Template:Infobox television episodeNaataaɗo e asamaan" woni feccere adannde e Thunderbirds, teleeji Angalteer ɗi Gerry e Sylvia Anderson mbaɗi, ɗi sosiyetee maɓɓe AP Films (APF) ƴetti ngam ITC Entertainment ñalnde 30 suwee 1965.

Ko e kitaale 2060, yeewtere ndee rewi ko e golle International Rescue, fedde huutortoonde otooji hisnude karallaagal ngam hisnude nguurndam aadee. Ko ɓuri teeŋtude heen ko gonnooɗo astronaut biyeteeɗo Jeff Tracy, sosɗo International Rescue, e ɓiɓɓe mum njoyo mawɓe, ardiiɓe laana ndiwoowa mawka fedde ndee : masiŋaaji Thunderbird. E nder « Trapped in the Sky », mawɗo bonannde biyeteeɗo Hood ina lelna bommbo e nder laana ndiwoowa kesa ka Fireflash, kañum woni doole atomik, hade mum yaltude e diwgol mum gadanol. Waawaa jippaade ngam hulde uddude bommbo oo, ko International Rescue tan ɗaminii wuurde e nder laana kaa e yahdiiɓe mum.

Nde ɓe ngaɗiri haala, Anderson'en ɓe njogii hakkilantaaki Gerry dow kuugal maako nder RAF, nde o yi'i dow dowlaaku mo'o mo'o hawtaaki e dowlaaku ɓanduɗo dowlaaku dowlaaku. Ngam hokka studio nokkuure, darinoowo kuuɗe mawɗe Derek Meddings waɗi filmji kisndam Fireflash dow set ngal ɗon naftora e sistemji cukalel ɓaawo laawol ɓaawo.

"Trapped in the Sky" fuɗɗiti ɗum nder fim dow wakkati 25 nder hitaande 1964. Lew Grade, jaɓɗo jaɓɓaande jaɓɓaade jaɓɓaama e jaɓɓaare jaɓɓaaki jaɓɓaani, o waɗi APF ngam o wurtina jaɓɓaaku Thunderbirds fuu diga 25 haa 50 minut ngam jaɓɓaandu jaɓɓaaka wakkati TV saa'i go'o. "Trapped in the Sky" heɓiima e nder nder nder nder fuɗnaange makko arandeere, [1] "Trapping in the Sky", ɗum heɓaama e nder ɓurɓe yiɗde Thunderbirds. Ɗum waɗi nder fijirde e nder hitaande 1966 nden waɗi fijirde maako arande nder lesdi UK nder hitaande 1991 e BBC 2. Ɓaawo ɗun ɓe ɓe ɓe ɓe cembiɗini ɗum "Fireflash", ko ɗun woni ɓaawo ɓaawo ɓooyi ɗiɗawɗi ɗi ɗi ɗi ɗi ɓe ɓe ɓe ɓeydi waɗugo Thunderbirds Are Go.



Hood, ɓernde ɓanduɗo mooluki nder suudu diina diga arande nder Maleziya, ɗon haandi bee ɓiyum Kyrano, garɗo yimɓe wuro Tracy nder saare Tracy. Ngam huutoreeɗum nder hawtaade e Kyrano, Hood anndini International Rescue - go'o Jeff Tracy e ɓiy'en maako njoweeɗiɗo - ɗon huwtoree jooni. Ɓaɗol ɓernde ngam ɓernde Hood waɗi Kyrano mo'o mo'o yeeso Jeff.

Ngam heɓugo sirru masinji Thunderbird International Rescue, Hood ɗon yiɗi waɗugo haala kisndam ngam hokkamo fursata ɓurɗum haɓɓugo jamiroore. Nde o yahdi haa London International Airport, o ɗon haɓɓo bomb nder nder nder ɓandu ɓandu haayrauliki Fireflash, daande hipersoniiki ɓandu atomiyaaru, ɗon yaasi ngam yahugo maako fuɗugo Tokyo. Yimɓe ɗon nder maɓɓe ɗon hawta ɓiy Kirano Tin-Tin. Caggal nde Fireflash fuɗɗii, Hood noddi dowla dowla dowlaaji ngam hollaago sabotaage maako, hokki habaru to Komandantaaɗo Norman dow dowla booɗnde nde taƴan.

