I'm really still learning my way around here.
This user is a donor to the Wikimedia Foundation. You can be one, too. |
editA list of personal stats.
This user is a broadcaster. |
CBC | This user is a CBC Radio fanatic. |
This user is a Wikipedian in Canada. |
This user is from British Columbia, Canada. |
en | This user is a native speaker of the English language. |
editA list of personal beliefs.
This user supports public broadcasting. |
This user supports public transit. |
ind | This user is politically independent. |
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to assess every candidate and abstain from voting if none is found fit for office, unless he or she wants to vote anyway. |
“,;:’ | This user is a punctuation stickler. |
A, B, and C | This user prefers the serial comma. |
its | This user understands the difference between its (of it) and it's (it is or it has). |
Geek Stuff
editA list of geek things.
This user has a website, which can be found here. |
This user uses WordPress. |
This user uses Adium to chat on various instant messaging networks. |
This user runs macOS. |