
The following is the list of weapons in the 2D versions of Final Fantasy IV (except Easy Type). Some weapons can cast magic spells by using certain equipped weapons from the Item menu during battle.

The attack and accuracy camps show how much of these stats is added to the character's main stat. Some weapons may reduce the stats, while some may not add anything. An unarmed character will have a hit rate of 50% and the max hit rate is 99%.

Some weapons are glitched and their status and elemental properties are considered as armor in the original Japanese and North American Advance versions; this bug is fixed in the European Advance version.

Dark swords

FFIV SNES Dark Sword Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Dark Sword Only Dark Knight Cecil can equip these swords.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Dark Sword
FF4-Kunai FF4PSP Weapon Ashura 10 30 Initial: Cecil
Prize: Cecil's Trial (get less than 3 points)
Dark Knight Cecil
Common dark sword.
Dark-elemental. Metallic equipment.
FF4-Asura FF4PSP Weapon Kiku-ichimonji 20 35 Find: Underground Waterway Dark Knight Cecil
Dark sword with sharpened blade.
Dark-elemental. Metallic equipment.
FF4-Kikuichimonji FF4PSP Weapon Deathbringer 30 40 Gift: King of Fabul Dark Knight Cecil
Dark sword that occasionally inflicts an instant kill.
+5 Strength, +5 Agility, +5 Stamina, +5 Intelligence, & -5 Spirit. Dark-elemental, Metallic equipment. 30% chance of Death when attacking.

Holy swords

FFIV SNES Broadsword Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Knightsword Only Paladin Cecil can equip these.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
FF4-LegendSword FF4PSP Weapon Excalibur 1 49 Find: Lunar Ruins Cecil
Legendary holy sword.
Metallic equipment. Throwable. (Advance & PSP versions only)
Mythgraven Blade
(Sword of Legend)
FF4-LegendSword FF4PSP Weapon Excalibur 40 49 Initial: Paladin Cecil Cecil
Holy sword with the legend of Mysidia inscribed.
Holy-elemental, Metallic equipment, +3 Spirit. It can not be sold, dropped, thrown or traded.
Index Finger
FF4-Lightbringer FF4PSP Weapon Lightbringer 60 49 Find: Lunar Ruins Cecil
Holy sword useful against flan creatures.
Metallic equipment. Extra damage vs. Flan. (Advance & PSP versions only)
Lustrous Sword
(Light Sword)
FF4-LegendSword FF4PSP Weapon Excalibur 99 49 Find: Sealed Cave Cecil
Holy sword shining with divine light.
Holy-elemental, Metallic equipment, +3 Strength and Spirit. Throwable.
FF4-LegendSword FF4PSP Weapon Excalibur 160 49 Other: Kokkol's Forge (Give Kokkol the Adamantite and return after obtaining the Lunar Whale) Cecil
Legendary holy sword of the hero.
Holy-elemental, Metallic equipment, +10 Strength. Throwable.
FF4-Ragnarok FF4PSP Weapon Ragnarok 200 49 Find: Lunar Subterrane Cecil
Sealed holy sword feared by monsters.
Holy-elemental, Metallic equipment, +15 Strength, Stamina, and Spirit. Extra damage vs Undead.
Lightbringer FF4-Lightbringer FF4PSP Weapon Lightbringer 255 49 Lunar Ruins - Complete Cecil's trial. Cecil
Holy sword immersed in holy power.
Holy-elemental, Metallic equipment, +15 Strength, Stamina, & Agility. May cast Holy when attacking. Extra damage vs. Ghoul and Undead. Long Range. (Advance & PSP versions only)