ATC ɗon anndina Fireflash Captain Hanson, mo wi'a Norman dow ɓandu ɓandu ɓernde masin dow jaayɗe fuɗnde fuɗnde fuuɗnde fuu ɗon yiɗi jaɓɓugo ngam ngam to Fireflash naaki nder waktuuji tati fuu ɗon maaya ngam radiation. ATC ɗon jeyaa dow dowla dowla dowlaaji ɗi ɗon jeyaa bee Fireflash nder yahu, ngam hokkugo laftinaandi Bob Meddings laawol laawol jaɓɓorgo ngam jaɓɓugo bonde. Kuugal ngal timmi bana ko Meddings maayi ko o hawti e dow ndege, o waɗi parachute maako ɓaawo o wara dow lesdi.

John Tracy, mo ɗon ɗon jaɓɓa habaru radio diga nder suudu darnde Thunderbird 5, ɗon anndina baaba maako ko ɗon waɗa nder saare Tracy. Jeff jaɓɓii 2" href="./Scott_Tracy" id="mwVA" rel="mw:WikiLink" title="Scott Tracy">Scott e Virgil to London nder Thunderbirds 1 e 2. Nde Scott dilli haa dow dow dow dow, Scott hokki Norman tabbitol dow International Rescue'en nder yiide goɗɗum amma o umri ngam walaa fotooji dow masinji Thunderbird. Polisji haa dow dow dow dow haaje ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon ɓooyugo Thunderbird 1, ammaa Hood, ɗon ɓornugo bana goɗɗo nder jami'en, ɗon ɓooda haa nder suudu ngam fotugo. Scott ɗon anndina diga nder kamera on ɗon ɗon ɗon haɓɓugo, Hood ɗon ɗon hooda nder go'oto nder masinji polis, polis ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon tokki laawol M1.

Nde Thunderbird 2 tawii, Virgil waɗi caruuji ɗiɗi e caruuji mawɗi ɗi ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon hoola dow remote. Lanu ndu woni yahude Fireflash to dow gari'en ngam toɗɗuki huutore bomb. Ammaa, fuɗnaaki kisndam fuɗnaama ɓaawo go'oto nder masinji ɗi ɗon ɗon ɗowtana diga toɗɗaaji ɗon maaki masin e ɗon maaki dow ndege ɗon ɗon jooɗoto. Virgil ɗon ummitina carel go'o nder carel, nden Fireflash ɗon fuɗɗi dowre ɗiɗaɓere, ɗon heɓugo hawtaade bee carel tati fuu. Virgil ɗon moofta, ammaa o majjina jonta dow carel mawɗo; o ɗon moofata nder njamndi, ammaa o ɗon maaya. E dow dow karuuji goɗɗi, Fireflash ɗon jooɗoto e bomb, koo nde ɗum ɓeydaaki ngam inertia, ɗon maaki.

Nde Scott anndini Hood ɓeydi polis, o anndini wakiila'en International Rescue'en London, Lady Penelope e soofere maako Parker. Hugo Hood nder FAB 1, Rolls-Royce Penelope'en, Penelope e Parker ɓe ɓeyda mo dow laawol bee masin masin masin masin. Ko Hood maaki, fotde maako ɗon halki, nden o ɗon kaɗana ngam hisnaago International Rescue.

To Tracy Island, Jeff waɗi Kyrano yaajugo ngam doktoor diga lesdi man. Caggal nde o hokki Kyrano haala ɓernde laaɓɗum, doktoor on ɗon anndina nyau Fireflash nden o wi'i o teddina mo ngam o hokkata International Rescue nyaamdu. E nder limce ɓaawo, Jeff hokki doktoor mo andaaɗo ko o yiɗi, nden o wi'i ɓiyum, "Ɓiɓɓe, miɗo andi en ɗon nder kuugal".

Ɗuumɓe ɓaleeɓe



  1. Archer and Hearn 2002, p. 124.