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51791Diary of Miss Kitty May EllisKitty May Ellis

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Book or Tablet 9 commenced June 19 1958 at 12 Midnight continued from Book or Tablet 8 just finished. It is has been and still is verry fine sunshine weather for several Days. I am wondering if some crops may be wanting a little Rain.

Something unusual for me but I have been sweating all Evening while writing my true lifes experience story. I've been writing for about 12 or more years ago and there is still something keeps comming to my almost 89 years old mind. But I am getting tired so I will stop writing for to night and see If I can get some sleep.

Oh Two excellant tall girls came to see me and brought me a box of nice ripe Strawberries a 23 three Years to 25 Years true friend sent me as I am to feeble so I have to leave all of my outdoors work undone and I will be 89 on this comming 13th of Sept 1958. And I am recovering from several Skin cancer removals. Oh But we Clearview Citizens I having beautiful weather this Spring.

Monday June 16 1958 I believe it must be 98 or maybe more. The heat may bring a

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little rain.

Moscow's Hugh University Cost $750.000000. And I am wondering how many poor men and women Russian prisoners were used to do the building of Russias massive structures that have been constructed for Russians in the last hundreds of years.

I am glad I am a free American white Citizen and that no slavery exists in America since the Rebels who tried to destroy Americas Freedom.

Laws were licked during the War between the North and the South from 1861-1865 When the Nobelest man that ever lived freed the fine inteligent Colored people to prevent the Rebels from forcing them to help distroy America. And Oh if the whites were naturally as bright as the colored people there wouldn't have been need for so many expensive training institutions. For the colored people are naturally excellent Musicians & Actors and Actriceses which requires many years training for whites to become such. So 3 cheers for Americas excellent colored

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Citizens. When Americans try to compete with Russia the are having to compete with Russias Slaves from all nations who with not even sufficient food or Clothes are compelled to slave for the Russians free as they are held by the Russians. America is good enough for me and I'l stay in America. America will regret the day she let the Russians in in America. For they are like the Japs were come to America under the guise of Mriendship and go back home with our secrets and use them against us like the Japs did. But Americans are to trusting and kind hearted for their own good. Americans wake up and use your own thinks. Remember Russias only a few feet distant from American's Alaska Border about 3 minutes from Alaska by Air. But longer by water in olden times.

Clearview June 10 1958. It is an unduly hot day so I've taken it easy. My Back Kitchen door is in the South West Corner of my Kitchen With a 12 x 4 slanting roofed wood shed joining my kitchen west end and my well 50 feet West with it Shade trees and

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and Timber further West on the west end of my one Acre home.

Clearview June 13 1958 Two fine young girls came yesterday and brought me some nice Ripe Strawberries from the Martin Zanons and today 3 fine boys named Ronald L Donohue Clearview Ardeth Donohue Clearview and John H Spencer came to visit me and here also came Dear Mrs Martin Zanon and delivered her message to one of the Boys for his Father. They stayed a few minutes and left on their Bykes.

Oh how I love other peoples children. I guess its because I never married and never had any of my own. It is half past [-] PM and it is commening to get cool for our Great nighty Grand State of Washington & Old State of Ore has nice cool nights. How happy my Parents Brother and I were to get out to dear old Washington and Oregon with their nice cool nights in summer and mild winter away from the hot nights in Summer and fierce Cold winters back in Iowa and Tarkio Missouri. Please not of that storm swept Country for me. But please let me spend my remaining

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days in our find City of Clearview, Route 3, Snohomish Co, Washington amongst the finest Citizens on Easrth where I lived the last 25 years among genuine living guarding guiding Angels that I know Actualy exists.

I and my Parents and Brother Perry Ellis lived 3 1/2 years in Tarkio, Atchison Co, Missouri & we came West I having been born in an Iowa Cyclone 16 Miles North of Eldora, Hardin Co, Iowa on the 13 day of Sept 1869. And Oh at the many fierce storms we managed to survive before comming West in 1883. We felt as though at least we were safe from storms.

For His Desk. On behalf of the community Mayor Gorden Clinton present Dr Richard E Fuller a huge Box containing a Bronze desk set last Night at a Banquet honoring the Museum director for 25 Years of Service.

Thursday June 12 1958 Couple Admits Looting of Mailboxes. Federal authorities believe a wave of check thefts and forgeries has been solved with the Arrest of Walter Roy Richards 30 of Auburn and his Wife

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Elizabeth Ann 24. William B Cline Special agent in charge of the Secret Service here said the Richardes were arrested at their home Yesterday by secret Service agents and Postal inspectors.

The Richardses were charged before Walter J Reseburg Jr United States Commissioner with forging stolen Treasury checks. Bail posted for Wife, Mrs Richards Mother of five children from 15 to 6 Years Old was released on a $1000 personal recognizance bond. Her Husband is being held in the King County Jail in lieu of $3500 Bond. In a signed statement to Postal inspectors, Richards a Dairy worker said he followed a route about the first of each Month stealing treasury and Commercial checks from rural Mail Boxes. The thefts began in January 1957. Most of the checks the couple admitted were cashed in Seattle and Tacoma Wash. 50 checks stolen. Mrs Richardson in a signed statement said she and her Husband stole about 50 checks and used the money for living expenses. Cline estimated the thefts may total several thousand

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dollars. The couple admitted stealing checks in Auburn, Redmond, [illegible], Puyallup, Renton, Maple Valley, Issaquah, Belivievue, Everett, Mount Vernon and Olympia Wash.

Rescuers dragged Roymomond Bralley from a River at night in Charmes France and called a Doctor who stumbled into the river in the dark and had to be Hospitalized.

John Campbell 27 opened the wrong door and stepped off a 70 mile an hour freight train near Glasglow, Scotland. He lay by the tracks seriously injured until found hours later. But he lived.

Nationalist Red Chinese Ships Battle. Taipei. Formosa. June 11 1958. Nationalist Chinese Warships probably sank two Communists Gunboats and damaged two others in a 22 minute battle Yesterday near Matau Island, Northwest of Formosa Navy Headquarters said today. The announcement said Communists shore guns on the Red Mainland opened up but all Nationalist Warships returned to their base unharmed. The type of the

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Nationalist Warships was not given but they presumably were small ones in the Gunboat or Destroyer Class.

Americas Present excellent President Dwight D Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles is are to see Prime Minister MacMillan who left in his chartered Brittania Jet Plane today for talks with President Dwight D Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles in Washington DC late today. In Washington DC the White House press secretary James C Haggerty said he thought President Dwight D Eisenhower and Prime Minister MacMillian would discuss Atomic matters. But he did not go into details. Secretary James C Hagerty of the White House press said he thought the President and the Prime Minister would talk Atomic Matters. But he did not go into details. Secretary James C Haggerty noted that Sir Edwin Plowden, Britain's Atomic Chief has been in Washington DC for talks with United States Officials the past Week. To Mac Millian will accompany President Dwight D Eisenhower

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by helicopter to Johns Hopkins University to receive an honary degree and make a commencement address. In Greencastle, Ind Yesterday MacMillian made a plea for closer economic ties between his Country (England) and the United States in a nationally televised commencement speech at Depaw University.

Washington DC June 8 1958. Senator Jackson Democrat from Washington State has proposed that the United States halt its above ground nuclear tests for Six Months after it completes its present series in the Pacific Ocean. Jackson a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Congressional Join Atomic Energy Committee Said Yesterday such a suspension would do no great harm to the United States defense effort and would negotiations with the Russians for an agreement to stop future testing. (Yes Senator Jackson give the Russians more time to devour America. Remember it is only a few feet from Russia to America in Alaska.)

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And the Russians have been wanting to go through Alaska so they know all about Alaska so they'l know how everything is. Mr Jackson you are pretty smart but you have got some verry important things to learn or our country may suffer. I only want right to rule over all the world.

