nord {f}
North Pole {prop} (northernmost point on Earth)
:: polo nord {m}
North Rhine-Westphalia {prop} (state)
:: Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia
North Sea {prop} (a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean between Britain, Scandinavia and Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France)
:: mare del Nord {m}
North Star {prop} (Pole Star) SEE: Pole Star
northwest {n} (compass point)
:: nordovest
north wind {n} (wind blowing from the north)
:: tramontana {f} [specific]
Nortia {prop} (the goddess)
:: Norzia {f}
Norway {prop} /ˈnɔɹ.weɪ/ (Scandinavian country)
:: Norvegia {f}
Norway maple {n} (Acer platanoides)
:: acero riccio
Norwegian {n} /nɔɹ.ˈwiː.dʒən/ (native of Norway)
:: norvegese {m} {f}
Norwegian {n} (language of Norway)
:: norvegese {m}
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to Norway)
:: norvegese {m} {f}
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to Norwegians)
:: norvegese {m} {f}
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Norwegian language)
:: norvegese {m} {f}
Norwegian forest cat {n} (domestic cat breed)
:: gatto delle foreste norvegesi
Norwegian Sea {prop} (part of the Atlantic)
:: Mar di Norvegia
nose {v} /nəʊz/ (to move cautiously)
:: andare a naso
nose {v} (to snoop)
:: mettere il naso
nose {v} (to detect)
:: nasare, annusare, fiutare
nose {v} (to win by a narrow margin)
:: vincere per un soffio
nose {n} (protuberance on the face)
:: naso {m}
nose {n} (snout, nose of an animal)
:: muso {m}, naso {m}
nose {n} (tip of an object)
:: muso {m}
nose {n} (skill at finding information)
:: fiuto {m}, naso {m}
noseband {n} (part of a bridle or halter)
:: capezzina {f}
nosebleed {n} /ˈnoʊzˌblid/ (haemorrhage from the nose)
:: perdita di sangue dal naso, epistassi {f}
nosegay {n} /ˈnəʊzɡeɪ/ (small bunch of fragrant flowers or herbs)
:: erbe aromatiche, mazzetto {m}, mazzolino {m}
nose to the grindstone {n}
:: lavoratore incallito {m}, lavoratore indefesso {m}
nosey parker {n} (prying person)
:: ficcanaso {m}
nosh {n} (blowjob) SEE: blowjob
nosh {v} (to perform fellatio (on)) SEE: blow
nosh {n} (slang: food) SEE: grub
nosh {n} (snack) SEE: snack
nosh {v} (snack) SEE: snack
no shit {interj} (vulgar: response to obvious statement)
:: grazie al cazzo
no shit, Sherlock {interj} (a riposte to someone who has just said something obvious)
:: grazie al cazzo
no smoke without fire {proverb} (gossip and accusations are often substantiated by fact)
:: non c'è fumo senza arrosto
no smoking {phrase} (phrase used in notices indicating that the smoking of cigarettes is not permitted)
:: vietato fumare
nosology {n} (the systematic investigation or classification of disease)
:: nosologia {f}
no sooner said than done {phrase} (no sooner than something is said it will be done)
:: detto, fatto
nosoparasite {n}
:: nosoparassita {m}
nosotherapy {n}
:: nosoterapia {f}
nosotropic {adj}
:: nosotropico
nostalgia {n} /nɑˈstældʒə/ (bittersweet yearning for the things of the past)
:: nostalgia {f}
nostalgia {n} (longing for home or familiar surroundings) SEE: homesickness
Nostratic {prop} /nɑːˈstɹætɪk/ (language grouping)
:: nostratico
nostril {n} /ˈnɒstɹɪl/ (either of the two orifices located on the nose)
:: narice {f}
no strings attached {adj} (characterized by an abscence of conditions or obligations)
:: senza se e senza ma
nosy {adj} /ˈnoʊzi/ (prying, inquisitive or curious in other’s affairs; tending to snoop or meddle)
