Brúkarakjak:EileenSanda/Savn 8

Mín kjaksíða er her / My talkpage is at: Brúkarakjak:EileenSanda

Innihaldið á hesi síðuni er flutt frá mínari kjaksíðu, tað er frá 2017.

The content of this page is from 2017, moved from my talkpage.

Happy new Year !!!


Peace and success, long life!!! See you soon Rei Momo (kjak) 2. jan 2017 kl. 21:29 (UTC)Reply

9. jan 2017 kl. 19:12 (UTC)

Färiska sjukan - igen.


Hej Eileen!

Jag har råkat titta litet på vår artikel no:Færøysk syke. Språket har de norska wikipedianerna rättat till. sv:Användare:Riggwelter har också översatt den från norska till svenska, ser jag. (När kommer den färiska artikeln:-)?)

Jag läste också den angivna källan från år 2003 (alltså Ulrike Steuerwalds artikel i Gunnvá Mortensens översättning) litet noggrannare, och jag blev litet fundersam. I den danska artikeln stod att omkring var 20:e färing antas vara bärare av det recessiva anlaget; men i källan däremot bara

Sostatt má roknes við, at mutatiónin er nógv útbreidd í føroyska fólkinum: uml. 1 av 25 kann vera berari!

Nu är ju 1 av 25 (alltså 4%) mindre än 1 av 20 (som är 5%). Om vi inte har någon annan källa, så bör vi ändra uppgiften i dawp- och nowpartiklarna. (annars får jag återställa svwpartikeln, som jag redan ändrat.) Verkligheten är illa nog som den är; vi bör ju inte framställa den som ännu värre.

Artiklarna är också litet oklara vad gäller skillnaden mellan att vara anlagsbärare och att vara sjuk. Det är möjligt att den gamla version som du lade tillbaka skrevs av någon som inte riktigt förstår hur den här typen av genetiska sjukdomar ärvs.

Jag undrar också över om något har hänt sedan år 2003. I Ulrikes artikel sägs det att man inte har hittat den gen det är fel på (om jag förstod artikeln rätt), men att man misstänker fel på mitokondrierna, och särskilt i andningsapparaten. Nu kan ju inte ett genetiskt fel i mitokondrierna vara grundorsaken, eftersom man på grund av arvsmönstret vet att både fadern och modern måste bidra med den mutetrade genen för att barnet skall bli sjukt. (Mitokondriernas arvsmassa ärver man ju bara från sin mor.) Ulrike skrev ju också:

Arbeiði við at finna fram til sjúkuelvandi mutatiónina og geni, er í menning.

Det har gått rätt lång tid sedan år 2003, och man kan kanske hoppas att man vet litet mer om sjukdomen idag. Vet du vem som skulle kunna svara på den frågan? Jörgen B(Tú kanst svara á føroyskum) 11. jan 2017 kl. 21:29 (UTC)Reply

