- as of 22 March 2009
- all words forced to lower case for comparison
- often it is the reference that is wrong, or uses # for non-definition lines
- only "English" words are shown, words with diacritics etc are not
- Finnish entries are ignored because there are a ridiculous number of bad links
- hyphenated words where all components are present are not listed unless explicitly linked
- total of 22001 missing entries
- if you want comments to persist, write to User talk:Robert Ullmann/Missing
- references that occur 5 or more times
1291 times- Done
edit154 times - Done
edit77 times - Done
edit- onlyf (aves) [Now no articles link here John Cross (talk) 20:48, 13 March 2016 (UTC)]
69 times - Done
edit- onlym (vermes) [Now no articles link here John Cross (talk) 20:50, 13 March 2016 (UTC)]
54 times - Done
edit46 times - Done
edit- Thai alphabet (ณ) (see Appendix:Thai alphabet, [no articles link to "Thai alphabet" currently John Cross (talk) 20:49, 13 March 2016 (UTC)]
35 times - Done
edit32 times - Done
edit30 times Done
edit29 times Done
edit- cfin (házakért) (currently no articles link here John Cross (talk) 17:48, 29 March 2016 (UTC))
- efor (házakként)
- illigans (illigantis)
- illustrans (illustrante)
- immolans (immolante)
- immutans (immutantis)
- imperitans (imperitantis)
- impetrans (impetrantis)
- implicans (implicante)
- Jiangxi (泸)
- Yumiko (有実子)
27 times - Done
edit- Kimiko (公子)
- rightarrow (tetration) (Now no articles link here John Cross (talk) 17:30, 29 March 2016 (UTC))
25 times Done
edit- Voivodeship (Gdańsk) [Now no articles link here John Cross (talk) 07:05, 26 December 2016 (UTC).]
24 times - Done
edit23 times Done
edit- llev (llevarlo) [Now no articles link here John Cross (talk) 07:06, 26 December 2016 (UTC)]
21 times
edit20 times - Done
edit19 times
edit18 times - Done
edit17 times
edit16 times
edit13 times
edit12 times
edit- Aitolia-Akarnania (Agrinio)
- ayud (ayudarle)
- carassius (鯽) (Carassius) as specific epithet
- cup-shaped (acetabular)
- honan (洧)
- Kimie (輝実技)
- Kunlun (崐)
- Natrix (grass snake)
- ostracare (ostracargli)
- rutus (ruta)
- satovi (sat)
- seguiree (seguiteci)
- svalare (svalandogli)
11 times
edit10 times
edit9 times
edit- Abramis (bream)
- Abydos (AbDw)
- Achaia (Achæan)
- Austro-Asiatic (Mon)
- Changle (長樂宮)
- Coregonus (cisco)
Culcidae (komár)all N0 corrected to Culicidae- Daksha (विश्व)
- Danaus (monarch)
- erithacus (kasuku)
- habl (hablarle)
- high-performance (hot hatch)
- onca (jaguar)
- Pindar (Πίνδαρος)
- rudra (सर्प)
- sacchariflorus (荻)
- Samogitia (Samogitian)
- Sybaris (sybarite)
- terrestris (nightcrawler)
8 times
edit- andarsi (andarselo)
- aquatica (bergamot)
- arctos (pi2)
- aspar (aspa)
- averrhora (苌)
- Bukvitsa (буквица)
- Camillus (Camille)
- circium (蓟)
- cre (créeme)
- czara (czary)
- empregar (empregado)