:: ficcanaso
not {adv} /nɒt/ (negates meaning of verb)
:: non, [colloquial] mica
not {conj} (And not)
:: non
notable {adj} /ˈnəʊtəbl̩/ (worthy of notice; remarkable)
:: notevole
notable {n} (person or thing of distinction)
:: [person] notabile {m}, persona importante {f}, cosa importante {f}
not anymore {adv} (no longer) SEE: no longer
notary {n} (notary public)
:: notaio {m}
notary public {n} /ˈnəʊtəɹi ˈpʌblɪk/ (officer who can administer oaths and statutory declarations)
:: notaio
not at all {adv} /nɑʔ.æʔ.ɔl/ (not)
:: non ... per niente
not at all {interj} (conventional reply to expression of gratitude)
:: prego, non c'è di che
notate {v} (to mark with spots or lines)
:: annotare
notation {n} /noʊˈteɪʃən/ (act or process of representing by a system or set of marks, signs, figures or characters)
:: notazione {f}
notation {n} (system of characters, symbols or abbreviated expressions used to express technical facts or quantities)
:: notazione {f}
notation {n} (specific note or piece of information written in such a notation)
:: notazione {f}
notational {adj} (of or pertaining to notation)
:: notazionale
not bad {adj} (reasonably good)
:: niente male, non male, non c'è male
notch {n} /nɒtʃ/ (V-shaped cut)
:: tacca {f}
notch {n} (such a cut, used for keeping a record)
:: tacca {f}
notch {n} (indentation)
:: incavo {m}, dentellatura {f}
notch {n} (mountain pass)
:: gola {f}, passo {m}
notch {n} (level or degree)
:: livello {m}
notch {v} (to cut a notch)
:: intaccare
notch {v} (to record by notches)
:: marcare
notch {v} (to achieve)
:: marcare, segnare, realizzare, conquistare
note {n} /nəʊt/ (mark, or sign, made to call attention)
:: nota {f}, richiamo {m}
note {n} (marginal comment or explanation)
:: nota {f}, nota a margine {f}
note {n} (memorandum)
:: nota {f}, memoria {f}
note {n} (short informal letter)
:: memoria {f}
note {n} (musical sound)
:: nota
note {n} (banknote) SEE: banknote
notebook {n} /ˈnoʊtˌbʊk/ (empty book able to be used for notes)
:: blocco {m}, taccuino, quaderno {m}
notepad {n} (bound pad of paper)
:: taccuino
not even {adv} (constitutes an emphatic negation)
:: neppure, nemmeno, manco
not-for-profit {adj} (not aiming for profit) SEE: nonprofit
not guilty {adj} (legally innocent of a crime of which one has been accused in a court of law)
:: incolpevole, inconfesso [having pleaded not guilty]
no, thanks {interj} (no, thanks)
:: no, grazie
no thank you {interj} (polite way of saying no)
:: no, grazie
nothing {pron} /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ (not any thing)
:: niente, non + verb + niente (not + verb + nothing) [colloquial], nulla
nothing ventured, nothing gained {proverb} (if one takes no risks, one will not gain any benefits) SEE: no pain, no gain
notice {v} /ˈnoʊtɪs/ (to remark upon)
:: notare
notice board {n} (bulletin board) SEE: bulletin board
notifiability {n}
:: notificabilità {f}
notifiable {adj} (all senses)
:: notificabile
notification {n} /ˌnoʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act of notifying)
:: notificazione {f}
notify {v} /ˈnoʊtɪfaɪ/ ((transitive) to give (someone) notice of (something))
:: notificare
notion {n} /ˈnoʊʃən/ (mental apprehension of whatever may be known or imagined; an idea; a conception)
:: nozione, concetto
notion {n} (sentiment; an opinion)
:: opinione
notion {n} (inclination; intention; disposition)
:: inclinazione, intenzione