FFIV SNES Longsword Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Sword Both Cecil and Kain can equip these.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Ancient Sword FF4-AncientSword FF4PSP Weapon Ancient Sword 35 27 Find: Ancient Waterway Cecil, Kain
Sword that sometimes curses enemy.
Metallic equipment. 30% chance of inflicting Curse when attacking. Extra damage vs. Ghouls. Throwable.
Blood Sword
FF4-BloodSword FF4PSP Weapon Blood Sword 45 0 Find: Cave of Eblan Cecil, Kain
Sword that steals _target's HP.
Metallic equipment. Absorbs damage done to _target as HP. -5 to all stats. Extra damage vs. Giants, Flan, and Undead. Throwable.
Mythril Sword
FF4-MythrilSword FF4PSP Weapon Ashura 50 30 Buy: Mythril
Drop: Mythril Golem
6000 Cecil, Kain
Sword of mythril, effective against ghouls.
Metallic equipment. Extra damage vs. Ghouls.
Sleep Blade
FF4-SleepBlade FF4PSP Weapon Defender 55 27 Find: Eblan Castle Cecil, Kain
Sword that sometimes puts enemy to sleep.
Metallic equipment. 30% chance of Sleep when attacking. Casts Sleep when used as an item. Throwable.
Flame Sword
FF4-FlameSword FF4PSP Weapon Flame Sword 65 30 Buy: Dwarven Castle
Find: Tower of Zot
Drop: Fiery Knight
14000 Cecil, Kain
Sword immersed in the power of fire.
Fire-elemental, Metallic equipment.
Icebrand FF4-Icebrand FF4PSP Weapon Icebrand 75 30 Buy: Cave of Eblan
Find: Tower of Babil
26000 Cecil, Kain
Sword immersed in the power of ice.
Ice-elemental, Metallic equipment.
(Gorgon Blade)
FF4-GorgonBlade FF4PSP Weapon Stoneblade 77 16 Drop: Gorgon, Medusa, Black Lizard, Catoblepas Cecil, Kain
Sword that sometimes petrifies enemy.
Metallic equipment. 10% chance of Gradual Petrify when attacking. Throwable.
Avenger FF4-Avenger FF4PSP Weapon Kotetsu 80 45 Find: Sylph Cave
Drop: Behemoth, King Behemoth
Cecil, Kain
Large sword cursed with berserk power.
Metallic equipment. Wielder is in Auto-Berserk, +10 Strength, Agility & Stamina, -10 Intelligence & Spirit. Two-handed weapon. Throwable.
FF4-SleepBlade FF4PSP Weapon Defender 105 40 Find: Passage of the Eidolons Cecil, Kain
Sword infused with defensive power.
Metallic equipment. +15 Stamina, casts Protect when used as an item.
Hog Call
(Piggy's Stick)
FF4-GorgonBlade FF4PSP Weapon Excalibur 150 49 Find: Lunar Ruins Cecil, Kain
Stick that can turn the enemy into a pig.
May inflict Pig when attacking. (Advance & PSP versions only)


FFIV SNES Spear Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Spear All spears (except Blood Lance and Abel's Lance) possess the Throw-elemental, as well as their own element.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Spear FF4-Spear FF4PSP Weapon Spear 9 49 Initial: Kain
Buy: Agart
60 Kain
Common spear.
Metallic equipment.
Wind Spear
FF4-WindSpear FF4PSP Weapon Wind Spear 55 30 Initial: Kain (Tower of Zot) Kain
Spear with a cutting blade.
Metallic equipment.
Flame Lance
FF4-FlameLance FF4PSP Weapon Flame Lance 66 30 Buy: Dwarven Castle
Drop: Fiery Knight
11000 Kain
Spear immersed in the power of fire.
Fire-elemental, Metallic equipment, casts Fira when used as an item.
Ice Lance
FF4-IceLance FF4PSP Weapon Ice Lance 77 30 Buy: Cave of Eblan
Find: Tower of Babil
21000 Kain
Spear immersed in the power of ice.
Ice-elemental, Metallic equipment, casts Blizzara when used as an item.
Blood Lance
FF4-BloodLance FF4PSP Weapon Blood Lance 88 -28 Find: Eblan Castle Kain
Spear that steals _target's HP.
Metallic equipment. Absorbs damage done to _target as HP. Extra damage vs. Giants, Undead & Flan. -10 to all stats. Throwable.
Gungnir FF4-Gungnir FF4PSP Weapon Gungnir 92 30 Initial: Kain (Giant of Babil) Kain
Legendary spear said to have been a favorite of the gods.
Metallic equipment. +15 Stamina. Throwable.
Wyvern Lance
(Dragon Spear)
FF4-WyvernLance FF4PSP Weapon Wyvern Lance 99 30 Drop: Blue Dragon, Red Dragon, Crystal Dragon Kain
Spear effective against dragons.
Metallic equipment. Extra damage vs. Dragons. Throwable.
Holy Lance
FF4-HolyLance FF4PSP Weapon Holy Lance 109 30 Find: Lunar Subterrane Kain
Spear engulfed in holy power.
Holy-elemental. Metallic equipment. Extra damage vs. Ghouls. Casts Holy when used as an item. Throwable
Abel's Lance FF4-Gungnir FF4PSP Weapon Wyvern Lance 230 35 Find: Lunar Ruins Kain
Legendary spear with the power of wind.
Lightning-elemental, Metallic equipment, +15 Strength, Agility & Spirit, may cast Tornado when attacking. (Advance & PSP versions only)


