Attack Node is an enemy fought in Perpetouss Keep during Adventurer from Another World quest in Final Fantasy XV. It is a security bot of Niflheim make that patrols the abandoned imperial base. They are similar to the magitek-boosting enemies encountered in Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto.
An Attack Node spawns alongside Mortar Systems when the party is on its way to the teleporter in the Perpetouss Keep. Unlike the Mortar Systems, the Attack Node does actually attack: it projects red laser beams. It explodes when destroyed. Though it doesn't drop anything, the player can discover a Superior Restorative where it was at the first encounter site. Y'jhimei accompanies the party and uses healing magic should the player need it.
Another Attack Node spawns alongside the MA-X Patria at the base. It is accompanied by a Defense Node that continually heals it.
The Attack Nodes don't appear in the bestiary, but their stats can be scanned with Libra in wait mode or by Ignis's Analyze.
Attack Node is not a threat and is easily defeated with normal attacks and warp-strikes.