Hey Jørgen :) Langt síðan eg havi hoyrt frá tær. Hevur tú sæð hesa kelduna frá 2009? Har stendur, at ein av 25 føroyingum er berari av føroysku sjúkuni, og at eitt barn fyri hvørji 2500 føðingar hevur føroysku sjúkuna. Har stendur undir "Fakta", at sjúkan skyldast eitt brek í einum enzymi, ið mitochonriini nýta til at vinna orku (energi) úr sukri. Ja, tað er ov galið, at eg ella onkur annar ikki longu hava skrivað um føroysku sjúkuna á føroysku Wikipediuni. Her stendur nakað um hvussu Ulrike Steuerwald kom til Føroya í 1993. Vinarlig heilsan --EileenSanda (kjak) 13. jan 2017 kl. 09:14 (UTC)Reply
Eg haldi, at hatta talið ið tú nevnir, 4% ella 5% gott kunnu broytast við tíðini, bara tað at eitt barn kemur afturat, kann sikkurt broyta hatta talið, ella hvat? Tað kann eisini hugsast, at komandi foreldur, ið vita at tey eru berarar, antin lata vera við at fáa sær børn ella fáa hjálp til at fáa børn, ið ikki hava føroysku sjúkuna. Eg veit ikki, um tað verður gjørt longu nú, men tað hevði givið góða meining í hvussu so er. --EileenSanda (kjak) 13. jan 2017 kl. 09:26 (UTC)Reply
Nej, den källan från 2009 hade jag inte sett, och den svarade på en del av mina frågor; stort tack! Den ger ju mycket klarare information om sjukdomen än vad Steuerwalds artikel gör.
Man vet alltså vilket enzym som är skadat, och man vet var genen för detta enzym sitter. Det framgår att enzymet används av mitokondrierna, men att själva den genetiska skadan inte finns där, utan i en av cellkärnans kromosomer (nämligen den trettonde). Detta betyder att man bör kunna avgöra om en person är bärare av anlaget med hjälp av ett enkelt DNAtest av ett blodprov, precis som det står i avsnittet Ráðgeving av pørum. Om det blir vanligt att göra sådana test när gravida kvinnor ändå undersöks, så kan det mycket väl leda till att antalet sjuka nyfödda barn går ned. Det skulle vara intressant att veta om det redan är så. Procentsatsen bärare påverkas dock inte särskilt mycket av detta.
Källan bekräftar att det snarare är 1 på 25 (alltså 4%) som är anlagsbärare än 1 på 20, som det nu står i de danska och norska artiklarna. Jag rättar detta. Jag skulle också vilja använda källan som referens. Är det rätt uppfattat att den kommer från ett artikelarkiv för tidningen Sosialurin? Jörgen B(Tú kanst svara á føroyskum) 13. jan 2017 kl. 21:26 (UTC)Reply
Jag hittade litet om sjukdomen i en enwikiartikel: en:Mitochondrial_DNA_depletion_syndrome#Encephalomyopathic form (SUCLA2 and RRM2B related). Där står något om undersökningar man har gjort på 12 barn som fötts med sjukdomen fram till år 2007. De ger en engelsk källa som referens, nämligen "SUCLA2-Related Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome, Encephalomyopathic Form, with Mild Methylmalonic Acuduria". review. GeneReviews [Internet] (Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle). May 2009.  Unknown parameter |vauthors= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |veditors= ignored (help). Jag har inte tittat på denna källa än, men antar att den kan vara användbar. Jörgen B(Tú kanst svara á føroyskum) 13. jan 2017 kl. 22:12 (UTC)Reply
Jag fann några artiklar till, bland annat den här från 2009 av Ulrike Steuerwald och sju andra författare. Där nämns undersökningar av 16 färöiska barn. Det här verkar oroande: 9 kända fall till och med år 2003, 12 fall till och med 2007, 16 fall till och med 2009. Det är möjligt att ökningen beror på att man numera är mer uppmärksam på symptomen, och därför inte missar särskilt många fall. Det är ju inte heller en särskilt stor procentsats av alla nyfödda färingar som är drabbade; men varje enstaka sjukt barn innebär ju en mänsklig tragedi. Jörgen B(Tú kanst svara á føroyskum) 13. jan 2017 kl. 22:52 (UTC)Reply
Ja, tað er rætt, at handa keldan frá 2009 er Sosialurin, har stendur Vikuskiftis (Weekend). Ja, tað er ein sera álvarsom sjúka, og bønini, ið verða fødd við sjúkuni eru sera handikappaði, hava slappar vøddar, klára ofta ikki at eta sjálvi (meini eg bestemt). Eg havi havt ein starvsfelaga (kollega), ið átti trý børn, harav tvey høvdu føroysku sjúkuna. Báðir eru deyðir nú, teir blivu uml. 12 og 15 ár. Eg møtti fleiri ferðir tí yngra, hann ið bleiv 15, ein sera fittur og glaður drongur, sjálvt um hann var so sjúkur. Sera hart fyri foreldur at fáa børn við hasi sjúkuni, og so missa tey áðrenn tey gerast vaksin. --EileenSanda (kjak) 16. jan 2017 kl. 23:39 (UTC)Reply

16. jan 2017 kl. 23:24 (UTC)

23. jan 2017 kl. 20:14 (UTC)

Translation request about the article 'United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262'


Hello dear EileenSanda, saw your wonderful contribution in Faroese Wikipedia, especially on the article "Ukraina". According to the subject I would like to ask you translate the small article into Faroese, and add it to the Faroese wikipedia. Thank you in advance for your support/contribution and best wishes!

Done. Samtykt 68/262 frá ST aðalfundi. Best wishes --EileenSanda (kjak) 3. feb 2017 kl. 10:20 (UTC)Reply
I saw, Thank you very much and best wishes to You!