FFIV SNES Axe Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Axe Cecil, Cid and Kain can equip these.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Dwarven Axe
FF4-DwarvenAxe FF4PSP Weapon Dwarven Axe 62 19 Buy: Dwarven Castle
Find: Dwarven Castle
15000 Cecil, Kain, Cid
Axe that is a favorite of dwarves.
Metallic equipment. +5 Strength and Stamina, -5 Agility, Spirit, and Intelligence. Long Range.
FF4-Ogrekiller FF4PSP Weapon Ogrekiller 80 19 (35 in FF2US) Buy: Tomra
Find: Tower of Babil
45000 Cecil, Kain, Cid
Giant axe effective against giants.
Metallic equipment. Extra damage vs. Giants.
Poison Axe
(Venom Axe)
FF4-PoisonAxe FF4PSP Weapon Poison Axe 95 10 Find: Passage of the Eidolons
Drop: Armor Construct, Armored Fiend
Cecil, Kain, Cid
Giant axe that sometimes poisons enemy.
Metallic equipment. 30% chance of inflicting Poison when attacking. Extra damage vs. Giants. Casts Poison when used as an item. Two-handed weapon.
Rune Axe FF4-RuneAxe FF4PSP Weapon Rune Axe 100 10 Drop: Giant Soldier, Giant Warrior, Iron Giant Cecil, Kain, Cid
Giant axe effective against mages.
Metallic equipment. Extra damage vs. Mages. Two-handed weapon.
Gigant Axe FF4-DwarvenAxe FF4PSP Weapon Dwarven Axe 200 25 Buy: Lunar Ruins
Drop: Iron Giant
480,000 Cecil, Kain, Cid
Axe that has the chance to poison the enemy.
Metallic equipment. +15 Strength, may inflict Poison when attacking. Two-handed weapon. (Advance & PSP versions only)


FFIV SNES Bow Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Bow Bows must be equipped along with arrows for them to work. They possess the Throw element. Bows with arrows are long range.

Bows equipped without arrows increase Attack by 1. The attack formula with both equipped is (Bow attack power)/2 + Arrow Attack Power + Str/4. If the character equips a bow in his/her dominant hand, the total attack will be reduced by 20%. An unarmed character's attack power is Str/4 + Level/4, so there is the potential for a loss of attack power when equipping weaker bow and arrows.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
FF4-Bow FF4PSP Weapon Bow and Arrows 10 30 Initial: Rosa
Buy: Kaipo, Agart
220 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Common bow.
(Power Bow)
FF4-Crossbow FF4PSP Weapon Crossbow and Arrows 20 35 Buy: Mysidia, Agart
Find: Damcyan
700 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Bow used for hunting.
Great Bow
FF4-GreatBow FF4PSP Weapon Perseus Bow and Arrows 30 40 Buy: Troia, Dwarven Castle
Find: Troia
2000 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Bow used for battle.
Killer Bow
FF4-KillerBow FF4PSP Weapon Killer Bow and Arrows 40 50 Buy: Tomra, Cave of Eblan
Find: Tower of Babil
3000 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Bow with increased capability for critical hits.
Elven Bow FF4-ElvenBow FF4PSP Weapon Elfin Bow and Arrows 50 75 Find: Sylph Cave Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Wooden bow made by the elves.
+5 Intelligence. Extra damage vs. Mages. Casts Shell when used as an item.
Yoichi Bow
FF4-YoichiBow FF4PSP Weapon Yoichi Bow and Arrows 60 60 Find: Feymarch Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Bow once used by a famous marksman.
+10 Strength.
Artemis Bow
FF4-ArtemisBow FF4 Weapon PSP Artemis Bow 80 70 Drop: Selene Guardian Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Bow named after the goddess of the moon.
+10 Strength, Agility, and Stamina, -10 Intelligence and Spirit.
Perseus Bow FF4-PerseusBow FF4PSP Weapon Perseus Bow and Arrows 110 85 Find: Lunar Ruins Rosa
Bow said to have been used by a legendary hero.
+15 Spirit. (Advance & PSP versions only)


FFIV SNES Arrow Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Arrows Arrows must be equipped along with bows for them to work. Arrows with bows are long range.

Arrows equipped without a bow increase Attack by 1. The attack formula with both equipped is (Bow attack power)/2 + Arrow Attack Power + Str/4. An unarmed character's attack power is Str/4 + Level/4, so there is the potential for a loss of attack power when equipping weaker bow and arrows.

There is no visual numerical counter that appears during battle, but the number of hits is used for the arrows upon hitting an enemy. The number of hits is related to the Attack Multiplier a character has. Rosa using the Aim command will ensure that the number of hits will be equal to her Attack Multiplier, regardless of the accuracy or hit rate of the current bow she has equipped.