Hungarian executions Dim Summit Hopes. President Dwight D Eisenhower. Terrorism Laid to Russians Washington DC June 18 1958. President Dwight D Eisenhower said today the Execution of Imra Nagy, Former Hungarian Premier has been a great setback to hopes for a Summit Conference. President Dwight D Eisenhower told his News Conference he cannot think of anything that has schocked the Civalized World as much as the execution of Nagey and his associates in the Hungarian Revolt. President Dwight D Eisenhower said these men were not guilty of evil doing but were fighting for their County. He said good faith had been violated in their execution Plan for servitude. This Act President Dwight D Eisenhower said can be regarded

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as Clear evidence of the intent of the Soviet Union to pursue a policy of terrorism and intimidation aimed to enforce complete servitude. Nagas execution President Dwight D Eisenhower said has alerted the free world to the lack of confidence it is compelled to feel in the Communist Imperialists. Previously President Dwight D Eisenhower there had been some rather wide feeling in the free world that the Free Nations had been to reluctant to acknowledge that the Soviets had become more ready to negotiate in good faith. President Dwight D Eisenhower said the revaluation to the news of the Nagy execution had showed up in the feeling of the people everywhere as evidenced by pickiting and other actions. Hope for Parley dead. President Dwight D Eisenhower said his own hopes for a Summit Conference had not been based on anything tangible but as long as there was hope it kept you working in this field. He intimated that hope is about dead now. President Dwight D Eisen-

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hower was asked if in view of the Nagy execution he still believes in providing economic aid for Iron Curtain Counties. President Dwight D Eisenhower replied he would give aid to anything that would help weaken the solid aritary of the Sommunists Glue. My Father was right when he said you couldent trust the Russians in Power to carry Bears intrals to the Devil for the were so very treacherous and sneakingley underhanded.

Above Normal Temperatures To continue. For Five days Temperatures shot back toward the 80 degree mark here today in Seattle, King County, Washington Vacinity.

Seattle King Co Wash June 18 1958. Library Ground-Breaking Wayne C Booth left. President of the Seattle Library Board. And Mayor Gorden S Clinton broke ground Yesterday forenoon for the New $3150000 Seattle Library. Others in the picture were not identefied. The Library on the site of the Old Library between fourth & fifth Avenue and Madison and Spring Streets is scheduled for completion within 2 Years. Seattle King Co Wash is no longer a small City

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like it was in Jan Feb & march 1898 When My Parents Andrew m Ellis and his excellant wife Rachel Ann Ellis, my dear Brother Perry Ellis and I Miss Kittie May Ellis we formally from Prospect Jackson Co Oregon on our way to the Alaska Gold mines on the Tannanna [?] River. But through deep dyed treachery we never got to go to Alaska.

Two Excellant Presidents and One of thems excellent Wife in Washington DC Tuesday June 17 1958 ride in Auto with President Dwight D Eisenhower and Oh how happy all three are President Garcia of the Philippines waved a greeting to Airport Spectators as he and Mrs Garcia sat with Americas also excellant present President Dwight D Eisenhower. The Garcias arriving for a 3 days visit rode to the White House with President Dwight D Eisenhower in his Automobile. All three sure looked very happy.

Dear little girl tries to take a valuable statue to dick Tracey but is seen carrying it and she says I am taking this to dick tracey. I am wondering what will happen to that dear little Fatherles Girl. I hope the two women get caught by Police.

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Seattle, King Co, Washington Thurs June 19 1958 Intervals Of Cloudiness To Continue. The Weather Burex issued pleasant News for everybody except the Thousands of North End residents who had little or no water in their taps last night. Morning and Night Cloudeness will moderate Seattles Temperatures somewhat the Weatherman said. As Clouds give way to the Sun temperatures will rise to about 80 degrees tomorrow Afternoon. There is no break in the warm weather pattern s in sight. This brough little cheer to many Lake City residents for many were without water for periods last . J. R. Heath City water superintendant blamed the water shortage on inadequate water mains. Most of the Mains will be replaced during the Summer in local improvement district projects. The water shortage district extends from Bothell Way to Lake Washington between East 145th Street. It was part of hte Area annexed to the City of Seattle in 1954. Heath said the Are formely ser-

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-ved by a water district has two inch pipes mains. Heath said the City standard is eight inches. Heath said a secion of homes in West Genesee Street near the Cooper School in West Seattle also had water Shortage caused by inadequate water mains. "It's just a case of the Mains not being able to keep up with the demands." The residents will have to ration themselves. Seattles high temperature of 89 degrees Yesterday broke City records for the second day in a row. The previous high for June 18 was 88 in 1912. And I haven't seen any Clouds in our fine over 800 foot elevation in Clearview Snohomish Co Wash during our recent warm Spell and of what nice warm weather. I think a little to warm to be pleasant for berry pickers. But oh what nice cool nights our great grand State of Washington and also dear Old Oregon has. The two best States in our Grand Old U.S.A. everything considered.

Twins for Princes. Today in Paris Princes Maria Pla Wife of Prince Alexander

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of Yugoslavia was Photographed with their twin sons. She was kissing Prince Dimitry with prince Michal at left. She is the daughter of Italys Former King Umberton and was Wed to Prince Alexander in 1955.

Good News U Of Florida Schools Ordered Integrated Talahassee, Fla June 19 1958. Integration of University of Florida Graduate Schools next Fall was ordered by a Federal District Court Yesterday and Gov Leroy Collins said he expected no difficulty in complying with the decree. A segregationist Leader in the State Legislature Senator Randolph Hodges began a move However to convene the Legislature in special session in an effert to find some way to block the order. I believe we have enough Notes to call ourselves into Special Sesses Hodges said. I think we should do it, or we will wake up some morning and find all our schools integrated. Collins rejected the Idea of a special session. He said he saw nothing which could be accomplished. On petition of three Fifths of the membership

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of each house the Secretary of State must call the legislature into Special Session. The order by Federal Judge Dozier Devane broke the solid front of Segregation in Florida. A case is pending in Federal Court at Miami which Seeks to open the Schools to Negros. Collins Foresees that the board of control which supervises the university system will open the Florida State University Graduate School at Tallahassee to Negros now that those at Florida have been ordered to be integrated. I can see no reason Why Florida cannot expect to obey the Courts order without difficulty Collins said. The Whites have no right to abuse the fine Colored People in U.S.A. For their ancesters were brough to USA in chains and sold to the Southern whites who made slaves of them and the Southeners were going to force the fine colored people to help the Rebels to destroy our fine American Government. And the finest man that ever lived Abraham Lincoln had to free the slaves to save our fine American Government. So the Rebels and Southerners.

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only have their rebel priciples to blame for our fine Colored people fore being in our Great Grand Old U.S.A. and their also being our fine free American Citizens who are even brighter than the Whites for they are natural excellant Actors & Actrisses and excellant natural musicians which requires years of practice for Whites to become such. So three cheers for our fine American Colored people. It is getting late and its time for this almost 89 years old Maid to go to bed.