notochord {n}
:: notocorda {f}
not only … but also {conj}
:: non solo … ma anche
notorious {adj} /nəˈtɔɹiəs/ (known widely and infamously)
:: famigerato
notoriously {adv} /nəˈtɔːɹɪəsli/ (In a notorious or notable manner)
:: notoriamente
no trespassing {phrase} (phrase forbidding access to a place)
:: accesso vietato
not touch something with a ten foot pole {v} (to avoid at all costs)
:: [idiomatic] essere come il diavolo e l'acqua santa
notwithstanding {adv} (never the less) SEE: nevertheless
notwithstanding {prep} /ˌnɑtwɪθˈstændɪŋ/ (in spite of)
:: nonostante
not yet {adv} (not for the moment, though expected later)
:: non ancora
Nouakchott {prop} /nwɑːkˈʃɒt/ (capital of Mauritania)
:: Nouakchott
nought {n} /nɔːt/ (zero)
:: zero
noughts and crosses {n} (game) SEE: tic-tac-toe
noumenal {adj} (of or pertaining to the noumenon)
:: noumenico
noumenon {n} /ˈnuːmənɒn/ (thing as it is independent of any conceptualization, see also: thing-in-itself)
:: noumeno {m}
noun {n} /naʊn/ (grammatical category (narrow sense))
:: sostantivo {m}, nome sostantivo {m}
noun {n} (grammatical category (broad sense))
:: nome
noun {v} (convert into a noun) SEE: substantivise
noun phrase {n} (phrase that can serve as the subject or the object of a verb)
:: locuzione nominale {f}
noun substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun
nourish {v} /ˈnʌɹ.ɪʃ/ (to feed and cause to grow)
:: nutrire
nourishing {adj} (that provides nourishment)
:: nutriente
nova {n} /ˈnoʊ.və/ (sudden brightening of a star)
:: nova {f}
Nova Gorica {prop} (town in Slovenia)
:: Nuova Gorizia {f}
Novara {prop} (province)
:: Novara
Novara {prop} (town)
:: Novara {f}
Nova Scotia {prop} /ˌnoʊ.və ˈskoʊ.ʃə/ (province in eastern Canada)
:: Nuova Scozia {f}
novation {n} /noʊˈveɪʃən/ (new contract)
:: novazione {f}
Novaya Zemlya {prop} (archipelago in Russia)
:: Novaja Zemlja {f}
novel {adj} /ˈnɑvəl/ (new, original, especially in an interesting way)
:: nuovo, originale
novel {n} (work of prose fiction)
:: romanzo {m}
novelist {n} /ˈnɑvəlɪst/ (author of novels)
:: romanziere {m}
novella {n} (short novel)
:: novella {f}
novelty {n} /ˈnɑvəlti/ (state of being new)
:: novità {f}
novelty {n} (new product)
:: novità {f}
November {prop} /noʊˈvɛmbəɹ/ (eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar)
:: novembre {m}
novena {n} (a recitation of prayers for nine days)
:: novena {f}
novendial {adj}
:: novendiale
novendial {n} (religious ceremony; funeral ceremony)
:: novendiale {m}
novice {n} /ˈnɑːvɪs/ (beginner)
:: principiante {m} {f}, debuttante {m} {f}, novizio {m}, esordiente, novellino {m}
novity {n} (novity) SEE: novelty
Novorossiysk {prop} (city)
:: Novorossijsk {m}
now {adv} /naʊ/ (at the present time)
:: adesso, ora, mò [regional]
now {interj} (signal to begin)
:: ora
nowadays {adv} /ˈnaʊ.ə.deɪz/ (at the present time)
:: oggidì, oggigiorno
nowadays {adv} (in the current era)
:: oggidì, oggigiorno
now and again {adv} (now and then) SEE: now and then
now and then {adv} /ˌnaʊ ən(d) ˈðɛn/ ((idiomatic) sometimes; occasionally; intermittently)
:: di tanto in tanto, ogni tanto
no way {interj}
:: assolutamente no, neanche per sogno
nowhere {adv} /ˈnoʊ.(h)wɛɹ/ (in no place)
:: da nessuna parte, in nessun posto
nowhere {adv} (to no place)
:: da nessuna parte
nowhere else {adv} (in no other place)
:: da nessun'altra parte
nowheres {adv} (nowhere) SEE: nowhere
nowhither {adv} (to no place) SEE: nowhere
