00s {n} (first decade)
:: нулевые /nulevyje/
0th {adj} (abbreviation of zeroth)
:: 0-ой /0-oj/
100 percent {adj} (complete, whole) SEE: one hundred percent
100 percent {adv} (completely, wholly) SEE: one hundred percent
10th {adj} (abbreviation of tenth, see also: tenth)
:: 10-ый /10-yj/
11th {adj} (abbreviation of eleventh, see also: eleventh)
:: 11-ый /11-yj/
12th {adj} (abbreviation of twelfth, see also: twelfth)
:: 12-й {m} /12-j/, 12-ый {m} /12-yj/, 12-я {f} /12-ja/, 12-е {n} /12-je/
13th {adj} (abbreviation of thirteenth, see also: thirteenth)
:: 13-ый /13-yj/
15 minutes of fame {n} (fifteen minutes of fame)
:: пятнадцать минут славы /pjatnádcatʹ minút slávy/
16-cell {n} /sɪksˈtiːnˌsɛl/ (four-dimensional object)
:: шестнадцатиячейник /šestnadcatijačejnik/
1940s {n} (the decade from 1940 to 1949) SEE: forties
1980s {n} (eighties) SEE: eighties
1990s {n} (nineties) SEE: nineties
1992 {prop} (nineteen ninety-two (in words))
:: тысяча девятьсот девяносто второй год /týsjača devjatʹsót devjanósto vtorój god/, 1992 г. {m} /1992 g./
1 Chronicles {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Первая книга Паралипоменон {f} /Pérvaja kniga Paralipomenón/
1 Corinthians {prop} (book of the New Testament)
:: Первое послание к Коринфянам {n} /Pérvoje poslánije k Korínfjanam/
1 John {prop} (Book of the Bible)
:: Первое послание Иоанна {n} /Pérvoje poslánije Ioánna/
1 Peter {prop} (Book of the Bible)
:: Первое послание Петра {n} /Pérvoje poslánije Petrá/
1st {adj} /fɝst/ (abbreviation of first, see also: first)
:: 1-ый /1-yj/
1 Thessalonians {prop} (Book of the Bible)
:: Первое послание к Фессалоникийцам {n} /Pérvoje poslánije k Fessalonikíjcam/
1 Timothy {prop} (book of the New Testament)
:: Первое послание к Тимофею {n} /Pérvoje poslánije k Timoféju/
20th {adj} (abbreviation of twentieth, see also: twentieth)
:: 20-це /20-ce/
24/7 {adv} (abbreviation of twenty-four seven)
:: 24/7 /-/
2 Chronicles {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Вторая книга Паралипоменон {f} /Vtorája kníga Paralipomenón/
2 Corinthians {prop} (book of the New Testament)
:: Второе послание к Коринфянам {n} /Vtoróje poslánije k Korínfjanam/
2-dimensional {adj} (two-dimensional) SEE: two-dimensional
2 John {prop} (Book of the Bible)
:: Второе послание Иоанна {n} /Vtoróje poslánije Ioánna/
2-methylpropane {n} (isobutane) SEE: isobutane
2nd {adj} (abbreviation of second, see also: second)
:: 2-ой /2-ój/
2 Peter {prop} (Book of the Bible)
:: Второе послание Петра {n} /Vtoróje poslánije Petrá/
2 Thessalonians {prop} (Book of the Bible)
:: Второе послание к Фессалоникийцам {n} /Vtoróje poslánije k Fessalonikíjcam/
2 Timothy {prop} (book of the New Testament)
:: Второе послание к Тимофею {n} /Vtoróje poslánije k Timoféju/
33 {n} (thirty-three) SEE: thirty-three
3-dimensional {adj} (three-dimensional) SEE: three-dimensional
3D printer {n} /ˈθɹi ˈdi ˈpɹɪntɚ/ (device for making three-dimensional solid objects)
:: 3D-принтер {m} /3D-prínter/
3D printing {n} (manufacture of three-dimensional solid objects)
:: 3D-печать {f} /3D-pečátʹ/
3 John {prop} (Book of the Bible)
:: Третье послание Иоанна {n} /Trétʹje poslánije Ioánna/
3rd {adj} (abbreviation of third, see also: third)
:: 3-ий /3-ij/, 3-й /3-j/
40s {n} (the decade of the 1940s) SEE: forties
4-dimensional {adj} (four-dimensional) SEE: four-dimensional
4th {adj} (abbreviation of fourth, see also: fourth)
:: 4-ый /4-yj/
5th {adj} (abbreviation of fifth, see also: fifth)
:: 5-ый /5-yj/
68-95-99.7 rule {prop} (statistics: empirical rule of 3σ)
:: правило трёх сигм /právilo trjóx sígm/
6th {adj} (abbreviation of sixth, see also: sixth)
:: 6-ой /6-oj/
7th {adj} (abbreviation of seventh, see also: seventh)
:: 7-ой /7-oj/
80s {n} (the decade of the 1980s) SEE: eighties
8th {adj} (abbreviation of eighth, see also: eighth)
:: 8-ой /8-oj/
99 percent {adv} (almost totally)
:: на девяносто девять процентов /na devjanósto dévjatʹ procéntov/, на 99% /na 99%/
9th {adj} (abbreviation of ninth, see also: ninth)
:: 9-ый /9-yj/
9 to 5 {n} (day job)
:: с девяти до пяти /s devjatí do pjatí/
ʾiḍāfa {n} (the possessive or genitive construction in Arabic)
:: идафа {f} /idáfa/
Ōita {prop} (Oita) SEE: Oita
.NET {prop} (.Net)
:: дот нет {m} /dot nɛ́t/
-'s {suffix} (-s) SEE: -s
-'s {particle} /ɪz/ (possessive marker)
:: -ов {m} /-ov/, -ев {m} /-ev/, -ёв {m} /-jov/, -ин {m} /-in/, -ын {m} /-yn/; [genitive case of the owner after the thing owned]
-'s {particle} (the house/place/establishment of)
:: Expressed by dative case
's-Hertogenbosch {prop} /ˌsɜɹtoʊɡənˈbɔs/ (capital city of North Brabant)
:: Хертогенбос /Xertogenbos/
Ōshima {prop} (one of special wards that forms Tokyo)
:: Осима {f} /Ósima/
İskenderun {prop} (city in Turkey, see also: Alexandretta)
:: Искендерун /Iskenderún/
İsmayıllı {prop} (town)
:: Исмаиллы /Ismaillý/
Ōtsu {prop} (Otsu) SEE: Otsu
'umra {n} (a lesser pilgrimage)
:: умра {f} /úmra/
ǃXóõ {prop} /ˈkoʊ/ (language)
:: къхонг {m} /kʺxong/
İzmir {prop} (Izmir) SEE: Izmir