Seattle Washington June 19 1958 A winner and Family. Ruthie Woods 6 at right is a picture showed her admiring Family a letter announcing she had a long list of prizes in a National contest. She is the daughter of Mr & Mrs James H Woods, 15541 12th Ave NE. From left were Mr Woods holding Eddy 2, Jimmy 13, Shannon 8, Suzanne 10, Tommy 5, Joe 3, Mrs Woods and Ruthie the prize winnder. The prize were $10,000 Cash $10,000 Cash and a 16 foot cabin cruiser with two outboard Motors. Girl 6 Wins $10,000 Manny[??] Prizes. What does a six Years old Girl do when

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told she has won a gl[??]ing list of prizes in a national contest. That kind of lightening today struck Ruth Woods. Daughter of Mr and Mrs James H Woods of 15541 12 Ave NE. The long list of prizes includes $10,000 cash and a 16 foot cabbin cruiser. Prizes listes. "Ruthie just giggled a little and ran out to tell her friends," Said her Mother Mrs Woods 32. "I don't think she realizes. Well neither do I." The contest was sponsored by General Mills Inc. H.R. Pieret North West reginal Manager Said "Ruthies prizes besides the Cash and the Cruiser include Two outboard motors of 50 and 5 1/2 horsepower, A power mower, a bicycle, Camp table and chairs, Golf clubs, fishing rod and reel, and 8 foot plastic wading pool, a cooler, a charcoal brazier [?], a badminton set, 12 pounds of Frankfurters, a years supply of Breakfast food and 12 tenderloin steaks a week for a Year. Six other children. After a few minutes thought Ruthie said "I'm

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going to give the Golf Clubs to daddy and the fishing stuff to Uncle Loren." Mr and Mrs Woods have six other children: Jimmy 13, Suzanne 10, Shannon 8, Tommy 5, Joe 3 and Eddy 2. "Money means as much to me as the next guy." said Woods 36 an employee of United States Plywood Corp. "But the prize that sticks into my mind is the steaks. That means two steak dinners a week a year." Judge will decide. Pirret said that because Ruthie is a minor the cash will be put in trust. It will be available for expenses such as Medical or education and will become hers when she is 21. Pirret said a Judge will decide whether the Family will be allowed to use the other prizes or whether they must be sold and the proceeds added to Ruthie's trust fund. Attorneys believe the windfall will be tax free, Pirret said. He explained that Ruthie's Mother entered her Childrens names in the contest in which there were several Million entries. Since Ruthie no effort in her own behald, the internal Revenue Service may consider

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the prizes an Act of God, Pirret said. Ruthie last week completed the first grade at St Marks school. I sincerely hope dear little Ruthie Woods winnings will be plac so no one can rob her. For I know to my sorrow what it means to be robbed all my life in many ways by treachery in my Parents and Brothers Families. My Brother was the pet[?] and at the last my dear mother had the papers made so that I was to receive 6 1/2 Acres with the house but I was to support and care for my Father and Brother as long as they could get along agreeable. But Father raised such hells that dear Brother went to hitch up his teacm to leave that Father left but he managed to rob dear Brother of $800 and me $400. Then he got married & his wife soon left him and got divorced on what Father claimed mental cruelty. The Father married again and that wife soon left and got divorced and I afterwards learned through a pension official that the also fine second Wife had a fine 15 years old daughter. But I never had the pleasure of seeing any of them. I told Father when

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he was leaving my home he could marry several times but he'd find no wife would put up with what my darling Mother had done. And he knowed I always told the truth. But when Father drew his last breath then dear Brother and I knew we were safe. So I never married for I didn't want to run the risk of bringing Children into the world to maybe be fiends like my Father. For I understand fiendish cussidness crops out to the tenth generation and I believe it is true from the vast number of criminals in the world.

My at the lovely weather our excellent City of fine Clearview and 7 miles surrounding Vacinities has been having this Winter Spring and Summer and so nice and clear in fine Clearview and ideal wed[??]

Hungarian Executions Dim Summit Hopes. President Dwight D Eisenhower said Wednesday June 18 1958.

Terrorism Laid to Russians. Washington June 18 1958 President Dwight D Eisenhower said today the execution of Inre Nagy former Hungarian premier has been a great setback to hopes for a summit Conference

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President Dwight D Eisenhower told his News Conference he cannot think that has shocked the Civilized World as much as the execution of Nagey and his associates in the Hungarian Revolt. President Dwight D Eisenhower said these men were not guilty of any evil doing but were fighting for their County. Godod faith had been violated in their execution. Plan for Sevitude. This act President Dwight D Eisenhower said can be regarded as clear evidence of the intent of the Soviet Union to pursue a policy of terrorism timed to enforce complete servitude. Nagys execution President Dwight D Eisenhower said has alerted the Free World that the free nations had been too reluctant to acknowledge that the Soviets had become more ready to negotiate in good faith. President Dwight D Eisenhower said the revulsion to the news of the Nagy execution had shown in the feeling of the people everywhere as evidenced by picketing and other actions. Hope for Parley dedd. President Dwight D Eisenhower said his own hopes for a

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a Summit conference had not been based on anything tangiable but as long as there was hope it kept you working in this field. He intimated that hope is about dead now. President Dwight D Eisenhower was asked if in view of the Nagy execution he still believes in providing economic aid to the Iron Curtain Counties. President Eisenhower replied he would give aid to anything that would help weaked the solidarity of the Communists.

Statement Read today in Washington DC President Dwight D Eisenhower kept his Eyes on his note cards as he read a statement backing Sherman Adams his top Aide at a press conference and he won't fire Aid, He makes it Clear. Washington DC June 18 1958 President Dwight D Eisenhower said today Sherm Adams was imprudent in his relations with Bernard Goldfine but I need him "to continue as top President Aide." Then President Dwight D Eisenhower made it plain at a News conference that he has no intention of firing Adams although he did not say that in so many words

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Expecting President Dwight D Eisenhower to talk about the hottest Washington Subject of hte moment Newsmen were packed into the Conference Room. Reading from typewritten cards, President Dwight D Eisenhower. Adams had been imprudent, as Adams himself acknowledged in testimony before the House Subcommittee. Despite that imprudence President Dwight D Eisenhower said he has reached these personal conclusions: "1 I believe that the presentation made by Governor Adams to the Congressional committee yesterday truthfully represents the pertinent facts. 2 I personaly like Govenor Adams. 3 I admire his abilities. 4 I respect him because of his personal and efficent integrity 5 I need him.

"Admittedly the lack of that careful prudence in this incient that Gov Adams Yesterday referred to I believe with my whole heart that he is an invaluable public servant doing a difficult job efficiently, honestly and tirelesly."

Questined answered. But as the News Conference progressed President Dwight D

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Eisenhower did reply to several Questions concerning either directly with the matter or with general principals related to it. On one related matter President Dwight D Eisenhower did decline to comment. That was when he was told that some Republicans running for re-elections this Year they are going to have difficulty facing the voters on the Administration Goldfine issue.

President said he did not care to say anything on that — that he had already made his statement. At one point President Dwight D Eisenhower was asked whether in the light of the Adams Goldfine situation, it would be proper for other government employees to do what Adams did and win. President Dwight D Eisenhower's approval. Goal is the same. Then President Dwight D Eisenhower replied that he always has striven for the highest impeceable standards in the case of the White house staff Members. He said the goal is the same in the case of employes of all other Agencies but that he does not have close contact with them

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as with them as with members of his own staff. President Dwight D Eisenhower also said he is not able to act directly with respect to workers in other Agencies. During the discussion of relations of relations between Adams the No one White House Aide & Goldfine a Boston Industrialist a reporter said representative Harris Demmocrat Arkansas had said that Adams Violated the Law in obtaining certain information from Federal Trade Commission regarding Goldfine's business troubles. The Newsman asked whether President Dwight D Eisenhower Makes any distinction between the situation in that case and in some others which involved Officials in the Turman Administration. The Republicans in the campaign had had denounced what they labeled "the Mess" in Washington DC under Mr Truman. President Dwight D Eisenhower said there are certain facts facts available which would help answer the Questioner to the White House Press secretary James C Hagerty for the Answer. A Reporter told President Dwight D Eisenhower

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that Senator Douglas Democrat Illinois makes it a policy to return any gift valued at more than $250. He asked for President Dwight D Eisenhower's view regarding that yardstick. President Dwight Dwight D Eisenhower smiled and recalled that Newsmen covering the White House once chipped in and purchased a black Angus heifer as a birthday gift him. Oh [??]keled cost more than $250. Actually the Heifer more than about $100 split among two dozen or more Newsmen. He doesn't care. Then President Dwight D Eisenhower concluded that he does not care what anyone else does about establishing yardsticks for the acceptance of Gifts. At another point President Dwight D Eisenhower was told that the only way to learn full situation regarding Goldfines dealings would be to examine his income tax returns. Then President Dwight D Eisenhower was asked whether he would authorize such an examinination by the House Committee if requested. President Dwight D Eisenhower replied that under such circumstances

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he would first want to consult the attorney-general. It is rather common practice for Presidents to grant such an authority upon request by congressional investigating authorities. Asked whether the duties of the top presidential aide should be spelled out speffically President Dwight D Eisenhower suggested that the Questioner consult the Constitution to determin the Duties and responsibilities of the President himself. The President Dwight D Eisenhower said those duties in either a Major or a minor way also involve the presidential assistant. He added that Adams and his staff Marshal information for him so he can make decisions. He said the decissions are his but that Adams has some sort of rule in whatever the President does.

