Inside The Square, subtitled The Making of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, is a three-part web series documenting the development of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. They were uploaded to Square Enix Channel for Japanese audiences, and with English closed-captions on the Final Fantasy, Square Enix UK, and PlayStation YouTube channels. Each episode is roughly six minutes, although an extended 30 minute Director's Cut was made with extra footage.
A series of one-off retrospective making ofs in a similar style called Inside Final Fantasy were uploaded to the English Final Fantasy YouTube channel. A similar series called Inside Final Fantasy VII Remake was done for Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Part 1
- September 2, 2013, Video
Part 2
- December 3, 2013, Video
Part 3
- January 7, 2014, Video
Director's Cut
- February 4, 2014, Video
A half an hour long extended version of the series.