30. jan 2017 kl. 18:45 (UTC)

6. feb 2017 kl. 19:45 (UTC)

13. feb 2017 kl. 18:06 (UTC)

Fyrimynd:Infobox deity


Hej, du kunne vel ikke lave den på da WP også? På forhånd tak. TherasTaneel (kjak) 17. feb 2017 kl. 23:09 (UTC)Reply

Hej TherasTaneel, ja, det kan jeg godt, jeg skal gå i gang med det i morgen, og så håber jeg at du kan hjælpe til med oversættelsen, hvis jeg kommer i tvivl om noget :) Jeg skal nok spørge dig. Mvh. --EileenSanda (kjak) 18. feb 2017 kl. 00:23 (UTC)Reply

20. feb 2017 kl. 19:25 (UTC)

27. feb 2017 kl. 19:55 (UTC)

6. mar 2017 kl. 23:23 (UTC)

13. mar 2017 kl. 15:25 (UTC)

Roberta Pinotti


Dearest Eileen, how are you? Here Spring is coming, and flowers are opening...

Please, I've opnede this new page and I ask you, please, 3 minutes of your time to translate the 8-10 word in English. Sorry, I made a little mistake, I clicked also Listi yvir verjumálaráðharrar í Italia and opened it. I already redirectione in Roberta Pinotti, well, is it possible to erase this page?

Thanks a lot for your precious help, and hope to hear from you soon!

Rei Momo (kjak) 16. mar 2017 kl. 10:44 (UTC)Reply

Hello. I am just fine :) We have a lot of wind here. I saw the mistake and I have deleted the redirect page. And I have also translated the English words. Best regards --EileenSanda (kjak) 16. mar 2017 kl. 10:55 (UTC)Reply
Wowowow, GRAZIE MILLE (thanks a lot). See you very soon!!! Visit my site and leave a message. Thanks!!! Rei Momo (kjak) 16. mar 2017 kl. 11:17 (UTC)Reply

20. mar 2017 kl. 22:03 (UTC)

27. mar 2017 kl. 14:46 (UTC)

Translation request


Dear EuleenSanda, please translate the article about Belarusian writer en:Uladzimir Karatkievich/ de:Uladsimir Karatkewitsch. Thank you in advance. --Rymchonak (kjak) 3. apr 2017 kl. 09:14 (UTC)Reply

3. apr 2017 kl. 17:53 (UTC)

10. apr 2017 kl. 18:34 (UTC)

17. apr 2017 kl. 19:31 (UTC)

24. apr 2017 kl. 16:40 (UTC)

1. mai 2017 kl. 19:49 (UTC)

9. mai 2017 kl. 02:25 (UTC)

Maurizio Malvestiti


Dearest EileenSanda, how are you? Me fine, here Spring is come!

Please, I ask you to translate tthe line I added in this page. It will take you just 3 minutes, ok? I'll help you in Italian and Portuguese!

Thanks a lot for your precious help!

Rei Momo (kjak) 12. mai 2017 kl. 08:15 (UTC)Reply

Thanks a lot for your help!!! In some days I'll open the new page. Grazie mille (thanks a lot), if you nedd something in Italian or Portuguese, it's just to tel me!!! Rei Momo (kjak) 16. mai 2017 kl. 09:41 (UTC)Reply

15. mai 2017 kl. 21:48 (UTC)

Bartholomæus Kirkja


Good morning, dearest EileenSanda, how are you? Me fine.... just my discal hernia a little hurt, sigh-sigh...

I've opende this new page, as you can imagine, and I ask some minute of your time to>:

  • translate the 2 lines from English
  • controle if it's correct the new category I put still in red-colour.

Thanks a lot for your precious help, and have a nice day!!! Rei Momo (kjak) 17. mai 2017 kl. 06:08 (UTC)Reply

Hello. Yes, but what means "Kerk"? --EileenSanda (kjak) 18. mai 2017 kl. 23:24 (UTC)Reply
OPS, but.... isn't it kerk the translation of church in FO? Thanks a loto for all, for your help and patience!!! Rei Momo (kjak) 19. mai 2017 kl. 07:00 (UTC)Reply
No, like you wrote in the article, it is "Kirkja". I have moved the article. Best regards --EileenSanda (kjak) 19. mai 2017 kl. 07:03 (UTC)Reply
OPS, sorryyyyyy, thanks a lot and have a nice week.... here it's start rainins and I think we'll have a grey week end!!!
If you have Linkedin, you can find me at "Alessandro Grecchi" page. See you soon!!! Rei Momo (kjak) 19. mai 2017 kl. 07:06 (UTC)Reply

