ta {interj} (thanks) SEE: thanks ::
tab {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette ::
tabernacle {n} (portable tent used before the construction of the temple) :: скинія {f}
tabla {n} (an Indian drum) :: табла {f}
table {n} (item of furniture) :: стіл {m}
table {n} (grid of data in rows and columns) :: таблиця {f}
table {n} (collection of arithmetic calculations) :: таблиця {f}
tablecloth {n} (a cloth used to cover and protect a table, especially for a dining table) :: скатерть {f}, скатерка {f}, обрус {m}, обрус {m}
table football {n} (foosball) SEE: foosball ::
table salt {n} (salt to season food) :: столова сіль {f}
table soccer {n} (foosball) SEE: foosball ::
tablet {n} (pill) SEE: pill ::
table tennis {n} (game similar to tennis) :: настільний теніс {m}, пінг-понг {m}
tableware {n} (cutlery, crockery and glassware) :: посуд {m-p}
taboo {v} (mark as taboo) :: табуювати
tabular {adj} (organized as a table or list) :: табличний
tachometer {n} (device for measuring rpm) :: тахометр {m}
tachycardia {n} (rapid resting heart rate) :: тахікардія {f}
tachyon {n} (hypothetical particle) :: тахіон
taciturn {adj} (untalkative, silent) :: мовчазний, мовчазливий
taciturnous {adj} (taciturn) SEE: taciturn ::
tack {n} (nautical: distance between these maneuvers) SEE: board ::
tack {n} (hardtack) SEE: hardtack ::
tackle {n} (nautical: system of ropes and blocks) SEE: block and tackle ::
tactics {n} (the employment of forces) :: тактика {f}
tadpole {n} (toad or frog larva) :: пуголовок {m}
Tagalog {n} (language) :: тагальська {f}, тагалог {m}
Tahiti {prop} (island) :: Таї́ті {m}
Taibei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei ::
taiga {n} (subarctic zone of coniferous forest) :: тайга {f}
tail {n} (appendage of an animal) :: хвіст {m}
tail {n} (rear of an aircraft) :: хвіст {m}
tailbone {n} (coccyx) SEE: coccyx ::
tailor {n} (person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession) :: кравець {m}, кравчиня {f}
tailored {adj} (adjusted by a tailor, fitted) :: замовний, на замовлення
Taimyr {prop} (large peninsula) :: Таймир {m}
Tʻai-pei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei ::
Taipei {prop} (Taipei) :: Тайбей {m}
Taiwan {prop} (East Asian country) :: Тайвань {m}
Taiwanese {adj} (relating to Taiwan) :: тайванський
Tajik {n} (person) :: таджик {m}, таджичка {f}
Tajik {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people or the Tajik language) :: таджицький
Tajiki {prop} (dialect of Persian) SEE: Tajik ::
Tajikistan {prop} (Republic of Tajikistan) :: Таджикистан {m}
Tajikistani {adj} (person of Tajik origin) SEE: Tajik ::
Tajikistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Tajik language) SEE: Tajik ::
tajine {n} (stew originally from Morocco) :: таджин, тажин
take {v} (to get into one's hands or control) :: брати {impf}, взяти {pf}, узяти {pf}
take {v} (to exact) SEE: exact ::
take a bath {v} (to bathe) SEE: bathe ::
take a dump {v} (defecate) SEE: defecate ::
take apart {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat ::
take away {v} (to take away) SEE: remove ::
take a wife {v} ((of a man) to marry a woman) :: женитися {impf} {pf}
take back {v} (take back) SEE: withdraw ::
take care {v} (be cautious, careful) :: бережись {impf}, будь обачним, обережно
take care {interj} (good-bye) :: бувай здоровий, бережи себе, пока, щасливо
take off {v} (to remove) :: знімати {impf}, зняти {pf} [clothing]
take off {v} (to begin flight) :: злітати {impf}, злетіти {pf}
take off {v} (to imitate) SEE: imitate ::
take on {v} (To obtain the services of (a person) in exchange for remuneration; to give someone a job) SEE: employ ::
take one's leave {v} (depart) SEE: depart ::
take one's own life {v} (commit suicide) SEE: commit suicide ::
takeover {n} (the purchase of a private company) :: поглинання {n}
take part {v} (participate or join) :: брати участь {impf}, взяти участь {pf}
take to heart {v} (to take something seriously) :: брати до серця
talaria {n} (winged sandals) :: тал́арії
tale {n} (type of story) :: розповідь {f}
talent {n} (unit of weight and money) :: талант {m}
talent {n} (marked ability or skill) :: талант {m}, дар {m}
talent {n} (talented person) :: талант {m}
talented {adj} (endowed with talents) :: талановитий, обдарований
Taliban {n} (militia) :: Талібан {m}
talisman {n} (magical protective charms) :: талісман {m}
talk {v} (to communicate by speech) :: розмовляти, говорити,
talk {v} ((transitive) to discuss) SEE: discuss ::
talkative {adj} (tending to talk or speak freely or often) :: говірливий, балакучий, говіркий, балакучий, балакливий, розмовний
talk over {v} (discuss) SEE: discuss ::
tall {adj} (of a person) :: високий
tall {adj} (of a building) :: високий
Tallinn {prop} (Capital of Estonia) :: Таллінн {m}, Таллін {m}
tallow {n} (hard animal fat obtained) :: сало {n}
tall tale {n} (a greatly exaggerated, fantastic story) :: небилиця {f}
Talmud {prop} (collection of Jewish writings) :: Талмуд {m}
talon {n} (remaining stock of undealt cards) SEE: stock ::
talon {n} (hooked claw) :: кіготь {m}
tamada {n} ((chiefly Georgia) toastmaster) :: тамада {m}
tambour {n} (drum) SEE: drum ::
Tambov {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Тамбов {m}
tame {v} (to make something tame) :: приручати {impf}, приручити {pf}
Tamil Nadu {prop} (state in southern India) :: Тамілнаду, Таміл-Наду
tampon {n} (A plug of cotton or other absorbent material) :: тампон {m}
tan {n} (darkening of skin) :: засмага {f}, смага {f}, смага {f}, загар {m}
tan {v} (to turn animal hide into leather) :: дубити {pf}
tan {n} (Armenian drink) :: тан
Tanakh {prop} (body of Jewish scripture) :: Танах {m}
tang {n} (tongue) SEE: tongue ::
Tanganyika {prop} (lake) :: Танганьїка
Tanganyika {prop} (territory, former country) :: Танганьїка {f}
tangent {n} (in geometry) :: дотична {f}
tangent {n} (in trigonometry) :: тангенс {m}
tangerine {n} (fruit) :: мандарин {m}
tangle {v} (to become mixed together or intertwined) :: заплутуватися {impf}
tank {n} (closed container for fluids) :: бак {m}
tank {n} (fuel reservoir) :: бак {m}
tank {n} (armoured fighting vehicle) :: танк {m}
tanked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
tanker {n} (vessel) :: танкер {m}
tanker {n} (tank truck) :: бензовоз {m}
tanker {n} (member of a tank crew) :: танкіст {m}, танкістка {f}
tank top {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet ::
tanner {n} (person whose occupation is to tan) :: козолуп {m}
tannin {n} (tannic acid) :: танін {m}
tansy {n} (plant of the genus Tanacetum) :: пижмо {n}
tantalum {n} (A metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 73.) :: тантал {m}
Tanzania {prop} (United Republic of Tanzania) :: Танзанія {f}
tap {n} (device to dispense liquid) :: кран {m}
tape {n} (video or audiocassette tape) :: стрічка {f}
tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
tapeworm {n} (parasitical worm of the class Cestoda) :: стьожковий черв {m}
tapeworm {n} (Diphyllobothrium latum) :: стьожак широкий {m}
tapioca {n} (starchy food from cassava) :: тапіока {f}
tar {n} (substance) :: дьоготь {m}, гудрон {m}, смола {f}
tar {n} (coal tar) :: смола {f}
Taraškievica {prop} (a classical Belarusian orthography, also a current alternative standard) :: тарашкевиця {f}
taran {n} (Rutilus heckelii) :: тараня {f}, таранька {f}
tarantass {n} (a low horse-drawn carriage without springs used in Russia) :: тарантас {m}
_target {n} (butt or mark to shoot at) :: мішень {f}
tariff {n} (duties imposed) :: тариф {m}
tariff barrier {n} (tariff barrier) :: тарифні обмеження {n-p}
tarn {n} (small mountain lake) :: карове озеро {n}
tarsier {n} (insectivorous primate) :: довгоп'ят {m}
tartar {n} (hard yellow deposit on the teeth) SEE: dental calculus ::
tarte Tatin {n} (upside-down cake prepared with caramelized apples) :: тарт Татен {m}
Tarvisio {prop} (town) :: Тарвізіо
Tashkent {prop} (capital of Uzbekistan) :: Ташкент {m}
task {n} (piece of work done as part of one’s duties) :: завдання {n}, задача {f}
Tasmania {prop} (Australian state) :: Тасманія {f}
Tasman Sea {prop} (part of the Pacific Ocean) :: Тасманове море {n}
taste {n} (one of the sensations produced by the tongue) :: смак {m}
taste {n} (implicit set of preferences) :: смак {m}
taste {v} (to sample the flavor of something) :: смакувати {impf}, спробувати {pf}, куштувати {impf}, скуштувати {pf}
taste {v} (to have a taste) :: мати смак
tasty {adj} (having a pleasant or satisfying flavor) SEE: delicious ::
tasty {adj} (having or showing good taste) :: витончений
Tatarstan {prop} (Tatarstan, Russia) :: Татарстан {m}
Tatiana {prop} (female given name) :: Тетяна {f}
Tatra {prop} (mountain range on the border of Poland and Slovakia) :: Татри {f-p}
tawny owl {n} (Strix aluco) :: сова сіра {f}
tax {n} (money paid to government) :: податок {m}
taxation {n} (act of imposing taxes and the fact of being taxed) :: оподаткування {n}
tax evasion {n} (illegal avoidance of tax) :: ухилення від сплати податків
tax haven {n} (country that levies low taxes on foreign businesses) :: офшорна зона {f}
taxi {n} (vehicle) :: таксі {n}, [colloquial] таксівка {f}
taxpayer {n} (person who pays tax) :: податкоплатник {m}, податкоплатниця {f}
Taylor {prop} (surname associated with "tailor") :: Кравець, Кравченко, Кравчук
Tbilisi {prop} (the capital city of Georgia (the country)) :: Тбілісі {m}
Tchaikovsky {prop} (surname) :: Чайковський
tea {n} (main evening meal) SEE: dinner ::
tea {n} (dried leaves of tea plant) :: чай {m}
tea {n} (drink made from leaves of tea plant) :: чай {m}
tea {n} (cup of this drink) :: чашка чаю {f}
tea {n} (drink made from other plants) :: чай {m}
teabag {n} (sachet of tea) :: чайний пакетик {m}
tea ceremony {n} (detailed ritual in Japan or Asia for preparing, serving and drinking tea) :: чайна церемонія {f}, садо {n}, тядо {n}
teach {v} (to pass on knowledge) :: вчити {impf}, викладати {impf}
teach {v} (to pass on one's knowledge as one's profession) :: викладати {impf}
teacher {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger ::
teacher {n} (person who teaches) :: учитель {m}, вчитель {m}, викладач {m}
teacher {n} (a female person who teaches) :: учителька {f}, вчителька {f}, викладачка {f}
teacher's desk {n} (pulpit) SEE: pulpit ::
teahouse {n} (a cafe that sells tea) :: чайна {f}, чайхана {f} [Central Asia, etc.]
