The New International Encyclopædia/Topelius, Zachris
TOPELIUS, tō̇-pā′lē̇-ụs, Zachris (1818-98). A Swedish-Finnish poet and novelist, born at Kuddnäs, near Ny Karleby, and educated at the University of Helsingfors. In 1863 he became professor of the history of Finland and the North at the university. He resigned his professorship in 1878. As a lyric poet he was second only to Runeberg, and his children's stories have been translated into many languages. His publications include: Ljungblommor (“Flowers of the Heath,” 3 parts, 1845-50); Efter femtio ar (play: “After Fifty Years,” 1851); Fältskärns Berättelser (“Tales of an Army Surgeon,” 1853-67); Läsning för Burn (“Children's Stories,” 7 parts, 1865-91); and En resa i Finland (“A Journey in Finland,” 2d ed. 1885).