I should think a President would need vacations often for even housework bothers both my mind and body now days at my almost 89 years old Birthday on this comming 13 of Sept 1958.

We Clearview Citizens are sure having some verry fine warm days especially today. With sunshine

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and it so warm. I for the first time set out on my front Porch this afternoon for a few minutes and I cooked what I ate on my plates.

I sure am glad I have me comfortable humble little one Acre home on East Olympic Ave in our fine City of Clearview Route 3 Snohomish Co Washington. And the excellent adjoining Neighbors Mr & Mrs Martin Zanons do all my buisnes for me and even take me to Snohomish to see my Doctor once a month. I don't know what is to become of me if it wasent for them. I have belonged to our Clearview Community for many years and so does the Zanons. And the Zanons take me to our Club doings[?] in their Auto. No wonder I am so happy with such excellent Friends for Neighbors. Its past midnight so I am going to quite writing and go to bed. Good Night.

Clearview Route 3 Snohomish Co Washington The following is what I have been expecting for many Years. For ever since I was 21 years old and I will be 89 on this comming 13 of Sept 1958. Reds Scheme For Attact on U.S.A. Coast. Washington DC June 23 1958. The Russians were reported

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Yesterday to be mapping the Ocean floor of North America in a massive operation So soviet nuclear submarines can sneak up to the United States shores without surfacing. United States News and World Report in a copyrighted Article datelined London quoted Western inteligense Officials as giving that explanation for the recent increase in sightings of unidentified submarines near American waters and for six Soviet trawlers anchored for months off the Canadian Coast. The Magazine did not Identify the Officials. The article said The purpose of this operation as the Officials see it is to enable Soviet Nuclear Submarines several of which are being built to travel submerged from Russia to action stations off the United States Coast. There Still submerged and undetected, such Submarines could launch Missiles with H-Bonb Warheads anywhere in the United States.

1500 Widows of Confederate War Veterans. The Veterans Administration has a Monthly for each but needs help to find them. Congress this

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Year enacted a law granting a Federal Pension to Confederate Veterans and their Widows. The Veterans are no problem Only two are living. Water W Williams of Franklin, Texas and John Salling of Miami Florida.

Time For Anthem. In Baltimore Yesterday President Dwight D Eisenhower raised a hand to his beard board[?] as he prepared to take it off during a playing of the Starspangled Banner. Americans present excellant President Dwight Dwight D Eisenhower and British Prime Minister MacMillan received honorary Doctor-of-laws degree at John Hopkins University.

Home on the Range. In East Glazier Montana Isabelle Old Chief a Blackfoot Indian woman told her Daughter Wyona Mae that lunch would be ready in a Jiffy. The tent is the Home for the Family but the stove is a modern electric range.

Little Rock Arkansas Monday June 23rd 1958. Its Court Ruling Outrageous Washington DC June 23rd 1958. Four Colored Colored Gentlemen Leaders

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today told President Dwight D Eisenhower that Court ordered suspension of School integration at Little Rock Ark has "schocked and outraged Negro Citizens and Millions of their fellow Americans". At a White House Conference with President Dwight D Eisenhower, the Negros said that Court decission handed down last Week "is being construed rightly or wrongly as a great light to lawless elements in their defiance of Federal authority." The view of the Negro Leaders were set Forth in a statement handed to Neurmin[?] after the Negros 45 minutes meeting with Americans present excellant President Dwight D Eisenhower. A Philip Randolph president of the International brotherhood of Sleeping Car Reporters said at a news conference that President Dwight D Eisenhower made no comment on the ruling by the United States District Court Judge Harry Lemly. No promises Made Randolph added that

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neither did President Dwight D Eisenhower make any promise or comments with respect to a program offered by the Negroes Leaders for improving the condition of their people. Among other things the Negro deligation urged President Dwight D Eisenhower to order the Justice Department to intervene in the Little Rock case as a friend of the Court. The Judge ordered School integration in Little Rock suspended for two and a half years. At todays White House conference in addition to Randolph were Roy Wilkins executive Secretary of the National Association for the advancement of Colored people. Lester B Granger executive secretary of the National Urban league and the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr of Montgomery Alabama president of the Southern Leadership Conference and leader of the Montgomery Bus boycott. Negros "Angry." "We tried to impress of him President Dwight D Eisenhower that the colored People are

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frustrated and angry." Wilkins said. "We think President Dwight D Eisenhower understands a little better the mood of the colored people of the Country. And the face to face observations helped us to understand him a little better. The program outlined by the Negros called for 1. A Nation Wide Presidential announcement prior to re-opening of school in Sep 1958 that the Law will be vigorously upheld with total resources at his command. 2 Calling of a White House conference by the President to discuss ways and means of obtaining peaceful compliance with Court Rulings in Cival Rights 2 Making available to all Officials and Community groups seeking to work out a program of education and action all necessary information, resources and advice of appropriate Government Agencies regarding school integration. 4 A request by the President that both political parties "lay aside partisanship so that the Congress can enact a Cival rights bill bill" which would include a

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section knocked out of the 1957 Cival rights law. Opponents of that Section contended it would permit the use of Federal troops for enforcement of all civil rights. 5 Presidential instruction to the Justice Department to act now to protect the right of Citizens to register and vote. The Negro leaders added that unless immediate action is taken in this field "thousands of Negro Citizens will be denied the right to cast a ballet in the 1958 elections." 8 Presidential orders to the Justice Department "to act under existing Statutes in the wave of Bombings of churches, Synagogues, homes and community center : also in the Murderous brutaltality directed against Negro Citizens in Dawson, Ga and Other Communities." And I Miss Kittie May Ellis wrote a letter to President Dwight D Eisenhower requesting that our U.S.A. Government plenty of Northern help South to protect the Republican Citizens so they could vote and their Votes be counted during the Second election

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of President Dwight D Eisenhower and I always Register my Valuable letters. But I never new of my advised instructions being followed. And it was a wonder that President Dwight D Eisenhower succeeded from the terrible treachery of some[?]y Southern Democrats Rebiles under a different under a differnt name. I only want right to rule over the whole world.

I suppose if I'd been a wealthy person belonging to many orders my information might of been herded. But such is life. But I am glad there were plenty of Americans will full amount amount of inteligent Brains to elect our present excellant President Dwight D Eisenhower and our equally noble intelligent Vice President Richard M Nixon so America is safe until another Presidential election or until the Russians treacherously attact America.

Parly on Race problem in Washington DC June 21 1958. President Dwight D Eisenhower stood in his Office with Negro leaders with whom he discussed civil rights issues. From left were the Rev Dr Martin Luther

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King Jr President of the Southern Leadership Conference, E Frederick Morrow White House Administrative Officer, President Dwight D Eisenhower, A Philip Randolph head of the International Brotherhood of sleeping Car Porters; Attorney General William Rogers and Roy Wilkins executive secretary of the National Association for the advancement of Colored People. I'l say three cheers for our fine American Colored People. And I will repeat what the finest Noblest man that ever lived said when the that was walking within a Den[???] said Abe I am surprised at you a speaking to a Nigger. Abraham replied he hoped he could be as polite as a colored Gentleman. I sincerely wish the Southern Whites were as inteligent as Americans fine Colored people.

