
The following is a list of commands and skillsets in Final Fantasy X-2.


Name Description Availability Image
Attack Attack one enemy. Dresspheres: All except Songstress, Black Mage, White Mage, Right Pistil, Left Pistil, Smasher-R, Crusher-L, Dextral Wing, Sinistral Wing
FFX-2 Gunner Attack
Item Use an item. Dresspheres: All except Floral Fallal, Right Pistil, Left Pistil, Machina Maw, Smasher-R, Crusher-L, Full Throttle, Dextral Wing, Sinistral Wing
Soul spring in ffx-2
Escape Run away from battle. Dresspheres: All except Floral Fallal, Right Pistil, Left Pistil, Machina Maw, Smasher-R, Crusher-L, Full Throttle, Dextral Wing, Sinistral Wing
FFX-2 Escape
Trigger Happy Press Playstation-Button-R1 repeatedly during allotted time for multiple hits. Dresspheres: Gunner
FFX-2 Trigger Happy
Gunplay Use Gunner skills. Dresspheres: Gunner
FFX-2 Potshot
Blue Bullet Attack with bullets containing fiend skills. Dresspheres: Gun Mage
FFX-2 Flame Breath
Fiend Hunter Fire ammo that heavily damages specific fiend types. Dresspheres: Gun Mage
FFX-2 Shell Cracker
Scan View detailed information about one enemy. Dresspheres: Gun Mage
FFX-2 Scan
Mix Combine two items for various results. Dresspheres: Alchemist
FFX-2 MixS
Stash Use a hidden item. Takes time, but no item are expended. Dresspheres: Alchemist
FFX-2 PotionS
Swordplay Use Warrior skills. Dresspheres: Warrior, Moogle Mascot
Garment Grids: Pride of the Sword
Accessories: Sword Lore
FFX-2 Flametounge
Assault Cast Berserk, Haste, Shell, and Protect on the party. Dresspheres: Warrior
FFX-2 Assault
Sentinel Take less physical damage until the next turn. Dresspheres: Warrior
FFX-2 Sentinel
Bushido Use Samurai skills. Dresspheres: Samurai, Tonberry Mascot
Garment Grids: Samurai's Honor
Accessories: Bushido Lore
FFX-2 Mirror of Equity
Spare Change Attack by throwing gil. Dresspheres: Samurai
FFX-2 Spare Change
Zantetsu Instantly defeat one enemy. Sometimes fails. Dresspheres: Samurai
FFX-2 Zantetsu
Darkness Sacrifice HP to damage all enemies. Dresspheres: Dark Knight
FFX-2 Darkness
Arcana Cast Arcana spells. Dresspheres: Dark Knight, Moogle Mascot
Garment Grids: Chaos Maelstrom
Accessories: Arcane Lore
FFX-2 Drain
Charon Sacrifice life to heavily damage one enemy. Dresspheres: Dark Knight
FFX-2 Charon
Berserk Boost the user's Strength but lose control of her actions. Dresspheres: Berserker
FFX-2 Berserk
Instinct Use Berserker skills. Dresspheres: Berserker, Cait Sith Mascot
Garment Grids: Blood of the Beast
Accessories: Nature's Lore
FFX-2 Cripple
Howl Double the user's max HP. Dresspheres: Berserker
FFX-2 Howl
Dance Dance to sustain various effects. Dresspheres: Songstress
FFX-2 Darkness Dance
Sing Raise the party's attributes until the end of battle. Dresspheres: Songstress
FFX-2 Battle Cry
Black Magic Cast black magic spells. Dresspheres: Black Mage, Tonberry Mascot
Garment Grids: Black Tabard, Conflagration, Megiddo
Accessories: Black Lore
FFX-2 Fire
Focus Raise the user's Magic. Dresspheres: Black Mage
FFX-2 Focus
MP Absorb Absorb MP from one enemy. Dresspheres: Black Mage
FFX-2 MP Absorb
Pray Restore a little HP to the party. Dresspheres: White Mage
FFX-2 Pray
Vigor Restore some HP to the user. Dresspheres: White Mage
FFX-2 Vigor
White Magic Cast white magic spells. Dresspheres: White Mage, Cait Sith Mascot
Garment Grids: White Signet, Salvation Promised, Supreme Light
Accessories: White Lore
FFX-2 Cure