- explic (explicarlo)
- Flavius (Jovian)
- frissare (frissandola)
- fuiter (fuite)
- gemocht (mögen)
- gracilaria (蓠)
- Illyria (Ἰλλυρία)
- informatization (informization)
- invitaree (invitandola)
- Larus (gull)
- macacus (猕)
- misbaha (теспих)
- Namiko (南実子)
- needle-shaped (acerate)
- novaehollandiae (lyrebird)
- olvid (olvídate)
- ormazda (祅)
- Orontes (Ἀντιόχεια)
- Phthia (Φθία)
- ring-shaped (ringförmig)
- riuscitare (riuscitarla)
- rubecula (redbreast)
- Rumiko (流実子)
- sappiare (sappiatela)
- sceglieree (scegliendola)
- scordatere (scordatetela)
- Shanghainese (㑚)
- straccare (stracciamola)
- swea (fá)
- synsing (synser)
- Tadorna (shelduck)
- Tibeto-Burman (Yi)
- tinnunculus (황조롱이)
- transf (viridis)
- valeriana (蕑)
- verrucosa (蓠)
7 times
edit- acerc (acércate)
- Adelges (adelgid)
- Adityas (कवि)
- Adrianople (Thrace)
- Aegina (Αἴγινα)
- Agallochum (कृष्ण)
- anat (purchiacca)
- asegur (asegúrate)
- blimb (tiao4)
- burning-hot (炽)
- Capernaum (Matthew)
- carpio (koi)
- conoc (conocerte)
- convovulvus (茑)
- Cushitic (Afar)
- Cyprinus (koi)
- dirupare (dirupi)
- disculp (discúlpame)
- escuch (escucharme)
- Firmiana (梧)
- Fthiotida (Atlalanti)
- gunlock (tumbler)
- heat-resistant (place mat)
- Heracleum (борщ)
- hitoe (帷子)
- Hydropyrum (蒋)
- jiujiang (浔)
- Kansai (弁)
- Lophura (鷳)
- Mahayana (bodhicitta)
- Maruts (कवि)
- Menelaus (Trojan War)
- mostr (mostrarte)
- Nanning (邕)
- Nereus (Doris)
- nutrere (nutrisce)
- Orionis (Betelgeuse)
- ouvrer (ouvre)
- Philippi (Φίλιπποι)
- platyrhynchos (ont)
- Polynemidae (polyneme)
- pregunt (preguntarle)
- qinghai (湟)
- relaj (relájate)
- saloper (salope)
- salv (salvarte)
- Scopolia (莨)
- set fire (infiammare)
- Sinope (ταυροκαθάψια)
- smth (лес)
- stellar system (binary star)
- Tmolus (Τμῶλος)
- two-winged (punkie)
- Umiko (有実子)
- Yamaguchi (青)
6 times
edit- Acarnania (Acarnanian)
- accomiate (accomiatatela)
- Achaemenid (Kambujiya)
- agarr (agárrate)
- AlH (alane)
- ambiancer (ambiance)
- Amphissa (Phocis)
- Andropogon (bluestem grass)
- antialcoholist (antialkoholičar)
- approfondere (approfondiamo)
- Aquilaria (aloe)
- areostatico (aerostatica)
- Arsaces (Ἀρσάκης)
- Assur (אשור)
- avvertere (avverte)
- CCl (chloral)
- Centaurea (cornflower)
- Chalcidice (Χαλκιδική)
- Chalco (Chalcese)
- co-owner (contitolare)
- coelebs (chaffinch)
- contribuere (contribuiamo)
- corax (raven)
- cosiness (Gemütlichkeit)
- cross-bar (दण्ड)
- crucian (鯽)
- cyanoleuca (peewee)
- Cyrene (Κυρήνη)
- Cythera (calypso)
- Danava (स्वस्तिक)
- disadattare (disadatti)
- distribuere (distribuite)
- doesn (naff)
- Donets (Донец)
- ech (echarle)
- ecozones (Antarctic)
- escond (esconderse)
- europaea (olive)
- FeSO (green vitriol)
- fragrans (樨)
- Fukuoka (青)
- gae (gane)
- Gangwon (자가사리)
- Gortyn (Γόρτυς)
- grasslike (sedge)
- grimmr (Grim)