The number of hits is the number of arrows that appears on the _target. It should be noted that the maximum Attack Multiplier a character can have is nineteen, so that is how many the player can see on the _target.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Medusa Arrow
FF4-MedusaArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 1 0 Find: Sylph Cave
Drop: Gorgon, Medusa, Black Lizard, Stone Golem, Catoblepas
Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow that sometimes petrifies an enemy.
30% chance of inflicting Petrify.
Iron Arrow
FF4-IronArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 5 0 Initial: Rosa
Buy: Kaipo, Agart
Find: Damcyan
10 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow of iron.
Metallic equipment.
Holy Arrow
FF4-HolyArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 10 0 Buy: Mysidia, Agart
Find: Damcyan, Mt. Hobs
20 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow engulfed in holy power.
Holy-elemental. Extra damage vs. Ghouls and Undead.
Fire Arrow
FF4-FireArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 15 0 Buy: Troia
Find: Sylph Cave
Drop: Chimera, Fiery Hound, Chimera Brain
30 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow immersed in the power of fire.
Ice Arrow
FF4-IceArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 15 0 Buy: Troia
Find: Sylph Cave, Tower of Babil
Drop: Ice Lizard, Cold Beast
30 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow immersed in the power of ice.
Lightning Arrow
FF4-LightningArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 15 0 Buy: Troia
Find: Sylph Cave
Drop: Grudger, Screamer, Mech Soldier
30 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow immersed in the power of lightning.
Lightning-elemental. Extra damage vs. Machines.
Blinding Arrow
(Dark Arrow)
FF4-BlindingArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 20 0 Buy: Dwarven Castle 40 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow that sometimes envelops an enemy in darkness.
30% chance of inflicting Blind.
Poison Arrow
FF4-PoisonArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 30 0 Buy: Cave of Eblan
Drop: Hydra, Twin Snake, Cave Naga, Naga, Nagaraja
70 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow that sometimes poisons an enemy.
30% chance of inflicting Poison.
Silencing Arrow
FF4-SilencingArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 35 0 Buy: Tomra
Find: Eblan Castle
100 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow that sometimes silences an enemy.
Extra damage vs. Mages. 30% chance of inflicting Silence.
Angel Arrow
FF4-SilencingArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 40 0 Buy: Feymarch
Find: Sylph Cave.
Drop: Lamia Matriarch, Lamia
110 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow that sometimes confuses an enemy.
Extra damage vs. Giants. 30% chance of inflicting Confuse.
Yoichi Arrow
FF4-YoichiArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 50 0 Buy: Kokkol's Forge, Lunar Ruins
Find: Feymarch, Giant of Babil
Drop: Malboro
140 Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow said to have been used by a marksman from afar.
Artemis Arrow
FF4-ArtemisArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 75 0 Find: Lunar Subterrane
Drop: Gloomwing, Black Flan, Lunar Virus, Selene Guardian
Steal: Selene Guardian
Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow named after the goddess of the moon.
Extra damage vs. Dragons.
Perseus Arrow FF4-PerseusArrow FFIV PSP Arrow 95 0 Buy: Lunar Ruins
Drop: Lamia Queen, Metamorpha
20000 Rosa
Arrow that sometimes confuses an enemy.
Extra damage vs. Giants. May inflict Confuse. (Advance & PSP versions only)


FFIV SNES Whip Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Whip Rydia can equip these. Whips are long range.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Whip FF4-Whip FF4PSP Weapon Whip 20 0 Initial: Rydia
Buy: Mist, Feymarch
3000 Rydia
Common whip.
30% chance of inflicting Paralyze.
Chain Whip
FF4-ChainWhip FF4PSP Weapon Chain Whip 30 5 Buy: Tomra, Feymarch 6000 Rydia
Iron chain whip.
Metallic equipment. 30% chance of inflicting Paralyze.
Blitz Whip
FF4-BlitzWhip FF4PSP Weapon Blitz Whip 40 10 Buy: Feymarch 10000 Rydia
Whip immersed in the power of lightning.
Lightning-elemental. 30% chance of inflicting Paralyze.
Flame Whip
(Fire Lash)
FF4-FireWhip FF4PSP Weapon Flame Whip 50 15 Find: Lunar Subterrane Rydia
Whip immersed in the power of fire.
Fire-elemental, +5 Strength, Agility, & Stamina, -5 Intelligence & Spirit. 30% chance of inflicting Paralyze.
Dragon Whisker
FF4-DragonWhisker FF4PSP Weapon Dragon Whisker 55 25 Drop: Blue Dragon, Fiend Dragon Rydia
Whip effective against dragons.
+5 Strength, Agility, & Stamina, -5 Intelligence & Spirit. Extra damage vs. Dragons. 30% chance of inflicting Paralyze.
Mystic Whip
(Mist Whip)
FF4-ChainWhip FF4PSP Weapon Chain Whip 100 25 Find: Lunar Ruins Rydia
Whip immersed in holy power.
Holy-elemental, +15 Intelligence. 30% chance of inflicting Paralyze. (Advance & PSP versions only)