teak {n} (tree) :: тик {m}, дерево тика {n}, тикове дерево {n}
teakettle {n} (a vessel for boiling water for tea) :: чайник {m}
tea leaf {n} (thief) SEE: thief ::
team {n} (group of people) :: команда {f}
teapot {n} (vessel for tea) :: чайник {m}
tear {v} (rend) :: рвати {impf}, дерти {impf}, розривати {impf}, роздерти {pf}
tear {v} (remove by tearing) :: віддирати {impf}, віддерти {pf}, зривати {impf}, зірвати {pf}
tear {v} (to demolish; to tear down) :: руйнувати {impf}, зруйнувати {pf}, зносити {impf}, знести {pf}
tear {v} (move at excessive speed) :: нестися {impf}
tear {n} (hole or break caused by tearing) :: розрив {m}
tear {n} (drop of clear salty liquid from the eyes) :: сльоза {f}
tearoom {n} (teahouse) SEE: teahouse ::
tear up {v} (To damage) SEE: damage ::
tea shop {n} (a shop where tea or coffee is served) SEE: teahouse ::
technetium {n} (chemical element) :: технецій {m}
technique {n} (practical aspects of a given art) :: техніка {f}
techno {n} (style of music) :: техно
technology {n} (the study of or a collection of techniques) :: технологія {f}, техніка {f}
teddy bear {n} (a stuffed toy bear) :: плюшевий ведмедик {m}
teen {adj} (teenager) SEE: teenager ::
-teen {suffix} (to form numbers 13 - 19) :: -надцять [11 to 19]
teenager {n} (person aged between thirteen and nineteen) :: підліток {m}
Tegucigalpa {prop} (capital of Honduras) :: Тегусігальпа {f}
Teheran {prop} (Tehran) SEE: Tehran ::
Tehran {prop} (capital of Iran) :: Тегеран {m}
tečka {n} (tečka diacritic) SEE: dot ::
Telavi {prop} (the main city and administrative center of Georgia's eastern province of Kakheti) :: Телаві
Tel Aviv {prop} (city in Israel) :: Тель-Авів {m}
telecommunication {n} (science and technology of communication over distance) :: телекомунікації
telega {n} (a simple four-wheeled Russian cart without springs) :: телега {f}
telegram {v} (telegraph) SEE: telegraph ::
telegram {n} (message sent by telegraph) :: телеграма {f}
telegraph {n} (apparatus, or a process, for communicating) :: телеграф {m}
telemarketing {n} (selling products or services by making calls to potential customers) :: телемаркетинг {m}
telepathy {n} (communication by psychic means) :: телепатія {f}
telephone {n} (a device used for two-way talking with other people) :: телефон {m}
telephone {v} (to call someone) :: дзвонити {impf}, подзвонити {pf}, телефонувати {impf}, зателефонувати {pf}
telephone {n} (Chinese whispers) SEE: Chinese whispers ::
telephone number {n} (digits assigned to a telephone) :: номер телефону {m}
teleportation {n} (process of moving matter from one point to another) :: телепортація
telescope {n} (optical instrument that magnifies) :: телескоп {m}, далекогляд {m}
teleshow {n} (television show) SEE: television show ::
Telesphoros {prop} (Son of Asclepius) :: Телесфор {m}
television {n} (medium) :: телебачення {n}, телевізія {f}
television {n} (device for receiving television signals) :: телевізор {m}
television program {n} (the content of an individual television broadcasting) :: телепередача {f}, телевисилання {n}
television series {n} (series) SEE: series ::
television set {n} (television) SEE: television ::
television show {n} (live or recorded TV broadcast or program) :: телешоу {n}, телепрограма {f}, телепередача {f}, телевізійна програма {f}
tell {v} (to pass information) :: розповідати {impf}, говорити {impf}, казати {impf}, сказати {pf}
tell {v} (to say) :: казати {impf}, говорити {impf}
tell {v} (narrate) SEE: narrate ::
teller {n} (bank clerk who receives and pays out money) :: касир {m}
teller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
tellurium {n} (chemical element) :: телур {m}
telnyashka {n} (a white undershirt with horizontal stripes, sometimes sleeveless, worn as part of a Russian military uniform) :: тільник {m}, тільняшка {f}
Telugu {prop} (Dravidian language of India) :: телугу, телунгу {f}
Telugu {n} (member of the people who speak it) :: телугу, телунгу {f}
temblor {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake ::
Temminck's stint {n} (Calidris temminckii) :: побережник білохвостий {m}
temperance {n} (state with regard to heat or cold) SEE: temperature ::
temperature {n} (a measure of cold or heat) :: температура {f}
tempest {n} (storm) :: буря {f}
template {n} (physical object) :: шаблон {m}
temple {n} (place of worship, see also: church; mosque; synagogue) :: храм {m}
temple {n} (region of skull) :: скроня {f}, висок {m}
tempo {n} (frequency or rate) :: темп {m}
tempo {n} (music: number of beats per minute) :: темп {m}
temporarily {adv} (for a limited period of time) :: тимчасово
temporary {adj} (for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant) :: тимчасовий
tempt {v} (to attract, allure) :: спокушати, приваблювати
tempura {n} (dish made by deep-frying food in a light batter) :: темпура {f}
ten {n} :: десять
ten {num} (the cardinal number occurring after 9 and before 11) :: десять, [collective numeral] десятеро
tenant {n} (one who pays a fee in return for the use of land, etc.) :: квартирант {m}
tench {n} (species of freshwater game fish) :: лин
Ten Commandments {prop} (religious ten commandments) :: десять заповідей {f-p}
tend {v} (to be probable or likely) :: мати тенденцію, схилятися
tender {adj} (soft and easily chewed) :: ніжний, тендітний, делікатний
tender {adj} (fond, loving, gentle, sweet) :: ніжний, ласкавий
tendon {n} (tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment) :: сухожилля {n}
Tennessee {prop} (state) :: Теннессі {m}
tennis {n} (sport played by two or four players with strung racquets) :: теніс {m}
tennis player {n} (a person who plays tennis) :: тенісист {m}, тенісистка {f}
tenpin bowling {n} (bowling) SEE: bowling ::
tense {n} (verb forms distinguishing time) :: час {m}
tense {adj} (showing stress or strain) :: напружений
tense {adj} (pulled taut) :: тугий, натягнутий
tent {n} (portable lodge) :: намет {m}, шатро {n}
tentacle {n} (elongated, boneless, flexible appendage) :: щупальце {n}
tenth {adj} (ordinal form of ten, see also: 10th) :: десятий
ten thousand {num} (10,000) :: десять тисяч
terbium {n} (chemical element) :: тербій {m}
Terek sandpiper {n} (Xenus cinereus) :: мородунка {f}
teriyaki {n} (a cooking technique) :: теріякі
term {n} (limitation, restriction or regulation) :: умова
term {n} (word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge) :: термін
term {n} (relations among people) :: відносини
term {n} (part of a year) :: чверть
term {n} (period of time, time limit) :: термін {m}, строк {m}
term {n} (period in office or prison) :: строк {m}
termes {n} (a termite) SEE: termite ::
termination {n} (the last part (or morpheme) of a word, see also: suffix) :: закінчення {n}
termitarium {n} (termite colony) :: термітник {m}
termite {n} (insect) :: терміт {m}
term of address {n} (word or phrase used to address or refer to someone) :: форма звертання
tern {n} (bird of family Sternidae) :: крячок {m}
Ternopil {prop} (city) :: Тернопіль {m}
Ternopol {prop} (Ternopil) SEE: Ternopil ::
Terpsichore {prop} (Greek mythology: one of the nine muses) :: Терпсіхора {f}
Terra {prop} (the Planet Earth) SEE: Earth ::
terraforming {n} (planetary engineering) :: тераформування {n}
terramare {n} (prehistoric settlements of the Po valley) :: терамари {f-p}
terrestrial {adj} (of, relating to, or inhabiting the Earth or its inhabitants) :: земний
terrible {adv} (dreadful; causing alarm or fear) :: жахливий, страшний
terrible {adv} (most formidable) :: грізний
territorial {adj} (of, relating to, or restricted to a specific geographic area, or territory) :: територіальний
territorial integrity {n} (principle that a state’s borders are sacrosanct) :: територіальна цілісність
territory {n} (large tract of land) :: територія {f}
terror {n} (extreme fear) :: жах {m}
terror {n} (terrorism) :: теракт {m}, терор {m}, тероризм {m}
terror {n} :: терор {m}
terrorism {n} (use of terror as a means of coercion) :: тероризм {m}
terrorist {n} (person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle) :: терорист {m}, терорист {f}
terrorist {adj} (of or relating to terrorism) :: терористичний
terza rima {n} (arrangement of triplets rhyming aba bcb cdc) :: терцина {f}
test {n} (challenge, trial) :: тест {m}, випробування {n}
test {n} (academics: examination) :: екзамен {m}, тест {m}
test {n} (product examination) :: тест {m}
test {v} (to challenge) :: випробовувати, тестувати
