Wikipedia:Txokoa/2013ko iraila
Taxotaula automatikoa + WikiData
aldatuKaixo! Wikidatarekin hainbat gauza egiten egon naiz azken egunotan, {{hiri orokor infotaula}}
eta {{taxotaula automatikoa}}
berritzen. Lehenengoan jarri dut hainbat gauza automatikoki gehitzea, koordenatuak bezala, baina detaile txikiak dira. Lagundu nahi duenak Kategoria:Pages_with_malformed_coordinate_tags kategorian ditu Wikipedia osoan gaizki dauden artikuluak, koordenatuak ondo jarri behar dira.
Harira. {{taxotaula automatikoa}}
erabiltzen egon naiz azken hilabeteetan, informazio gutxirekin dena askoz automatizatuago eta estetikoago egiten duelako. Orain Wikidatan artikulu baten loturak hedapen mapa eta argazkia baldin badu, automatikoki agertuko da artikulua wikidatara gehitu ondoren. Wikidatan hauek gehitu ahala, gurean ere agertuko dira, automatikoki. Beraz txantiloi hau erabiltzea oraindik interesgarriagoa da. Denborarekin beste gauza batzuk ere gehituko dira Wikidatan, eta hauek ere agertzeko aukera izango dugu. -Theklan • • 22:13, 1 iraila 2013 (UTC)
Commonskat eta kideko txantiloiak
aldatuLankide batek Commonskat txantiloian aldaketa batzuk egin ditu azken egunotan, kaxa txikiagoa eginez besteak beste. Horrela, kideko beste txantiloiekin batera (Wikiztegia, Wikiliburuak, Wikiturriak eta Wikidata) txantiloiekin batera agertzen denean, itsusi geratzen da, tamaina desberidneko kaxak agertzen baitira. Aldaketa bera beste txantiloietan edo Commonskat txantiloia bere lehengo bertsiora itzultzea eskatzen dut. Mila esker. - --Joxemai; (erantzunak) 06:15, 2 iraila 2013 (UTC)
- Commonskat txantiloia nik aldatu dut, bai. Orain Wikidatako kategoria zuzenean lotzen du, mantenimendua erraztuz. Besteak aldatzea, nire kontu beraz. -Theklan • • 07:18, 2 iraila 2013 (UTC)
- Orduan, orain artikuluetan {{commonskat}} idatzi eta kitto, ez dugu {{commonskat|Adibide}} idatzi behar, ezta? Hori bot batek konpondu al dezake? (barkatu galdera inozoegia bada) --Marklar (eztabaida) 17:05, 2 iraila 2013 (UTC)
- Ba baliteke baietz! Nire bota orain apuruta dago eta ez dakit zergatik. -Theklan • • 17:16, 2 iraila 2013 (UTC)
- Orduan, orain artikuluetan {{commonskat}} idatzi eta kitto, ez dugu {{commonskat|Adibide}} idatzi behar, ezta? Hori bot batek konpondu al dezake? (barkatu galdera inozoegia bada) --Marklar (eztabaida) 17:05, 2 iraila 2013 (UTC)
Zerikusirik al daukate aldaketa horiek kategoria hau agertzearekin? Ez diot zentzurik ikusten kategoria horri, eta {{commonskat}} txantiloia kentzen diedanean artikulu horiei, desagertu egiten da.--Assar; (erantzun hemen) 17:34, 2 iraila 2013 (UTC)
- Bai, badu harremana. Kategoria horretan (orain ezkutukoa dena) agertzen dira
duten artikuluak eta Wikidatan jasota ez daudenak. Sistemak orduan egiten duena da bilaketa bat abiatu, eta esaten du kategoria horretan jarrita bilaketa bidez egiten duela, ez dagoela zuzenean lotuta. Hola aukera ematen da loturak ondo dauden ziurtatzeko. -Theklan • • 17:44, 2 iraila 2013 (UTC)
VisualEditor update
aldatuHello, Basque Wikipedia editors. I am posting to let you know about the VisualEditor editing environment. It is a new, visual way to edit Wikipedia. We would like to deploy VisualEditor on this Wikipedia soon, and we would like to get editors' opinions on the new platform.
