MUNKÁCS, a town of Hungary, in the county of Bereg, 220 m. E.N.E. of Budapest by rail. Pop. (1900), 13,640. It is situated on the Latorcza river, and on the outskirts of the East Beskides mountains, where the hills touch the plains. Its most noteworthy buildings are the Greek Catholic cathedral and the beautiful castle of Count Schönborn. In the vicinity, on a steep hill 580 ft. high, stands the old fort of Munkács, which played an important part in Hungarian history, and was especially famous for its heroic defence by Helene Zrinyi, wife of Emeric Tököli and mother of Francis Rákóczy II., for three years against the Austrians (1685–1688). It was afterwards used as a prison. Ypsilanti, the hero of Greek liberty, and Kazinczy, the regenerator of Hungarian letters, were confined in it. According to tradition, it was near Munkács that the Hungarians, towards the end of the 9th century, entered the country. In 1896 in the fort was built one of the “millennial monuments” established at seven different points of the kingdom.

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