An island so rich with nature's bounty visiting sky pirates named it the "Isle of Treasures". To this day they come to pillage these riches, even in its decimated state.In-game description
Cebe, Isle of Treasures is a location on the Muruc Cahuac Skysea which is an island, or later in the game, an archipelago from Lemurés in Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. It was invaded by Sky Pirates during the auracite tournament. The canoe is required to reach the island.
Main Missions
Mission 17: Pirates and Parrot in Peril!
In the end, Rikken had little new to say, so the search for the judge is back where it started. Rikken wastes no time finding trouble again.Description
- 3,000 gil
- Storm Wand
- Icebrand
- Auracite x2
Goblin Pouch
- Demon Tail/Malboro Vine
Side Missions
Summoning Melee
Open battle against foes who summon wave after wave of Yarhi.
- 2,900 gil
Goblin Pouch
- Maplewood Stick/Maplewood Log