To test VisualEditor, you can enable it by going to "Preferences" "Editing" → "Enable VisualEditor". After doing this, you will see two options for editing an article. The software developers welcome your feedback and would like to know about any problems or "bugs" experienced on It is also important that VisualEditor's buttons and labels are translated into Basque, along with several important help documents. If you have English skills, you can help out at (for the user interface) and VisualEditor's TranslationCentral on (for help pages). You must have an account on to translate the user interface. Your Wikipedia username and password should work at Mediawiki.
We currently expect to enable VisualEditor here on Tuesday, 24 September, unless there any critical bugs with your particular Wikipedia that you find during testing. Enabling VisualEditor here for everyone will help the software to be developed and improved to meet the needs of all users. After the rollout the new editor will be displayed side-by-side with the button to edit using wikitext. Once VisualEditor is enabled for all users, you will have the option to disable it in your preferences so that you will no longer see it while it is in beta testing. We hope that you do not chose to do that because it would limit the opportunities to find out how we can make VisualEditor better for the Basque Wikipedia. The option to edit using the familiar wikitext editor will not be going away.
If someone who speaks Basque and English would please translate this message for everyone, I would really appreciate it. Thank you, and happy editing, Whatamidoing (WMF) (eztabaida) 20:10, 9 iraila 2013 (UTC)
aldatuThis may be delayed due to a schedule mistake (it didn't get listed on the official deployment calendar when it should have been). I believe it is being postponed until next Monday. If I learn more, I will tell you. Two people have tried it out so far, with no apparent problems. Please think about testing it more. Whatamidoing (WMF) (eztabaida) 21:31, 23 iraila 2013 (UTC)
First, I’d like to apologize for the English. If you can, please help to translate this for other members of your community.
The legal team at the Wikimedia Foundation would greatly appreciate your input on the best way to manage the "community logo" (pictured here) to best balance protection of the projects with community support. Accordingly, they have created a “request for consultation” on Meta where they set out briefly some of the issues to be considered and the options that they perceive. Your input would be invaluable in helping guide them in how best to serve our mission.
Thank you! --Mdennis (talk) (via the Global message delivery system). 02:22, 24 iraila 2013 (UTC) (wrong page? You can fix it.)
Taxotaularen migrazioa
aldatuKaixo guztioi! Dakizuenez aspaldi sortu nuen {{taxotaula automatikoa}}
, izaki bizidunen infotaulak modu txukunago eta automatizatuago batean emateko. Gainera orain Wikidatari esker datu asko automatikoki agertzen dira, argazkirik onena, edo hedapen mapa, adibidez. Konturatu naiz aurretik egin ditugun askok ez dutela informazioa batere ondo. Batez ere landareetan gertatzen da, non kriston kakanahastea dagoen. Sailkapen sistemak aldatzen joan dira, eta orain egonkortzen ari dira AGPIII deitzen den sistematikarekin. Mikroorganismo gehienak ere azken urteetan aldatu dira. Nik sortu nituen asko aspaldiko mikropaleontologia liburu bateko sailkapenean oinarrituta egin nituen, baina asko aurreratu da mikrobioak ziren hauen sailkapena.
