цап {noun} :: goat
цапеня {noun} :: kid (young got)
цар {noun} :: king
цар {noun} :: emperor
цариця {noun} :: tsarina, tsaritsa (empress of several Eastern European countries, especially Russia, or the wife of a tsar)
цацка {noun} [dated] :: toy
цвинтар {noun} :: cemetery, graveyard
цвіркун {noun} :: cricket (insect)
цвіт {noun} [uncountable, collectively] :: flower
цвях {noun} :: nail
це {pron} [demonstrative] :: this, it
це {pron} :: that
цей {determiner} :: this
целакант {noun} :: coelacanth
центавр {noun} [dated, mythology] :: centaur (a mythical creature, half man, half horse)
центр {noun} :: centre [various senses]
Центральна Європа {prop} :: Central Europe
центральний {adj} :: central
Центрально-Африканська Республіка {prop} :: Центрально-Африканська Республіка (country)
церемонія {noun} :: ceremony (ritual with religious significance)
церква {noun} :: church (building)
церква {noun} :: church (Christian organisation)
цибуля {noun} :: onion
циган {noun} :: Gypsy, Roma
цигарка {noun} :: cigarette
цирк {noun} [historical] :: circus (in ancient Rome)
цирк {noun} :: circus (traveling company of performers)
цирк {noun} :: cirque (curved depression in a mountainside)
цистерна {noun} :: cistern
цитата {noun} :: quotation, citation (fragment of a human expression)
цитрина {noun} :: lemon
цифра {noun} :: figure, cipher, digit
цифра {noun} :: figures, numbers
цікавий {adj} :: interesting
цікавий {adj} :: curious, inquisitive, prying
цілий {adj} :: whole
цілковито {adv} :: entirely, completely, wholly, perfectly
цілком {adv} :: entirely, completely, wholly
цілувати {vt} :: to kiss
ціль {noun} :: _target, aim
ціль {noun} :: a butt or mark to shoot at
ціль {noun} [figurative] :: objective, goal
ціна {noun} :: price
цінність {noun} :: value, importance, worth
цінність {noun} :: valuable [often in plural]
цукерка {noun} :: candy; sweet
цукор {noun} :: sugar
цуценя {noun} :: puppy
цьоця {noun} :: aunt
Note 1