FFIV SNES Dagger Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Dagger Can be equipped by Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Palom, and Edge. Daggers are throwable and the Kitchen Knife cannot be equipped by anybody.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Mythril Knife
FF4-MythrilKnife FF4PSP Weapon Mythril Knife 20 49 Buy: Mythril
Drop: Mythril Golem
3000 Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Edge
Knife of mythril, effective against ghouls.
Metallic equipment. Extra damage vs. Ghouls.
Dancing Dagger FF4-DancingDagger FF4PSP Weapon Dancing Dagger 28 44 Buy: Mist 5000 Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Edge
Dagger infused with the soul of a dancer.
Metallic equipment. Casts "Dancing Dagger" when used as an item.
Mage Masher
FF4-MageMasher FF4PSP Weapon Mage Masher 35 25 Find: Sylph Cave Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Edge
Knife that sometimes silences enemy.
Metallic equipment. +5 Intelligence. Extra damage vs. Mages. May inflict Silence.
Triton's Dagger FF4-TritonDagger FF4PSP Weapon Mythril Knife 62 40 Find: Cave of Trials Palom
Short sword with the power of water.
Metallic equipment. +15 Intelligence. Casts Flood when used as an item. (Advance & PSP versions only)
Assassin's Dagger FF4-MageMasher FF4PSP Weapon Mage Masher 130 49 Buy: Lunar Ruins
Drop: Chaotic Knight
420000 Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Palom*
Dagger that has a chance to kill with one blow.
Metallic equipment. +15 Agility. May inflict Death. (Advance & PSP versions only)

*In the Advance version, Palom cannot equip this weapon, but Porom can. This bug was corrected for the PSP version.

Kitchen Knife
FF4-Knife FF4PSP Weapon Mythril Knife 255 99 Gift: Fabul (from Sheila after hitting Yang with Frying Pan)
Kitchen knife that can cut anything.
Metallic equipment. It can not be equipped, only thrown.


FFIV SNES Katana Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Katana Edge can equip these.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
FF4-Kunai FF4PSP Weapon Mage Masher 25 40 Initial: Edge
Buy: Cave of Eblan
4000 Edge
Small katana used by ninjas.
Metallic equipment. Throwable.
FF4-Asura FF4PSP Weapon Ashura 32 40 Buy: Tomra
Find: Tower of Babil
7000 Edge
Katana named after the avatar of war.
Metallic equipment.
FF4-Kotetsu FF4PSP Weapon Kotetsu 40 40 Buy: Feymarch
Find: Sealed Cave
11000 Edge
Shorter katana with emphasis on ease of use.
Metallic equipment.
FF4-Kikuichimonji FF4PSP Weapon Kiku-ichimonji 48 40 Find: Passage of the Eidolons Edge
Katana with a chrysanthemum mark engraved on its sheath.
Metallic equipment. +5 Strength. Throwable.
Murasame FF4-Murasame FF4PSP Weapon Ashura 55 40 Find: Lunar Subterrane Edge
Known as the best katana.
Metallic equipment. +5 Strength, Stamina, & Intelligence, -5 Agility & Spirit. Casts Protect when used as an item. Throwable.
Masamune FF4-Masamune FF4PSP Weapon Masamune 65 49 Find: Lunar Subterrane Edge
Known as the strongest katana.
Metallic equipment. +3 Agility. Casts Haste when used as an item. Throwable.
Sasuke's Katana FF4-Asura FF4PSP Weapon Kiku-ichimonji 95 49 Find: Lunar Ruins Edge
Legendary katana of ninjas.
Metallic equipment. +10 Agility and Stamina. Throwable. (Advance & PSP versions only)
Mutsunokami FF4-Masamune FF4PSP Weapon Masamune 100 49 Find: Lunar Ruins Edge
Illusionary sword.
Metallic equipment. +10 Strength and Spirit. Casts Blink when used as an item. Throwable. (Advance & PSP versions only)


FFIV SNES Shuriken Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Shuriken Edge can use shuriken with his Throw ability. They all possess the Throw-element.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Scrap Metal FF4-ScrapMetal 4 99 Find: Lunar Ruins
Pile of rusty scrap metal.
Metallic equipment. (Advance & PSP versions only)
Shuriken FF4-Shuriken FF4PSP Weapon Shuriken 40 99 Buy: Lunar Ruins, Feymarch, Tomra, Kokkol's Smithy, Cave of Eblan 20000
Weapon designed for ninjas to throw.
Metallic equipment.
Fuma Shuriken
FF4-FumaShuriken FF4PSP Weapon Fuma Shuriken 80 99 Buy: Lunar Ruins, Kokkol's Smithy
Find: Sealed Cave
Weapon designed for ninjas to throw.
Metallic equipment.


