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- Deletions of this region of the human chromosome have been linked to multiple myeloma. J Clin Oncol...873 bytes (106 words) - 12:41, 24 August 2023
- formation - aggregates of RBC resembling stacks of coins paraprotein (multiple myeloma) nuclei (immature RBC) serious medical disease severe anemia, leukemia...3 KB (275 words) - 20:44, 13 April 2011
- Urethra Penis Other Hodgkin disease Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Leukemia Multiple myeloma/plasmacytoma Total body irradiation Total skin irradiation Radioimmunotherapy...5 KB (416 words) - 12:55, 1 May 2016
- haematopoietic-stem-cell transplants were proven to be a superior treatment for multiple myeloma. See PubMed At the present time about 60,000 transplants are performed...13 KB (1,756 words) - 15:07, 25 February 2018
- thrombopoietin, and different growth hormones. Activation of this protein in myeloma and lymphoma associated with a TEL/JAK2 gene fusion is independent of cell...23 KB (3,130 words) - 02:45, 8 August 2021
- cancer, metastatic breast cancer with increased cardiac risk, and multiple myeloma (Figure 3B). Doxorubicin is encapsulated in a nano-carrier known as...51 KB (5,899 words) - 02:44, 19 October 2022
- ICD-10 Coding/Neoplasms (section CG I.C.2.n. Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma, and Malignant Plasma Cell Neoplasms in remission versus personal history)This lesson introduces ICD-10-CM Neoplasms. Objectives and skills for this lesson include: Apply ICD-10-CM coding guidelines for accurate selection and...12 KB (643 words) - 02:41, 16 December 2020
- analogs have been useful in the treatment of acute leukemia, lymphomas, myeloma, and other hematologic cancers. The estrogen inhibitor tamoxifen has proved...72 KB (10,092 words) - 04:53, 4 October 2023
- 8253&rep=rep1&type=pdf. Kyle, R. A. (2005). "Five decades of therapy for multiple myeloma: a paradigm for therapeutic models". Leukemia 19 (6): 910–912. doi:10...112 KB (14,204 words) - 09:36, 18 February 2023