The New International Encyclopædia/Columbus (Indiana)

Edition of 1905. See also Columbus, Indiana on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1513222The New International Encyclopædia — Columbus (Indiana)

COLUMBUS. A city and county-seat of Bartholomew County, Indiana, 41 miles south by east of Indianapolis; on the east fork of the White River, and on the Pennsylvania and the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis railroads (Map: Indiana, D 3). It has extensive manufactures of pulleys, tanned leather, threshing and sawmill machinery, tools, starch, flour, furniture, etc. Settled in 1821, Columbus was chartered as a city in 1864. The government is vested in a mayor, elected biennially, and a city council. The water-works and electric-light plant are owned and operated by the municipality. Population, in 1890, 6719; in 1900, 8130.

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