Senate Will pass Pass Alaska Bill. Says Senator Sknowland [?]. (I think it is time if they have any Brains to use them in that good way.) K M Ellis Washington DC June 24 1958. Senate Republican Leader

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William F Knowland told President Dwight D Eisenhower today he expects the Senate to pass the Alaskan Statehood bill without an amendment. Senator Knowland made his prediction at the weekly meeting of Congressional GOP leaders with President Dwight D Eisenhower. The California Republican told Newsmen after the meeting that both the President of the G.O.P. leaders still strongly Favor Statehood For Hawaii. But he said there would be no Republican effort to the Hawaiian Statehood to the Alaskan Measure Knowland said it appeared that the Democratic Senate leadership would not premit the Hawaiian bill to come up at this session because of the threat of a filibustor by the Senate Democrats who oppose it.

Seator Knowland accused the Democratic leadorship of rank discrimination against Hawaii. Senate passage of the House approved Alaska State Hood bill without amendment would sent the legislation

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to the White House for the President Dwight D Eisenhower to sign. If the Senate ameneded it the measure would have to go back to the House and its chances for final passage this session would be dim.

Senator Jackson Democrat of our fine State of Washington also warned that the Measure could be held up by the Senate amendments. Senator Kuchel [?] Republican Cal. joined Senator Jackson in wawrning against the legislative tampering with the House Bill. Oh How I do wish they would pass the Alaska Bill for I have waited ever since the Fall of 1897 hoping they would and mit Alaska as a State and I will be 89 on the 13 of this comming Sept 13 1958.

The West Garfield Street Overpass nearly completed. Ready Soon. The West Garfield Street overpass stood virtually complete Yesterday awaiting only the completion of the the approach from the East end. Paving of the approach will begin in

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a few days. The Overpass scheduled to go into use about 15 of July 1958. The total cost will be about $700.000.

Boeing Acts To Borrow $90.000.000. Members of the Boeing Air Plane Co Board of directors Yesterday June 23rd 1958 authorized an offering of $30.599.600 of 22 years convertiable subordinated debentures and $60.000.000 of 20 Year sinking fund debentures. The Boeing announcement did not specify the purpose for which the money will be used. However Observers pointed out the Companies need for working Capital. The reduction in progress payments by the Air Force last Year. Heavy bank loans a $110.000.000. Capital expenditure program and the $200.000.000 commercial-jet transport program all contributed to the firms need for additional Fanancing. The Company this year is completing its thre Year $110.000.000 expansion program which it scheduled to prepare for Jet and space age assignments (So I say three Cheers for the Boeing Air Plane Company

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which has furnished employment for many thousands of Citizens in King and Snohomish Counties in our Great Grand State of Washington.

An Anglers Dream : Vic Johnson of Kirkland Washington June 24 1958 held the 59 1/4 pound King salmon which he caught off Marronstone [?] Island. Johnson was Moonching [?] with a light rod, a fifteen pound test line leader. He battled the fish for an hour. Oh If he has a freezer wont he have a long time eating that big Salmon. Three cheers for him.

Seattle. King County Washington Tues June 24 1958. Sun to Follow Showers Tomorrow. Seattle Moistened by its first measuring rain in about two weeks will get a Glimpse of the Sun again tomorrow. But temperatures will be relatively cool the Weatherman Bureau said. The forecast is for a few showers will persist through tomorrow Morning from a mild storm that caused wide spread lightening

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and Thunder Storms over Western Washington last Night. More than three tenths of an inch of Rain was recorded at the downtown Weather station this morning. A High temperature of 72 degrees is forecast for tomorrow Wed June 25. Until todays cooling Seattle temperature had been averaging above 10 degrees above normal for the past ten days the Western Bureau reported. Elsewhere in Washington Pasco which had been the scene of 100 degrees temperature in the past week was was raked by winds at 72 miles an hour last Night. Fires were caused by trees toppling on electir wirelines. Eight persons were injured in traffic accidents during the storm. And a 10 year-old boy suffered a head gash when he was struck by a pumice block which had been torn loose from a windbreak United Press international reported.

Crash Orphans Twins on second Anniversary. Holbrook Arizonia. June 21-rst 1958. The Johson Twins are Orphans on their

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Second Birthday anniversary today. Jack D Johnson 32 Navey Sailor was killed in a traffic accident Saturday and their Mother Mrs Hellen Johnson 28 died last night of Injurees and the Twins were Mark and Luanne were injured slightly. The Family was enroute from El Gajo in California to Hastings Nebraska so the twins Grandparents Mr & Mrs Mark Johnson and Mrs C. D. Knest could join in the celebration. Highway Patrolman John Consoni said Johnson apparently dozed at the Wheel and the Car hit a tree. And if theyd stayed at home like I do they might have all lived to almost 89 for with all the many hairbreath escapes My Parents Brother and I all lived to good old Age. But most of those years were before Automobiles and swift means of travel. And I only go one a Month to see my Snohomish Physicians. once a Month being taken in an excellant Auto by west line Joining Neeghbor Mrs Martin Zanon of our fine City Cleaview Route 3 Snohomish Co Washington.

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Red Vessels reported Sund. Taipei Formosia June 23rd 1958. The Defense Ministry today said a Chines Nationalest Warship sank a Communist gunboat and several Motorized Junks early Yesterday during a twenty three minute engagement near Quemory [?] Island. The Warship was undamaged and its crew suffered no casualties the Ministry said.

Washington D.C. U.S.A. June 21 1958. Nuclear-Powered Submarine Will be Key in U.S. Navey's War Plans. The United States Navey beleives today that its War Fleets are winning a peace time battle to a void being chased beneath the Sea by technology. But in space age advances in detection and Missiles prove so great that most Navel combat operations must be subsurface in preparing to take full advantage of nuclear-powered submarines. One result may be a generation of Naveymen prepared to fight either from Surface ships or Submarines. Another will be the

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the gradual obsolescense of non-Nuclear navel Vessels unles they somehow can be of service to atomic-powered Aircract Carriers. The inescapable facts of future Navel Warfare being studied by the Navey's progress-analysis group include Surface ships will be able to operate within the zone of combat only if they control the Sky above and Waters beneath. That means hugh task forced based around the Aircraft Carriers and including cruisers and distroyers amply armed with antiaircraft guided missiles. Only the nuclear "Sub" can patrol alone. The fact these can remain submerged indefinately and their new found ability to conduct subsurface launchings of 1500 Mile Missiles carrying H Bonb Warheads has made them a fourth dimension in Sea power. The Navey already has several categories of enlisted men who are trained to serve either on sub or Surface ships. These include "nucleairmen" guided-missile

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men, electronics technicians and Machinists Mates. During the next few Years the number is expected to increase by 700 per cent while the Missile category will increase by 2.000 per cent Grains of 40 and 25 per cent respectively are assigned to the electroics and machinists groups. This probably will not change the system of four year enlistments. The Navey reports that even a nuclear man can be trained and ready for duty in 15 to 16 Months. Conventional Submarines Meanwhile have become a thing of the past as far as new Construction is concerned. The Atomic submersiablees are at Sea 12 are being built & a dozen more are in various stages of planing. The fantastic capabilities assigned to the Fleet[?] balistic Submarine one of which is under construction with two more authorized so far has centered attention on this type. While, still are secret, the general charistics of the "subs" are expected to be these. The craft will displace about

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6000 tons, double the size of the Atomic powered Nautilus. The Submarines will carry 10 each of the Naveys 1500 mile-Polaris Missiles and thus will be capable of striking almost any Island _target with nuclear explosives.

