Psst...Psst... (Do your best, even if you don't stand out.)Headmaster Cid to Nida at the SeeD graduation ceremony
Nida is a non-player character from Final Fantasy VIII. He is the fourth candidate who passes the SeeD field exam along with Squall, Zell, and Selphie. Headmaster Cid's whispered words of advice to him were poignant, as he had not been introduced by name at that time.
Nida wears a SeeD uniform and has brown hair and blue eyes.
Nida is quiet and dutiful. He tends to blend into a crowd if he has no reason to act or speak. Despite this passive nature, he is highly skilled, capable of overcoming many seemingly stronger opponents, and learning to pilot the Garden. He secretly harbors plans of becoming the leader of Balamb Garden.[1]
You probably don't know, but everybody in this Garden looks up to you. They like you.Nida to Squall
Nida is one of the candidates during the Siege of Dollet that was chosen as the SeeD exam, possibly operating in the squad bunkered in the Dollet streets. During the SeeD award ceremony conducted by Headmaster Cid, Nida stands alongside Squall, Zell and Selphie to receive his SeeD ranking for passing the exam and completing his training. His dream was to one day become the ruler of Garden.
During the Garden riot, Nida defends the Infirmary.[note 1] When Squall doesn't recognize him, he's upset about having to remind him that they graduated together. When Sorceress Edea makes her bid for power, Balamb Garden becomes mobile and crashes into Fishermans Horizon. Nida volunteers to be trained by the FH technicians on how to pilot the unusual vessel and becomes the Garden's chief navigational officer. As pilot, Nida stands alongside Xu, Quistis Trepe, and Squall Leonhart in overseeing the daily activity of the Garden and the students therein.
Nida's name is a reference to the Star Wars character, Captain Needa. Final Fantasy VIII contains numerous allusions to Star Wars.
- ↑ The player may choose not to help Nida during the Garden riot. Unlike other encounters, he will win the ensuing battle without Squall's help, though Dr. Kadowaki will scold Squall for not helping, and the player will not receive an item they would have otherwise.
- ↑ Final Fantasy VIII, "After 17 years of suffering, my chance has finally arrived!"
"Oh!!! W-W-What, Squall?"
(I'll be the ruler of this Garden someday!)