- grimr (Grim)
- Guding (古錠刀)
- Gunnarr (Gunnar)
- Halicarnassus (мавзолей в Галикарнасе)
- Halych (Галич)
- hand-cart (辇)
- Hellespont (Δάρδανος)
- Hesperides (Atlas)
- Himiko (妃実子)
- hippuris (蕰)
- Icarus (Ἴκαρος)
- impoverere (impoverisce)
- infml (buzna)
- infundate (infundates)
- Italus (Italorum)
- juncus (芯)
- Kalispel-Pend (snazazène)
- Kambu (Kamboja)
- Kinugasa (衣笠)
- Lampetra (칠성말배꼽)
- leak out (probiti)
- little girl (fillette)
- Lucania (Λευκανία)
- Lucretius (Λουκρήτιος)
- mangifera (杧)
- Mantuan (mantovana)
- Marx (Marxism)
- Mediolanum (Μεδιόλανον)
- Meles (Eurasian badger)
- Messinia (messenian)
- Metapontum (Μεταπόντιον)
- Minako (実直子)
- musiquer (musique)
- myrrha (myrrh)
- Nicaea (Νίκαια)
- nivalis (weasel)
- non-poisonous (anancy)
- obiectus (obiecto)
- Oenothera (evening primrose)
- Ozarks (pud)
- paleoanthropic (きゅうじん)
- Pallene (Παλλήνη)
- Paphos (Πάφος)
- partaining (fimbrial)
- peinturer (peinture)
- Pelias (adder)
- Pharos (Pharus)
- Phorcys (Φόρκυς)
- phyle (phylarch)
- plant-brasenia (莼)
- Plataea (Πλάταια)
- pluralonly - only in template {{pluralonly}} --Hekaheka (talk) 15:57, 11 January 2013 (UTC)
- Porphyrio (Πορφυρίων)
- proteg (protegerte)
- Pyrrhus (Epirus)
- quadrupler (quadruple)
- qued (quedarme)
- rarr (chat)
- RCH (polystyrene)
- roder (rode)
- rough-legged buzzard (poiana calzata)
- rubicunda (native companion)
- Rupicapra (chamois)
- Samothrace (Samothracian)
- Saxifraga (saxifrage)
- self-praise (samochvála)
- seventeenth-century (seicentesco)
- Shabnam (شبنم)
- Shahnameh (ناهید)
- singulare (gnosis)
- smarrere (smarrisce)
- smentere (smentisce)
- Smyrna (Μύῤῥα)
- snowbell (Soldanelle)
- soft-bodied (mollusc)
- solt (suéltame)
- Somateria (eider)
- sostituere (sostituisce)
- sporozoans (Sporozoa)
- Stagirus (Στάγειρος)
- stelleriana (蒌)
- Strongyle (Στρογγύλη)
- subdenomination (centavo)
- sugar-apple (na)
- svanere (svanisce)
- Szechwan (賨)
- Takifugu (까치복)
- Tetrao (black grouse)
- third-born (terzogenito)
- three-sided (hod)
- Timorese (East Timorese)
- tinctoria (Kamboja)
- trick-taking (hearts)
- Tringa (redshank)
- trippet (брег)
- trypophobia (trypophobic)
- two-headed (bicipite)
- two-party (bipartito)
- Tyndareus (Τυνδάρεως)
- venzer (venzo)
- virguler (virgule)
- word-final (final)
- yuko (有効)
- zooids (adelocodonic)
5 times
editAcanthogobius (문절망둑)agretis (苢)- Agrippa (Ἀγρίππας)
- agrotechnician (agrotehničar)
- albicilla (erne)
- all-in-one (Babygro)
- Amphipolis (Zoilus)
- Anagallis (pimpernel)
- Aristolochia (malum)
- Arsacid (Ἀρσακίδης)
- Arverni (Vercingetorix)
- Asarum (蘅)
- assorbere (assorbiamo)
- atrap (atraparlo)
- Atreus (Agamemnon)
- blumei (蘅)
- Bottiaea (Βοττιαία)
- Brahminical (ब्रह्मन्)
- breechblock (otturatore)
- brown-haired (donn)
- Cadiz (Γάδειρα)
- Calliphoridae (Aasfliege)
- Capsella (shepherd's purse)
