The Cloud Deck is a level 80 trial in Final Fantasy XIV added in patch 5.5, and the third and last part of Sorrow of Werlyt trial series.
Intelligence from Werlyt indicates that a previously unknown Weapon is laying waste to the VIIth Imperial Legion's headquarters. Though it seems improbable that the warmachina could turn against its creators, a letter left by Allie reveals her intention to commandeer the Weapon and rescue her brother Alfonse from the imperials. Together with Gaius and Cid, you formulate a strategy not to destroy, but to capture the rampaging machine before any harm can come to its pilot.Duty Finder description
The climactic midair confrontation with the Diamond Weapon is one you will not soon forget. Nevertheless, Garlond Ironworks has provided a means by which you can relive those memories, albeit in a highly exaggerated fashion. Though nothing more than a simulation, it will demand every onze of mettle you can muster to overcome this enhanced version of an already formidable foe.Duty Finder description
Today, we fight as one!Familiar Male Voice
Since players cannot teleport between platforms as much as they please like in Normal mode, assign 2 light parties (1 tank, 1 healer, 2 DPS) for each platform. You can mark the tanks and the healers for less confusion, but it might obstruct the view of a mechanic further on in the fight. Group 1 will be on the west, or blue platform, whilst group 2 will be on the east, or red platform.
Both tanks will have to turn tank stance on and be the top 2 players on the enmity list. If a tank dies, they will have to provoke immediately upon being revived.
Phase 1
The first mechanic Diamond Weapon casts is Diamond Rain, a raid-wide AoE that does damage and inflicts Magic Vulnerability on players depending on how many people are on each platform. Group 2 should teleport to the red platform after all of the raid buffs have been applied by the party. After this mechanic resolves, the top 2 players on the enmity list (ideally the tanks) will be _targeted for line AoEs that hit for moderate damage consistently through the fight (It 2-shots anybody that is not a tank).
Diamond Weapon will then cast a variation of Adamant Purge and cleaving one platform at the same time. Players must teleport to the safe platform and identify which variation the boss will use. You can tell by either the dialogue box, or Diamond Weapon itself.
- Ruby Weapon (No change): Does nothing
- Sapphire Weapon (Beam on chest): Stack
- Emerald Weapon (Shoulders glow): Spread
Diamond Weapon will do all 3 variations in the first phase. The order is completely random. After this resolves, the players that didn't have to move for the cleave will have to teleport to the other platform.
Photon Burst, a flare mechanic, then will be applied on 2 players on the top of the enmity list (ideally tanks). Both of the tanks will have to hug the north side of the arena on their respective platforms, whilst the remaining players will be on the southern part. Tanks and healers be prepared to shield and mitigate, as the flare hits hard on the tanks and they will continue to take damage from the line AoEs immediately after.
Diamond Weapon will then cast Code Chi-Xi-Stigma, removing the outer shell of itself and transitioning into Phase 2.
All players alive will be tethered to a hand, and there will be a blue knockback circle on each platform.
- If you have a purple tether, you will want to position yourself to get pushed to the opposite side of the platform you are currently on.
- If you have a pink/red tether with spikes, you will have to position yourself to get pushed to the other platform.
After that mechanic resolves, Diamond Weapon will land in between the platforms and destroy either of the one. Teleport to the safe platform as needed.
Phase 2
Phase 2, commonly known as "Doggo" or "Ifrit" Phase in Party Finder, is extremely similar to normal mode minus the telegraphs. Diamond Weapon will first cast 2 sets of Outrage, a hard-hitting raidwide. It casts this every so often throughout phase 2, so shield and heal as necessary.
- 1 random ilv 525 weapon (guaranteed after every clear)
- Faded Copy of In the Arms of War
- 1 Diamond Plating
- Diamond Gwiber Horn
Musical themes
The Diamond Weapon's boss theme is "In the Arms of War".
Behind the scenes