22. mai 2017 kl. 22:02 (UTC)

30. mai 2017 kl. 12:18 (UTC)

5. jun 2017 kl. 19:04 (UTC)



Hey Eileen. Føroyska wikipedian er sett til at brúka GMT alt árið, eins og tann enska. At tann enska brúkar GMT er skilagott, tí hon verður brúkt um allan heimin. Men flestu aðrar wikipediur brúka lokaltíð fyri landið, tær umboða, t.d. europeiska tíð fyri norsku, donsku, svensku, týsku og fronsku wikipedia (Europa/Berlin: +1 tíma um veturin, +2 tímar um summarið).
Tað ber til at fáa tað broytt, so føroyska wikipedian vísir lokaltíð (London/Lissabon: GMT um veturin, +1 tíma um summarið). Men eg haldi tað er best at umboðsstjórarnir taka avgerð, um hetta skal gerast.
Eg havi spurt meg fyri á wikimedia, har eg fekk svar:
Heilsan Benadikt (kjak) 7. jun 2017 kl. 13:21 (UTC)Reply

Hey Benadikt. Eg visti ikki at hatta kundi broytast, men gott at tað kann tað. Sjálvandi eiga vit at hava lokala føroyska tíð á føroysku Wikipediuni, eisini summartíð. Eg havi svarað á enskum á hasari leinkjuni ið tú nevnir her omanfyri. Eg haldi tað er nokk, at tú og eg eru samd um hetta. Tað eru ikki so nógvir virknir brúkarar á fo-wiki, tað man vera í lagi, um vit í hvussu so er eru tvey ið eru samd. Eg dugi ikki at ímynda mær, at nakar skal hava nakað ímóti tí. Vinarlig heilsan --EileenSanda (kjak) 7. jun 2017 kl. 13:37 (UTC)Reply
Fínt, takk fyri. Eg fylgi við, um tað verður broytt. Og tá fái eg brúkt onkrar av funktiónunum, sum hava við lokaltíð at gera. Benadikt (kjak) 7. jun 2017 kl. 17:29 (UTC)Reply

Leypár og skotár


Tað hava verið tvær greinir um hetta sama evnið. Eftir orðabókini eitur tað leypár. Eg havi roynt at flætta greinirnar saman í leypár og gjørt eina ávísing frá skotár.
Men nú er trupulleikin, at ávísingarnar frá útlendsku greinunum er til skotár, og eg fái ikki broytt tað til leypár, sum tað eigur at vera. Á donsku ComicWiki, har eg eri administratorur, hevði eg bara skrivað alt innihaldið í skotár, og so kopiera greinina út yvir leypár - tað kann ein administratorur gera, men ikki vanligir brúkarar.
Benadikt (kjak) 8. jun 2017 kl. 10:39 (UTC)Reply

Tað rætta at gera her, er at rætta heitið í Wikidata, og tað havi eg gjørt nú. Vh. --EileenSanda (kjak) 11. jun 2017 kl. 06:57 (UTC)Reply
Fínt, takk fyri. Benadikt (kjak) 11. jun 2017 kl. 13:06 (UTC)Reply

12. jun 2017 kl. 15:29 (UTC)

19. jun 2017 kl. 15:44 (UTC)


Hej, jeg lod mærke til at Thomsen har et link til Poul Julius Thomsen, som fører til en fil på commons, er det sådan man gør på færøsk wp? TherasTaneel (kjak) 21. jun 2017 kl. 00:48 (UTC)Reply

Hej, nej det er ikke sådan vi normalt gør. Det er åbenbart en nederlandsk bruger, Brúkari:Lotje, der har indført linket. Jeg har rettet det. Mvh. --EileenSanda (kjak) 21. jun 2017 kl. 10:36 (UTC)Reply

26. jun 2017 kl. 15:38 (UTC)

3. jul 2017 kl. 15:31 (UTC)

10. jul 2017 kl. 15:07 (UTC)

17. jul 2017 kl. 22:58 (UTC)

24. jul 2017 kl. 15:57 (UTC)

31. jul 2017 kl. 21:45 (UTC)

7. aug 2017 kl. 21:45 (UTC)

14. aug 2017 kl. 23:28 (UTC)

21. aug 2017 kl. 18:00 (UTC)

28. aug 2017 kl. 22:09 (UTC)

4. sep 2017 kl. 22:15 (UTC)

Just a Picture in Luigi Carlo Borromeo page


Dearest EileenSanda, how are you? here summer is ending...