testament {n} (document containing a person's will) :: заповіт {m}, духівниця {f}, тестамент {m}
testament {n} (part of the Bible) :: завіт {m}, заповіт {m}
testicle {n} (male sex gland) :: яєчко {n}
tetanus {n} (disease) :: правець {m}
tetracontagon {n} (geometry) :: сорокакутник
tetradecagon {n} (geometry) :: чотирнадцятикутник
tetradecahedron {n} (geometry) :: чотирнадцятигранник
tetragon {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
tetrahedron {n} (polyhedron) :: тетраедр {m}, чотиригранник {m}
tetrahydrocannabinol {n} (THC) :: тетрагідроканнабінол {m}
tetrapod {n} (any vertebrate with four limbs) SEE: quadruped ::
tetravalence {n} (tetravalence) :: чотиривалентність
Tetris {prop} (game in which falling shapes must be manipulated) :: Тетріс {m}
Teutonic Knights {prop} (order) :: Тевтонський орден {m}
text {n} (a written passage) :: текст {m}
textbook {n} (formal manual of instruction) :: підручник {m}
Thai {adj} (of or pertaining to Thailand) :: тайський, таїландський
Thai {n} (language) :: тайська мова {f}, тайська {f}
Thailand {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Таїланд {m}
Thala {prop} (Tunisian town) :: Тала
thalamus {n} (botany:receptacle of a flower) SEE: receptacle ::
thallium {n} (chemical element) :: талій {m}
Thames {prop} (river through London) :: Темза {f}
than {prep} (Introduces a comparison) :: ніж, за [+ accusative], від [+ genitive], як
thanatocoenose {n} (dead life forms found together) :: танатоценоз {m}
Thanatos {n} (Thanatos, the god of death) :: Танатос {m}
thank {v} (express gratitude or appreciation to someone) :: дякувати, подякувати
thank {v} :: дякувати
thankful {adj} (showing thanks) :: вдячний
thank God {interj} (exclamation of gratitude or relief) :: слава богу
thank goodness {interj} (express gratitude) :: слава богу
thanks {interj} (used to express appreciation or gratitude) :: дякую, спасибі
thanks in advance {interj} (thanks in advance) :: дякую заздалегідь
thanks to {prep} (because of) :: завдяки
thank you {interj} (an expression of gratitude) :: дякую, спасибі
thank you very much {interj} (greater gratitude than "thank you") :: велике спасибі!, щиро дякую
that {conj} (connecting a noun clause) :: що
that {conj} (connecting a clause indicating purpose ("final")) :: щоб
that {determiner} (what is being indicated) :: той {m}
that {pron} (that thing) :: то, те
that {adv} (to a given extent or degree) :: так, настільки
that {adv} (to a great extent or degree, very) :: так, настільки
Thatcher {prop} (surname) :: Тетчер {m} {f}
Thatcherism {prop} (political ideology of Thatcher's governments) :: тетчеризм {m}
Thatcherist {n} (proponent of Thatcherism) SEE: Thatcherite ::
Thatcherite {n} (advocate of Thatcherism) :: тетчерист {m}, тетчеристка {f}
that is {adv} (in other words) :: тобто, цебто, себто
that is to say {adv} (in other words) SEE: that is ::
that's life {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life ::
thaw {v} (to melt, dissolve, or become fluid) :: танути {impf}, розтавати {impf}, розтанути {pf}
the {article} (article) :: Not used in Ukrainian
theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
theater {n} (place or building) :: театр {m}
theatre {n} (theater) SEE: theater ::
thede {n} (nation) SEE: nation ::
the die is cast {phrase} (the future is determined) :: гральну кістку кинуто, жереб кинуто
thee {pron} (thou) SEE: thou ::
thee {pron} (Objective case of 'thou') :: тебе, тобі
the end justifies the means {proverb} (morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary) :: мета виправдовує засоби
the fish rots from the head {proverb} (proverb) :: риба гниє з голови
theft {n} (act of stealing property) :: крадіжка {f}, покража {f}, крадіж {m}
the grass is always greener on the other side {proverb} (others' circumstances seem more desirable) :: у сусіда хата біла, у сусіда хата біліша
The Groyne {prop} (A Coruña) SEE: A Coruña ::
The Hague {prop} (Dutch city) :: Гаага {f}, Гааґа {f}
their {determiner} (belonging to them (plural)) :: їх
theirs {pron} (that which belongs to them) :: їх
them {pron} (third personal plural pronoun used after a preposition or as the object of a verb) :: їх, їм
thematically {adv} (in a thematic manner) :: тематично
theme {n} (subject of a talk or an artistic piece) :: тема {f}
theme {n} (computing: collection of color schemes, sounds, artwork etc.) :: тема
themselves {pron} (the reflexive case of they, the third-person plural personal pronoun) :: себе
themselves {pron} (emphatic: they) :: вони сами, вони самі
then {adv} (at that time) :: тоді
then {adv} (soon afterward) :: потім
then {adv} (in that case) :: тоді
theocracy {n} (government under the control of a Church) :: теократія {f}
theodolite {n} (instrument) :: теодоліт {m}
theologian {n} (one who studies theology) :: теолог {m}
theologist {n} (theologian) SEE: theologian ::
theorbo {n} (theorbo) :: теорба {f}
theorem {n} (proved mathematical statement) :: теорема {f}
theoretical {adj} (of or relating to theory) :: теоретичний {m}
theoretically {adv} (in theory) :: теоретично
theory {n} (a coherent set of statements attempting to explain observed phenomena) :: теорія {f}
theosophic {adj} (of, or relating to theosophy) :: теософський, теософічний
theosophy {n} (doctrine of religious philosophy and mysticism) :: теософія {f}
therapy {n} (treatment of disease) :: терапія {f}, лікування {n}
there {adv} (in or at that place) :: там
there {adv} (to or into that place; thither) :: туди
there are {phrase} :: є [singular and plural]
there be {v} (to exist) :: бути, матися, є
thereby {adv} (by that) :: таким чином
therefor {adv} (therefore) SEE: therefore ::
therefore {adv} (for that or this reason; for that) :: тому, затим
therefore {adv} (consequently; by consequence) :: отже
there is {v} (third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be) :: є [singular and plural]
there is nothing new under the sun {proverb} (there is nothing new) :: нічого нового під сонцем
there you go {phrase} (here you are) SEE: here you are ::
Thermidor {prop} (the eleventh month of the French Republican Calendar) :: термідор {m}
thermometer {n} (apparatus used to measure temperature) :: тепломір {m}, термометр {m}
thermoregulation {n} (the maintenance of a constant internal temperature of an organism) :: терморегуляція {f}
thermos {n} (vacuum flask) :: термос {m}
thermosphere {n} (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) :: термосфера {f}
Theron {prop} (5th century BC tyrant of Akragas) :: Ферон {m}
these {determiner} (plural of this) :: ці {p}
these {pron} (plural of this) :: ці
Theseus {prop} (hero) :: Тесей
Thessaloniki {prop} (city in Greece) :: Салоніки {p}
theta {n} (Greek letter) :: тета {f}
Thetis {prop} (the mother of Achilles) :: Фетіда
they {pron} (third-person plural pronoun) :: вони
thick {adj} (relatively great in extent from one surface to another) :: товстий
thick {adj} (having a viscous consistency) :: густий
thick {adj} (impenetrable to sight) :: густий
thick {adj} (informal: stupid) :: тупий
thick-billed murre {n} (Uria lomvia) :: кайра товстодзьоба {f}
thicket {n} (copse) :: хащі {f}
thickness {n} (layer) SEE: layer ::
thickness {n} (property of being thick in dimension) :: товщина {f}
thief {n} (one who carries out theft) :: злодій {m}, злодійка {f}
thief in law {n} (high-status criminal in Russia, etc.) :: злодій у законі {m}
thigh {n} (upper leg) :: стегно {n}
thimble {n} (a protective cap for the finger) :: наперсток {m}
thin {adj} (having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite) :: тонкий
thin {adj} (very narrow in all diameters; having a cross section that is small in all directions) :: тонкий
thin {adj} (having little body fat or flesh; slim; slender; lean; gaunt) :: худий
thin {adj} (of low viscosity or low specific gravity) :: рідкий, розріджений, ненасичений
thine {determiner} (possessive determiner) :: твій
thine {pron} (possessive pronoun) :: твій
thing {n} (that which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept) :: річ {f}
thing-in-itself {n} (thing as it is independent of any conceptualization, see also: noumenon) :: річ у собі {f}
think {v} (communicate to oneself in one’s mind) :: думати {impf}, мислити {impf}
think nothing of it {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
think of {v} (think) SEE: think ::
