Search results
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- J.D. Washburn (June 29, 1893-July 18, 1975) was an American miner, ex-soldier, and owner of a tire business. He was interviewed by Douglas Carter in 1939...10 KB (1,522 words) - 19:31, 15 July 2020
- JD Abbin took part in an interview conducted by the Federal Writer's Project on 15 February 1939. The Federal Writer's Project was created under President...9 KB (1,339 words) - 01:22, 20 April 2020
- Literature/1982/Evans [^] Literature/1982/Foley [^] Garfield, Eugene (1982). "J.D. Bernal -- The Sage of Cambridge: 4S Award Memorizes His Contributions to...823 bytes (188 words) - 01:45, 30 September 2014
- JD Abbin was born and raised in Florida and was a self-described "Floridy Cracker" Because of the Great Depression, he spent a large amount of life searching...8 KB (1,176 words) - 01:24, 20 April 2020
- Science and Civilisation in China w: Two Cultures Garfield, Eugene (1982). "J.D. Bernal -- The Sage of Cambridge: 4S Award Memorizes His Contributions to...1 KB (199 words) - 03:37, 30 September 2014
- J.D. (Don) Mashburn was a white 46 year-old male from a small country town in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. During his lifetime, Don faced...8 KB (1,318 words) - 12:29, 6 July 2023
- vectors parallel, the inner (dot) product J·dA equals the scalar product JdA. Also parallel to both J and dA is dL, an element of length along the wire....10 KB (1,503 words) - 02:54, 11 October 2021
- airfoils Anderson, J.D.: "Fundamentals of Aerodynamics", Mcgraw Hill Series in Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering,2010. Anderson, J.D.: "Modern Compressible...11 KB (1,210 words) - 09:36, 15 May 2023
- the above article is reprinted and appended to: Garfield, Eugene (1982). "J.D. Bernal -- The Sage of Cambridge: 4S Award Memorizes His Contributions to...894 bytes (146 words) - 03:42, 30 September 2014
- patient, JD, who had FH, the cells were able to bind LDL normally but his cells could not take up the LDL. They found this out by comparing JD's cells and...9 KB (1,235 words) - 03:52, 3 February 2016
- United States Law/Introduction/Student Guide (redirect from American J.D. Program/Law School Boot Camp)school or informal legal training, with a focus on the Wikiversity American JD Program. After completing this module, it is hoped that you will have a basic...2 KB (256 words) - 13:00, 26 April 2017
- ascending node of the solar equator at Greenwich noon on January 1, 1854 (JD 2398220.0) and rotating with the sidereal period of 25.38 Earth days. Phenomena...5 KB (408 words) - 03:41, 5 February 2020
- Orbital inclination (deg) 7.00487 [...] Reference Date : 12:00 UT 1 Jan 2000 (JD 2451545.0) [...] Last Updated: 01 July 2013, DRW [David R. Williams]." "The...10 KB (1,160 words) - 19:33, 27 August 2022
- Intelligence". Bar-on, R., & Parker, J.D.A. (eds.,) Jossey Bass. San Francisco: USA. Mayer, J.D., Salovey, P., Caruso, D.R & Sitarenios, G. (2001). Emotional...30 KB (2,355 words) - 16:33, 15 April 2024
- Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. October 16, 2012. Retrieved 2012-10-27. Pelletier J, Brook JD, Housman DE (August 1991). "Assignment of two of the translation initiation...10 KB (1,024 words) - 20:24, 30 March 2019
- Charles Alexander Dunston Dr. S.S. Jackson E.W. Faucette Evie Robinson J.D. Washburn J.R Glenn James Perdue John Benton Liza Williams Mary Hines Ned Davis...626 bytes (87 words) - 07:29, 6 July 2023
- research and record on our class website. Arthur J. Moore Bonnie Baste George Ellison Herbert Crow J.D. (Don) Mashburn John H. Abner John M. Thomason Matt...624 bytes (90 words) - 12:27, 6 July 2023
- Metropolitan Books, 2005 Novak, J.D. and Gowin, D.B. (1984) Learning how to learn. New York: Cambridge University Press. Novak, J.D. (1998) Learning, creating...12 KB (1,525 words) - 02:07, 17 October 2020
- Eric W. "Convective Operator". Mathworld. Retrieved 23 March 2011. Huba J.D. (1994). "NRL Plasma Formulary revised" (PDF). Office of Naval Research....305 bytes (75 words) - 21:33, 2 September 2016
- Methods Design: JD, JH Data Collection: JD, EK, JH First Draft of the manuscript: JD Critical Review: JD, CFJ, JH Approval of Final Version: JD, CFJ, JH Corresponding...14 KB (1,717 words) - 13:07, 28 February 2024