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- is an integral part of whole grains, and is often produced as a byproduct of milling in the production of refined grains. 与胚芽一起,麸皮是全谷物的组成部分,并且通常在精制谷物的生产中作为碾磨的副产物生产。...317 bytes (50 words) - 11:21, 4 May 2019
- Refined grains, in contrast to whole grains, refers to grain products consisting of grains or grain flours that have been significantly modified from...3 KB (292 words) - 11:55, 14 May 2018
- In domesticated wheat, grains are larger, and the seeds remain attached to the plant firmly during harvesting. 在培育的小麦中,谷物较大,并且在收获期间种子仍然牢固地附着在植物上。...324 bytes (36 words) - 02:16, 4 May 2019
- Barley grains are commonly made into malt in a traditional and ancient method of preparation. 大麦籽粒通常以传统和古老的制备方法制成麦芽。...207 bytes (29 words) - 12:58, 4 May 2019
- In wild wheat, the wheat grains can not be attached firmly on the plant during harvesting. 在野生小麦中,小麦籽粒在收获期间不能牢固地附着在植物上。...222 bytes (33 words) - 03:22, 4 May 2019
- Muesli is an oatmeal-based food with ingredients such as grains, nuts, seeds and fruits. Muesli是以燕麦片为基础的食物,配以各种谷物,坚果,种子和水果等成分。...235 bytes (32 words) - 04:03, 4 May 2019
- tossing and receiving grains in winnowing. "키를 위아래로 흔들어 곡식의 티나 검불 따위를 날려 버리다." To flap the fan up and down so that the grains are tossed up and the chaffs...187 bytes (260 words) - 15:08, 27 March 2021
- microns wide) and interstitial plagioclase with tiny spherical grains of kamacite, irregular grains of schreibersite and rare troilite." Geochemistry: "Gabbro...17 KB (1,976 words) - 19:09, 29 September 2022
- (Review Paper) Cited in Panspermia/a critique of Evidence against Biological Grains in the Interstellar Medium 1. There is a possibility that false results...2 KB (262 words) - 20:32, 16 August 2014
- ground? 17 Which type of igneous rock generally has larger grains? 18 Which of the following is correctly arranged in order of increasing grain size?...2 KB (197 words) - 23:33, 25 October 2022
- the third day cover the third square with four grains for me to take. Each day double the number of grains you give me until you have placed wheat on every...8 KB (739 words) - 05:06, 6 April 2024
- of impact markers (magnetic grains, magnetic microspherules, iridium, charcoal, and glass-like carbon). The magnetic grains have a high concentration of...19 KB (2,377 words) - 05:01, 24 September 2021
- Eating whole-grain barley, as well as other grains with lots of fiber, improves regulation of blood sugar (i.e., reduces blood glucose response to a meal)...326 bytes (50 words) - 02:22, 4 May 2019
- Extra info on food consumption (section grains)Main pointers/information fibres: 30-40 grams; main sources are grains (rice, quinoa, amaranth, wheat, barley, ...), certain vegetables (eg celery, cabbage...17 KB (2,634 words) - 17:34, 23 December 2015
- Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can prevent hemorrhoids. 多吃水果,蔬菜和粗粮可以预防痔疮。...172 bytes (19 words) - 02:21, 4 May 2019
- multiple thaw and refreeze cycles and thus is made of numerous small icy grains, though it is not nearly as saturated with water as snow-cone slush is;...2 KB (159 words) - 03:52, 7 April 2018
- usually graded by counting the number of grains that fit within a given distance. Thus the larger the grain the lower the grade number of the abrasive...9 KB (1,596 words) - 17:11, 27 October 2022
- consists of 40–41 vol % of fine- to medium-grained (up to 1.1 mm) euhedral to subhedral and striated enstatite grains and 14–16 vol % interstitial plagioclase...22 KB (2,995 words) - 06:06, 28 May 2022
- determined from 25 concordant analyses of 10 grains of the dominant group, and a 2945 ± 7 Ma date from 7 other grains." "The relative probability plot (Fig....79 KB (8,579 words) - 01:33, 5 December 2020
- Muesli is a cereal food which mixed with oats, other grains, nuts, seeds and fruits. Muesli是一种谷物食品,混有燕麦,其他谷物,坚果,种子和水果。...219 bytes (29 words) - 04:03, 4 May 2019