Steal Steal items from one enemy. Dresspheres: Thief
FFX-2 Steal
Flimflam Use Thief skills. Dresspheres: Thief
FFX-2 Pilfer Gil
Flee Aid the party's escape from battle. Dresspheres: Thief
FFX-2 Flee
Kogoro Use Kogoro's skills. Dresspheres: Trainer (Yuna)
FFX-2 Holy Kogoro
Ghiki Use Ghiki's skills. Dresspheres: Trainer (Rikku)
FFX-2 Sneaky Ghiki
Flurry Use Flurry's skills. Dresspheres: Trainer (Paine)
FFX-2 Carrier Flurry
Gamble Use Gambler skills. Dresspheres: Lady Luck
Two Dice FFX-2
Tantalize Inflicts Confusion on all enemies. Dresspheres: Lady Luck
FFX-2 Tantalize
Bribe Offer gil to persuade one enemy to leave battle. Dresspheres: Lady Luck
FFX-2 Bribe
Kupo! Use Moogle Mascot skills. Dresspheres: Moogle Mascot
FFX-2 Moogle Jolt
Wildcat Use Cait Sith Mascot skills. Dresspheres: Cait Sith Mascot
FFX-2 Cait Fire
Cutlery Use Tonberry Mascot skills. Dresspheres: Tonberry Mascot
FFX-2 Dark Knife
Festivities Use Festivalist skills. Dresspheres: Festivalist
Psionics Use Psychic skills. Dresspheres: Psychic
Psycho Bomb
Teleport Instantly move behind enemy. Dresspheres: Psychic
Excellence Nullify physical and magical attacks against the user. Dresspheres: Psychic
Fallalery Use Floral Fallal skills. Dresspheres: Floral Fallal
FFX-2 Flare Whirl
Great Whirl Inflict heavy damage on all enemies. Dresspheres: Floral Fallal
FFX-2 Great Whirl
Libra View detailed information about one enemy. Dresspheres: Floral Fallal
FFX-2 Libra
Right Stigma Damage one enemy. Dresspheres: Right Pistil
FFX-2 Left & Right Stigma
Right Pistilplay Use Right Pistil skills. Dresspheres: Right Pistil
FFX-2 White Pollen
Left Stigma Damage one enemy. Dresspheres: Left Pistil
FFX-2 Left & Right Stigma
Left Pistilplay Use Left Pistil skills. Dresspheres: Left Pistil
FFX-2 Panic Floralysis
Machinations Use Machina Maw skills. Dresspheres: Machina Maw
FFx-2 Death Missile
Revival Revive one KO'd character. Dresspheres: Machina Maw
FFx-2 Machina Maw Revival
Vajra Damage all enemies. Dresspheres: Machina Maw
FFx-2 Vajra
Homing Ray Damage one enemy. Dresspheres: Smasher-R and Crusher-L
FFx-2 Smash Homing Ray
Smash Use Smasher-R skills. Dresspheres: Smasher-R
FFx-2 Smash Howitzer
HP Repair Restore HP to one character. Dresspheres: Smasher-R and Crusher-L
FFx-2 Smash HP Repair
MP Repair Restore MP to one character. Dresspheres: Smasher-R and Crusher-L
FFx-2 Smash MP Repair
Crush Use Crusher-L skills. Dresspheres: Crusher-L
FFx-2 Smash Howitzer
Throttle Use Full Throttle skills. Dresspheres: Full Throttle
FFX-2 Wisenen
Fright Damage and confuse one enemy, plus delay its actions. Dresspheres: Full Throttle
FFX-2 Fright
Sword Dance Damage all enemies. Dresspheres: Full Throttle
FFX-2 Sword Dance
Dextral Arts Use Dextral Wing skills. Dresspheres: Dextral Wing
FFX-2 Blind Wing
Stamina Restore HP to one character. Dresspheres: Dextral Wing and Sinistral Wing
FFX-2 Stamina
Mettle Restore MP to one character. Dresspheres: Dextral Wing and Sinistral Wing
FFX-2 Mettle
Reboot Revive one KO'd character. Dresspheres: Dextral Wing and Sinistral Wing
FFX-2 Reboot
Sinistral Arts Use Sinistral Wing skills. Dresspheres: Sinistral Wing
FFX-2 Cloudy Feather
Nab Gil Steal gil and damage one enemy. Garment Grids: Horn of Plenty
Pilfer Gil FFX-2
Mug Steal items and damage one enemy. Garment Grids: Treasure Hunt
FFX-2 Mug
Finale Legendary attack that deals exponential damage. Garment Grids: The End

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