The Battle to Protect Terra is a skirmish between the security forces of Narshe and the joint forces of Returner Locke and Moogles, for the possession of unconscious Terra in the mines of Narshe in Final Fantasy VI.
Following the Imperial Raid on Narshe, Locke finds Terra unconscious only to notice that the Narshe Guards, too, have located her and quickly gather a strike force to capture her from Locke. The battle takes place is near the Moogle Cave and the moogles decide to help Locke to rescue Terra from the guards.
The allies defend Terra, as if any guards reach her the battle is lost. They have two parties with four moogles and one party with Locke and three moogles. Narshe guards have six groups of Silver Lobo, Megalodoth formations and a Guard Leader who is accompanied by two Silver Lobos. Once the leader is defeated, Locke will reclaim Terra.
Locke will thank the moogles for their help and escape through a secret cave entrance. Terra will wake up and Locke will reveal to her what happened. She has lost her memory and decides to accompany Locke. They head for Figaro Castle to meet Edgar.
The Narsheans reaffirm their determination to stay out of the war between the Returners and the Gestahlian Empire, and for a while they are hostile to the Returners. Relations improve after Banon speaks directly with the Elder of Narshe. After the Returners assist the Narsheans in the Battle for the Frozen Esper, Narshe allows them to set up a permanent base of operations in their town.
The player can unequip Mog to keep his equipment Mythril Spear and Mythril Shield (must be done before killing the Guard Leader). The shield is one of the best defensive items the player can receive for a while, and the spear is an upgrade for Edgar later.
Mog will learn a new Dance if at least one battle is won with him in the group. The Dance ability may then be effectively used against the Guard Leader.
If Locke engages the final fight, he may try to steal a Mythril Knife from the Guard Leader. However, this can take several rounds, during which Locke is not fighting. Instead, if Edgar is given Mog's spear (as early as the first encounter with Kefka) this frees up Edgar's Mythril Sword for either Terra or Locke while the other uses Terra's initial Mythril Knife, making a second knife obsolete.