think tank {n} (group producing research and recommendations) :: аналітичний центр {m}
think up {v} (create in one's mind; invent) :: вигадувати {impf}, вигадати {pf}, видумувати {impf}, видумати {pf}, придумувати {impf}, придумати {pf}
third {adj} (the ordinal form of the cardinal number three, see also: 3rd) :: третій
third {n} (one of three equal parts of a whole) :: третина {f}
third {n} (interval) :: терція {f}
thirst {n} (dryness) :: спрага, жага {f}, смага {f}
thirsty {adj} (needing to drink) :: спраглий
thirteen {num} (the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen) :: тринадцять
thirteenth {adj} (ordinal form of thirteen, see also: 13th) :: тринадцятий
thirtieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number thirty, see also: 30th) :: тридцятий
thirty {num} (cardinal number) :: тридцять, трийцять
thirty-eight {num} (38) :: тридцять вісім
thirty-five {num} (35) :: тридцять п'ять
thirty-four {num} (34) :: тридцять чотири
thirty-nine {num} (39) :: тридцять дев'ять
thirty-one {num} (31) :: тридцять один
thirty-seven {num} (37) :: тридцять сім
thirty-six {num} (36) :: тридцять шість
thirty-three {num} (33) :: тридцять три
thirty-two {num} (32) :: тридцять два
this {determiner} (the (thing) here) :: цей, ця {f}, це {n}, ці {p}
this {pron} (The thing, item, etc. being indicated) :: цей {m}, це
thistle {n} (plant) :: осот {m}, чортополох {m}
this way {adv} (as follows) SEE: thus ::
this way {n} (to indicate direction) :: сюди
thither {adv} (to that place) :: туди
thole {v} (to suffer) SEE: suffer ::
Thomas {prop} (biblical Apostle) :: Хома {m}, Фома {m}
Thomas {prop} (given name) :: Хома {m}, Фома {m}, Тома {m}
thong {n} (footwear) :: в'єтнамки {f-p}
thorium {n} (chemical element) :: торій {m}
thorn {n} (letter of the Latin alphabet (Þ, þ)) :: торн {m}
thou {pron} (singular nominative form of you) :: ти
thou {v} (to address (a person) using the familiar second-person pronoun) :: тикати {impf}
though {adv} (however) :: тим не менш
though {conj} (although) :: хоча, незважаючи на те, що
thought {n} (form created in the mind) :: думка {f}, мисль {f}, мисля {f}
thousand {num} (cardinal number 1000) :: тисяча {f}
thrash {v} (to thresh) SEE: thresh ::
thread {n} (long, thin and flexible form of material) :: нитка {f}
thread {n} (a screw thread) SEE: screw thread ::
threads {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes ::
threads {n} (thread) SEE: thread ::
threads {n} (clothes (slang)) :: ганчір'я {n-p}, шмаття {n}
threadworm {n} (pinworm) SEE: pinworm ::
threat {n} (expression of intent to injure or punish another) :: погроза {f}, загроза {f} [rare]
threat {n} (indication of imminent danger) :: загроза {f}, небезпека {f}
threat {n} (person regarded as a danger) :: загроза {f}
threaten {v} (to make a threat against someone; to use threats) :: погрожувати
threaten {v} (to menace, or be dangerous) :: погрожувати
threatening {adj} (presenting a threat) :: загрозливий, погрозливий
three {num} (cardinal number 3) :: три, [collective] троє, трійко colloquial, трієчко colloquial diminutive, трійка {f}
three {n} (digit/figure 3) :: трійка {f}
three hundred {num} (cardinal number 300) :: триста
three stops short of Dagenham {adj} (crazy; mad) SEE: crazy ::
three thousand {num} (3,000) :: три тисячі
thresh {v} (to separate the grain from the straw or husks) :: молотити
thresher {n} (farm machine) :: молотарка {f}
threshing {n} (process) :: молотьба {f}
threshing floor {n} (floor of a threshing house) :: тік {n}, гумно {n}
threshing sledge {n} (rectangular table of wood used to separate grain from straw) :: молотильна дошка {f}, терка {f}, диканя {f}
threshold {n} (bottom-most part of a doorway) :: поріг {m}
thrice {adv} (three times) :: тричі
thrift {n} (characteristic of using a minimum of something) :: ощадливість {f}, ощадність {f}, бережливість {f}, економність {f}
thrifty {adj} (given to, or evincing, thrift) :: бережливий, ощадливий, заощадливий, економний
thrill {v} (suddenly excite someone, or to give someone great pleasure; to electrify) :: схвилювати, збудити
thrill {v} (feel a sudden excitement) :: збудитися
thrill {v} (cause something to tremble or quiver) :: тремтіти
thrill {v} (tremble or quiver) :: тремтіти
thrill {n} (trembling or quivering, especially one caused by emotion) :: збудження {n}, хвилювання {n}
thriller {n} (a suspenseful, sensational genre of fiction) :: трилер {m}
throat {n} (front part of the neck) :: горло {n}
thrombosis {n} (formation of thrombi, causing obstruction of circulation) :: тромбоз {m}
throne {n} (ornate seat) :: трон {m}, престол {m}
throne room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
throng {n} (group of people) :: натовп {m}
through {prep} (to or up to, until (and including)) SEE: to ::
through {prep} (from one side of an opening to the other) :: через, крізь, перез [dated]
throughout {prep} (in every part of; all through) :: по всьому, через
throughout {adv} (everywhere) :: всюди
throw {v} (to cause an object to move rapidly through the air) :: кидати
throw up {v} (to vomit) SEE: vomit ::
thru {prep} (through) SEE: through ::
thrush {n} (one of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae) :: дрізд {m}
thulium {n} (chemical element) :: тулій {m}
thumb {n} (digit) :: великий палець {m}
Thumbelina {prop} (a thumb-sized girl, the main character of a fairy tale) :: Дюймовочка {f}, Палюшенка {f}, Мизиночка {f}
thumbnail {n} (small picture) :: мініатюра {f}, картинка {f}
Thun {prop} (city and municipality) :: Тун {m}
thunder {n} (sound caused by lightning) :: грім {m}
thunderstorm {n} (storm with thunder and lightning) :: гроза {f}, буря {f}
thurible {n} (censer) SEE: censer ::
Thuringia {prop} (state) :: Тюрингія {f}
Thursday {n} (day of the week) :: четвер
thus {adv} (in this way or manner) :: так, таким чином
thus {adv} (as a result) :: отже’, таким чином
thus far {adv} (so far) :: поки що, досі
thy {determiner} (possessive determiner) :: твій
thyme {n} (plant of the genus Thymus, see also: wild thyme) :: чебрець {m}
Tianjin {prop} (city in China) :: Тяньцзінь {m}
Tian Shan {prop} (mountain range) :: Тянь-Шань {m}
Tiberias {prop} (town) :: Тверія {f}
Tibet {prop} (region in Inner Asia) :: Тибет {m}
Tibetan Mastiff {n} (Tibetan Mastiff) :: тибетський мастиф {m}
tibia {n} (bone of the leg) SEE: shinbone ::
tibia {n} (segment of insect's leg) SEE: shinbone ::
tick {n} (arachnid) :: кліщ {m}
ticket {n} (admission to entertainment) :: квиток {m}, білет {m}
ticket {n} (pass for transportation) :: квиток {m}, білет {m}
ticket stamping machine {n} (ticket validating machine) :: компостер {m}
tickle {n} (act of tickling) :: лоскіт {m}, лоскотання {n}
tickle {v} (to touch in a manner that causes tingling sensation) :: лоскотати {impf}, залоскотати {pf}
ticklish {adj} (sensitive or susceptible to tickling) :: який боїться лоскотки {m}
tiddlywinks {n} (game in which the objective is to shoot winks into a cup) :: гра в блішки
tide {n} (periodic change of sea level) :: прилив {m} [high tide], відлив {m} [low tide]
tide {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide ::
tide {n} (low tide) SEE: low tide ::
tie {n} (tie score) :: нічія {f}
tie {n} (strong connection between people) :: зв'язок
tie {v} (to attach or fasten with string) :: зв'язувати {impf}, зв'язати {pf}, зав'язувати {impf}, зв'язувати {impf}, прив'язувати {impf}, прив'язати {pf}
tie {n} (necktie) SEE: necktie ::
tie {v} (to achieve the same score) SEE: equalize ::
T'ien-chin {prop} (Tianjin) SEE: Tianjin ::
Tierra del Fuego {prop} (archipelago between Chile and Argentina) :: Вогняна Земля {f}
tiger {n} (The mammal Panthera tigris) :: тигр {m}
tiger cub {n} (young tiger) :: тигреня {n}, тигренятко {n}
tight {adj} (narrow) SEE: narrow ::
tight {adj} (pushed/pulled together) :: тісний
tight {adj} (under high tension) :: тугий
tigress {n} (female tiger) :: тигриця {f}
Tigrinya {prop} (language) :: тигринья {f}
Tijuana {prop} (city in Baja California, Mexico) :: Тіхуана {f}
Tijuanan {adj} (of Tijuana) :: тіхуанський
tile {n} (mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces) :: плитка {f}
till {prep} (until) :: до
till point {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk ::
timber {n} (trees considered as a source of wood) :: деревина {f}
timber {n} (wood that has been cut ready for construction) :: лісоматеріал {m}
time {n} (inevitable passing of events) :: час {m}
