The Eukaryote, also known as the Juclyote or Eucaryote, is an enemy in the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy IV
It is an enemy that appears in the Red Moon. Its physical attacks may inflict Poison. It can only physically attack, and will always appear in groups with other Eukaryotes or sometimes with Prokaryote (Final Fantasy IV).
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
The only thing to worry about is that their attacks can inflict Poison.
Final Fantasy VI
They can be found in the Narshe Mines. Its special attack, Cling, inflicts Slow, but otherwise it is no threat and can easily be killed with normal attacks.
[view · edit · purge]A eukaryote is any type of higher organism whose nucleus and other cellular structures are encapsulated within membranes. They differ from prokaryotes which do not have organelles surrounded by membranes and all of their metabolic processes take place in the same space.