FFIV SNES Boomerang Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Boomerang Edge can equip these. They possess the Throw element and are long range.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Boomerang FF4-Boomerang FF4PSP Weapon Boomerang 20 30 Buy: Agart, Cave of Eblan 3000 Edge
Wooden throwing weapon.
Moonring Blade
(Full Moon)
FF4-RisingSun FF4PSP Weapon Moonring Blade 40 35 Find: Sylph Cave Edge
Metal throwing weapon.
Rising Sun FF4-RisingSun FF4PSP Weapon Moonring Blade 85 45 Buy: Lunar Ruins
Drop: Fiend Dragon
410,000 Edge
The ultimate thrown weapon.
+10 Speed. (Advance & PSP versions only)


FFIV SNES Claw Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Claws Both Yang and Edge can equip these.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Flame Claws
FF4-FireClaw FF4PSP Weapon Flame Claws 0 30 Initial: Yang
Buy: Fabul, Baron
350 Yang, Edge
Claw immersed in the power of fire.
Ice Claws
FF4-IceClaw FF4PSP Weapon Ice Claws 0 30 Buy: Fabul, Baron 350 Yang, Edge
Claw immersed in the power of ice.
Lightning Claws
(Bolt Claw)
FF4-ThunderClaw FF4PSP Weapon Lightning Claws 0 30 Buy: Fabul, Baron 350 Yang, Edge
Claw immersed in the power of lightning.
Lightning-elemental. Extra damage vs. Machines.
Faerie Claws
FF4-FairyClaw FF4PSP Weapon Faerie Claws 0 0 Find: Lodestone Cavern Yang, Edge
Claw that sometimes confuses enemy.
+3 Agility. Extra damage vs. Giants. 30% chance of inflicting Confuse.
Hell Claws
FF4-HellClaw FF4PSP Weapon Hell Claws 0 40 Find: Tower of Zot Yang, Edge
Claw that sometimes poisons enemy.
+3 Strength. 30% chance of inflicting Poison.
Cat Claws
FF4-CatClaw FF4PSP Weapon Cat Claws 0 49 Find: Tower of Babil
Drop: Cait Sith, Coeurl Regina, Coeurl
Yang, Edge
Claw that sometimes puts the enemy to sleep.
+5 Strength and Agility. 30% chance of inflicting Sleep.
Tiger Fangs FF4-CatClaw FF4PSP Weapon Cat Claws 0 40 Buy: Lunar Ruins
Find: Lunar Ruins
Drop: King Behemoth
450000 Yang
Claw that sometimes paralyzes the enemy.
+10 Stamina and Agility. May inflict Paralyze. (Advance & PSP versions only)
Dragon Claws FF4-DragonClaw FF4PSP Weapon Faerie Claws 0 40 Find: Lunar Ruins Yang
Claw effective against dragons.
Holy-elemental. +10 Strength & Spirit. Extra damage vs. Dragons. (Advance & PSP versions only)
(Hand of the Gods)
FF4-HandoftheGods FF4PSP Weapon Godhand 0 40 Cave of Trials (Yang's trial) Yang
Claw immersed in holy power.
Holy-elemental. +15 Strength, Stamina, and Agility. (Advance & PSP versions only)


FFIV SNES Hammer Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Hammer Cid can equip these. Hammers are two-handed weapons. All of Cid's hammers use a wrench icon, but there is also a hammer icon that goes unused FFIV Unused Hammer Icon . (The light blue color is the background.)

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Wooden Hammer
FF4-WoodenHammer FF4PSP Weapon Mythril Hammer 45 25 Initial: Cid
Buy: Troia
80 Cid
Wooden hammer.
Extra damage vs. Machines.
Mythril Hammer
FF4-MythrilHammer FF4PSP Weapon Mythril Hammer 55 25 Buy: Mythril
Drop: Hell Turtle, Armadillo, Magma Tortoise, Ironback
8000 Cid
Hammer of mythril, effective against ghouls.
Metallic equipment. Extra damage vs. Machines and Ghouls.
Gaia Hammer
FF4-GaiaHammer FF4PSP Weapon Gaia Hammer 65 25 Find: Tower of Zot
Drop: Steel Golem
Hammer infused with the power of earth.
Fire-elemental. Metallic equipment. +5 Strength. Extra damage vs. Machines. Casts Quake when used as an item.
Thor's Hammer FF4-ThorHammer FF4PSP Weapon Thor's Hammer 190 30 Cave of Trials Cid
Hammer that holds the power of lightning.
Lightning-elemental. Metallic equipment. +15 Strength. Extra damage vs. Machines. Casts Blitz when used as an item. (Advance & PSP versions only)
Flare Sledgehammer
(Fiery Hammer)
FF4-WoodenHammer FF4PSP Weapon Flare Sledgehammer 241 35 Lunar Ruins (Cid's trial) Cid
Hammer with the power of heat.
Fire-elemental. Metallic equipment. +15 Strength, Stamina, Intelligence, & Spirit. Extra damage vs. Machines. May cast Flare when attacking. (In both the Advance and PSP version, this weapon is actually Ice-elemental due to a bug.)


