The Wood Eyes (ウッドアイズ, Uddoaizu?), also known as the Treant or Woodwatcher, is a recurring creature in the Final Fantasy series. It is typically a variant of the treant.
Final Fantasy IV
The Treant appears as an enemy encountered in the Troia region, frequently appearing with Death Flower enemies. It is weak to the Fire element, and only attacks the party physically. It can also be found in Edge's Whyt minigame in the 3D releaes. It attacks by flinging branches and may be dispersed with two shurikens.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
The Treant appears as an enemy encountered in the Agart Mine and Passage of the Eidolons during Rydia's Tale, and also in Edward's Tale outside Baron.
Final Fantasy XIV
The Wood Eyes appears as a leshy variant encountered in Kholusia.
Final Fantasy Dimensions
The Wood Eyes appears as an enemy encountered in the Northern Cave and surrounding area. Its Constrict ability inflicts Paralysis.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
The Woodwatcher appears as an enemy encountered in the Latius Woods, Chamber of Creation, Chamber of Awakening, Chamber of Riches, and Colosseum. It also appears during the events "Time for Revenge" and "Return to the Halloween Castle."
Chocobo's Dungeon 2
The Wood Eyes appears as a member of the Treeman monster family. It is the Lv 2 variant.