This template is meant to replace all other individual card game templates. See the usage for your game and your image.


Template Output Stand alone code Babel box code
This user enjoys playing card games.
{{User card-games}}
|card games|
This user enjoys playing blackjack.
{{User card-games|blackjack|cards}}
|card games{{!}}blackjack{{!}}cards|
This user enjoys playing poker.
{{User card-games|poker|aces}}
|card games{{!}}poker{{!}}aces|
This user enjoys playing pinochle.
{{User card-games|pinochle|pinochle}}
|card games{{!}}pinochle{{!}}pinochle|
This user enjoys playing solitaire.
{{User card-games|solitaire|suits}}
|card games{{!}}solitaire{{!}}suits|
This user enjoys playing Schafkopf.
{{User card-games|schafkopf|schafkopf}}
|card games{{!}}schafkopf{{!}}schafkopf|
This user enjoys playing Uno.
{{User card-games|uno}}
|card games{{!}}uno|
This user enjoys playing German-suited card games.
{{User card-games|german}}
|card games{{!}}german{{!}}german|
This user enjoys playing durak.
{{User card-games|duram}}
|card games{{!}}durak{{!}}durak|

Other games

Name Abbreviation Name Abbreviation Name Abbreviation
Bridge bridge Hearts hearts Spoons spoons
Briscola briscola Mus mus Tarot tarot
Canasta canasta Pinochle pinochle Texas hold 'em texas
Cassino cassino Poker poker Three card monte three
Cribbage cribbage President pres Tichu tichu
Durak durak Rummy rummy Tri Peaks tripeaks
Egyptian ratscrew ers Sheepshead sheep Truco truco
Euchre euchre Skat skat Uno uno
FreeCell freecell Solitaire solitaire War war
Go Fish go Spades spades Whist whist
Golf golf Spit spit 52-card pickup 52

Special thanks


Special thanks to Scepia, Think Fast and Morganfitzp for creating the original templates.

See also

games 27
games 27
languages 2
Note 1