Venturing forth in to the world of Wikipedia to see if this is something I am interested in pursuing with more vigour.

Am a wildlife biologist with a BSc, currently working on my Masters of Environment and Management. Thesis revolves around agriculture policy in Canada, my new area of interest. Should be completed by early 2007.

Have published 3 peer-reviewed papers (2 first author, 1 third author) on mustelids. One additional paper out for review. Also written articles for the general public (magazines and web pages) on a variety of topics ranging from waterfowl to shotgunning.

de Azevedo, F.C.C., V. Lester, W. A. Gorsuch, S. Larivière, A.J Wirsing, and D. L. Murray,. (2006). Dietary breadth and overlap among five sympatric prairie carnivores. Journal of Zoology London 269:127-135.

Gorsuch, W. A. and Y. T. Hwang. (submitted 2005). Using passive integrated transponders to automatically monitor striped skunk activity over winter. Zoo Biology.

Gorsuch, W. A., and S. Larivière. 2005. Vormela peregusna. Mammalian Species 779:1-5.

Larivière, S., Y. T. Hwang, W. A. Gorsuch and S. A. Medill. 2005. Husbandry, overwinter care and reproduction of captive striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis). Zoo Biology 24:83-91.

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