FFIV SNES Rod Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Rod Rydia, Tellah, Palom, and Fusoya can equip these.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Rod FF4-Rod FF4PSP Weapon Rod 3 -10 Initial: Rydia
Buy: Kaipo, Agart
Find: Lunar Subterrane B1
Drop: Tiny Mage, Sorceress
100 Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Fusoya
Magical rod.
Casts "Magic Arrow" when used as an item.
Ice Rod
FF4-IceRod FF4PSP Weapon Ice Rod 5 -5 Buy: Mysidia
Find: Underground Waterway, Antlion's Den
220 Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Fusoya
Rod infused with the power of ice.
Ice-elemental. Extra damage vs. Beasts. Casts Blizzard when used as an item.
Flame Rod
FF4-FlameRod FF4PSP Weapon Flame Rod 7 -5 Buy: Mysidia 380 Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Fusoya
Rod infused with the power of fire.
Fire-elemental. +3 Intelligence. Casts Fire when used as an item.
Thunder Rod
FF4-ThunderRod FF4PSP Weapon Thunder Rod 10 0 Buy: Baron 700 Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Fusoya
Rod infused with the power of lightning.
Lightning-elemental. +3 Intelligence. Casts Thunder when used as an item.
Lilith Rod
FF4-RodofLilith FF4PSP Weapon Lilith Rod 13 -40 Drop: Lilith, Lamia Queen Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Fusoya
Rod infused with Lilith's magic.
+5 Intelligence. Absorbs damage done to _target as HP. Extra damage vs Undead. Casts Osmose when used as an item.
Polymorph Rod
(Change Rod)
FF4-RodofChange FF4PSP Weapon Polymorph Rod 15 0 Find: Mist Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Fusoya
Rod infused with beastly rage.
+5 Intelligence. Casts Pig when used as an item.
Faerie Rod
FF4-FairyRod FF4PSP Weapon Faerie Rod 30 5 Buy: Feymarch
Find: Sylph Cave
5000 Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Fusoya
Rod infused with fairy magic.
+10 Intelligence. Casts Confuse when used as an item.
Stardust Rod
FF4-StardustRod FF4PSP Weapon Stardust Rod 45 10 Find: Lunar Subterrane Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Fusoya
Rod infused with the power of the stars.
+15 Intelligence. Casts Comet when used as an item.
Asura's Rod FF4-AsuraRod FF4PSP Weapon Lilith Rod 75 25 Find: Lunar Ruins Palom
Rod immersed in holy power.
Holy-elemental. +15 Intelligence and Spirit. Casts Holy when used as an item. (Advance & PSP versions only)


FFIV SNES Staff Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Staff Cecil, Child Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, and Fusoya can equip staves.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Staff FF4-Staff FF4PSP Weapon Staff 4 -5 Initial: Tellah
Buy: Kaipo, Agart
160 Cecil, Child Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, Fusoya
Staff infused with the power to detoxify.
Casts Poisona when used as an item.
Healing Staff
(Cure Staff)
FF4-HealingStaff FF4PSP Weapon Healing Staff 8 0 Buy: Mysidia, Baron
Drop: Puppeteer, Sorcerer, Summoner, Mist Summoner
480 Cecil, Child Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, Fusoya
Staff infused with the power to heal.
Casts Heal when used as an item.
Mythril Staff
FF4-MythrilStaff FF4PSP Weapon Mythril Staff 12 5 Buy: Mythril
Find: Mythril
4000 Cecil, Child Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, Fusoya
Staff infused with the power to cure.
Metallic equipment. +3 Spirit. Extra damage vs. Undead. Casts Basuna when used as an item.
Power Staff
FF4-PowerStaff FF4PSP Weapon Staff 30 9 Buy: Cave of Eblan 2000 Child Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, Fusoya
Staff that sometimes drives enemies berserk.
+10 Strength. 30% chance of inflicting Berserk.
Aura Staff
(Kinesis Staff)
FF4-KinesisStaff FF4PSP Weapon Healing Staff 36 10 Initial: Fusoya
Buy: Feymarch
7000 Child Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, Fusoya
Staff infused with the power to render magic ineffective.
+10 Spirit. Casts Dispel when used as an item.
Sage's Staff
FF4-SageStaff FF4PSP Weapon Sage's Staff 48 15 Find: Lunar Subterrane Child Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, Fusoya
Staff infused with the power to revive.
+15 Spirit. Casts Raise when used as an item.
Seraphim's Mace FF4-SeraphimStaff FF4PSP Weapon Rune Staff 50 20 Find: Cave of Trials Porom
Staff with the power of healing.
+15 Spirit. Casts Esuna when used as an item. (Advance & PSP versions only)
Rune Staff
FF4-RuneStaff FF4PSP Weapon Rune Staff 52 10 Drop: Puppeteer, Sorcerer, Summoner, Mist Summoner Child Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, Fusoya
Staff infused with the power to silence.
+10 Spirit. Extra damage vs. Mages. Casts Silence when used as an item. 30% chance of inflicting Silence when attacking.
Nirvana FF4-Nirvana FF4PSP Weapon Mythril Staff 80 40 Find: Lunar Ruins Porom
Staff with the power of reflection.
+15 Stamina and Spirit. Casts Reflect when used as an item. (Advance & PSP versions only)