no worries {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome
noxious {adj} /ˈnɒkʃəs/ (harmful)
:: insalubre, nocivo, malsano
nozzle {n} /ˈnɒzəl/ (short tube)
:: ugello
nozzle {n}
:: ugello {m}
nth {adj} /ɛnθ/ (occurring at position n)
:: ennesimo, n-esimo
nth {n} (the item at position n)
:: ennesimo {m}
nuance {n} /ˈnuː.ɑːns/ (minor distinction)
:: sfumatura, sottigliezza {f}
nuance {n} (subtlety or fine detail)
:: sottigliezza
Nubia {prop} (ancient kingdom)
:: Nubia {f}
nubiferous {adj}
:: nubifero
nubile {adj} /ˈnubaɪl/ (marriageable)
:: nubile
nubuck {n} (type of brushed leather)
:: nabuk {m}
nucellus {n} (tissue which surrounds and protects the embryo)
:: nocella
nuchal {adj} (of or pertaining to the back of the neck)
:: nucale
nuclear {adj} /ˈn(j)ukliɚ/ (pertaining to the nucleus of a cell)
:: nucleare
nuclear {adj} (involving nuclear energy)
:: nucleare
nuclear {adj} (of a weapon: deriving its force from nuclear energy)
:: nucleare
nuclear chemistry {n} (application of chemical techniques to the solution of problems in nuclear physics)
:: chimica nucleare {f}
nuclear energy {n} (energy released by a nuclear reaction)
:: energia nucleare {f}
nuclear fission {n} (atom-splitting nuclear reaction)
:: fissione {f}
nuclear fusion {n} (the combining of the nuclei of small atoms to form the nuclei of larger ones)
:: fusione nucleare {f}
nuclearization {n} (act of arming with nuclear weapons)
:: nuclearizzazione {f}
nuclearize {v} (to arm with nuclear weapons)
:: nuclearizzare
nuclear power {n} (power from nuclear reactions)
:: energia nucleare {f}
nuclear power {n} (nation with nuclear weapons)
:: potenza nucleare {f}
nuclear power plant {n} (type of power plant)
:: centrale elettronucleare
nuclear power station {n} (type of power station) SEE: nuclear power plant
nuclear reaction {n} (process)
:: reazione nucleare {f}
nuclear reactor {n} (device)
:: reattore nucleare
nuclear war {n} (war fought using nuclear weapons)
:: guerra nucleare {f}
nuclear weapon {n} (explosive device)
:: arma nucleare {f}
nuclease {n} (any of several enzymes capable of cleaving the phosphodiester)
:: nucleasi {f}
nucleasic {adj} (of or pertaining to a nuclease)
:: nucleasico
nucleic {adj} (referring to the nucleus)
:: nucleico
nucleic acid {n} /nuˈkleɪ.ɪk ˈæsɪd/ (acidic chainlike biological macromolecule)
:: acido nucleico {m}
nucleocosmochronology {n} (technique for estimating age of astronomical objects)
:: nucleocosmocronologia {f}
nucleogenic {adj} (produced by a nuclear reaction)
:: nucleogenico
nucleoid {n} /ˈnjuːkliˌɔɪd/ (the irregularly-shaped region within a prokaryote cell where the genetic material is localized)
:: nucleoide {m}
nucleon {n} (a proton or a neutron)
:: nucleone {m}
nucleoside {n} (organic molecule)
:: nucleoside {m}
nucleosome {n} (repeating subunit in chromatin)
:: nucleosoma {m}
nucleosynthesis {n} (process that leads to synthesis in stars)
:: nucleosintesi {f}
nucleosynthetic {adj} (of or pertaining to nucleosynthesis)
:: nucleosintetico
nucleotide {n} / ˈn(j)u(ː)kliəˌtʰaɪd/ (monomer constituting DNA or RNA)
:: nucleotide {m}
nucleotidic {adj} (of or pertaining to a nucleotide)
:: nucleotidico
nucleus {n} /ˈnuːkli.əs/ (core, central part of something)
:: nucleo {m}
nucleus {n} (initial part which will receive additions)
:: nucleo {m}
nucleus {n} (physics: massive, positively charged core of an atom)
:: nucleo {m}
nucleus {n} (cytology: large organelle found in cells)
