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- Exercise as it relates to Disease/Can exercise trans-form the mental health of gender variant people? (section Sociodemographic Information for the Cisgender and Transgender Samples Who Are Matched for Age and Gender Identity)their gender at birth) will complete physical activity when compared to cisgender people (those who do identify with their birth gender) of a similar age...10 KB (1,400 words) - 13:16, 27 April 2021
- attempt to make you "normal" (i.e. heterosexual, heteroromantic, and/or cisgender). Remember, it's okay to resist trying to be 'normal' in their eyes. If...3 KB (380 words) - 16:10, 26 November 2024
- /02/21/gender_facebook_now_has_56_categories_to_choose_from_including_cisgender.html Merriam-Webster's Concise Dictionary of English Usage. Penguin. 2002...2 KB (304 words) - 01:16, 24 January 2023
- will seek to remain male throughout the course of his life. Similarly, a cisgender male will be assigned male at birth (based on the interpretation of biological...68 KB (9,326 words) - 18:13, 5 December 2022
- far beyond a mere binary understanding. Advanced: Cisgender and transgender The notion of 'cisgender' refers to persons who feel that their assigned sex...111 KB (14,044 words) - 14:24, 25 December 2024
- Typically, researchers compare brain structure and activity between cisgender and transgender people using various medical imaging techniques such as...12 KB (1,630 words) - 12:51, 18 December 2020
- out at night altogether. Urban planners and city officials, commonly cisgender men, therefore hold latent power over gender minorities. Indirectly, their...18 KB (2,617 words) - 16:35, 14 December 2020
- yet still receive vitriol and hate from an established base of white cisgender men. Though there have always been LGBTQ+ characters in smaller titles...40 KB (5,779 words) - 19:18, 9 December 2020
- will seek to remain male throughout the course of his life. Similarly, a cisgender male will be assigned male at birth (based on the interpretation of biological...2 KB (140,661 words) - 07:24, 16 July 2022
- far beyond a mere binary understanding. Advanced: Cisgender and transgender The notion of 'cisgender' refers to persons who feel that their assigned sex...4 KB (121,626 words) - 03:49, 28 November 2021
- intersex ebtooban....androgyny ebtoobat....intersex person egtooba....cisgender, hermaphroditic person...1.97 MB (150,097 words) - 19:55, 22 December 2024
- egsaunxwa = normalized egser = to become normal, to normalize egtooba = cisgender egxea = normalizing egxen = normalization, standardization egxer = to...125 KB (9,857 words) - 19:45, 6 June 2024
- Typically, researchers compare brain structure and activity between cisgender and transgender people using various medical imaging techniques such as...5 KB (90,607 words) - 16:43, 20 February 2022
- cirrostratus = alomaf cirrus = alamaf, gyouzvib, mayif cisalpine = Alpzomera cisgender = egtooba cisgendered = kyotooba cisgendered person = kyotoobat cistern...254 KB (18,601 words) - 16:39, 6 June 2024