The Vessels will conduct the Missile launchings from safe distance beneath the surface and may not surface for months at a time. Information made public indicates that in underwater launchings the missile is floated to or near the Surface in a capsule from them is ejected by Mechanical means to an altitue of about 150 feet where it is fired. My what a difference in the way of fighting to when my Father Andrew M Ellis of Company C 6 Iowa Volenters infantry USA Army during the War between the North and South from 1861 to 1865. And I was born on the 13 of Sep 1869 16 Miles N of Eldora, Hardin County, Iowa in an Iowa Cyclone and Oh how many terriable stormes we managed to survive until we came out West to Spokane Falls

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the Spring of 1883. And Spokane falls then had a population of 500 inhabitants and now I expect it has 5.000000 for all I know for I havent lived or been there since July 23rd 1898. When I sold my home in Spokane Falls the day before and My Parents Andrew M Ellis and his excellant Wife Rachel Ann Ellis, my dear Brother Perry Ellis, and I Miss Kittie May Ellis, left Spokane Falls for Ashland Ore, by team and Covered wagon, it requiring 7 weeks to make the trip over the then bad roads. Whire I traded my race mare daisy in on a $700 dollars lot built a house and sold it and we mooved to Deskins Saw mill now know as Prospect Jackson Co. Oregon, arriving there on the 29 day of December 1888 and we had 4 inches of Snow that winter but 4 feet the next winder. And Oh How I dearly loved that part of Oregon. But now my Parents and Brother have been dead many years and I have lived in our fine City of Clearview Route 3 Snohomish

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County Washington 26 years in this comming 19 of July and I own my one acre humble home in Clearview and I hope to live here until I die. right here amongst the finest kindest Neighbors that ever lived. Who have been my genune living guiding gaurding Angels that I know have exested for over 26 years. so no wonder I want to stay here.

A Missile Ship : The H.M.S. Girdle Ness 8500 tons Sailed out of Grand Harbor Valletta, Malta, for Sercret tests of guided Weapons. Launching could be seen on the Forecastle. The ship is the first in the Royal Navey.

Seattle King Co Wash. Tues Jun 24 1958. Comming along. A road grader worked over the surface of the approach to the West Garfield Street overpass yesterday. The over pass will carry traffic bound for Magnolia Bluff over the 15th Avenue West. It is one of the series of projects designed to releive congestion in 15 Avenue West and 15 Avenue North west. And a Ballard Project: Construction of an

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overpass to carry 15 Avenue North West traffic over Leary Way was moving a head rapidly yesterday. The Overpass estimated to cost $8.000.000 is part of the 15 Avenue North West project to reduce traffic traffic congestion. I feel sure there were no such worries in Seattle, King Cuonty Washington in Jan and Februtery 1898 and Seattle was having a hard time until the Alaska Gold rush commenced we being in that rush we to go to the Tannanna River over the Glazier from Cooks Inlet onto the Tannana River. The Gold Rush was what put Seattle on its feet and brought it to the worlds Notice.

I want all the Southern White and all the fine Cored[?] people to get a good education, and not be denyed it by my having to help my Parents and Brother and his family, and got no thanks for it in the end and I was called an old hog an old brute when I couldent continue.

Segregation Bills near Passage in La Baton Rouge La June 24 1958. The

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Lousiana Senate today was set for final action on six Bills setting up Machenery to shut public Schools before obeying Federal Orders for Racial integrantion (integration). The Bills roused the heavist opposition of any segretion measures since 1954. United States Supreme Court segregation decision but the speeches before committees apparently swayed few legislature votes. The keystone of the program is a measure authoizing the Governer to close any school ordered to integrate on a deffinate day or which already has mixed the races. The Governor also could close any nearby school, Negro or white he beleives might be a source of friction or ill will. The measure provides for protection of benifits and continuation of their saleries for the remander of the School year. State funds will continue as if the school was was in operation. The school Building and other equipment of a school indefinately closed

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could be sold or leased to a private group which would opperate the School.

Wenatchee Washington June 25 1958. Wenatchees Washington great heat wave over and it sure does get hot over in Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon. And I sure ought to know for I came West to Spokane Falls now Spokane Stevens County wash the Spring of 1883 and I have lived in Washington and Oregon ever since and I have been out of the two states from a few days to 3 months at a time and was always verry glad to come back and My Parents Brother Perry and I improved 31 one places in 33 years so we done some traveling in the two States mentioned and I have lived the Past 25 years this comming 13th of August in our excellant City of clearview Route 3 Snohomish Co Wash where they the finest crops without irrigation as our Climate is mild and moist and I passed through Wenatchee Wash many years ago.

But none of that Eastern Washington & Eastern Oregon for me, but please let

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me live to be 120 in fine Clearview with some of the finest Neighbors on Easth. Where our our fine Climate and excellant Citizens make it a heaven on Earth. So Mr Bud Land you have my sympathy working to unplug a sewer, so water dumped in a morning downpouring Rain could drain out as rush hour Motorists by like Hyroplanes. Nearly 1/4 of an inch of rain fell between 7 and 8.30 oclock, ending a week long heat wave in which there were temperatures in the 100 dreds daily. We in fine Clearview have an elevation of 600 feet which gives us the nice cool sunshiny air and we can see storms passing around Clearview & the Sun Shinning nice here. So three Cheers for fine Clearview and its excellant Citizens.

Indians Segregate Warrenton North Carolina June 24 1958. The Hallwar Indians among the first advantage of recent State pupil assignment law aimed at racial seggregation have mooved a step

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close to getting State Grants for their for their own School. The Western County Board of Education last Nigh said the Indians were entitled to application forms for the grants allowed under the Law to Parents who object to integrated Classes. To keep their 200 children out of the Negro schools they had been attending the Hall Wars last financed their own school.

I say all of Americans Indians by Native rights are entited to free American Citizen rights for the American Indians were the first American inhabitants and the Whites took their lands away and killed lots of their game and caught their fish. So I say all american Indians are free born American Citizens. And I want all american Children whether they are white, red or Black to have a good education and they not have to stave from 16 to 24 hourly daily like I had to all my life from the lack of an education. And now I am almost 89. I only want right to rule over the world

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I have taken the Oregonian and the Seattle Times Daily and Sundays for over 30 years on account of Orphan Annie and dick Tracy, for they picture out life as it actually was and my Parents Brother and my lifes many hairbreath breath escapes makes me sympathize with Dick Tracey. And the two dear little Orphans Orphan Annie.

I have been writing more than 12 years trying to jot down the many hairbreath escapes and our lives experiences and there is still something keeps poping into my mind and things even hapening now days for I am almost 89, and I have been in dearly loved States of Wash and Ore since 1883, when I was 13 1/2 years old, and slaved almost day and night until about a year ago my stength gave way. I had to then let my land go to ruin.

But I am amusing my self reading my Newspaper and writing true lifes experience story. Its verry late so I am going to stop writing and go to bed.