:: nucleo {m}
nucleus {n} (linguistics: centre of a syllable)
:: nucleo {m}
nuclide {n} /ˈn(j)uːklaɪd/ (nucleus specified by its atomic number and atomic mass)
:: nuclide
nude {adj} /n(j)uːd/ (without clothing or other covering)
:: nudo
nude {n} (image depicting a human in a state of undress)
:: nudo {m}
nude {n} (state of total nudity)
:: nudità {f}, costume adamitico {m}, abito adamitico {m}
nudge {v} /nʌdʒ/ (To push against gently, especially in order to gain attention or give a signal)
:: sospingere
nudge {v} (To near or come close to something)
:: lambire
nudism {n} /njuː.dɪzəm/ (the belief in or practice of social, non-sexual nudity)
:: nudismo {m}
nudist {n} /ˈnudɪst/ (person who practices nudism)
:: nudista {m} {f}
nudity {n} /ˈnudɪti/ (the state of being without clothing on the body)
:: nudità {f}
nugget {n} /ˈnʌɡət/ (small chunk or clump)
:: pepita {f}
nullify {v} /ˈnʌlɪfaɪ/ (to make legally invalid)
:: annullare, cassare
nullify {v}
:: annullare
nulliploid {adj} (cell that has no chromosome)
:: nulliploide
nulliploidy {n} (condition of being nulliploid)
:: nulliploidia {f}
null set {n} (empty set) SEE: empty set
null set {n} (negligible set)
:: insieme nullo {m}
numb {adj} /nʌm/ (physically unable to feel)
:: intorpidito {m}, intorpidita {f}
number {n} /ˈnʌmbə/ (abstract entity)
:: numero {m}
number {n} (numeral)
:: numero {m}, cifra {f}
number {n} (mathematics: number)
:: numero {m}
number {n} (used to show the rank of something in a list or sequence)
:: numero {m}
number {n} (quantity)
:: numero {m}, quantità {f}
number {n} (grammar: state of being singular, dual or plural)
:: numero {m}
number {n} (performance)
:: numero {m}
number {n} (issue of a periodical publication)
:: numero {m}
number {v} (label with numbers; assign numbers to)
:: numerare
number {v} (to total; to amount to)
:: ammontare
numbered list {n} (list)
:: lista numerata {f}
numberful {adj} (numerous) SEE: numerous
numbering {n} (the action of creating such a sequence)
:: numerazione
number plate {n} (license plate) SEE: license plate
Numbers {prop} (fourth book of the Bible)
:: Numeri
number sign {n} (hash) SEE: hash
numbersome {adj} (numerous) SEE: numerous
numerable {adj} (numerous) SEE: numerous
numerable {adj} (able to be counted)
:: numerabile
numerable {adj}
:: numerabile
numeracy {n} (numerical skill)
:: abilità di calcolo, abilità numerica
numeral {n} /ˈnuməɹəl/ (word or symbol representing a number, see also: noun numeral)
:: numero {m}, cifra {f}
numeric {adj} (of, or relating to numbers) SEE: numerical
numerical {adj} /n(j)uˈmɛɹɪkəl/ (of or pertaining to numbers)
:: numerico
numerical analysis {n} (study of algorithms)
:: analisi numerica {f}
numerology {n} (study)
:: numerologia {f}
numerous {adj} /ˈnuməɹəs/ (Indefinitely large numerically)
:: numeroso
numerousness {n} (the state or quality of being numerous)
:: numerosità {f}
Numidia {prop} (region in northern Africa)
:: Numidia {f}
numinous {adj} /ˈnjuːmɪnəs/ (of or relating to a numen (divinity); indicating the presence of a divinity)
:: numinoso {m}, numinosa {f}
numismatics {n} /ˌnuː.məzˈmæ.tɪks/ (study of coins)
:: numismatica {f}
nummary {adj} (of or pertaining to coins or money)
:: nummario
numnah {n} (pad placed under a horse's saddle)
:: sottosella {m}
nun {n} /nʌn/ (member of a Christian religious community of women)
:: suora {f}, monaca {f}
nun {n} (member of a non-Christian religious community of women)
