



gayety (usually uncountable, plural gayeties)

  1. Alternative spelling of gaiety
    • 1822 May 21, Geoffrey Crayon [pseudonym; Washington Irving], “Love Charms”, in Bracebridge Hall, or The Humourists. A Medley. [], volume I, New York, N.Y.: [] C. S. Van Winkle, [], →OCLC, page 218:
      During the present gayety of the house, however, the poor girl has gone about with a face full of trouble, and to use the housekeeper's words, "has fallen into a sad hystericky way lately."
    • 1859, Ferna Vale, Natalie; or, A Gem Among the Sea-Weeds:
      Amid all the splendor and gayety of fashionable life in Italy, the Sea-flower was never so happy as when seated in the ivy bower, which looked out upon a little lake, the same which had been her mother's favorite place of retreat [...]