Filmmaking Basics/Planning the Movie

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Page: Introduction
Lesson: Planning the Movie
Course: Course #01 - Basic Filmmaking
Department: Narrative Film Production
Division: Film and Television
Portal: Fine Arts Portal
School: Art and Design
Faculty: Humanities
University: Wikiversity (English)

Lesson #003: Planning the Movie
Pages of this Lesson

Lesson Summary


Lesson #003: Planning the Movie - Before you begin preproduction, you have to make some decisions.

At the Wikiversity Film School, most of these decisions are made for you. In case you are interested, this is how they were decided.

The Final Product


When you are finished making the movie, you need to have all the elements needed for the distributor. This is a huge undertaking. Most of our planning is to able to give the distributor the required deliverables.

The Purpose of Planning


The goal is to reduce costs later by planning for all the materials needed during the filming, editing, and delivery of this movie. Better planning means lower cost.

How many versions?


We will first make an animatic as part of our early planning.

Then we will make an animated version of our movie

Finally, we will work on a live-action version.

Before we can begin


Before we begin, we need to make decisions such as the frame size and the frame rate. Sounds like a simple decision, right? It is not.



Even making decisions about the animation are not easy. What style of animation will we use? Will we use programs like LightWave and Maya or will be use programs like Poser and DAZ Studio? And where will we get the models for our movie? With LightWave and Maya, we have to start from scratch. With Poser and DAZ Studio, we can buy a wide selection of models.

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Contact the teacher. Robert Elliott 14:13, 28 September 2006 (UTC)

Note 1