:: monaca {f}
nuncheon {n} (afternoon snack)
:: merenda {f}
nuncial {adj}
:: nunziale
nuncio {n} (one who bears a message) SEE: messenger
nunnery {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel
Nuoro {prop} (province)
:: Nuoro
Nuoro {prop} (town)
:: Nuoro {f}
nuptial {adj} /ˈnʌp.ʃəl/ (pertaining to wedding and marriage)
:: nuziale
nuptials {n} /ˈnʌpʃ(ə)ls/ (wedding ceremony, see also: wedding)
:: nozze {f-p}
nuraghe {n} (type of megalithic building)
:: nuraghe {m}
Nuragic {adj} (of or relating to an ancient Sardinian civilisation)
:: nuragico
Nuremberg {prop} /ˈnjʊəɹəmbəɡ/ (city in Germany)
:: Norimberga {f}
nurse {n} /nɝs/ (person who takes care of other people's young)
:: nutrice {f}, balia {f}
nurse {n} (person trained to provide care for the sick)
:: infermiera {f}, infermiere {m}
nurse {n} (wet nurse) SEE: wet nurse
nursehound {n} (Scyliorhinus stellaris)
:: gattopardo {m}, [regional] cagnola {f}
nursemaid {n} (child's nurse)
:: bambinaia {f}, babysitter, tata {f}
nursery {n} /ˈnɜːsəɹi/ (place where nursing or the raising of children is carried out)
:: nursery {f}
nursery {n} (place where young plants are cultivated for transplanting)
:: vivaio {m}
nursery school {n} (a school for pre-school children)
:: asilo {m}
nurse shark {n} (any shark of the family Ginglymostomatidae)
:: squalo nutrice {m}
nursing {n} (breastfeeding) SEE: breastfeeding
nursing home {n} (place of residence)
:: casa di riposo
nut {n} /nʌt/ (hard-shelled fruit)
:: noce {f}
nut {n} (that fits on a bolt)
:: dado {m}
nut {n} (slang: insane person)
:: pazzo {m}
nut {n} (slang: testicle)
:: coglione {m}, minchione {m}, palla {f}
nutational {adj}
:: nutazionale
nutcracker {n} (implement for cracking nuts)
:: schiaccianoci {m}
Nutella {prop} /nuːˈtɛlə/ (hazelnut spread)
:: Nutella {f}
nutfarm {n} (informal term for lunatic asylum) SEE: madhouse
nuthouse {n} (informal term for lunatic asylum) SEE: madhouse
nutlet {n} (small nut)
:: nocciolino {m}
nutmeg {n} /ˈnʌt.mɛɡ/ (seed)
:: noce moscata {f}
nutria {n} (coypu) SEE: coypu
nutrient {n} /ˈnjuː.tɹi.ənt/ (substance that provides nourishment)
:: nutriente {m}, principe nutritivo {m}
nutrition {n} /nuˈtɹɪ.ʃən/ (nutrition)
:: nutrizione {f}
nutritional {adj} (pertaining to nutrition)
:: nutrizionale
nutritionism {n}
:: nutrizionismo {m}
nutritionist {n}
:: nutrizionista {m} {f}
nutritive {adj} /ˈnjuːtɹətɪv/ (nourishing, nutritional)
:: nutriente, nutritivo
nuts {n} (nut) SEE: nut
nuts {adj} /nʌts/ (insane)
:: pazzo
nuzzle {v} /nʌzəl/ (touch with the nose)
:: annusare, strofinare col naso
nyctinasty {n} (the movement of leaves or petals in response to darkness)
:: nictinastia {f}
nyctograph {n}
:: nictografo {m}
nyctography {n}
:: nictografia {f}
nylon {n} /ˈnaɪlɑn/ (substance)
:: nylon {m}, nailon {m}
nylon {n} (sheer stocking)
:: calza di nylon {f}, calza di nailon {f}, filanca {f}
-nym {suffix} (type of word or name)
:: -nimo
nymph {n} /ˈnɪmf/ (insect larva)
:: ninfa {f}
nymph {n} (mythology: water, forest or mountain spirit)
:: ninfa {f}
nymph {n} (young girl who may inspire lust)
:: ninfa {f}, sirenetta {f}
nymphomania {n} /nɪmfəˈmeɪnɪə/ (excess of sexual behaviour or desire in women)
:: ninfomania {f}, andromania {f}
nymphomaniac {n} /ˈnɪɱfoʊ ˈmeɪniæk/ (woman with excessive sexual desire)
:: ninfomane {f}
nymphomaniacal {adj} (nymphomaniac) SEE: nymphomaniac
Nyx {prop} (the primordial goddess of night)
:: Notte, Nyx