time {n} (quantity of availability in time) :: час {m}
time {n} (measurement of a quantity of time) :: час {m}
time {n} (slang: serving of a prison sentence) :: строк {m}, термін {m}
time {n} (time of day, as indicated by a clock, etc) :: час {m}, година {f}
time {n} (measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time) :: час {m}
time {n} (numerical indication of a particular moment in time) :: година {f}, час {m}
time {n} (instance or occurrence) :: раз {m}
time {n} :: час {m}
time capsule {n} (sealed container) :: часова капсула {f}
time dilation {n} (slowing of the passage of time at relativistic speeds) :: уповільнення часу {n}
time is money {proverb} (time is money) :: час — гроші, час — це гроші
time machine {n} (device used to travel in time) :: машина часу {f}
time of day {n} (time according to the clock) SEE: time ::
Times Square {prop} (wide intersection in New York City) :: Таймс-сквер {m}
timetable {n} (a structured schedule of events) :: розклад {m}, графік {m}
timid {adj} (lacking in courage or confidence) :: боязкий, несміливий, несміливий, несмілий, полохливий
Timor-Leste {prop} (East Timor) SEE: East Timor ::
timpanum {n} (middle ear) SEE: middle ear ::
timpanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
tin {n} (element) :: олово
tin {n} (airtight container) :: бляшанка {f}, консерва {f}
tinkle {v} (to urinate) SEE: urinate ::
tinnitus {n} (perception of nonexistent noise) :: тинітус {m}
tin opener {n} (tin opener) SEE: can opener ::
tin-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener ::
tiny {adj} (very small) :: крихітний, малюсінький, дрібний
-tion {suffix} (producing a noun meaning the action or effect of a verb) :: -ння, -ція
tip {n} (extreme end of something) :: кінчик {m}, наконечник {m}
tip {n} (small amount of money left for a servant as a token of appreciation) :: чайові {m-p}
tip {n} (piece of advice) :: підказка {f}, натяк {m}
tip {v} (inform of a potential clue) :: натякати
tipcat {n} (game in which a wooden piece is struck with a stick) :: чижик {m}
tipcat {n} (wooden piece used in tipcat) :: чижик {m}
tip of the iceberg {n} (small indication of a larger possibility) :: верхівка айсберга {f}
tip-top {adj} (excellent) SEE: excellent ::
tiramisu {n} (semifreddo dessert) :: тирамісу {m}
Tirana {prop} (capital city of Albania) :: Тирана {f}
Tiraspol {prop} (capital of Transnistria) :: Тирасполь {m}
tire {n} (rubber covering on a wheel) SEE: tyre ::
tire {v} (to become sleepy) :: утомлюватися {impf}, утомлятися {impf}, утомитися {pf}
tire {v} (to make sleepy) :: стомлювати {impf}, стомити {pf}
tire {v} (to become bored) :: набридати {impf}, набриднути {pf}
tire {v} (to bore) :: набридати {impf}, набриднути {pf}
tired {adj} (in need of rest or sleep) :: утомлений
tired {adj} (fed up) SEE: fed up ::
tiring {adj} (that tires or tire) :: стомливий
tissue {n} (sheet of absorbent paper) :: серветка {f}
Tisza {prop} (river in Central Europe) :: Тиса {f}
tit {n} ((slang, vulgar) a woman's breast) :: цицька {f}
tit {n} (chickadee) SEE: chickadee ::
Titan {prop} (moon of Saturn) :: Титан {m}
Titanic {prop} (ship) :: Титанік {m}
titanium {n} (chemical element) :: титан {m}
titfer {n} (hat) SEE: hat ::
tit for tat {n} (hat) SEE: hat ::
tithe {n} (tenth) SEE: tenth ::
Titian {prop} (sixteenth century Italian painter) :: Тіціан {m}
title {n} (prefix or suffix added to a name) :: титул, звання {n}
title {n} (name of a book, etc) :: назва {f}
titmouse {n} (Any bird of the family Paridae) :: синиця {f}
titushky {n} (a violent pro-government vigilante involved in cracking down on popular protest) :: тітушка {m} {f}
Tivoli {prop} (city in Lazio, Italy) :: Тіволі {n}
Tōkyō {prop} (Tokyo) SEE: Tokyo ::
to {particle} (infinitive-marker) :: -ати, -яти, -ти, -іти, -ити
to {prep} (in the direction of, and arriving at) :: на, в, до
to {prep} (used to indicate ratios) :: до
to {prep} (used to indicated exponentiation) :: в
toad {n} (amphibian similar to a frog) :: ропуха {f}, жаба {f}
toast {n} (toasted bread) :: грінка {f}, тост {m}
toast {n} (salutation) :: тост {m}
toaster {n} (device for toasting bread) :: тостер {m}
tobacco {n} (any plant of the genus Nicotiana) :: тютюн {m}
tobacco {n} (leaves of certain varieties of tobacco plant) :: тютюн {m}
tobacco pipe {n} (smoking tool) :: [курильна] трубка {f}, люлька {f} [colloquial], файка {f}
today {adv} (on the current day) :: сьогодні, нині
today {n} (today (noun)) :: сьогодні
toe {n} (each of the five digits on the end of the foot) :: палець {m}, палець ноги {m}
to each his own {proverb} (every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences) :: кожному своє
tofu {n} (protein-rich food made from curdled soy milk) :: тофу {n}
together {adv} (at the same time, in the same place) :: разом, спільно
toggle {v} (to alternate between two positions using a single switch or lever) :: перемикати {impf}, перемкнути {pf}
toggle {v} (to switch between alternate states) :: перемикати {impf}, перемкнути {pf}
Togo {prop} (Togolese Republic) :: Того {f}
toilet {n} (dressing room) :: гардеробна {f}, вбиральня {f}
toilet {n} (room used for urination and defecation, see also: bathroom; men's room; ladies' room; outhouse; portable toilet; latrine; shitter) :: туалет {m}, вбиральня {f}, виходок
toilet {n} (fixture used for urination and defecation, see also: flush toilet; squat toilet; chemical toilet; urinal; latrine) :: унітаз {m}
toilet paper {n} (paper to clean oneself after defecation or urination) :: туалетний папір {m}
toilet water {n} (perfumed mixture of water and alcohol) SEE: eau de toilette ::
Tokyo {prop} (capital of Japan) :: Токіо {n}
Tokyoite {adj} (relating to Tokyo) :: токійський
Tokyoite {n} (person from Tokyo) :: токієць {m}, токійка {f}
toll {n} (fee for using roads and bridges) :: дорожній збір {m}
tolstovka {n} (kosovorotka) SEE: kosovorotka ::
Tolyatti {prop} (city) :: Тольятті {m}
tom {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
tom {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
tom {n} (male cat) :: кіт {m}
tomahawk {n} (American Indian axe) :: томагавк {m}
tomato {n} (fruit) :: помідор {m}, томат {m} [usually processed]
tomato sauce {n} (ketchup) SEE: ketchup ::
tomb {n} (small building or vault for the remains of the dead) :: гробниця {f}
tomcat {n} (tom) SEE: tom ::
tomography {n} (imaging by sections or sectioning) :: томографія
tomorrow {adv} (on the day after the present day) :: завтра
tomorrow {n} (the day after the present day) :: завтра {n}
Tomsk {prop} (а city in Russia) :: Томськ {m}
ton {n} (unit of weight) :: тонна {f}
tondo {n} (a round work of art) :: тондо {n}
tone {n} (pitch of a word that distinguishes a difference in meaning) :: тон {m}
tone {n} (firmness of a muscle or organ) :: тонус {m}
tongue {n} (organ) :: язик {m}
tongue {n} (language) SEE: language ::
tongue-twister {n} (phrase which is difficult to say) :: скоромовка {f}
tonight {adv} (during today's evening) :: сьогодні увечері, сьогодні ввечері
tonight {adv} (during today's nighttime) :: сьогодні вночі, сьогодні ніччю
tonkatsu {n} (Japanese dish made from pork cutlet) :: тонкацу {f} {n}
tonkotsu {n} (Japanese broth made from pork marrow) :: тонкоцу {f} {n}
tonsil {n} (palatine tonsil) :: мигдалик {m}
tonsillectomy {n} (surgical removal of tonsils) :: тонзилектомія {f}
tonsillitis {n} (inflammation of the tonsils) :: тонзиліт {m}, ангіна {f}
too {adv} (likewise) :: теж, також
too {adv} (more than enough; as too much) :: за, надто, занадто
toodeloo {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
tool {n} (mechanical device intended to make a task easier) :: інструмент {m}, начиння {n}, знаряддя {n}
toon {n} (town) SEE: town ::
tooth {n} (biological tooth) :: зуб {m}
toothbrush {n} (brush for cleaning the teeth and tongue) :: зубна щітка {f}
tooth enamel {n} (substance) SEE: enamel ::
toothpaste {n} (paste for cleaning the teeth) :: зубна паста {f}
toothpick {n} (stick for removing food residue from the area between the teeth) :: зубочистка {f}
top {n} (uppermost part) :: вершина {f}, верх {m}
top {n} (child’s spinning toy) :: дзиґа {f}
topaz {n} (gem) :: топаз {m}
topic {n} (discussion thread) SEE: thread ::
topic {n} (subject; theme) :: тема {f}
topical {adj} (arranged according to topic or theme) :: тематичний
topknot {n} (a decorative knot of hair on the crown of the head) :: чуб {m}, оселедець {m}