I charged a picture in this pahe, and please I ask 2 minutes to you just to translate the line I put in English. Thnaks a lot for your precious help!!!

Rei Momo (kjak) 8. sep 2017 kl. 15:44 (UTC)Reply

Thank you, have a nice Sunday!!! Rei Momo (kjak) 10. sep 2017 kl. 12:17 (UTC)Reply

11. sep 2017 kl. 19:15 (UTC)

18. sep 2017 kl. 15:31 (UTC)

25. sep 2017 kl. 15:59 (UTC)

2. okt 2017 kl. 23:25 (UTC)

9. okt 2017 kl. 14:21 (UTC)

Invitation from WAM 2017


Hi WAM organizers!

Hope you receive your postcard successfully! Now it's a great time to sign up at the 2017 WAM, which will still take place in November. Here are some updates and improvements we will make for upcoming WAM. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to discuss on the meta talk page.

  1. We want to host many onsite Edit-a-thons all over the world this year. If you would like to host one in your city, please take a look and sign up at this page.
  2. We will have many special prize provided by Wikimedia Affiliates and others. Take a look at here. Let me know if your organization also would like to offer a similar thing.
  3. Please encourage other organizers and participants to sign-up in this page to receive updates and news on Wikipedia Asian Month.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Reach out the WAM team here at the meta talk page if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik

Just a picture in Maurizio Malvestiti


Hi, dearest Eileen, how are you? Me fine, older... eh eh eh, last 29 september I did 40 (+10!!!) years.

Please, I ask you just 2 minutes to you translate the 2 lines on the new picture I put in this page, just 2 lines. Thank you very much for your precious help!!! Have a nice Sunday.

Rei Momo (kjak) 14. okt 2017 kl. 20:56 (UTC)Reply

Thank you very much, have a nice day!!! Rei Momo (kjak) 25. okt 2017 kl. 12:10 (UTC)Reply

16. okt 2017 kl. 15:31 (UTC)

23. okt 2017 kl. 18:18 (UTC)

WAM Reminder


Hi WAM organizers!

Thanks again for organizing Wikipedia Asian Month. There are only 4 days before it starts. If you haven't yet signed your language in WAM 2017, You can sign-up here. Below we have provided some notices and guidelines for organizing.

Page Setup
  • Our Sample page is ready to be translated. There are only a few adjustments if you had this page for 2016 already.
    • Article Requirement is 4
    • Article criteria are 3k bytes and 300 words. NO 2k bytes for smaller Wikipedia.
    • According to the tool's limit, IP users can not participate. Please encourage them to register an account.
  • Please localize this template and used on sign up page. I will update the template once the tool is ready to be used.
  • You may localize this page, but you can also just put a link towards the meta page. m:Wikipedia Asian Month/QA
  • You may have to invite some of your Wikipedia friends or active Wikipedians from your home WIKI to help you organize.
  • You may have to send some invitation to last year participants, active Wikipedians, and Wikipedians who has a special interest.
  • Central Notice will be used. You may use the Site Notice if you don't see the CN is deployed.
  • We will keep sending postcards (new design) this year, and as an organizer, you will receive an additional postcard as well.
  • We will have many special prizes provided by Wikimedia Affiliates and others. Take a look at here. Let me know if your organization also would like to offer a similar thing.
  • We will send the Ambassador a regular paper copy of the certificate through the basic mail.

Please feel free to contact me or the WAM team meta talk page, send me an email by Email this User or chat with me on facebook.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (kjak) 27. okt 2017 kl. 13:38 (UTC)Reply

31. okt 2017 kl. 00:20 (UTC)

Wikipedia Asian Month 2017: engage with audience


Dear WAM organizer,

I’m Erick, the coordinator of WAM 2017. Thanks for your effort and help at m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2017! Here are some more information about organizational matter of the event at a national level.

You are receiving this message because you have signed up as a organizer or in the list.


The event has started and will end in the November 30th 23:59 (UTC). However, we are late for some matter. So we need your help:

  • Invite previous participants and your community members to join. We have a template you can use.
  • Translate Central Notice for your community (more instruction below) as well as sending a notice in village pump. Go public!
  • Become the jury member in a campaign on Fountain which is an amazing tool for you to supervise participants’ articles. If you don’t have the campaign set up, please contact us! And put a link to your community’s campaign page for participants’ navigation.
  • Organize a off-site editathon event. A coffee bar, internet and laptops. Though it’s optional. If you want to do that, please contact me.

