
The Red Dragon, also known as the Red D., is an enemy from Final Fantasy III found on the seventh floor of the Crystal Tower and in the ??? dungeon in the 3D versions. It is the hardest common enemy in the game for its high HP and Attack, and ability to attack twice in one turn.

It is advised to cast Haste on any physical attackers and to keep the party well healed. Its physical attacks may inflict Poison, and it knows the spells Firaga, Thundaga, and Blizzaga.


Other appearances

Final Fantasy Record Keeper


Final Fantasy Brave Exvius


A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, which is featured in the myths of many cultures.

Chromatic dragon is a classification of dragon in the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons who are typically of evil alignment, in contrast to the metallic dragons, and their queen is Tiamat. White, black, green, blue and red dragons are the classic chromatic dragons. Final Fantasy has derived a lot of influence from D&D, especially the early series. Red dragons are the largest and most powerful of the classic chromatic dragons who regard other chromatic dragons as inferior and make home inside active volcanoes or mountains. Red dragons use their powerful breath first, followed by physical strikes, then magical attacks.

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