top up {v} (to extend credit) :: поповнювати рахунок {impf}, поповнити рахунок {pf}
tor {n} (hill) SEE: hill ::
Torah {prop} (the Five Books of Moses - the full body of Jewish law) :: Тора {f}
torch {n} (flashlight) SEE: flashlight ::
torch {n} (stick with flame at one end) :: смолоскип {m}, факел {m}
torment {n} (extreme pain) :: страждання {n}, мука {f}
tornado {n} (violent windstorm) :: смерч {m}
Tornedalen {prop} (Meänkieli) SEE: Meänkieli ::
Torne Valley Finnish {prop} (Meänkieli) SEE: Meänkieli ::
toroid {n} (surface generated by a closed curve (especially a circle) rotating about, but not intersecting or containing, an axis in its own plane) :: тороїд {m}
Toronto {prop} (city in Canada) :: Торонто {m}
torque {n} (a rotational or twisting force) :: момент сили {m}
torso {n} (body excluding the head and limbs) :: тулуб {m}, торс {m}, корпус {m}
tortoise {n} (land-dwelling reptile) :: [tortoise or turtle] черепаха {f}
torture {n} (intentional causing of somebody's experiencing agony) :: тортура {f}, катування {n}
torture {v} (to intentionally inflict unnecessary pain or suffering on helpless victims) :: катувати {impf}, мучити {impf}
torturer {n} (one who tortures) :: мучитель {m}, кат {m}
Toruń {prop} (city in northern Poland) :: Торунь
totalitarianism {n} (system where state wields absolute control) :: тоталітаризм {m}
total war {n} (warfare where all of a country's resources are employed) :: тотальна війна {f}
to that end {prep} (therefore) SEE: therefore ::
to the max {prep} (very) SEE: very ::
toucan {n} (Ramphastid) :: тукан {m}
touch {v} (make physical contact with) :: доторкатися {impf}, доторкнутися {pf}, торкати {impf}, торкнути {pf}, торкатися {impf}, торкнутися {pf}
touch {v} (affect emotionally) :: зворушуватися {impf}
touch {n} (act of touching) :: дотик {m}
touch {n} :: дотик {m} , доторк {m} , контакт {m} , чуття дотику {n}
touchdown {n} (landing) :: приземлення {n}
tough {adj} (stubborn) SEE: stubborn ::
Toulouse {prop} (a city in France) :: Тулуза {f}
Tour de France {prop} (annual long-distance cycling race through France) :: Тур де Франс {m}
tourism {n} (the act of travelling or sightseeing) :: туризм {m}
tourist {n} (someone who travels for pleasure) :: турист {m}, туристка {f}
tourniquet {n} (a tightly compressed bandage used to stop bleeding) :: джгут {m}
tovarish {n} (comrade) SEE: comrade ::
tovarish {n} (comrade, especially with reference to the former USSR, see also: comrade) :: товариш {m}
tow {n} (bundle of fibers) :: клоччя {n}
toward {prep} (in the direction of) :: до, в напрямку
toward {prep} (in relation to) :: щодо
towards {prep} (toward) SEE: toward ::
towel {n} (cloth used for wiping) :: рушник {n}, утирач {m}
tower {n} (structure) :: башта {f}, вежа {f}, вишка {f}, терем {m}
Tower of London {prop} (a fortress in London) :: Тауер {m}, Лондонський Тауер {m}
Tower of Pisa {prop} (Leaning Tower of Pisa) SEE: Leaning Tower of Pisa ::
tower over {v} (to be considerably taller than) :: височіти
town {n} (settlement) :: місто {n}, містечко {n}
town hall {n} (a building that houses the local government offices of a town) :: мерія {f}
townhouse {n} (town hall) SEE: town hall ::
townlet {n} (a small town) :: містечко {n}
toxic {adj} (having a harmful chemical nature) :: отруйний, токсичний
toy {n} (something to play with) :: іграшка {f}, цацка {f}, забавка {f}
trachoma {n} (infectious disease) :: трахома {f}
track {n} (mark left by something that has passed along) :: слід {m}
track {n} (beaten path) :: шлях {m}, путь {m}, дорога {f}, траса {f}, стежка {f}
track {n} (path or course laid out for a race or exercise) :: трек, траса
track {n} (permanent way; the rails) :: траса, шлях, дорога, путь {m}
track {n} (cricket: pitch) :: трек {m}
track {n} (sound stored on a record) :: стежка
tracksuit {n} (garment) :: спортивний костюм {m}
tractor {n} (farm vehicle) :: трактор {m}
tractor driver {n} (one who drives a tractor) :: тракторист {m}, трактористка {f}
trade {n} (buying and selling) :: торгівля {f}, комерція {f}
trader {n} (one who earns a living by trading) :: торговець {m}, крамар {m}, крамар {m}
trade secret {n} (formula, practice, process, design) :: комерційна таємниця {f}
trade union {n} (organization) :: профспілка {f}, професійна спілка {f}
tradition {n} (a part of culture that is passed from person to person or generation to generation) :: традиція {f}
traditional {adj} (of or pertaining to tradition) :: традиційний
traffic {n} (pedestrians or vehicles on roads or on the air) :: рух {m}
traffic jam {n} (situation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow) :: пробка {f}, затор {m}
traffic light {n} (signalling device) :: світлофор {m}
traffic sign {n} (traffic sign) :: дорожній знак {m}, шляховказувач {n}, дороговказувач {n}
tragedy {n} (drama or similar work) :: трагедія {f}
tragedy {n} (disastrous event, especially one involving great loss of life or injury) :: трагедія {f}, нещастя {n}, горе {n}, біда {f}
trail {v} (follow behind) :: переслідувати
trail {v} (drag behind) :: тягти
trail {n} (track followed by a hunter) :: слід
trail {n} (route for travel over land) :: стежка, стежина {f}, стежинка
trailer {n} (vehicle towed behind another, used for carrying equipment) :: причіп {m}, причеп {m}, трейлер {m}
train {n} (line of connected cars or carriages) :: поїзд {m}, потяг {m}
trainer {n} (person who trains another; coach) :: тренер {m}
train of thought {n} (flow of thinking) :: хід думок {m}
train of thoughts {n} (train of thought) SEE: train of thought ::
train station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station ::
trait {n} (an identifying characteristic, habit or trend) :: риса {f}
traitor {n} (one who violates allegiance and betrays one's country) :: зрадник {m}, зрадниця {f}
trajectory {n} (path of a body) :: траєкторія {f}
tram {n} (passenger vehicle) :: трамвай {m}
tramcar {n} (streetcar) SEE: tram ::
tramp {n} (homeless person) :: волоцюга {m}, бродяга {m}, бомж
trance {n} (genre of electronic dance music) :: транс
transcendental number {n} (irrational nonalgebraic number) :: трансцендентне число {n}
transcribe {v} (to convert a representation of language into another) :: транскрибувати {impf} {pf}
transcription {n} (in linguistics) :: транскрипція {f}
transfer {n} (act) :: передача {f}
transfuge {n} (deserter) SEE: deserter ::
transfuge {n} (turncoat) SEE: turncoat ::
transgender {n} (a transgender person) :: трансгендер {m}
transhumanism {n} (philosophy favoring the use of science and technology) :: трансгуманізм
transitive {adj} (making a transit or passage) :: перехідний
transitive {adj} (affected by transference of signification) :: образний
transitive {adj} (grammar, of a verb: taking an object or objects) :: перехідний
transitive {adj} (set theory, of a relation on a set) :: перехідний
transitive verb {n} (a verb that is accompanied by a direct object) :: перехідне дієслово {n}
translatable {adj} (capable of being translated into another language) :: перекладний
translate {v} (to change text from one language to another) :: перекладати {impf}, перекласти {pf}, переводити {impf}, перевести {pf}
translation {n} (act of translating between languages) :: переклад {m}
translation {n} (result of translating between languages) :: переклад {m}
translator {n} (someone who translates) :: перекладач {m}, перекладачка {f}
transliteration {n} (product of transliterating) :: транслітерація {f}
Transnistria {prop} (Transnistria, an autonomous territory in Moldova) :: Придністров'я {n}
transom {n} (crosspiece over a door) :: фрамуга {f}
transom {n} (transom window) SEE: transom window ::
transom window {n} (window above a door) :: фрамуга {f}
transparency {n} (quality of being transparent; transparence) :: прозорість {f}
transparent {adj} (see-through, clear) :: прозорий
transparent {adj} :: прозорий
transphobia {n} (fear or hatred of transsexuality or transgenderism) :: трансфобія {f}
transpire {v} (to happen, take place) SEE: happen ::
transportation {n} (act of transporting) :: перевезення {n}
transportation {n} (means of conveyance) :: транспорт {m}
transsexualism {n} (transsexuality) SEE: transsexuality ::
transsexuality {n} (the state, condition, or properties of being transsexual) :: транссексуальність
transubstantiation {n} (Roman Catholic dogma) :: переісточення {n}, переосутнення {n}, преосуществління, транссубстанціація {f}
