Flinders Island: Difference between revisions

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council is now separate page - rm items relevant to council, not island
Remove uncited quote about tourist development - possibly promotional
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The island is approximately 75&nbsp;km from north to south, and 40&nbsp;km from east to west. The island's total land area is 1333&nbsp;km². With a height of 756&nbsp;[[meter|m]], [[Mount Strzelecki]] is the island's highest peak. The population in 2005 was 897 people; the median age is 45.0.<ref>[http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Latestproducts/3218.0Main%20Features72004-05?opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=3218.0&issue=2004-05&num=&view= Australian Bureau of Statistics]</ref>
Major population centres include [[Whitemark]] (which has the island's main airstrip) and [[Lady Barron]]. A second airfield has been developed by [[Victoria (Australia)|Victoria]]n sand magnate Gary Morrison, who plans to develop Flinders Island into a major tourist destination within the next 5 years.
Plans have been approved by the Tasmanian government for the construction of a 500 room hotel and international golf course outside of Lady Barron. [[Image:Flinders island.jpg|thumb|left|260px|Flinders Island from space, April 1993.]]
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