In the following days, you should answer the questions from your community and supervise the submissions. Hope you have fun!

Prepare Central Notice

Central Notice shows a banner on the top of pages in your wiki project along the event timeframe. We will use this to engage with audience. Steps:

  1. Translate, change logo and link to event page. Find your project's Central Notice here. For example, we can change the banner for Chinese Wikipedia here.
  2. When you mark the 4 items (translation) as done. I'll enable the central notice in your language for this month.
Interesting articles

Have some interesting articles in your mind or from community? Drop us a line so that we can post that here to exchange the information to other communities.

Special Prize

You can find some special prizes in Event Partner page. They can be claimed by:

  • Write an article about Indigenous people in Taiwan at Wikipedia Asian Month (supported by Wikimedia Taiwan).
  • Write articles on monuments of Bhubaneswar (supported by Bhubaneswar Heritage Edit-a-thon).

The participants who joins for the special prize need to also report their conribution in the speical page. The link is shown in the Event Partner page.

Looking for help

At all times, please reply me back or send me an email at (talk) 5. nov 2017 kl. 12:12 (UTC)Reply

6. nov 2017 kl. 18:45 (UTC)

13. nov 2017 kl. 19:19 (UTC)

Biskupur Egidio Miragoli


Hi, dearest EileenSanda, how are you? Me I'm fine and here it's arrived cold.

I've opened this short page, and I ask you 4 minutes to read it, and translate the 2 lines I wrote in English, please. Just 4 minutes. Thanks a lot for your precious help, see you soon.

Rei Momo (kjak) 20. nov 2017 kl. 11:07 (UTC)Reply

Hello, it is also cold here, we have a little bit of snow. I have translated the two lines. Best regards --EileenSanda (kjak) 20. nov 2017 kl. 12:16 (UTC)Reply
Grazie mille, my dearest!!! I'll be pleased to help ypu in Italian and Portuguese, see you soon!!! Rei Momo (kjak) 20. nov 2017 kl. 12:18 (UTC)Reply

20. nov 2017 kl. 19:18 (UTC)

27. nov 2017 kl. 20:30 (UTC)

Liv and Maddie


Can you take a look at Kjak:Liv and Maddie? Thanks. Kkjj (kjak) 30. nov 2017 kl. 23:12 (UTC)Reply

Yesterday created the page Björn Ulvaeus which currently says "BjÖrn is pretty cool". It has been tagged for deletion by 2602:306:83A9:3D00:551E:23EC:7C8F:740F as nonsense. However, would it be better just to fix it? I saw a few pages link to it, and there is an article in English as well as 41 other languages. I saw the IP who created the page has been blocked, but the page still exists. Will you fix it or delete it? I can probably do a stub, but it will need help, just like Liv and Maddie needed help (and still does). Thank you. Kkjj (kjak) 2. des 2017 kl. 17:41 (UTC)Reply
OK, I have fixed it up. However, it is very small. I need help making it better. Thank you. Kkjj (kjak) 2. des 2017 kl. 17:54 (UTC)Reply
I forgot to ask, but shouldn't Snjóhvíta og teir sjey dvørgarnir (1937 filmur) be moved to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 filmur)? I believe it's better to use the original name, that's why I moved Lisa í Undralandi (1951 filmur) to Alice in Wonderland (1951 filmur). A lot of these pages are badly written and in need or a rewrite. I'm working on that. Also, I realize that there was another page created about Snow White that got merged with the original, but if you delete it can you restore the history of the one with the right name afterwords? Kkjj (kjak) 2. des 2017 kl. 19:12 (UTC)Reply
I also moved Meistaraverk Disney to Walt Disney Classics for this reason. The article needs updating, and there also needs to be an update on the articles I have edited. I'm working on that, but I will need help. I have also flagged the article in English about Walt Disney Classics as needing copy editing. Kkjj (kjak) 2. des 2017 kl. 20:23 (UTC)Reply
Disney biograffilmar needs cleanup as well. Kkjj (kjak) 2. des 2017 kl. 20:51 (UTC)Reply

I have deleted the stub about Björn Ulvaeus, it was much too short, and you wrote that he is a "songkvinna" which means "female singer", it should just be "sangari" when it is a man. But I don't don't have the time to write about him just now, and I don't think that I wan't to right now, so better to delete it. I am not here on the Faroese Wikipedia all the time, so sometimes a nonsence article is not deleted right away.

