Filmmaking Basics/Thumbnail Storyboard/Examples/Example 4

This is an example Thumbnail Storyboard

Start with a close-up of the poster
In this example, we start with a side view. In this view we see the two people looking at something on the wall. Then we look at what they are looking at which is the movie poster.
In FrameFrge 3D Studio, I represent the poster by creating a window and putting a wall behind it. This looks like this. (below)

Thumbnail Storyboard Example #4

Thumbnail storyboard for Seduced by the Dark Side!

EXTERIOR - The local movie theater - NIGHT

Fade In

Cut To

Dolly To

(1) The Young Person and Old Person stand looking at the movie poster outside the theater.

  • I want to get the attention of the audience so I immediately show the poster. Then I quickly cut to the young person and dolly out to see the old person as well. All this time, the Star War's theme is playing. By starting with the poster, I can have much longer Star War's music. Then the music cuts to total silence and there is an awkward pause with just street noise.

(2) Young Person: "That was a great movie..."

  • I want the movie to start very slowly. Therefore, the two actors will just stand there barely moving while the camera is static.

(3) Young Person (contined): "but I do not understand one thing."

(4) Old Person: "What's that?"

Cut To

(5) Young Person: "How can anyone be seduced by the Dark Side?"

  • Once the young person says this, I want a cord from the Star Wars music to play faintly in the background while the man thinks.

Cut To

(6) The old person thinks for a while.

(7) Old Person: "What computer do you have at home?"

Cut To

(8) Young Person (eagerly): "A Macintosh!"

Cut To

(9) Old Person: "But what computer does your father use at work?"

Cut To

(10) The young person thinks for a moment.

(11) Young Person (amazed and excited): "Seduced by the Dark Side!"

Cut To

(12) The Old Person smiles.

Cut To

Zoom out

(13) Old Person and the Young Person walk toward home together.

(14) Fade to Black.

The End

Point Of Reference:

This scene will be filmed Inside the line. (Next to the poster = In the green area). Therefore, the camera will never cross the line.

The Floor Plan for the Movie

The Next Page

  • Look at the other examples by going to the index at the top of this page.

Contact your instructor

Your instructor for this filmmaking class is Robert Elliott. You can email me by clicking here.

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