- Cheka (FSB)
- Chichimec (teochichimecatl)
- cicla (chard)
- Cirsium (薊)
- closestool (馬子)
- coal-black (jet-black)
- Cobitis (미호종개)
- coix (苢)
- conferere (conferiamo)
- conseguere (conseguiamo)
- consentere (consentiamo)
- cornix (hooded crow)
- Corylus (hazel)
- Cottus (둑중개)
- Crabb (abnodation)
- cyanus (cornflower)
- Cypselus (swift)
- Cyzicus (Κύζικος)
- Daedalus (Δαίδαλος)
- dangshen (参)
- Dardanus (Δάρδανος)
- Demosthenes (lead)
- deshac (deshacerme)
- die away (izgubiti)
- Diospyros (ebony)
- divine service (служба)
- dromedarius (wanggarrwanarra)
- Edirne (Thrace)
- Edoni (Ἠδωνός)
- effusus (芯)
- Emmaus (Κλεοπᾶς)
- equiv (asa)
- Eryngium (shado beni)
- ethnolinguistic (Indo-European)
- fareshare (潏)
- floppy diskette (mini-floppy)
- fpl (masturbate)
- francez (franceză)
- gandharva (पुलक)
- Gascony (Guascogna)
- genkwa (芫)
- Geryon (Menoetius)
- go astray (aberr)
- Goulou (嵝)
- Habsburg (asburgico)
- Haliaetus (migizi)
- Hasidic (tsaddik)
- Heraclea (Ἡράκλεια)
- Horatius (Horace)
- hortensis (pansy)
- Iksookimia (참종개)
- imagin (imagínate)
- imbottere (imbottiamo)
- inflata (蚶)
- instr (грыжа)
- invertere (invertiamo)
- istituere (istituiamo)
- jelly-like (grass jelly)
- Jpn (佛)
- Judaea (Ἡρῴδης)
- Khoi (Khoisan)
- kno (摛)
- Lankan (Sri Lankan)
- latifolia (苽)
- ldots (graph)
- livia (rock dove)
- lobe-finned (coelacanth)
- low-income (Geringverdiener)
- lusitanian (lusitano)
- mathbf (sample mean)
- Megapodiidae (Leipoa)
- Melanitta (scoter)
- Microphysogobio (돌마자)
- Miharu (実はる)
- Miletus (Μίλητος)
- milvus (鳶)
- Misgurnus (鰼)
- Monza (Brianza)
- Muscidae (fly)
- Myrobalan (कल्य)
- Mysia (Μυσία)
- Neomys (갯첨서)
- non-Hepburn (shoujo)
- non-prescription (bacitracin)
- Occitania (Occitaans)
- ocup (ocuparme)
- Oenone (Αἴγινα)
- oracacia (檬)
- Orestes (Hermione)
- palustris (cowslip)
- Parnassus (Phaedriades)
- Patras (Πάτραι)
- Peneus (Daphne)
- Philistia (Philistine)
- Phthiotis (Ἑλλάς)
- Picidae (black woodpecker)
- Pieris japonica (馬酔木)
- pleuron (Polyphaga)
- Pleuronectes (plaice)
- possessee (之)
- postponable (rinviabile)
- Poyang (淝)
- Pungitius (가시고기)
- Qur (فقيه)
- renshen (参)
- Rhamnus (Rhamnus catharticus)
- Rhipidura (chicharakang)
- Rhodope (Thrace)
- Rican (Costa Rican)
- Sandaun (Amanab)
- Sardis (Σάρδεις)
- scil (विश्व)
- scorpionfish (scorpio)
- segu (síganme)
- Seleucus (Σελεύκεια)
- self-management (egonomics)
- self-referrential (da'u)
- servere (serviamo)
- seven-year-old (settenne)
- sgasato (sgasata)
- short-grained (sushi)
- Sphingidae (Phoenix)
- synodal (synodic)
- Tarquinius (Ταρκύνιος)
- Tectona (teak)
- three-phase (delta connection)
- tornere (tornisce)
- Tradescantia (spiderwort)
- trifluoromethyl (trifluralin)
- Troas (Τρωάς)
- two-phase (quarter-phase)
- unere (uniste)
- unstitch (scucire)
- vestri (vestra)
- WLANs (802.11d)