Transylvania {prop} (Transylvania) :: Трансильванія {f}, Семигород {m}
trap {n} (device designed to catch or kill animals) :: пастка {f}, хапка {f}
trapper {n} (one who traps animals) :: трапер {m}
trash can {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can ::
Trasyanka {prop} (language) :: трасянка {f}
trauma {n} (serious injury to the body) :: травма {f}
travel {v} (be on a journey) :: подорожувати {impf}, мандрувати {impf}, ї́здити {impf}
travel {n} (act of traveling) :: подорож {f}, пої́здка {f} [specific]
traveler {n} (one who travels) SEE: traveller ::
traveller {n} (one who travels) :: мандрівник {m}, мандрівниця {f}, подорожник {m}, подорожниця {f}
travelling salesman {n} (itinerant salesperson) :: комівояжер {m}
tray {n} (object on which things are carried) :: піднос {m}, таця {f}
treachery {n} (treason) SEE: treason ::
treacle {n} (molasses or golden syrup) :: патока {f}
treason {n} (crime of betraying one’s country) :: зрада {f}
treasure {n} (collection of valuable things) :: скарб {m}
treasury {n} (place where treasure is stored safely) :: скарбниця {f}, скарбона {f}, казна {f}
treasury {n} (place where state or royal money and valuables are stored) :: скарбниця {f}, казна {f}
treasury {n} (collection of artistic or literary works) :: скарбниця {f}
treat {v} (to handle, deal with or behave towards in a specific way) :: звертатися
treat {v} (to entertain with food or drink) :: пригощати, частувати
treat {v} (to care for medicinally or surgically) :: лікувати
treat {n} ((obsolete) A parley or discussion of terms; a negotiation) SEE: negotiation ::
treatment {n} (process or manner of treating) :: звернення {n}
treatment {n} (medical care for an illness or injury) :: лікування {n}
treaty {n} (a binding agreement under international law) :: договір {m}, договір {m}, угода {f}, умова {f}, пакт {m}
tree {proverb} (large woody plant) :: дерево {n}
tree hollow {n} (tree hollow) :: дупло {n}
tree trunk {n} (the main structural member of a tree) :: ствол {m}
trefoil {n} (plant) :: трилисник {m}
tremble {v} (to shake) :: тремтіти {impf}, труситися {impf}
trend {n} (an inclination in a direction) :: тенденція, напрям, тренд
trend {n} (A fad) :: тренд, мода
trepanation {n} (practice of drilling a hole in the skull) :: трепанація {f}
treshchotka {n} (an old Russian percussion instrument) :: тріскачка {f}
trespass {n} (sin) SEE: sin ::
Târgu Mureș {prop} (city in Romania) :: Тиргу-Муреш
triacontagon {n} (geometry) :: тридцятикутник
trial {n} (chance to test something out) :: випробування {n}, дослід {m}, експеримент {m}, спроба {f}
trial {n} (appearance at judicial court) :: суд, розгляд, процес {m}
trial {n} (difficult experience) :: випробування {n}
trial {v} (to carry out a series of tests on a new product) :: оцінка, проба
triangle {n} (polygon) :: трикутник {m}
tribal {adj} (of or relating to tribes) :: племінний
tribe {n} (group of people) :: плем'я {n}, рід {m}
tribology {n} (science and technology of lubrication) :: трибологія
triboluminescence {n} (production of light) :: триболюмінесценція {f}
tribunal {n} (assembly including one or more judges to conduct judicial business) :: трибунал {m}, суд {m}
tributary {n} (stream which flows into a larger one) :: притока {f}
trick {n} (magic trick) :: фокус {m}, трюк {m}
trickster {n} (fraud) SEE: fraud ::
tricolour {n} (A flag with three stripes of different colours) :: триколор {m}
tridecagon {n} (geometry) :: тринадцятикутник
tridecagonal {adj} (having thirteen sides and thirteen angles) :: тринадцятикутний
trident {n} (three-pronged spear) :: тризубець {m}
triduan {adj} (lasting three days) :: триденний
triennial {adj} (lasting for three years) :: трирічний
triennium {n} (period of three years) :: триріччя {n}
triforium {n} (gallery of arches) :: трифорій {m}
trigger finger {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger ::
trillion {num} (a million million, 1012, see also: billion) :: трильйон {m}
trilobite {n} (member of the class Trilobita) :: трилобіт {m}
trimester {n} (term of academic year) :: триместр {m}
Trinity {prop} (Christianity: three persons of the Godhead) :: трійця {f}, Трійця {f}
trip {n} (journey) :: пої́здка {f}, подорож {f}
tripe {n} (stomach lining of animal for food) :: рубець {m}
tripe {n} (entrails) :: тельбух {m}, требух {m}
triphthong {n} (monosyllabic vowel combination involving movement from one vowel to another) :: трифтонг {m}
triple harp {n} (musical instrument) :: валлійська арфа {f}
Tripoli {prop} (capital of Libya) :: Тріполі {m}
Tripura {prop} (state) :: Тріпура
triquetra {n} (shape formed of three vesica piscis) :: трикветр
triskaidecagon {n} (geometry) :: тринадцятикутник
triumph {n} (trump card) SEE: trump ::
triumvirate {n} (a ruling group of three) :: тріумвірат {m}
trivia {n} (quiz) SEE: quiz ::
troika {n} (carriage) :: трійка {f}
troika {n} (group of three) SEE: triumvirate ::
Trojan {n} (computer malware) SEE: Trojan horse ::
Trojan horse {prop} (epic wooden horse) :: троянський кінь {m}
Trojan War {prop} (mythological war) :: Троянська війна {f}
troll {n} (supernatural being) :: троль {m}
troll {n} (person who provokes others) :: троль {m}
trolley {n} (cart or shopping cart) :: візок {m}, возик {m}
trolley bus {n} (bus powered via overhead electric cables) :: тролейбус {m}
trombone {n} (a musical instrument in the brass family) :: тромбон {m}
Tromsø {prop} (municipality in Norway) :: Тромсе
troop {n} (military forces) :: війська {n-p}
trophy {n} (object rewarding success) :: трофей {m}
trophy {n} (object taken by a hunter or conqueror of their success) :: трофей {m}
tropic {n} (either of the two parallels) :: тропік {m}
Tropic {n} (one of the two Tropics) SEE: tropic ::
Tropic of Cancer {prop} (the parallel of latitude 23°30′ north of the equator) :: тропік Рака {m}, північний тропік {m}
Tropic of Capricorn {prop} (parallel of latitude 23°30' S) :: тропік Козорога {m}, південний тропік {m}
troth {n} (truth) SEE: truth ::
Trotskyism {n} (left-wing political philosophy named after Leon Trotsky) :: троцькізм {m}
Trotskyist {n} (a supporter of Trotskyism) SEE: Trotskyite ::
Trotskyite {n} (an advocate of the communist doctrines of Leon Trotsky) :: троцькіст {m}, троцькістка {f}
troubadour {n} (an itinerant performer of songs) :: трубадур {m}
trouble {n} (distressful or dangerous situation) :: халепа
trough {n} (a long, narrow, open container for feeding animals) :: корито {n}
trouser {v} (to pocket) SEE: pocket ::
trousers {n} (article of clothing for the lower body) SEE: pants ::
trout {n} (fish) :: форель {f}
truce {n} (a period of time in which no fighting takes place) :: перемир'я {n}
truck {v} (trade) SEE: trade ::
truck {n} (vehicle designed for carrying cargo) :: грузовик {m}, вантажівка {f}
true {adj} (concurring with a given set of facts) :: вірний, істинний, правдивий
truly {adv} (in accordance with the facts) :: справді, істинно
truly {adv} (honestly, genuinely) :: справді
trump {n} (suit that outranks all others) :: козир {m}
trump {n} (playing card of that suit) :: козир {m}
Trump {prop} (surname) :: Трамп
trump card {n} (trump) SEE: trump ::
trumpet {n} (brass instrument) :: труба
trunk {n} (tree trunk) :: стовбур {m}
trunk {n} (large suitcase or chest) :: скриня {f}, куфер {m}, кофр {m}
trunk {n} (extended nasal organ of an elephant) :: хобот {m}
trunk {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) :: багажник {m}
trunk {n} (torso) SEE: torso ::
trunk {n} (swimming trunks) SEE: swimming trunks ::
trust {n} (confidence in or reliance on some person or quality) :: довіра {f}, довір'я {n}
trust {n} (confidence in the future payment for goods or services supplied; credit) :: віра
trust {n} (a group of businessmen or traders) :: трест {m}
trust {v} (to place confidence in) :: довіряти {impf}
trustworthy {adj} (reliable) :: надійний, достовірний
truth {n} (state or quality of being true to someone or something) :: вірність {f}
truth {n} (conformity to fact or reality) :: правда {f}, істина {f}
truth {n} (true facts) :: правда {f}, істина {f}
try {v} (to attempt) :: пробувати, старатися, намагатися
try on {v} (to test the look of) :: приміряти
try out {v} (to test something) :: пробувати, спробувати, експерементувати
tsar {n} (an emperor) :: цар {m}
tsardom {n} (the territory ruled by a tsar) :: царство {n}
tsarina {n} (empress or wife of a tsar) :: цариця {f}