Seattle Wesnesday June 25 1958 City Seattle Light & [illegible]

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[illegible] give up rights to Wanahum[?] River. Seattle City Light and the Kittitas[?] County Public Utility District have failed to take up their rights to buy Wanapuna[?] Dam Power, Officials of the Grant County P.U.D. said today. At a meeting scheduled for Ephrate Friday. Other Utilities will be given a chance to devide the power orriginally ear marked for seattle and Kittitas County. Wanapum Dam on the Columbia River near vantage is to be a companion of Priest Rapids Dam now under construction by the Grant County P.U.D. Twelve utilities, Public and private, underwrote the $165.000.000 cost of the Priest Rapids project by subscribing to stated percentages of the power output. These subscriptions gave them options on Simular percentages of the Wanapum project. Wanapum estimated to cost about $211.000.000 for a rated capasity of $612.000 Kilowatts, will produce substantially higher priced power than Priest Rapids. Paul J Raver Seattle City Light superintendant, said the timing

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of Wanapum did not fit into the Seattle Schedule. City Light's legal advisors also contended that the grant County P.U.D. had not submitted a complete financial plan in calling for subscriptions to the Wanapum project, Raver added. Seattle Tacome and the Puget Sounds Power and Light Company each subscribed to 8 per cent shares in Preist Rapids under the so-called "slice of cake con[???]ets. Tacome, the power Company and all other Washington and Oregon partisipants except the Kittitas P.U.D. decided to go along with the Wanapum Deal. Seattle's $ per cent share of Priests Rapids power is about 50.000 Kilowatts. Its share of the Wanapum power would have been about the same. Grant County P.U.D. Officials said work on Priest Rapids is far a of schedule. With first power expected late next year. The working force has been stabilized at 1.500, Raver said. City Light is concentraing upon the proposed Boundary Dam, on the Pend Oreille River in North Eastern Washington as its next big power development.

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Seattles bid is opposed by mining[?] interests and the Pend Orelle County P.U.D. A hearing before the Federal Power Commission is expected later this year. The Kittias P.U.D. subscribed for only 4 per cent of Priest Rapids Power, about 2,500 Kilowatts its abandament of its Option on Wanapum power is explained as due to the districts proposed construction of a large steam geneerating plant in the Roslyn Cle Elum Area.

Snohomish Long ago July 4 1883 was the date of the first performance given by the Snohomish Dramtic Society. At this July 4 Celebration the dramas rendered were "Among the Breakers", and "Paddy Mikes Boy" and the proceeds amounting to $188, Went to the public Schools. While in my Parents Case Andrew M Ellis and his excellant Wife Rachel Ann Ellis her Maiden Name Dimmick and my then only living Brother Perry Ellis about 16 and I about 14 had arrived in Colville Stevens Co, Washington, the Night of July 3rd 1883 by team and wagon driven by fine

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aged Mr Adam Boyd, who lived some distance from Colville Washington. And Father was loaned the use of Mr John U Hofstetter team and wagon to hall lumber for a Cabbin for a house 14X24 8 feet high but no shingles until they be sawed Seven weeks later so we lived 7 weeks in that house with only the roof boards on and we just got the roof shingled when that night there came a downpouring rain and the 4 of July we were loving [living] on Fathers Premption at now Ellis Washington, 12 miles North of Old Fort Spokane and 1/4 Mile East of the Spokane Indian Reservation Where the Spokane, Oakanogon and Colville Indians were our excellant friends, and we their friends. And we learned after we'd been a way from Ellis two years all the Whites for 8 miles distant had been caught stealing the Indians stock on their their Reservation and were punished. People we never dreamed of being thieves were in the gang. But we were never back to Ellis. And My Parents and brother have been dead many years and I will be 89 on Sept

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13 1957.

Storks AIdes. In Minneapolis Firemen from Engine Company 10 called at Fairview Hospital Wednestday to see Terrence Patric Gennen. They assisted at the babie's birth at their station when the stork caught caught up with Mrs Gannon as a Police escort was speed her to the Hospital. The Stork Aiders were from left George DesMarais Capt, Fritz Leindgreen, Stanly Monahan, Marshall Bush, William Hatch, and Harold Swaggert. They nicknamed the Youngster "Smokey". No wonder Mrs Joseph Gannon was smiling because her and her Babies lives were saved by the find 6 firemen had saved her and her babies life.

Oh at the great speed now days compared to olden times. 707 Fries to Boston U. Scl[?] in 4 1/4 Hours. A Boeing Airplane Co Model 707 Jet transport streaked from Seattle King Co Wash to Boston Yesterday in four hours and 16 minutes. The Swept-wing Jet took off from Boeing field at 7-09 A.M. this Morning.

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and flashed over Logan International Airport Boston at 11:25 A.M. Seattle time. Ground to Ground time was four hours and 29 minutes. The Jet averaged 585 miles an hour on the 2,500 Mile run, which took it over Duluth and Albany New York. Its maximum ground speed was 660 Miles per hour. The Boeing Transport cruised at an altutude of 27,000 feet.

Clearview Route 3 Snohomish Co Washington. Fri June 27 1958. Summer Due next Week. Summer seems to be in temporary retreat the Weatherman said today but should return early Next Week. Tomorrow's Forecast is for partly sunny Weather with a high of 70. By Sunday temperatures will begin a slow Climb back into the 70's & 80's the Weatherman said. Thunder and lighttening storms ripped of Seattle and most of Western Washington last Yesterday afternoon. Only a trace.

I accidently upset my bottle of ink so now I will continue the best I can.

Vancouver Wash June 25 1958. The InterState to open Monday. The Chamber of

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of commerce announced on[?] Yesterday the new $7,500,000 interstate bridge spanning the mighty Great Grand Old Columbia River between the two mighty find States Washington and Oregon, will be Officially opened at 10 AM Moonday. The new bridge under construction for 26 months will operate two South bound and two North Bound traffic Lanes until the Old interstate Bridge is remodled and reopened. At that time the chamber said, Southbound traffic will flow over the new span and the North bound over the Old span.

Freed. U.S. Priest Suffers Malnutrition. Hong Kong June 25 1958. An American Missionary the Rev Cyril Wagner released 11 days ago. After five years in a chinese prison is suffering from Malnutrition and has been advised to take a long rest a Roman Catholic Spokesman said Yesterday. The Missionary arrived here last Week with another American Priest the Rev Joseph McCormack of Maryk[?]

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-noll, NY who also had served five years in Jail. There is no place like our dear Old U.S.A. and Republican freedom laws and I am old enough to ought to know for I will be 89 on the 13 of of this September 1958.

Just to think it was 107 Years ago when the Denny Party landed and established a Colony at Alki Point. A striking Feature of an Aerial view is that it includes the entire Stretch of Alie Beach and Avenue, from Alki Point at lower Right to Duwamish Head. Head lover left a distance of more than two miles.

My what a change there is in the City of Seattle just since Feb 1898 when My Parents Andrew M Ellis and his excellant Wife Rachel Ann Ellis, Daughter of Zibe[or Gibe?] Dimmick, my also dear Brother Perry Ellis and I Miss Kittie May Ellis. I who have live in fine Clearview Route 3 Snohomish Co Washington for over 25 years, and I was in Seattle twice during those years after I came to Clearview 25 yars ago.

But a birds Eye view from the sky shows it a massive City and our fine little City

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of Clearview Route 3 Snohomish Co Wash now is only about 14 1/2 miles from Seattles North limmits, only a few minutes by Auto now days but a day going by the good old horse team. But those old days are gone for ever, with our up to date swift travel. But please just let me stay in my humble home in fine Clearview where I am safe except from planes flying over my house days and nights going North & South and East and west. One plane all but taking the shingles off my roof years ago when I was hoeing in my garaden South of my house. And one night some one tried to push my house west off its foundation & was gone before my almost 89 years alowed me to get to my front door to see who it was, but the bumper had to least East Olympic Ave & go 90 feet West on my private road to bump my house. But it was some spunster[?] I'd been verry kind trying to show his smartnes. Darling Mother said when ever we wanted an enemy just do some one a bigg favor and it always proved true, the bigger the favor the meaner the deed.

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I sure am glad I live in fine Clearview with its fine mild moist climate Climate and its 600 foot elevation.

Clearview Snohomish Co Washington June 27 1958. Summer due for comeback next Week. Summer is in a temorary retreat, the weatherman said today but should return early next week. Tomorrow's forecast is for partly Sunny weather with a high of 70. By Sunday temperatures will begin to slowly Climb back into the 70 the Weatherman said. Thunder and Lightening storms ripped over Seattle and most of Western Wash late Yesterday afternoon. Only a trace of rainfal was recorded downtown although much more notable bursts fell in spotty fashion in the greater Seattle Aria. The High temperature was 75, and the low last night was 57.