FFIV SNES Harp Icon FF4PSP Item Icon Harp Harps are long range and two-handed weapon weapons. A harp is required to be equipped on Edward to use Bardsong or Chant.

There is no visual numerical counter that appears during battle, but the number of hits is used for the music notes upon hitting an enemy. The number of hits is related to the Attack Multiplier a character has.

The number of hits is the number of music notes that appears on the _target. It should be noted that the maximum Attack Multiplier a character can have is nineteen, so that is how many the player can see on the _target.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Dream Harp
FF4-DreamHarp FF4PSP Weapon Dream Harp 8 35 Initial: Edward Edward
Harp that weaves a sleep-inducing melody.
30% chance of inflicting Sleep.
Lamia Harp FF4-LamiaHarp FF4PSP Weapon Lamia Harp 18 40 Find: Antlion's Den
Drop: Lamia, Lamia Matriarch
Steal: Lamia, Lamia Matriarch
Harp that weaves a tempting melody.
30% chance of inflicting Confuse.
Apollo's Harp FF4-ApolloHarp FF4PSP Weapon Apollo's Harp 98 40 Find: Cave of Trials Edward
Harp immersed in the power of the sun.
Fire-elemental. +15 Strength, Agility, and Spirit. Extra damage vs. Dragons. (Advance & PSP versions only)
Requiem Harp FF4-LamiaHarp FF4PSP Weapon Lamia Harp 130 35 Find: Lunar Ruins (Only usable during Edward's trial) Edward
Lute that can release one's soul.
-5 Strength, Agility, Stamina, Spirit, and Intelligence. Uses the Requiem song. (Advance & PSP versions only)
Loki's Lute FF4-LamiaHarp FF4PSP Weapon Lamia Harp 150 49 Find: Lunar Ruins Edward
The ultimate lute.
+15 Strength, Agility, and Stamina. Extra damage vs. Dragons, Machines, Beasts, Ghouls, Giants, Mages, and Undeads. (Advance & PSP versions only)


The default weapon when the character's hands are empty or only when equipped with a shield. For bow and arrows, if one or the other is empty, the character will attack with their fists regardless of having a bow or arrows equipped. This weapon remains unnamed except for the 3D versions.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Empty FF4-Unarmed FF4 PSP Unarmed 1 50 Default when not equipped with a weapon. Everybody

Unused weapons

There are three dummied out weapons in the game's code. Two of them, the Assassin Dagger and the Hand Axe, have their stats intact and can be used if the player uses a cheat code to get them.

Name Orig. Image PSP Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Assassin Dagger
FF4-AssassinDagger FF4PSP Weapon Mage Masher 29 55 Dummied Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Edge
Dagger that sometimes finishes enemy in one blow.
Metallic equipment. +5 Strength, +5 Agility, +5 Stamina, -10 Intelligence & -10 Spirit. May inflict Death.
None FF4-Ragnarok FF4PSP Weapon Ragnarok 200 99 Dummied Nobody
Metallic equipment. Exact duplicate of the original Ragnarok, except that this weapon is a two-handed sword and named "None" in the North American version of Final Fantasy IV.
Hand Axe
FF4-DwarvenAxe FF4PSP Weapon Dwarven Axe 35 50 Dummied Cecil, Kain, Cid
Common axe.
Metallic equipment. +3 Strength.

An unusable version of Gigantaxe exists in the Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection version called "I'm cold...".[1] It cannot be equipped, but can be selected to be used though it does nothing. It can be sold for 3,375,158 gil. The "I'm cold..." dialogue is said by two of the Apparition's blue flame sprites that Edward fights during his trial; this could be where the name derives from.

Other appearances

Weapons originating from Final Fantasy IV have also returned in various spin-off games, often as equipment for characters from Final Fantasy IV.


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