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- important part of the overall care of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWA) since it plays a vital role in improving and prolonging the quality of life of those infected...6 KB (758 words) - 10:46, 14 February 2009
- The introduction of antiretroviral drugs as part of HIV clinical care has made AIDS more of a manageable chronic illness with restored economic productivity...7 KB (1,079 words) - 02:31, 11 February 2016
- Epidemiology is the study of those factors affecting the health of a given population. Public Health is the management of those factors. Together, they...13 KB (1,795 words) - 22:55, 29 February 2024
- ICD-10 Coding/Certain Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (section 1) Diagnosis of HIV Infection: Code only confirmed cases)documentation of positive serology or culture for HIV; the provider’s diagnostic statement that the patient is HIV positive, or has an HIV-related illness...36 KB (3,723 words) - 08:03, 15 January 2024
- successfully within its public sector HIV/AIDS treatment program while minimizing the need for additional resources. The aim of this study was to quantify the...25 KB (3,174 words) - 04:25, 26 April 2022
- Motivation and emotion/Book/2019/Workplace stress and motivation (section Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and AIDS)the influence of stressors on HIV and AIDS was also examined with findings indicating harmful effects. A difference in regards to rate of progression through...28 KB (3,483 words) - 04:42, 8 August 2024
- aspects of Wikiversity's purpose. Other lists of on-line resources: Public Health Strategies for HIV Educational Videos Free license music List of academic...11 KB (895 words) - 10:13, 1 May 2024
- International Ototoxicity Management Group (IOMG) is a global consortium created to address a gap in healthcare regarding the treatment of individuals who experience...24 KB (2,947 words) - 20:58, 18 October 2024
- Environmental Health and Protection Agency for Toxic substances and Disease Registry HIV/STD/TB prevention and control Infectious Disease Epidemiology Bioterrorism...3 KB (344 words) - 13:37, 11 September 2021
- 30 years. Birth rate is on average 3.1 per woman. 37% of the population is believed to have HIV/AIDS. Literacy rate is just over 79%". Languages: "English...41 KB (6,468 words) - 11:56, 26 February 2020
- management agreement,0,10,0%,53.6 demons wiki,0,10,0%,68.2 "inurl:""option=com_easyblog""",0,10,0%,76.5 team fortress 2 release date,0,10,0%,83.1 hiv...35 KB (6,185 words) - 11:34, 20 August 2024
- "HIV forensics: Pitfalls and acceptable standards in the use of phylogenetic analysis as evidence in criminal investigations of HIV transmission". HIV...123 KB (14,781 words) - 16:14, 3 April 2024
- or with HIV infection). Causes of increased melanin pigmentation (melanosis) can be classified in 3 groups: Associated with proliferation of melanocytes...16 KB (2,211 words) - 03:30, 16 October 2020
- to a combination of socioeconomic factors prohibiting access to healthcare, greater likelihood of being exposed to HIV, stigma, lack of awareness, and smaller...16 KB (2,457 words) - 21:50, 16 April 2017
- relatively low HIV prevalence rate. Of these identified cases, 800 (53.7 percent) contracted AIDS and 53 of those died from complications related to HIV/AIDS....31 KB (4,796 words) - 09:40, 20 October 2023
- Ecoo). Furthermore, expanding of child prostitution causes spread of HIV/AIDS among Cambodian children. HIV/AIDS is one of educational challenge, since...16 KB (2,452 words) - 08:10, 6 April 2023
- remember feelings of apathy directed towards people who had HIV as a young person in the mid to late 1990's. Yet I had never met a person with HIV at the time...31 KB (4,438 words) - 01:18, 14 August 2021
- battle a high rate of HIV; however, with improved access to antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV is now less of a threat to life and more of a chronic illness...24 KB (3,525 words) - 13:53, 2 July 2024
- ICD-10 Coding/Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium (section CG.I.C.15.e.1-2 (Fetal Conditions Affecting the Management of the Mother))Surgery 15.f HIV Infection in Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium 15.g, h, and i Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy, Long Term Use of Insulin and Oral...12 KB (866 words) - 11:53, 4 October 2023
- Smith et al. performed a study that assessed the presence of hearing loss in children with HIV who are enrolled in one primary school. In this study, defining...9 KB (1,203 words) - 17:40, 22 May 2023