Search results
Create the page "遠" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Japanese Language/Grammar Quiz (section 遠州大橋)scrambled as in the grammar section of the JLPT. These sentences were taken from "遠州大橋" on the Japanese Wikipedia. (Link: [1]) 1 この渋滞を解消し ___ *** ___ ___ で本路線が設置された...2 KB (134 words) - 00:33, 11 August 2020
- 鳥 舊 神 遠...2 KB (217 words) - 01:45, 13 February 2018
- you, thou, thus 為 wéi/wèi become, as, do, because, for 近 jìn near, close 遠 yuǎn far, distant 言 yán word, speak, language 日 rì day, sun (not to be confused...2 KB (27 words) - 15:28, 19 April 2022
- hjwon 25-15/0256c 猿 hjwen 25-15/0256d 榬 hjwon 25-15/0256e 轅 hjwon 25-15/0256f 遠 hjwonH, hjwonX An -r series acc. to Starostin (1989). 25-16/0163a 丸 hwan 25-16/0163b...300 KB (40,249 words) - 14:00, 4 April 2017
- hjwon 25-15/0256c 猿 hjwen 25-15/0256d 榬 hjwon 25-15/0256e 轅 hjwon 25-15/0256f 遠 hjwonH, hjwonX An -r series acc. to Starostin (1989). 25-16/0163a 丸 hwan 25-16/0163b...305 KB (41,052 words) - 16:05, 25 April 2017