You as too many questions, I can't answer all of them. Are you not the same person who has edited the Disney articles earlier? Just with other jusernames or IP-addresses? Please don't move a lot of articles without discussion, espesially when you move them to an English title. Brúkari:Benadikt what do you think about this? I mean if the articles about Disney films should have the original title in English or in Faroese? --EileenSanda (kjak) 3. des 2017 kl. 08:24 (UTC)Reply
OK, I will admit it, this account is part of en:WP:LTA:BF101. I'm trying to undo my own vandalism. The article I wrote that was too short was copied from another page (don't remember which one). I know my edits have bad grammar and the like. I've already been blocked in two wikis, cy (Welsh) and jv (Javanese). But some of the Disney articles are edited by another editor, from Sweden. I keep thinking it was better to use the original names because these movies are not dubbed in Faroese. There is a Disney international dubbings site that I found last year, and it has the Disney movies listed in other languages. None of them are dubbed in Faroese yet. I keep asking questions because I keep forgetting stuff.
There are also underdeveloped articles in other languages too, and the languages that you can speak that have poor articles are Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, and Greek. German and Icelandic do too. I will admit, I have used Google a lot in these articles, but it's even harder without Google, since they don't have Faroese yet.

The Swedish guy has made a lot of the same kinds of mistakes I have made, like how he kept using "film" and not "filmur". It is also kvikmynd in Icelandic. Note that Bambi (film) was deleted in Icelandic a lot, and it took a long time for me to realize that it was pointless since English speakers would not type in Bambi (kvikmynd) in English Wikipedia.

Note I also moved Frozen because there is at least one other movie with that name, and it was from 2010. Note that I have only seen the Disney film.

Another thing I was wondering was if I could upload the movie posters for these films or not. I have some of them on my computer uploaded, but are they allowed? I wanted to help by uploading the posters, but not if they aren't allowed. I know that they're only allowed in some languages, but it's hard to remember which ones.

Also, does "dagføring" mean update, or something else? So many pages need updating, and I don't always know what to write. I hate the past edits I have made that were awful. Like I said, the Swedish guy has done the same things, but his edits aren't always in other languages besides English and Swedish. I write in almost every language, even ones not on Google.

I'm sorry I wasted your time. But I often have a lot of time on my hands, and I'm almost 23! If I had a job it would be to clean up my own vandalism on this site and other sites. But I don't even have a job yet.

I have actually seen most of the stuff I have written about, but only if it's American. I haven't seen the Swedish movies the Swedish IP has seen.

I get bored easily as well. That's why I get bored cleaning up after my own edits that were wrong or out of date. I also have real life problems I'm going through.