Beraz pentsatu dut agian hobe dela ahal den heinean (batzuetan ezinezkoa da, sailkatze kladistikoa baimenntzen ez duelako) {{taxotaula infotaula}}
duten artikuluetan automatikoa jartzea, etorkizunean ere artikulu berrien sorrera errazteko. Inork zerbait baldin badu esateko, eztabaidatuko dugu, baina beno, jarraituko dut lan honetan eztabaidarik ez bada sortzen. Bestetik, norbaitek lagundu nahi badit hemen dago zerrenda luze bat aldaketak egiten hasteko. Konplexua da, askok taxonomia txantiloien sorrera eskatuko dtuelako, baina uste dut Wikipediaren estandarizazioan lagunduko duela. -Theklan • • 14:02, 26 iraila 2013 (UTC)
- Mikrobiologiari dagokionez (gehien kontrolatzen dudan arloa baita) nik uste dut sailkapena ondo egina eta gaurkotuta dagoela. Egia da noizean behin aldaketak daudela Bergey's sailkapen-gidaliburuan, baina saiatzen naiz jakinaren gainean egoten dagozkien aldaketak egiteko.
-Josu (eztabaida) 11:33, 2 urria 2013 (UTC)
- Kontua da berez errazagoa dela aldaketa masiboak egitea sistema honekin. Nahikoa da familia bat ordenaz aldatzen bada familia horretako txantiloia aldatzea eta automatikoki familia horren barruan dauden genero, espezie... guztiak gaurkotuko dira. -Theklan • • 15:53, 2 urria 2013 (UTC)
- Azken bolada honetan, landareekin nabil artikulu berriak sortzen eta benetan erabilgarria da Wikidatarekin duen lotura hori. Etorkizunean beste infotaulekin lotzea ere komeniko zaigu (hiriena edo biografiarena, adibidez). Theklan, lan polita egiten ari zara (betiko moduan :-) ). Beno, epeka, epeka. Ondo izan, peña. --Marklar (eztabaida) 19:08, 2 urria 2013 (UTC)
- Hiriena ere aldatuta dago. Konkretuki koordenatuak lortzeko, herrialdea eta, ahal izanez gero, probintziak. -Theklan • • 19:36, 2 urria 2013 (UTC)
VisualEditor office hours online discussion
The engineering department is hosting two office hours on IRC this week to discuss VisualEditor. The first of these will be held on Monday, 30 September, at 1900 UTC. The second will be held on Wednesday, 2 October, at 0000 UTC. Please join as Product Manager James Forrester discusses VisualEditor and upcoming plans. Logs will be posted on meta after each office hour completes. (If office hours are heavily attended, it can be difficult to get to all questions, but if you want to ask a question and cannot attend or do not speak English, please send e-mail to me today, and I will present it among possible discussion topics.)
I also just wanted to remind you that VisualEditor is available for all logged-in editors on this project now. Please help us improve this project by tracking issues in Bugzilla and sharing your feedback at the feedback page at Mediawiki. If you notice major issues affecting your project, we would appreciate it if you could let us know directly in e-mail to me or James Forrester, the Product Manager, at mw:User talk:Jdforrester (WMF).
(Please help translate this message so that others in your community can read it.) Thanks! Whatamidoing (WMF) (eztabaida) 16:57, 30 iraila 2013 (UTC)
(This message is in English, please translate as needed)
Notifications will inform users about new activity that affects them on this wiki in a unified way: for example, this new tool will let you know when you have new talk page messages, edit reverts, mentions or links -- and is designed to augment (rather than replace) the watchlist. The Wikimedia Foundation's editor engagement team developed this tool (code-named 'Echo') earlier this year, to help users contribute more productively to MediaWiki projects.
We're now getting ready to bring Notifications to almost all other Wikimedia sites, and are aiming for a 22 October deployment, as outlined in this release plan. It is important that notifications is translated for all of the languages we serve.
There are three major points of translation needed to be either done or checked:
- Echo on translatewiki for user interface - you must have an account on translatewiki to translate
- Thanks on translatewiki for user interface - you must have an account on translatewiki to translate
- Notifications help on This page can be hosted after translation on or we can localize it to this Wikipedia. You do not have to have an account to translate on mediawiki, but single-user login will create it for you there if you follow the link.
Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or comments about this new tool. For more information, visit this project hub and this help page. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 18:29, 4 urria 2013 (UTC)
- (via the Global message delivery system) (wrong page? You can fix it.)