tsaritsa {n} (tsarina) SEE: tsarina ::
tselina {n} (virgin lands in Russia and Kazakhstan) :: цілина {f}
T-shirt {n} (type of shirt) :: футболка {f}, теніска {f}, майка {f}
Tsukuyomi {prop} (Japanese moon god) :: Цукуйомі {m}
tsunami {n} (large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean) :: цунамі {f}
tsundere {n} (character who fits the archetype of being cold or hostile before gradually showing a warm and caring side) :: цундере {n}
tub {n} (bathtub) SEE: bathtub ::
tube {n} (a pipe) :: труба {f}
tuber {n} (fleshy underground stem) :: бульба {f}
tucker {n} (slang: food) SEE: grub ::
Tuesday {n} (day of the week) :: вівторок {m}
tufa {n} (volcanic rock) SEE: tuff ::
tuff {n} (a rock composed of compacted volcanic ash) :: вулканічний туф {m}
tug {n} (tugboat) SEE: tugboat ::
tugboat {n} (small, powerful boat) :: буксир {m}
Tula {prop} (city) :: Тула {f}
tulip {n} (plant) :: тюльпан {m}
tulle {n} (kind of silk lace) :: тюль {m}
tumbleweed {n} (plant which breaks loose and is driven by the wind) :: перекотиполе {n}
tumor {n} (oncology, pathology: an abnormal growth) :: пухлина {f}, опух {m}
tumour {n} (tumor) SEE: tumor ::
tundra {n} (flat treeless arctic region) :: тундра {f}
tune {n} (melody) :: мелодія {f}
tungsten {n} (chemical element) :: вольфрам {m}
tuning fork {n} (fork-shaped object which emits a tone) :: камертон {m}
Tunis {prop} (capital of Tunisia) :: Туніс {m}
Tunisia {prop} (Republic of Tunisia) :: Туніс {m}
tunnel {n} (an underground or underwater passage) :: тунель {m}
tup {v} (fuck) SEE: fuck ::
tup {n} (ram) SEE: ram ::
turban {n} (man's head-dress) :: чалма {f}, тюрбан {m}
turducken {n} (dish consisting of a deboned turkey stuffed with a deboned duck that has been stuffed with a small deboned chicken) :: турдакен
turf accountant {n} (bookmaker) SEE: bookmaker ::
Turk {n} (a person from Turkey) :: турок {m}, турчанка {f}
Turk {n} (Muslim) SEE: Muslim ::
turkey {n} (bird) :: індик {m}, індичка {f} [female bird; meat]
Turkey {prop} (country at intersection of Europe and Asia) :: Туреччина {f}
Turkic {adj} (of or relating to this language group or the people who speak it) :: тюркський
Turkish {n} (official language of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) :: турецька {f}
Turkish {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Turkey, the Turkish people or the Turkish language) :: турецький
Turkish bath {n} (establishment) :: хамам {m}, хаммам {m}, амам
Turkish delight {n} (confection) :: рахат-лукум {m}, лукум {m}
Turkism {n} (a word or idiom of the Turkish language) :: тюркізм {m}
Turkman {n} (person from Turkmenistan) :: туркмен {m}, туркменка {f}
Turkmen {adj} (of or pertaining to Turkmenistan, the Turkmen people or the Turkmen language) :: туркменський
Turkmen {n} (Turkman) SEE: Turkman ::
Turkmenistan {prop} (Central Asian country) :: Туркменістан {m}, Туркменія {f}
Turkmenistani {adj} (person of Turkmen origin) SEE: Turkmen ::
turn {v} (change the direction or orientation of (something)) :: повертати, обертати
turn {v} (change one's direction of travel) :: повертати {impf}, повернути {pf}
turn {v} (position (something) by folding it back on itself) :: завертати
turn {n} (change of direction or orientation) :: поворот
turn {n} (movement about an axis ending up with the same orientation) :: оберт
turn {n} (single loop of a coil) :: виток
turn {n} (chance to use (something) shared in sequence with others) :: черга {f}, черга {f}
turn {n} (one's chance to make a move in a game) :: хід {m}
turn back {v} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return ::
turncoat {n} (a traitor) :: ренегат {m}, перебіжчик {m}, перевертень {m}, зрадник {m} [traitor]
turnip {n} (white root of Brassica rapa) :: ріпа {f}, ріпка {f} [colloquial]
turn off {v} (switch off appliance or light) :: вимикати {impf}, вимкнути {pf}
turn on {v} ((transitive) to activate an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc.) :: вмикати {impf}, включати {impf}
turn out {v} (to result; end up) :: виходити {impf}, вийти {pf}, виявлятися {impf}, виявитися {pf}
turn over {v} (to transfer) SEE: transfer ::
turnover {n} (rate of change or replacement) :: пл́инність кáдрів {f} [of staff, employees]
turquoise {n} (gemstone) :: туркус {m}, піруза {f}, фіруза {f}, бірюза {f}
turquoise {n} (colour) :: туркусова {f}, туркусовий {m}, пірузовий {m}
turquoise {adj} (having a pale greenish-blue colour) :: бірюзовий
turtle {n} (land or marine reptile with a shell) :: черепаха {f}
turtle {n} (turtle dove) SEE: turtle dove ::
turtle dove {n} (bird in the genus Streptopelia) :: горлиця {f}
tusk {n} (pointed tooth) :: бивень {m}
tusk {n} (sharp point) :: вістря {f}
tussis {n} (cough) SEE: cough ::
tuxedo {n} (formal jacket) :: смокінг {m}
Tuzla {prop} (a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina) :: Тузла
TV {n} (abbreviation for television) :: ТБ {n}
Tver {prop} (city) :: Твер {f}
tvorog {n} (a soft Russian curd cheese) :: тваріг {m}
TV series {n} (series) SEE: series ::
tweak {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: prostitute ::
twelfth {adj} (ordinal form of twelve) :: дванадцятий
twelve {num} (cardinal number 12) :: дванадцять
Twelve Days of Christmas {n} (the season or time made up of the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany) :: святки {f-p}
twelveth {adj} (twelfth) SEE: twelfth ::
twelve-tone technique {n} (system of musical composition) :: додекафонія {f}
twentieth {adj} (ordinal form of twenty, see also: 20th) :: двадцятий
twenty {num} (cardinal number) :: двадцять
twenty-eight {num} (number) :: двадцять вісім
twenty-five {num} (twenty-five) :: двадцять п'ять
twenty-four {num} (cardinal number) :: двадцять чотири
twenty-nine {num} (cardinal number) :: двадцять дев'ять
twenty-one {num} (cardinal number) :: двадцять один
twenty-seven {num} (twenty-seven) :: двадцять сім
twenty-six {num} (cardinal number) :: двадцять шість
twenty-three {num} (twenty-three) :: двадцять три
twenty-two {num} (twenty-two) :: двадцять два
twice {adv} (two times) :: двічі
twig {n} (a small thin branch) :: гілка {f}, гілочка {f}, галузка {f}
twilight {n} (light before rising and after the setting of the Sun) :: сутінки {p}, присмерк {m}
twin {n} (either of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects) :: близнюк {m}, близнючка {f}, близня {f} [two twins, collective], близнята {n-p} [collective]
Twin Towers {prop} (the two main buildings of the World Trade Center) :: Всесвітній торговий центр {m}
twist {n} (twig) SEE: twig ::
twist {v} (to turn the ends in opposite directions) :: кривити
twitch {n} (Elymus repens) SEE: couch grass ::
two {num} (numerical value) :: два {m}, дві {f}, двоє [collective], двійко[colloquial], двієчко [colloquial diminutive], двійка {f}
two {n} (digit or figure) :: двійка {f}
two hundred {num} (cardinal number 200) :: двісті
two-legged {adj} (having two legs) :: двоногий
two-line double pica {n} (meridian) SEE: meridian ::
two-move checkmate {n} (quickest possible checkmate) SEE: fool's mate ::
two thousand {num} (cardinal number) :: дві тисячі
Tyap {prop} (language) :: Тʼяп (мова) {m}
Tymoshenko {prop} (Ukrainian surname) :: Тимошенко
tympanic membrane {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
tympanum {n} (middle ear) SEE: middle ear ::
tympanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
type {n} (grouping based on shared characteristics) :: тип {m}, вид {m}, рід {m}
type {n} (computing theory: tag indicating data type) :: тип {m}
typewriter {n} (machine used to print text by pressing keys) :: друкарська машинка {f}
typhoon {n} (hurricane in the Pacific) :: тайфун {m}
typographer {n} (typewriter) SEE: typewriter ::
typography {n} (art and technique) :: типографія {f}
typology {n} (systematic classification of the types of something according to their common characteristics) :: типологія {f}
tyrannize {v} (to oppress someone) :: тиранити
tyrannosaur {n} (large bipedal carnivorous dinosaur) :: тиранозавр {m}
tyrannosaurus {n} (dinosaur) :: тиранозавр {m}
tyrant {n} (absolute ruler) :: тиран {m}
tyre {n} (wheel covering) :: шина {f}, автошина {f}
Tyre {prop} (an ancient sea port and city state of Phoenicia) :: Тір {m}
tyubeteika {n} (a Central Asian scull-cap) :: тюбетейка {f}
Tyumen {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Тюмень {f}
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