The Ziggurat Gigas, also known as Ultragigas, is an enemy in Final Fantasy V. Fairly rare in the lower segments of the Barrier Tower, it is recommended to those seeking to complete their Bestiary[note 1] in one playthrough to wander the upper floors until encountering one, as this is the only chance the player will have to fight it. The summoned version with Zephyrus doesn't count in the Bestiary.
Most of the Ziggurat Gigas's attacks are physical, except for Hurricane, which reduces characters' HP to critical status. The player can use this skill by successfully capturing it. Ziggurat Gigas is susceptible to Level 2 Old.
The Ziggurat Gigas has the Partisan as a rare steal; it is the strongest spear obtainable at this point in the game.
The version summoned by Zephyrus can be controlled and forced to use the Blue Magic, Aeroga.
Other appearances
Pictlogica Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Ziggurat Gigas from Final Fantasy V appears as an enemy in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
Ziggurats were massive structures built in the ancient Mesopotamian valley and western Iranian plateau.
Gigas is a popular term for races of giants in fantasy games. Gigas is a Greek word meaning "giant", originally used to describe the race of Gigantes in Greek mythology and is used in the scientific name, as the specific epithet, of hundreds of species of animals and dozens of plant species to denote their size.