Mountains in Earth's Interior Scientists Report. Washington D.C. June 20 1958. For the past 11 Months more than 10,000 scientists in 68 Nations have been giving the Earth a sort of

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Physical examiniation. Many of their findings were includ in testimony and reports by the National Science Foundation to a Subcommittee Which made public its transcript today. They have found. At the rate man is feeding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere there is a possibility the World may become a much warmer gigantic greenhouse. Mountains float on the on the Earths Moltan interior like Icebergs. The space through which this planet twirls is not a simple void but is filled with thin gasses representing the outer reaches of the Sun's Atmosphere. If 10 percent of the Volume of ice in the world melted, large sections of the United States would be underwater. Once the Scientists estimated the Globes ice content at 2,240,000 cubic Miles, with Closer inspection of the Antartic they now figure the old estimate was 40 per cent short. The Sea is apparently rich source of minerals and food. One Area contained

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$500,000 worth of minerals a square Mile. In tinkering with thermo-nuclear fission (Hydrogen bombs) Man is dulicating the Sun's Processes in in the release of energy and this coupled with a greater understanding of the pull of the Magnetic forces may develop into new methods of propulsion through space.

A new Mountain Range 1,000 Miles long and 200 Miles wide has been found beneath the Southeast Paciffic. There is a surface current flowing from Panama towards Asia. Below this there is a powerful current flowing in the other dirrection. The scientists would like to know why. The gigantic effort is pratly the world wide program of Earth's study known as the international Geographysical Year, an 18 month period of cooperation and exchange of information and exchange of information between scientists of 66 partisipating Nations. Please remember liquids seek the level unles forced upwards.

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Sweeden Sending Planes. Stockholm. June 25 1958. Sweden is sending six Airforce Observation planes to join the United Nation Observers in Laebonan.

Oh at what used to take place during olden times. In 1675 30 Young men Connecticut men were arrested for having long hair and wearing silk.

Capital of Venezuela Becomes Modern City. Housing Projects : Caracas Capital of Venuzeula is among Todays most modern Cities And is growing fast. It has more than one million Citizens Skyscraper blocks pierce the Sky for Miles around. Private Homes dot the Hillsides in new architectural forms. Broad highways link the City with its sububs and everywhere there are new building projects under way. Photographed from the Air this huge City within a City was completed in Caracas at a Cost of 90,000,000. More than 8,000 Slum schacks were razed to make way for these 59 apartment

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buildings constructed to house at low cost the displaced famlies. Buisness Center. The view of the Buisness and commerical center of Caracas, Capital of Caracas, Capital of Venzuela as seen from the Air. The twin Skyscrapers tallest of all Buildings in the City, dominate the the Simon Boliver Center an Area of nine City Blocks. The twin Buildings 30 Stories high, have underground Parking facillities, a Bus terminal and dozens of shops. And I suppose our excellant City of Seattle, King County, Washington will soon be another gigantic City like Venezuela. But thank goodness Seattles North East City limmits are 14 miles distant from of fine City of Clearview, Route 3, Snohomish Co. Wash.

A New Look : Downtown New Orleans and the Louisiana Citys famous docks are seen from the new Mississippi River Bridge. The view is downriver. The Toll bridge Cost $65,000,000.

Storks at home. Three Storks cavort

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about their nest atop a chimney. Bird lovers are worried about the dwindling population of these stately birds in Western Europe. And the international committee for Bird preservation has instituted a save the stock drive. And Oh what is to become of the population of the world if there arent any storks to bring the new Babies. I say by all means save those fine birds from extinction.

King sized. A king version in size. A huge version of the Seafair Skipper Pin was presented to Mayor Gorden S Clinton by Bonnie McLean Miss Seafair Skipper Pin at 1958. Sale of the pins at $1 each will begin tomorrow June 30 1958. Proceeds will help finance the ninth annual Seafair celebration August 1 through to 10 tenth of August 1958. And the gold cup hydroplane race on Lake Washington Sunday August 10 1958.

Canadian Vissitors Spend $419,000,000 in U.S.A. in 1957. Canadian tourists spent $419,000,000 in the United States in 1957

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William M Flood manager of the Seattle Office of the Commerce Department said Yesterday. This represents more than half of the $785,000,000 spent by all Foreign Vissitors to the United States. It exceeds by $79,000,000 the amount that American tourists spent in Canada last year, Flood added. Eleven per cent of the Canadian Vissitors come to this State. Washington stands second to New York, which attracted 28 percent. The average Canadian Visitor who remains 48 hours spends about $80 a trip. Tourists from Mexico spent $135,000,000 in the United States last year 1957. Visitors from the Various Countries of South America, Central America and the West Indias spent $107,000,000 and Europeans $78,000,000.

A 43 foot Squid Taken to Miami Fla June 25 1958. A giant Squid said to be the largest taken in this Area is being studied by scientists at the University of Miami Marine Laboratory. The 43 foot 250 pound squid was found floating in the Bahamas by a United States

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Fish and Wildlife Service Patrol Boat. Giant squids live deep in the Sea and rarely are seen on the surface. My if a person could catch a find large eatable fish they sure could have plenty of fish to eat for a while if theyd freeze or pickle or cook and can it immediately.

Chicago Folk In First Trip to West. Clearview June 26 1958. Recent Chicago visitors at the home were Mr & Mrs John Shunson[?] and their Daughter Miss Margaret Shunoson[?] and a friend John Lundin. This was the first trip West for Mr Shuneson and Mr Lundin and they were enjoying the trip and the many places of interest on the Coast. Yellowstone Park kept them spellbound in the many points of interest. Mr Shun[?]son recently retired and was enjoying the trip as his Daughter was on her vacation. Mr & Mrs Shuneson are Aunt and Uncle of Mrs Skinner.

Jet Fighters Fly Nonstop to Belgium. Washington DC June 28 1958. Four Supersonic Jet Fighters flew non-stop from Washington D.C. to Belgium

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today. The fatest Plane made the flight in 6 hours and 12 minutes. The F-10 Voodoos refueled over Newfoundland enroute from nearby Andrews Air Force Base to Leige. The Planes took off at two minute intervals. Sox of the McDonald VooDoos left Andrews. Two dropped out at Newfoundland according to plan.

Washington D.C. Most of U.S.A. Basking in Sunshine. The young Summer Season broke out across a broad stretch of the County today. Sunny Skies and warm temperatures dominated all but scattered areas. Tunderstorms rumbled over Montana accompanied by high winds. Thunder showers of the summer afternoon variety were in prospect for portions of the great Planes.

Back down to Earth. Gus Nelson Jr 9 his arms in Casts and suspended in traction smiled good naturidely today in Harborview County Hospital as he contemplated his downfall as a tree house builder. Gus fell from a cherry tree whiel building

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a tree house. Boy nine years old gives up tree house plan. Gus Nelson 9 years old his Eyes still reflecting a boys love adventure peered from between cast encased Arms in Harbor View County Hospital and pronounced "No". No Gus said he wont try building any more tree houses in cherry trees at the Family home at 848 West 61 Street. It was a good Idea Gus had thought — A tree house for his two Sisters Kathy 10 and Margaret 8, and his two Brothers Frank 7 and Johnny 4. Gus foraged for some lumber, put up a ladder up against the tree and set to work. Gus Mother Mrs A J Nelson said this was working on the platform about 7 oclock Yesterday evening when the bottom fell out of his world. Both his forearms was broken in the 12 foot fall. I think a branch broke under my foot Gus said as he lay on the ground, his Mother releated he looked up and commented. "That the end of my tree house." The above carries me mentally to the Summer of 1890 when my Parents Andrew M Ellis and his excellant Wife

to be continued to tablet or Book 10.

admin 5
Association 2
Idea 3
idea 3
Note 5
Project 9