Thank you for understanding. Kkjj (kjak) 3. des 2017 kl. 11:21 (UTC)Reply

Also, another note: in Frisian (fy) Wikipedia Brúkari:Ieneach fan 'e Esk said that animaasjefilm and tekenfilm mean exactly the same thing: an animation film. Is that also true for Faroese or not? I didn't know if teknifilmar and animatiónsfilmar have a difference in Faroese if they don't in Frisian. I know the languages are different, but there are some languages where there is a difference. According to Ieneach fan 'e Esk, in Dutch animatiefilm and tekenfilm mean exactly the same. However, they seem to mean different in Danish. Do they? I don't know if Frozen is a teknifilm or an animatiónsfilm. I thought it would be the latter, since it is not drawn. View this page for more info: Brúkarakjak:Ieneach fan 'e Esk. Kkjj (kjak) 4. des 2017 kl. 05:22 (UTC)Reply
Yes, dagføring means update. No, posters are not allowed on the Faroese Wikipedia because of the copyright act. I think that "teknifilmur" and "animatiónsfilmur" can be two different things, but a "teknifilmur" can also be defined as an "animatiónsfilmur" or what, I am not sure. But if you look at the Faroese dictionary Sprotin, they don't have the word "animatión" in the Faroese/English version of the dictionary. But it is common in daily use. And you can find it if you chose the DA-FØ dictionary and write "animation", then one of the DA-FØ dictionaries says "teknimyndagerð, teknifilmur, animatión". So it seems that the dictionary says that animation film can also be called "teknifilmur" in Faroese. It is a bit confusing. "Teknifilmur" means a movie which has been drawn, orignally it meant that anyway. Sometimes the words in a language does not keep up witht the development. And sometimes a dictionary uses words that people don't use in daily speak. I have updated the article Disney biograffilmar now. I removed the part with "Framtíðar útgávur" (Future releases). --EileenSanda (kjak) 4. des 2017 kl. 11:49 (UTC)Reply
Here is a link to with the example I mentioned. --EileenSanda (kjak) 4. des 2017 kl. 11:51 (UTC)Reply
But please don't use the first word that comes up there: "teknimyndagerð", I don't think that it would sound good to say "teknimyndagerðsfilmur", that would be a very clumpsy word. Aniomatiónsfilmur is better, Faroese people will understand what "animatiónsfilmur" is, but I don't think that they are familiar with newly constructed words like "teknimyndagerð" at least not if it it put together til the word "filmur". --EileenSanda (kjak) 4. des 2017 kl. 11:55 (UTC)Reply
I forgot to mention this before but on Björn Ulvaeus I was trying to say that he is a songwriter, not a singer. I read the English article and it said songwriter. So I copied the wrong article either way. Like I said, it would be easier if Google could translate to Faroese. But on the other hand they might do it next year, since they add a new language every year. In fact, they add multiple every year. I'm hoping that Faroese will be one of the next. But I will know only to use it sparingly, since it's only good for certain words and phrases. But it will be good to use it more for knowing what actual words mean. Also, I was wondering if you'd restore the stub and then fix it (correct the female singer error and make it a long enough stub) if you ever have time to. I was also wondering if Benadikt would like to help on any of these articles. He's helped before, such as on Once Upon a Time in New York City and Lady and the Tramp. Note about the former article, I'm trying to find sources that it notable enough for the English Wikipedia, because it was merged into Oliver & Company (the movie it's from). I really like this song, and I am even listening to it right now. Note why I created that page in the first place, because of the article about Better in Stereo (the theme song to Liv and Maddie). It doesn't have a page in English either, but it instead it redirects to en:Liv and Maddie: Music from the TV Series. Yeah, I said this before but Liv and Maddie is my favorite show, so I know a lot about it. I know you've probably never seen these movies and shows I've written about but they are all in my interests if you know what I mean. Another thing I noticed is that at this site they list the Disney movies dubbed in other languages, complete with the cast and when they were dubbed. So far, none of these movies have been dubbed in Faroese yet, but every year or so they start dubbing movies in a new language, so it might happen. If they do, we can move the pages to the official Faroese names. I was even planning to move Vakurleikin og Ódjórið to Beauty and the Beast (1991 filmur) but I didn't after you said not to. But you can move it if you want to or need to. Kkjj (kjak) 4. des 2017 kl. 13:52 (UTC)Reply
I wrote new comments at Kjak:Liv and Maddie. Also, I was wondering: if animatiónsfilmar and teknifilmar don't have a difference, can we just merge the categories then? I still think that Björn Ulvaeus deserves an article, but I don't know what else to write that I didn't already write. Kkjj (kjak) 5. des 2017 kl. 22:29 (UTC)Reply

4. des 2017 kl. 17:50 (UTC)

What's Next (WAM)


Congratulations! The Wikipedia Asian Month is has ended and you've done amazing work of organizing. What we've got and what's next?

Here are some number I would like to share with you
Total submitted: 7429 articles; 694 users
Here are what will come after the end of WAM
  • Make sure you judge all articles before December 12th, and participants who can improve their contribution (not submit) before December 10th.
  • Once you finish the judging, please update this page after December 12th
  • There will be three round of address collection scheduled: December 15th, December 20th, and December 25th.
  • Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants have more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
  • There will be a progress page for the postcards.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (kjak) 5. des 2017 kl. 17:37 (UTC)Reply

11. des 2017 kl. 17:58 (UTC)

18. des 2017 kl. 15:26 (UTC)

Wikipdia Cultural Diversity Observatory


Hello ElieenSanda,

I have seen you endorsed my project Wikipedia Cultural Diversity Observatory as a volunteer for the Faroese Wikipedia.

The great news is that the project got accepted :) I will be working on it since January and I hope to make it real very soon.

Could you please write me at marcmiquel @ so I can have your e-mail. I will communicate with volunteers by email, since it is more comfortable.

Thanks a lot!! Best regards,

--Marcmiquel (kjak) 20. des 2017 kl. 18:45 (UTC)Reply

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